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唐葆君  郑茜 《中国能源》2011,33(7):24-29
本文在了解国外工业发达国家针对新能源汽车出台的经济激励政策的基础上,归纳了我国已出台的补贴政策。立足于国内新能源汽车产业处于起步阶段的实情,综合运用情景分析法、回归模型以及面板固定效应模型对预处理后的4个主要试点城市混合动力汽车市场份额数据进行定量分析,旨在预估一系列补贴政策未来可能产生的效果。在文中设定的4种情景下,中国混合动力汽车经济激励措施的效果都是显著的,值得继续推行。  相似文献   

关于鼓励节能建筑的财税政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康艳兵  张扬  韩凤芹 《中国能源》2009,31(11):34-37,15
建筑节能是重要的节能领域,对实现我国的节能减排目标有重大影响。节能建筑的节能减排效果突出,且公益性很强,但由于比较复杂,目前我国尚未出台鼓励节能建筑的财税政策。在深入调研分析的基础上,本文提出了减征消费者契税和开发商营业税等鼓励节能建筑的财税激励政策方案和基于建筑能效标识的财税激励政策实施体系,并对政策的成本效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

并联式混合动力汽车控制策略及其发动机的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对并联式混合动力汽车的控制策略和节油机理进行了分析。分析了混合动力汽车发动机的工作特性,并针对混合动力汽车发动机的快速起动/停机特性分析综述了其对混合动力汽车经济性、排放性能、驾驶性和舒适性的影响。介绍了Atkinson燃烧循环在混合动力汽车上的应用,并针对混合动力汽车发动机本身的效率区域优化进行了分析综述。  相似文献   

混合动力电动汽车技术分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
段岩波  张武高  黄震 《柴油机》2003,(1):43-46,3
本文简要介绍了混合动力汽车的研究现状,探讨了影响混合动力电动汽车(HEV)性能的一些关键技术,并分析了仿真设计过程中与HEV性能优化有关的几种典型控制策略。  相似文献   

正国际能源署:国际油价持续走低影响节能市场投资7月初,国际能源署发布《世界能源展望2015》称,国际油价低迷对能效市场投资产生了负面影响。报告指出,自2014年来,国际原油价格出现了三十年来首次连续两年持续走低的局面,这在客观上阻碍一些国家的节能与能效提升政策的推广与实施,体现在交通节能领域尤为明显。由于燃油价格走下降,消费者更倾向于购买大排量燃油型汽车,据统计,2015年美国大排量SUV型车销售量比普通汽车高150%,中国大排量SUV型车销售量则  相似文献   

长安混合动力汽车的排放实验与仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以长安混合动力车为研究对象,借助仿真软件Advisor对长安混合动力汽车在典型工况下的排放进行理论研究与仿真分析.并完成了长安混合动力汽车的排放分析实验,对其稳态和瞬态下的排放进行实验与仿真的对比性分析研究.  相似文献   

李军  何为 《山东内燃机》2009,(4):29-32,35
本文以长安混合动力车为研究对象,借助仿真软件Advisor对长安混合动力汽车在典型工况下的排放进行理论研究与仿真分析。并完成了长安混合动力汽车的排放分析实验,对其稳态和瞬态下的排放进行实验与仿真的对比性分析研究。  相似文献   

1 生产与销售1.1 汽车发动机我国汽车行业经历了风风火火的拼搏与艰难困苦的抗争,开始摆脱低迷平淡的市场需求,出现了适度增长平稳回升的缕缕曙光.1999年我国政府重新确立了汽车工业作为国民经济的地位,出台了汽车消费信贷政策,部分地区又先后出台了对汽车尾气排放标准的控制政策,这些政策和地方法规对汽车市场产生了很大的作用,包括积极作用和消极作用.  相似文献   

<正>江苏省经信委介绍,根据江苏省新出台的新能源汽车推广应用补贴细则,公用事业单位和私人消费者、承建充换电设施的服务运营单位将给予每辆车最高20万元的补贴,汽车生产商按扣减补助后的价格销售。按照标准,纯电动乘用车每辆补助2.5万元,插电式混合动力乘用车每辆补助1.5万元,纯电动客车每辆补助20万元,插电式混合动力客车每辆补助10万元,超级电容、钛酸锂快充纯电动客车每辆补助6万元,纯电动专用  相似文献   

