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A first order calcium-dependent transition can be monitored by a decrease in the intrinsic fluorescence of the isolated "pro" (Fragment1) region of prothrombin. The maximum fluorescence change is -40% for Fragment 1, and only about -6% for whole prothrombin. The most remarkable features of this transition are its rate and activation energy. The half-life for the transition at 0 degrees is about 100 min, and the temperature dependence shows an activation energy of 21 kcal/mol. The rate constant for the forward reaction is zero order in calcium and is not affected by the presence of phospholipid membranes. The equilibrium for the transition, however, is affected by phospholipid. At 30 degrees, [Ca]eq (the calcium concentration where half of the protein has undergone the transition) is 0.4 mM and the Hill coefficient is 2.6. Under the same conditions but in the presence of phospholipid [Ca]eq is 0.24 mM and the Hill coefficient is about 4.5. The transition is triggered by binding 3 or 4 calcium ions. The rate of Fragment 1 binding to phospholipid vesicles was tested using gel filtration techniques at 0 degrees. The rate constants, activation energy, and [Ca]eq values for this process were shown to correspond to the properties of the fluorescence change. The rate constants, activation energy, and Hill coefficients for binding of whole prothrombin to phospholipid correspond to the same parameters for Fragment 1 but the [Ca]eq values are lower. At 0 degrees, the [Ca]eq is 0.19 mM for the prothrombin transition and 0.1 mM for the transition in the presence of phospholipid. These results demonstrate that Fragment 1 and prothrombin undergo a transition when exposed to calcium ions which necessarily precedes protein-phospholipid interactions. In addition to its role in determining the correct protein structure, calcium plays a second role in prothrombin-phos-pholipid interaction which is in the actual formation of the protein-phospholipid bond. The [Ca]eq for binding protein (after its transition) to phospholipid is about 0.06 mM.  相似文献   

Several investigators have recently reported that significant numbers of appropriately adapted mutants can be induced in bacterial and yeast strains by exposing stationary phase cells to specific environmental challenges. The resulting mutants are said to be both selection-induced and demonstrably non-random in origin; if this interpretation is correct, it is in direct conflict with the conventional neo-Darwinian view, which is that spontaneous mutants are truly random in origin and arise without the intervention of any overtly adaptive forces. We believe that there are alternative ways of accounting for the appearance of many (and probably all) of the additional mutants which proponents of the adaptive mutation theory claim are observed only after they applied the appropriate selective pressure. Having reviewed the available evidence, we consider that most (if not all) of the sorts of mutants which are said to have been induced following exposure of stationary-phase cells to intense selective pressure are equally likely to have been generated during the operation of certain well-known, conventional (and essentially random) cellular DNA repair processes. Evidence in support of our view can be found in the mainstream literature on the origins of spontaneous mutations. We also note that some of the molecular models which have recently been proposed to explain the production of selection-induced mutations preferentially (or even only) in genes of adaptive significance may turn out to be of considerable interest in their own right, even although the mutants whose origins they were intended to explain may turn out to have arisen in a manner which is totally independent of the conditions used for their selection.  相似文献   

Prothrombin complex concentrates have been evaluated in the treatment of acute bleeding episodes occurring in 11 hemophilic and two nonhemophilic patients with factor VIII inhibitors. In several of the hemophilic patients, a continued fall in inhibitor levels has been observed coincident with continued use of the concentrate Proplex, and one of these patients is now responsive to factor VIII therapy. The therapeutic effectiveness of prothrombin complex products appears to be related to the presence of small amounts of activated factors or to the continued formation of factor Xa in vivo as a result of the increased levels of prothrombin and factors VII and X. Until high-potency activated products are available, prothrombin concentrates offer an effective means of treating patients with factor VIII inhibitor.  相似文献   

