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Daniel Minzari Per Mller Peter Kingshott Leif Hjslet Christensen Rajan Ambat 《Corrosion Science》2008,50(5):1321-1330
Atmospheric plasmas have traditionally been used as a non-chemical etching process for polymers, but the characteristics of these plasmas could very well be exploited for metals for purposes more than surface cleaning that is presently employed. This paper focuses on how the corona discharge process modifies aluminium AA 1050 surface, the oxide growth and resulting corrosion properties. The corona treatment is carried out in atmospheric air. Treated surfaces are characterized using XPS, SEM/EDS, and FIB-FESEM and results suggest that an oxide layer is grown, consisting of mixture of oxide and hydroxide. The thickness of the oxide layer extends to 150–300 nm after prolonged treatment. Potentiodynamic polarization experiments show that the corona treatment reduces anodic reactivity of the surface significantly and a moderate reduction of the cathodic reactivity. 相似文献
AA6060-T6, an AlMg0.5Si0.4 model alloy and α-Al(Fe,Mn)Si phase electrodes have been subjected to chromate treatment in a commercial chromate-fluoride based solution. The coated surfaces were subsequently examined by use of field emission SEM, TEM, AES and electrochemical measurements in 0.1 M NaCl solution in order to study the effect of substrate microstructure on coating formation and properties. Non-uniform growth of the chromate conversion coating (CCC) on AA6060-T6 resulted in a porous morphology, with cracks extending down to the base metal. Poor coverage was particularly observed at the grain boundaries. The thickness of the CCC after completed treatment was about 150-200 nm, while significantly thinner films were formed on the α-Al(Fe,Mn)Si particles. AlMg0.5Si0.4 in the artificially aged (T6) condition exhibited a coating morphology similar to AA6060-T6, while CCC formation on homogenised AlMg0.5Si0.4 was characterised by growth of localised oxide particles and filaments, resulting in poor coverage. These observations indicated that precipitation of Mg2Si particles due to heat treatment promoted nucleation of the CCC. Chromate treatment caused a significant reduction of cathodic activity on AA6060 during subsequent polarisation in chloride solution. This was attributed to rapid formation of a thin chromium oxide film on the α-Al(Fe,Mn)Si particles during the chromate treatment, resulting in significant cathodic passivation of the phase. Inhibition of the oxygen reduction reaction at cathodic intermetallic particles is suggested as an important factor contributing to the high performance of chromate pre-treatments on aluminium. 相似文献
Santosh Prasad Sah Yasuhiro Tatsuno Yoshitaka Aoki Hiroki Habazaki 《Corrosion Science》2011,53(5):1838-1844
Single pulse anodizing of aluminium micro-electrode has been employed to study the behaviour of dielectric breakdown and subsequent oxide formation on aluminium in alkaline silicate and pentaborate electrolytes. Current transients during applying pulse voltage have been measured, and surface has been observed by scanning electron microscopy. Two types of current transients are observed, depending on the electrolyte and applied voltage. There is a good correlation between the current transient behaviour and the shape of discharge channels. In alkaline silicate electrolyte, circular open pores are healed by increasing the pulse width, but such healing is not obvious in pentaborate electrolyte. 相似文献
Spark anodizing of aluminium at 5 A dm−2 in sodium metasilicate/potassium hydroxide electrolytes is studied, with particular emphasis on the mechanism of coating growth, using transmission electron microscopy and surface analytical techniques, with coatings typically 10 μm, or more, thick. Two-layered coatings develop by deposition of an outer layer based on amorphous silica, associated with low levels of alkali-metal species, at the coating surface and growth of an inner, mainly alumina-based, layer, with an amorphous region next to the metal/coating interface. Formation of crystalline phases in the inner layer, mainly γ-Al2O3, with some α-Al2O3 and occasional δ-Al2O, is assisted by local heating, and possibly also by ionic migration processes, arising from the rapid coating growth at sites of breakdown. Due to local access of electrolyte species in channels created by breakdown events, the silicon content in the inner coating regions varies widely, ranging from negligible levels to about 10 at.%. Silica deposition at the coating surface and formation of Al2SiO5 and Al6Si2O13 phases is promoted by increased time of anodizing and concentration of metasilicate in the electrolyte. However, at sufficiently high concentration of metasilicate and pH, when more extreme voltage fluctuations accompany breakdown, the two-layered nature of coatings is replaced by a mixture of aluminium-rich and silicon-rich regions throughout the coating thickness. 相似文献