张天舒 《中外能源》2013,18(7):20-24
发展车用替代燃料是全世界各个国家和地区实现低碳转型的重要途径之一。巴西利用丰富的土地资源、较低的生产成本和不断提高的技术水平,通过制定和实施以甘蔗为主要原料的乙醇燃料发展计划,于2006年第一次实现了能源独立。巴基斯坦凭借天然气价格低廉、管道设施完善等优势大力发展天然气汽车,阿根廷通过控制天然气价格以及对汽油销售施以重税来推动消费者转向使用天然气汽车。美国在20世纪90年代前后尝试推广甲醇汽油,其中加利福尼亚州走在了各州前列,不过由于经济性不强、甲醇燃料的腐蚀问题以及既得利益者反对等原因,加州于2005年放弃了使用甲醇汽油车。日本则是重点发展纯电动汽车和混合动力汽车。通过研究以往的发展经验,可以总结出影响车用替代燃料发展的重要因素包括燃料的来源和经济性、技术成熟度和基础设施建设,以及有效的政策激励。另外,消费者的意识、社会各界的支持、基础研发的跟进等也是需要谨慎考虑的。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of government incentives policies designed to promote the adoption of hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs). As a primary methodology, it employs cross-sectional analysis of hybrid registration data over time from US states to test the relationship between hybrid adoption and a variety of socioeconomic and policy variables. It also compares hybrid adoption patterns over time to the US average for specific states that have changed incentive policies, to examine how differences in incentive schemes influence their efficacy. The results of these analyses suggest a strong relationship between gasoline prices and hybrid adoption, but a much weaker relationship between incentive policies and hybrid adoption. Incentives that provide payments upfront also appear to be the most effective.  相似文献   

《Journal of power sources》2006,158(2):1140-1148
Transport is one of the largest sources of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and fossil-fuels consumption. This has lead to a growing demand for hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) to reduce air pollution and consumption of fossil fuels.CSIRO Energy Technology has developed the ultra-battery, a new technology that will reduce the cost and boost the performance of batteries in HEVs. The ultra-battery is a hybrid energy-storage device, which combines an asymmetric supercapacitor, and a lead-acid battery in one unit cell, taking the best from both technologies without the need for extra electronic controls. The capacitor will enhance the power and lifespan of the lead-acid battery as it acts as a buffer in discharging and charging. Consequently, this hybrid technology is able to provide and absorb charge rapidly during vehicle acceleration and braking.The ultra-battery has been subjected to a variety of tests. To date, results show that the discharge and charge power of the ultra-battery is ∼50% higher and its cycle-life is at least three times longer than that of the conventional lead-acid counterpart. Furthermore, the ultra-battery is able to be produced as either flooded-electrolyte or valve-regulated designs in the existing lead-acid factory and also able to reconfigure for a variety of applications, such as conventional automobile, power tool, forklift, high-power uninterruptible power supply and remote-area power supply.The prototype ultra-batteries have been constructed and are under laboratory evaluation and field trial. The success of the ultra-battery will obviously make HEVs more affordable and widespread. This, in turn, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the urban environment and the consumption of limited supplies of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

New fuel economy standards require new U.S. passenger vehicles to achieve at least 34.1 miles per gallon (MPG) on average by model year 2016, up from 28.8 MPG today. In this paper, the magnitude, combinations and timings of the changes required in U.S. vehicles that are necessary in order to meet the new standards, as well as a target of doubling the fuel economy within the next two decades are explored. Scenarios of future vehicle characteristics and sales mix indicate that the 2016 mandate is aggressive, requiring significant changes starting from today. New vehicles must forgo horsepower improvements, become lighter, and a greater number will use advanced, more fuel-efficient powertrains, such as smaller turbocharged engines, hybrid-electric drives. Achieving a factor-of-two increase in fuel economy by 2030 is also challenging, but more feasible since the auto industry will have more lead time to respond. A discussion on the feasibility of meeting the new fuel economy mandate is included, considering vehicle production planning realities and challenges in deploying new vehicle technologies into the market.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the contrasting set of transportation policies in Korea — reductions in fuel taxes and increases in diesel automobile prices — has decreased emissions. Using a random-coefficient discrete choice model and hypothetical policy sets, we estimate the automobile demand of consumers, the market share of cars by fuel type, and total emissions, assuming that consumer preferences for driving costs change over time. Then, we separately analyze the effect of each policy set on automobile sales and emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter. Our analyses reveal that Korean consumers have become more sensitive toward fuel costs over time and that the emission consequences of Korean policies depend on consumer preferences.  相似文献   