The amino acid gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) is found in four blood-clotting proteins, in a bone protein, in kidney protein, and in the protein present in various ectopic calcifications. This paper reports the presence of Gla in the EDTA-soluble, nondialyzable proteins of calcium-containing renal calculi including calcium oxalate, hydroxyapatite, and mixed stores of apatite and struvite (MgNH4PO4). Calculi composed of pure struvite and those composed of only uric acid or cystine do not contain Gla. From calcium oxalate and hydroxyapatite stontes, a protein of about 17,000 daltons was obtained which contained about 40 residues of Gla per 1,000 amino acids. The amino acid composition of this protein had no apparent relationship to the Gla-containing bone protein or to the similarly-sized F1 fragment of prothrombin which contains about 64 residues of Gla per 1,000 amino acid residues. The Gla-rich protein in calcium-containing renal stones thus may be a different Gla-containing protein. These data as well as other studies demonstrating the presence of Gla in pathologically calcified tissues not normally containing Gla suggest that the Gla-containing proteins may be of considerable pathophysiological significance.  相似文献   

Some heavy metals (Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) were determined in water, sediments and some fish species (Cyprinion macrostomus and Garra rufa) from the Tigris River. Mo and V were not detected in water and Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn were found low values. Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, V and Zn were found very high levels in the sediments. All the fish samples contain high concentrations of Cu, Ni and Zn, while Co, Mo, Pb and V were not detected. The high concentrations of heavy metals may be directly related to the contamination of the Tigris River by Ergani Copper Plant and the geochemical structure of this region.  相似文献   

The dependence on the integrity of the human protein C (PC) gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domain on its Ca(2+)-dependent binding properties to acidic phospholipid (PL) vesicles has been examined by analysis of these interactions with recombinant (r)-PC Gla domain muteins. The concentration of Ca2+ that results in 50% saturation (C50-Ca) of PL with wild-type (wt) r-PC was not altered by more than 2-fold for the following r-variants of PC, viz. [Gla6-->Asp]r-PC, [Gla14-->Asp]r-PC, [Gla19-->Asp]r-PC, [Gla25-->Asp]r-PC, [Gla29-->Asp]r-PC, and [Gln32-->Gla]r-PC. The C50-Ca was substantially higher than that of wtr-PC for [Gla7-->Asp]r-PC (8.2 mM), [Arg15-->Leu]r-PC (4.5 mM), [Gla16-->Asp]r-PC (> 10 mM), [Gla20-->Asp]r-PC (> 10 mM), and [Gla26-->Asp]r-PC (> 10 mM), indicating that the Ca(2+)-induced conformations of these latter variants interacted poorly with these acidic PL vesicles. Titration of the PL vesicles with wtr-PC at a constant concentration of 20 mM Ca2+ leads to calculation of a concentration of PC that results in 50% saturation of the PL (C50-PC) of 0.38 microM. Essentially this same value was determined for the r-mutants, [Gla7-->Asp]r-PC and [Gln32-->Gla]r-PC. An approximate 2-fold lower C50-PC was obtained for [Gla14-->Asp]r-PC (0.14 microM), [Gla25-->Asp]r-PC (0.16 microM), and [Gla29-->Asp]r-PC (0.15 microM). Somewhat higher C50-PC values were found for [Gla6-->Asp]r-PC (1.2 microM), [Arg15-->Leu]r-PC (1.2 microM), [Gla16-->Asp]r-PC (1.2 microM), [Gla19-->Asp]r-PC (1.8 microM), [Gla20-->Asp]r-PC (1.1 microM), and [Gla26-->Asp]r-PC (1.6 microM). The results of this investigation, in conjunction with other structural and functional studies with these mutants, and the x-ray crystallographic structure of the prothrombin Gla domain-Ca2+ complex, show that Gla16 and Gla26 are the most indispensable Gla residues for maintenance of the functional Ca(2+)-dependent structure of the Gla domain of PC, whereas Gla14 is the least critical Gla residue in this regard. Of the non-Gla residues investigated, Arg15 is of great importance for maintenance of a functional Ca(2+)-dependent structure of PC, and insertion of a Gla residue at position 32, a situation that exists in the cases of some other proteins of this type, does not significantly alter these characteristics of r-PC.  相似文献   