The presence of trace elements in Group IIIA-VA is known to activate aluminium anodically in chloride environment. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the surface segregation of trace element In by heat treatment and resulting surface activation. Model binary AlIn alloys, containing 20 and 1000 ppm by weight of In, were characterized after heat treatment at various temperatures by use of glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy, electron microscopy and electrochemical polarization. Heat treatment for 1 h at 300 °C gave significant segregation of discrete In particles (thermal segregation), which activated the surface. Indium in solid solution with aluminium, obtained by 1 h heat treatment at 600 °C, also activated by surface segregation of In on alloy containing 1000 ppm In, resulting from the selective dissolution of the aluminium component during anodic oxidation (anodic segregation). The effect of anodic segregation was reduced by decreasing indium concentration in solid solution; it had negligible effect at the 20 ppm level. The segregated particles were thought to form a liquid phase alloy with aluminium during anodic polarization, which in turn, together with the chloride in the solution destabilized the oxide. 相似文献
The influence of an anodizing pre-treatment in sulphuric acid is investigated on plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of aluminium in silicate electrolyte under constant rms current. The presence of the anodic film is shown to promote the establishment of a micro-arc regime that is favourable for growth of the PEO coating. The incorporation of the pre-formed film into the coating appears to proceed by thermal transformation of the anodic alumina, accompanied by formation of oxide beneath the pre-formed layer. The final coatings contain α- and γ-Al2O3, with increased concentrations of silicon, sodium and potassium in an outer region of the coating. 相似文献
Several model second phase particles and a practical alloy (AA7075-T6) have been anodized in chromic and sulphuric acid to disclose the relation between particle composition, electrolyte nature and oxidation behaviour. Generally, magnesium-containing second phases are readily oxidized, because the presence of sufficient magnesium hinders the formation of a stable oxide, while copper- and iron-containing particles oxidize at reduced rates and support a relatively stable oxide. At low potential, in chromic acid, the oxidation rate of magnesium-containing particles is reduced, due to passivation induced by chromate anions. Conversely, for particles containing only copper and/or iron, chromate anions increase the oxidation rate. 相似文献
J.N. Balaraju A. Srinivasan G. Yoganandan V.K. William Grips K.S. Rajam 《Corrosion Science》2011,53(12):4084-4092
The oxide layer formed over AA 2024 using 10 wt.% H2SO4 (plain oxide, PO) was modified by Mn/Mo oxyanions (permanganate/molybdate modified oxide, PMMO) as an alternative to Cr(VI) ions to enhance the corrosion resistance. The corrosion current density values obtained for PMMO was found to be 2.8% and 1.4% of hydrothermal treated oxide (HTO) and PO respectively after 168 h immersion in 3.5% NaCl solution. The electrochemical studies showed the higher barrier layer resistance for PMMO. The improved corrosion behavior of PMMO was observed based on the damage function calculated. Similar observations were confirmed by continuous salt spray test. 相似文献
In order to characterise filiform corrosion on a commercial AA2024-T351 aluminium alloy, a detailed microscopical study using SEM and EDS was performed. One set of AA2024-T351 aluminium alloy samples was alkaline-cleaned and deoxidised and chromate conversion coated. Another set was alkaline-cleaned only. Both samples were similarly spray coated with a 42 μm clear polyurethane topcoat. Filaments were subjected to a range of specimen preparation techniques. Sections and top views examined by SEM revealed varying degrees of attack ranging from generalised etching without local attack to severe local attack in the form of pitting, resulting in grain etchout, grain boundary attack and subsurface etchout. EDS revealed the presence of chloride deep into the pits and the subsurface etchout. 相似文献
A layer containing dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) and β-Ca3(PO4)2 was prepared on magnesium alloy by hydrothermal treatment of micro-arc oxide (MAO) layer. The biocorrosion resistance of the oxide layers before and after hydrothermal treatment was analyzed by anodic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in Hank’s solution. The prepared MAO layers consisted mainly of MgO and MgAl2O4, and Ca and P inside the oxide layers existed with amorphous phase. Hydrothermal treatments not only made the amorphous Ca and P change into DCPD and β-Ca3(PO4)2 crystals, but also improved the biocorrosion resistance of magnesium alloys, especially the pitting corrosion resistance. 相似文献