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) will soon start to be introduced into the transportation sector, thereby raising a host of issues related to their use, adoption and effects on the electricity sector. Their introduction has the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector, which has led to government policies aimed at easing their introduction. If their widespread adoption is set as a target it is imperative to consider the effects of existing policies that may increase or decrease their adoption rate. In this study, we present a micro level electricity demand model that can gauge the effects of PHEVs on household electricity consumption and the subsequent economic attractiveness of the vehicles. We show that the electricity pricing policy available to the consumer is a very significant factor in the economic competitiveness of PHEVs. Further analysis shows that the increasing tier electricity pricing system used in California will substantially blunt adoption of PHEVs in the state; and time of use electricity pricing will render PHEVs more economically attractive in any state.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes trends in fuel economy (kilometers per liter) of new passenger vehicles in Mexico over a period of 20 years from 1988 to 2008. Results show that in this period, fuel economy of the new passenger vehicle fleet, including multipurpose vehicles (a category similar to sport utility vehicles, SUVs), increased by only 6.3%. A simple Laspeyres index analysis was developed to evaluate both the impact of changes in vehicle sales structure by category and the changes in fuel economy. Results show that increased sales of heavier, multipurpose vehicles in place of subcompact and compact vehicles, impacted negatively on the fleet average fuel economy. If the structure of sales had continued in the same proportions across all categories as in 1988, fuel economy would have increased by 11.0%, instead of the actual 6.3%. This result coincides with trends in other countries. The paper also presents different scenarios of passenger car fuel economy for the year 2020, and its implications for gasoline consumption and CO2 emissions. The results may influence the new passenger vehicle fuel economy standard that is currently under discussion in Mexico.  相似文献   

Innovative analytically based method to calculate corrected fuel consumption of parallel and series hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) at balanced energy content of the electric storage devices is proposed and validated in the paper. The proposed analytical method is generally applicable and features highly accurate corrected fuel consumption results. It enables calculation of the corrected fuel consumption out of a single fuel consumption test run in a single analytic post-processing step. An additional fuel consumption test run might be needed to obtain highly accurate results if ratio of the energy content deviation of the electric storage devices to the energy used for vehicle propulsion over the test cycle is high. Proposed method enables consideration of non-linear energy flow changes and non-linear HEV component efficiency changes caused by the energy management strategy or by the component characteristics. The method therefore features highly accurate results out of the minimum number of fuel consumption test runs and thus optimizes workload for development or optimization of HEVs. The input data of the method are characteristic energy flows and efficiencies that are derived from the energy flows on selected energy paths of HEVs.  相似文献   

Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are becoming more popular than pure electric ones, nowadays. This is because of their better performance, economic advantages and higher operating range. However, their potential advantages extremely depend on their system design, most importantly their battery system design. Batteries’ life requirements as well as the cost of replacing them at the end of their life period, currently limit manufacturers to bring HEVs into play, even though their fuel economy reduces their everyday cost considerably. Generally, inappropriate discharge/charge patterns would result in loss in batteries’ life. In the present study, an optimization based control strategy has been proposed for the series HEVs in order to maximize the efficiency of the power-train while minimizing the loss. A genetic algorithm is implemented to optimally evaluate the control algorithm's parameters. The approach is then compared to two main control strategies, namely thermostatic control strategy and power follower control strategy. The computational procedure of the genetic algorithm is discussed, and a simulation study based on a model of a series hybrid electric vehicle is given to validate the genetic algorithm results.  相似文献   

Technological developments that increase energy efficiency result in net energy-saving benefits, provided the increased efficiency is not offset by enhanced consumer amenities. This paper analyzes the technology development/consumer amenities trade-off for new cars sold in Sweden between 1975 and 2010. We combine lessons learned from the policies in place and interviews with key actors in the car-purchasing process with statistical modeling of trends in vehicle attributes and technological development. Until 2007, consumer amenities were continuously enhanced, offsetting most of the efficiency gains of technological development; there was no strong policy push toward energy efficiency. In recent years, two major shifts have occurred. First, there has been a shift in the majority of new cars sold, from gasoline-powered engines to diesel engines. Flex-fuel vehicles have also contributed to a decline in the sales-share of pure gasoline engines. The observed shift of fuels, especially to flex-fuels, has been encouraged by policies. Second, after 2007 there have been major technological improvements, while attributes related to consumer amenities have remained flat, reversing the trends so that 77% of the technological development resulted in actual reduction of specific fuel consumption. EU targets, tax reforms, and consumer awareness have contributed to this trend change.  相似文献   

朱凯 《中外能源》2011,(10):44-48
我国新能源汽车产业补贴政策并未使新能源汽车市场蓬勃发展,产量和销量都与行业内的乐观期望相差较远。综合分析,其原因是供给不足压抑需求,而且主要是关键技术未能取得突破和配套设施不健全。借助新古典微观供需理论分析消费方和生产方的补贴归宿,结果表明,当前补贴消费者的政策不能解决产销不旺的困境。再借助资产专用性理论针对生产方内部的整车厂商、零配件/关键技术供应商进行补贴归宿分析,结果表明,补贴零配件/关键技术供应商以促进技术进步才是产业和市场发展的关键。目前很多国家对电动汽车整车厂商的补贴其实也是专门针对某些关键技术而设。我国电动汽车产业中,整车厂商和零配件/关键技术供应商尚未形成一体化,政府可以直接补贴零配件/关键技术供应商,以免出现截留、占用、要挟等行为。另外,还要注意规避在WTO框架下引起纷争。  相似文献   

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