Fatty acid binding protein (FABP) is a protein of 12,000 mol wt found in cytosol of intestinal mucosa and other tissues, which exhibits high affinity for long chain fatty acids. It has been suggested that FABP (which may comprise a group of closely related proteins of 12,000 mol wt) participates in cellular fatty acid transport and metabolism. Although earlier findings were consistent with this concept, the present studies were designed to examine its physiological function more directly. Everted jejunal sacs were incubated in mixed fatty acid-monoglyceride-bile acid micelles, in the presence or absence of equimolar concentrations of either of two compounds which inhibit oleate binding to FABP:flavaspidic acid-N-methyl-glucaminate and alpha-bromopalmitate. Oleate uptake, mucosal morphology, and oxidation of [14C]acetate remained unaffected by these agents, but oleate incorporation into triglyceride was inhibited by 62-64% after 4 min. The inhibition by flavaspidic acid was reversible with higher oleate concentrations. The effect of these compounds on enzymes of triglyceride biosynthesis was examined in intestinal microsomes. Neither flavaspidic acid nor alpha-bromopalmitate inhibited acyl CoA:monoglyceride acyl-transferase. Fatty acid:coenzyme A ligase activity was significantly enhanced in the presence of partially purified FABP, probably reflecting a physical effect on the fatty acid substrate or on the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex. Activity of the enzyme in the presence of 0.1 mM oleate was only modestly inhibited by equimolar flavaspidic acid and alpha-bromopalmitate, and this effect was blunted or prevented by FABP. We conclude that in everted gut sacs, inhibition of triglyceride synthesis by flavaspidic acid and alpha-bromopalmitate could not be explained as an effect on fatty acid uptake or on esterifying enzymes in the endoplasmic reticulum but rather can be interpreted as reflecting inhibition of fatty acid binding to FABP. These findings lend further support to the concept that FABP participates in cellular fatty acid transport and metabolism. It is also possible that FABP, by effecting an intracellular compartmentalization of fatty acids and acyl CoA, may play a broader role in cellular lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

The binding properties of the steroids testosterone and pregnenolone to human serum albumin (HSA) and derived fragments of albumin have been investigated by means of equilibrium dialysis and circular dichroism. The 46 kDa peptic fragment (P46) of HSA comprises domains one and two of the HSA structure, whereas the other fragment, the 45 kDa tryptic fragment (T45) is composed of domains two and three. A comparison of the binding behaviour of the steroid ligands to HSA and its fragments showed that the single primary testosterone binding site in all probability is located in the second domain of the HSA molecule. For pregnenolone it was found that at least two primary binding sites are present, also located in domain two. Both steroids show pH dependent binding profiles in the case of HSA and the P46 fragment. The binding of the steroids to the T45 fragment seems to be pH independent. The same phenomenon was observed with the circular dichroism experiments, indicating a link between the steroid binding properties and the structural behaviour of the proteins. In fact, the binding properties of the steroids can be assigned to the neutral-to-base (N-B) transition. The possible role of fatty acids as modulators in the transport processes of steroids in the body is discussed.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor binding proteins have been shown to modify IGF actions. IGFBP-5 binds to extracellular matrix (ECM) and its ability to potentiate IGF activity is dependent upon the amount that is ECM associated. To determine the specific regions of IGFBP-5 that are required for ECM association, site directed mutagenesis has been used to prepare several forms of IGFBP-5. Mutants that have had the amino acids between positions 201 and 218 altered have been useful. Mutation of the lysine 211 resulted in no change in the affinity of IGFBP-5 for ECM or heparin Sepharose; however, it resulted in a major reduction in affinity for IGF-I following heparin binding. Other mutations which disrupted heparin binding also resulted in loss of this affinity shift. Most distruptive were mutations of amino acids 211, 214, 217 and 218 and 202, 206 and 207. Mutation of residues 201 plus 202 had some effect, but substitution for 207, 211, 217 and 218 had no effect. When binding to intact ECM was analyzed, similar results were obtained. This suggests that amino acids 202, 206 and 214 are definitely involved in heparin and ECM binding. When binding to proteoglycans such as tenascin and heparin sulfate proteoglycan was analyzed, similar results were obtained. IGFBP-5 also binds to other proteins in ECM, including type IV collagen and plasminogen activator inhibitor-I. Specific antisera for plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 can coprecipitate IGFBP-5. IGFBPs are degraded by specific proteases. Three proteases that degrade IGFBP-2, -4 and -5 have been characterized. They are serine proteases that cleave these proteins at basic residues. Although several well characterized serine proteases cleave IGFBP-4 or -5, the proteases in cell conditioned media appear to be distinct.  相似文献   