A noticeable and persistent protective action towards aluminium corrosion can be obtained by treatments with silane molecules containing a long aliphatic chain (e.g., n-octadecyl-trimethoxy-silane, C18), which can markedly increase the barrier properties of the silanic coating. At variance with other silanic compounds, the layer of C18, although not uniform, tends to cover the whole aluminium surface completely and, in fact, its EIS spectra initially present one time constant only. It is likely that v.d.Waals interactions between the alkyl chains of C18 can lead to the formation of a polymolecular layer. The aqueous salt solutions may permeate through this layer, but with greater difficulties than in the case of an efficient di-silyl derivative (e.g., 1,2-bis-trioxymethyl-silyl-ethane, BTSE). C18 coatings noticeably retard not only the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction, but also the anodic metal oxidation process. A very prolonged action is also found towards the pitting process in the particularly aggressive chloride solution. 相似文献
SEM and EDS studies were carried out to characterise filiform attack on a cerated AA2024-T351 aluminium alloy with a polyurethane topcoat. The filiforms developed on AA2024-T351 were sectioned, stripped of corrosion product and etched to reveal the grain structure. Examination of sections through the filaments and the filaments themselves, revealed severe local attack in the form of pitting resulting in grain etch out, grain boundary attack and subsurface etch out. Chloride ions were detected deep within pits and the subsurface etch out. The observations were similar to those found with filiform corrosion on chromated and coated surfaces. The observations led to development of a filiform corrosion model naming the volume expansion of the corrosion product as the principal cause for delamination. 相似文献
Guozhe Meng Liyan Wei Tao Zhang Yawei Shao Fuhui Wang Chaofang Dong Xiaogang Li 《Corrosion Science》2009,51(9):2151-2157
A microcrystalline aluminium film with grain size of about 400 nm was prepared by magnetron sputtering technique. Its corrosion behaviour was investigated in NaCl containing acidic solution by means of potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical noise (EN). The polarization results indicated that the corrosion potential of the sample shifted towards more positive direction, while its corrosion current density decreased compared with that of pure coarse-grain Al. The EN analysis based on stochastic model demonstrated that there existed two kinds of effect of microcrystallization on the pitting behaviour of pure aluminium: (1) the rate of pit initiation is accelerated, (2) the pit growth process was impeded. This leads to the enhancement of pitting resistance for the microcrystallized aluminium. 相似文献
Morphology, composition and microhardness of oxide coatings formed during DC plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of aluminium in sodium tungstate were investigated. Oxide coatings were characterized by optical emission spectroscopy, AFM, SEM-EDS and XRD. Oxide coatings morphology is strongly dependent on process duration, while microhardness decreases with extended PEO time. The microdischarges characteristics were studied as well and it is shown that size of microdischarges becomes larger, while the surface density of microdischarge sites becomes lower, with increasing PEO time. Optical emission spectrum of microdischarges has several intensive band peaks caused by electronic transition in Al, W, Na, O, H atoms. 相似文献
Corrosion properties of Nd:YAG laser-GMA hybrid welded AA6061 Al alloy and its microstructure 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The paper presents the corrosion behaviour of the Nd:YAG laser-gas metal arc (GMA) welds of AA6061-T6 alloy. The laser-GMA hybrid welding enhances the corrosion susceptibility of AA6061 alloy. The surface morphology observation and composition analysis were investigated by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. An increasing of the precipitate phase is observed in the weld fusion zone (WFZ). The WFZ suffers more severe pitting and cracks are associated with pitting. It is proposed that the increased precipitate phase increases the galvanic corrosion couples and results in the aggravation of pitting and cracking in the WFZ. 相似文献