In a situation so far unique among neurotransmitter receptors, glutamate receptors share amino acid sequence similarities with the bacterial periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs). On the basis of the primary structure similarity of two bacterial periplasmic proteins (lysine/arginine/ornithine- and phosphate-binding proteins) with the chick cerebellar kainate-binding protein (KBP), a member of the ionotropic glutamate receptor family, we have generated a three-dimensional model structure of the KBP extracellular domain. By an interplay between homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, we have investigated the kainate binding properties of 55 different mutants (corresponding to 43 positions) and studied the interactions of some of these mutants with various glutamatergic ligands. As a result, we present here the subsets of amino acids accounting for the binding free energies and specificities of KBP for kainate, glutamate, and CNQX and propose a three-dimensional model, at the microarchitectural level, of the glutamatergic binding domain.  相似文献   

The possible role of glycosphingolipids as adhesion receptors for the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori was examined by use of radiolabeled bacteria, or protein extracts from the bacterial cell surface, in the thin-layer chromatogram binding assay. Of several binding specificities found, the binding to lactosylceramide is described in detail here, the others being reported elsewhere. By autoradiography a preferential binding to lactosylceramide having sphingosine/phytosphingosine and 2-D hydroxy fatty acids was detected, whereas lactosylceramide having sphingosine and nonhydroxy fatty acids was consistently nonbinding. A selective binding of H. pylori to lactosylceramide with phytosphingosine and 2-D hydroxy fatty acid was obtained when the different lactosylceramide species were incorporated into liposomes, but only in the presence of cholesterol, suggesting that this selectivity may be present also in vivo . Importantly, lactosylceramide with sphingosine and hydroxy fatty acids does not bind in this assay. Furthermore, a lactosylceramide-based binding pattern obtained for different trisaccharide glycosphingolipids is consistent with the assumption that this selectivity is due to binding of a conformation of lactosylceramide in which the oxygen of the 2-D fatty acid hydroxyl group forms a hydrogen bond with the Glc hydroxy methyl group, yielding an epitope presentation different from other possible conformers. An alternative conformation that may come into consideration corresponds to the crystal structure found for cerebroside, in which the fatty acid hydroxyl group is free to interact directly with the adhesin. By isolating glycosphingolipids from epithelial cells of human stomach from seven individuals, a binding of H.pylori to the diglycosylceramide region of the non-acid fraction could be demonstrated in one of these cases. Mass spectrometry showed that the binding-active sample contained diglycosylceramides with phytosphingosine and 2-D hydroxy fatty acids with 16-24 carbon atoms in agreement with the results related above.  相似文献   

Human prothrombin, factor IX, and factor X have been idolated in high yield and characterized as the their amino-terminal sequence, molecular weight, amino acid composition, and migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An additional human plasma protein, called protein S, has also been purified and its properties have been compared with those of prothrombin, factor IX, and factor X. Prothrombin (mol wt 72 000), factor IX (mol wt 57 000), and protein S (mol wt 69 000) are single-chain glycoproteins, while factor X (mol wt 59 000) is a glycoprotein composed of two polypeptide chains held together by a disulfide bond(s). The amino-terminal sequence of the light chain of human factor X is homologous with prothrombin, factor IX, and protein S. The heavy chain of human factor X is slightly larger than the heavy chain of bovine factor X and differs from bovine factor X in its amino-terminal sequence.  相似文献   