Studies for Al-alloys normally employ specimens subject to a fixed solution heat treatment (SHT), and hence the specific role of solutionising is overlooked. It is revealed that SHT has a major role in corrosion of AA7150 as judged by electrochemical, microscopic and profilometry studies. SHT dictates the constituent particle type and population remaining in the alloy for subsequent processing, and is thus not only a principal factor in corrosion, but a factor that can be engineered in developing more damage tolerant AA7150. Effect of an optimised SHT minimising the residual MgZn2 and Al2MgCu content on corrosion resistance is demonstrated. 相似文献
Galvanic corrosion of laser weldments of AA6061 aluminium alloy 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Galvanic corrosion of laser welded AA6061 aluminium alloy, arising from the varying rest potentials of the various weldment regions, was examined. The weld fusion zone is found to be the most cathodic region of the weldment while the base material is the most anodic region. The rate of galvanic corrosion, controlled by the cathodic process at the weld fusion zone, increases with time until a steady state maximum is reached. On galvanic corrosion the corrosion potential of the weld fusion zone shifts in the positive direction and the free corrosion current increases. It is proposed that the cathodic process at the weld fusion zone causes a local increase in pH that in turn causes dissolution of the surface film resulting in the loss of Al to solution and the increase of intermetallic phases. The increase in galvanic corrosion may result from either the build up of the intermetallic phases in the surface layer and/or significant increase in surface area of the weld fusion zone due to the porous nature of the surface layer. 相似文献
Corrosion behaviour of brazed multilayer material AA4343/AA3003/AA4343: Influence of coolant parameters 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
S. Tierce N. Pbre C. Blanc C. Casenave G. Mankowski H. Robidou 《Corrosion Science》2007,49(12):4581-4593
This paper is the second part of a work devoted to corrosion in brazed AA4343/AA3003/AA4343 materials on the water side of automotive heater cores. In the first part of the study [S. Tierce, N. Pébère, C. Blanc, C. Casenave, G. Mankowski, H. Robidou, Electrochim. Acta 52 (2006) 1092], corrosion initiation in the surface layer (i.e. the residual cladding) has been investigated. It has been associated to defective sites in the passive film covering the alloy. The defective sites are linked to α-Al(Mn,Fe)Si particles built up during brazing process. Interactions between α-Al(Mn,Fe)Si particles and the matrix are responsible for the observed behaviour. The present study focuses on the propagation of corrosion through the material in neutral water–ethylene glycol mixtures with and without chlorides. Comparison of the electrochemical behaviour of the three layers of the brazed material (i.e. the residual cladding, the “band of dense precipitates (BDP)” and the core material) revealed that the residual cladding was nobler than the BDP and the core material and thus that the corrosion should propagate through the inner layers due to galvanic coupling: the inner layers constitute the anode and the residual cladding the cathode. Increasing the ethylene glycol content in the water–ethylene glycol mixture decreased the rate of consumption of the materials whereas addition of chloride ions increased it. Mass variation measurements of brazed material in different solutions containing the degradation products of ethylene glycol showed that only glycolate ions had a slight detrimental effect. Corrosion tests performed in heater core tubes allowed the propagation mechanisms to be confirmed. 相似文献
The galvanic corrosion temporal increase observed on examination of the weld fusion zone (WFZ) of AA6061 laser weldments in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution cannot be attributed to electron tunnelling as the surface oxide layer is too thick, or the presence of Cl− within the surface layer as this element was not found to be present. Aluminium alloy and WFZ galvanic and surface analyses indicate that the cathodic WFZ corrosion characteristics are due to increases in silicate concentrations in the surface oxide layer, leading to increased ionic and/or p-type semi-conductor conductivity, intermetallic concentrations and surface area. 相似文献
Slow scan anodic polarization experiments were conducted on high purity (99.99%) aluminium exposed to chloride containing solutions at temperatures ranging from 1 to 70 °C. The total anodic charge passed prior to stable pitting shifts towards higher values with increasing chloride concentration and there is a transition point at 30 °C above which a significantly greater amount of charge is involved. For all chloride concentrations, the pitting potential decreases with temperature according to a linear relationship, and also shows a transition at approximately 30 °C, with a much steeper decrease observed for the higher temperatures. Possible explanations for these two effects are discussed. 相似文献