It is thought that only a limited number of residues in the extended binding pocket of coagulation proteases are critical for substrate and inhibitor specificity. A candidate residue from the crystal structures of thrombin and factor Xa (FXa) that may be critical for specificity at the S2 subsite is residue 99. Residue 99 is Tyr in FXa and Thr in activated protein C (APC). To determine the role of residue 99 in S2 specificity, a Gla-domainless mutant of protein C (GDPC) was prepared in which Thr99 was replaced with Tyr of FXa. GDPC T99Y bound Ca2+ and was activated by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex normally. The T99Y mutant, similar to FXa, hydrolyzed the chromogenic substrates with a Gly at the P2 positions. This mutant was also inhibited by antithrombin (AT) (k2 = 4.2 +/- 0.2 x 10(1) M-1 s-1), and heparin accelerated the reaction >350-fold (k2 = 1.5 +/- 0.1 x 10(4) M-1 s-1). The T99Y mutant, however, did not activate prothrombin but inactivated factor Va approximately 2-fold better than wild type. To try to switch the specificity of FXa, both Tyr99 and Gln192 of FXa were replaced with those of APC in the Gla-domainless factor X (GDFX Y99T/Q192E). This mutant was folded correctly as it bound Ca2+ with a similar affinity as GDFX and was also activated by the Russell's viper venom at similar rate, but it cleaved the chromogenic substrates with a Gly at the P2 positions poorly. The mutant, instead, cleaved the APC-specific chromogenic substrates efficiently. The Y99T/Q192E mutant became resistant to inhibition by AT in the absence of heparin but was inhibited by AT almost normally in the presence of heparin (k2 = 3.4 +/- 0.5 x 10(5) M-1 s-1). The Y99T/Q192E mutant did not inactivate factor Va, and prothrombin activation by this mutant was impaired. These results indicate that 1) residue 99 is critical for enzyme specificity at the S2 subsite, 2) a role for heparin in acceleration of FXa inhibition by AT may involve the S2-P2 modulation, and 3) the exchange of residues 99 and 192 in FXa and APC may switch the enzyme specificity with the chromogenic substrates and inhibitors but not with the natural substrates.  相似文献   

Live but not fixed or heat-killed Borrelia burgdorferi bound to galactocerebroside, lactosylceramide, and ceramide trihexoside. In addition, this organism bound to the disialoganglioside GD1a and the trisialoganglioside GT1b but not to gangliosides GM1, GD1b, GM2, and GM3 and not to asialo GM1. This adhesion pattern confirmed earlier findings of binding to galactocerebroside and places this organism within a prokaryotic group which binds to lactosylceramide. The binding to GD1a and GT1b, both of which carry terminal as well as multiple sialic acids, indicates that B. burgdorferi can show specificity of binding within a group of acidic gangliosides. Adhesion could not be inhibited by several concentrations of sugars and sialic acid, indicating more complex binding requirements than for terminal carbohydrates alone. Low-passage strains adhered to the four substrates in greater numbers than strains in culture for long periods of time. OspB mutants in general bound better or at least equally well to several of the glycosphingolipids, and preincubation of substrates with soluble recombinant and affinity-purified Osp did not inhibitor or weakly inhibited the binding of the organisms. These findings suggest that outer surface lipoproteins A and B are not directly involved in adhesion to glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric assay was developed for measuring the uptake of the antibiotic actinobolin by hydroxylapatite (HAP) or powdered human enamel. The assay is sufficiently sensitive to detect less than 2.0 mug actinobolin/ml of: 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer at pH 5.5, 7.0, or 8.0; deionized water; deionized water containing 1% salivary supernatant; or each of the above indicated solvent systems containing 1-5 parts per million sodium fluoride. The utility of the assay system has been demonstrated by date which show that approximately 5-7 mug of actinobolin are bound per 10 mg of HAP or powdered enamel.  相似文献   

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