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This paper is a discussion on the problem of establishing information requirements in changing and ongoing business organisations. Attempts within existing software development paradigms to cope with business change are identified and discussed, and their problems concerning business change are highlighted. The alternative spiral of change model of tailorable information systems is proposed for thinking about establishing changing and ongoing information systems requirements. It is also proposed that information should be reconceptualised as tailorable. Such a reconceptualisation would allow us to explore ways of establishing information systems requirements that cope with business change. Deferred system’s design is proposed as a form of business software design and development that can cope with business change, as well as with the contextual and situational nature of tailorable information.  相似文献   

Information systems (IS) development approaches are considered with particular reference to those aspects of the process most concerned with the determination of information requirements. The majority can be classified as adopting a unitary, objective perspective. This perspective fails to recognise the interpretative, inter-subjective nature of information and the importance of informal as well as formal data-processing systems. This paper aims to contribute to the discussion on socio-technical and soft approaches to IS development by providing a contrasting perspective on information requirements analysis as a process which is socially mediated. A framework is developed which places information requirements analysis in the context of strategic IS development. This locates social communication networks centrally in this process and raises implications for the practice of IS development, and of information requirements analysis.  相似文献   

Requirements for choosing off-the-shelf information systems (OISR) differ from requirements for development of new information systems in that they do not necessarily provide complete specifications, thus allowing flexibility in matching an existing IS to the stated needs. We present a framework for OISR conceptual models that consists of four essential elements: business processes, business rules, information objects and required system services. We formalise the definitions of these concepts based on an ontological model. The ontology-based OISR model provides a framework to evaluate modelling languages on how appropriate they are for OISR requirements specifications. The evaluation framework is applied to the Object-Process Methodology, and its results are compared with a similar evaluation of ARIS. This comparison demonstrates the effectiveness of the ontological framework for evaluating modelling tools on how well they can guide selection, implementation and integration of purchased software packages.  相似文献   

Display Design of Process Systems Based on Functional Modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevalent way to present information in industrial computer displays is by using piping and instrumentation diagrams. Such interfaces have sometimes resulted in difficulties for operators because they are not sufficient to fulfil their needs. A systematic way that supports interface design therefore has to be considered. In the new design framework, two questions must be answered. Firstly, a modelling method is required to describe a process system. Such a modelling method can define the information content that must be displayed in interfaces. Secondly, how to communicate this information to operators efficiently must be considered. This will provide a basis for determining the visual forms that the information should take. This study discusses interface design of human–machine systems from these two points of view. Based on other scholars’ work, a comprehensive set of functional primitives is summarised as a basis to build a functional model of process systems. A library of geometrical presentations for these primitives is then developed. To support effective interface design, the concept of ‘functional macro’ is introduced and a way to map functional model to interface display is illustrated by applying several principles. To make our ideas clear, a central heating system is taken as an example and its functional model is constructed. Based on the functional model, the information to be displayed is determined. Several functional macros are then found in the model and their corresponding displays are constructed. Finally, by using the library of geometrical presentations for functional primitives and functional macros, the display hierarchy of the central heating system is developed. Reusability of functional primitives makes it possible to use the methodology to support interface design of different process systems.  相似文献   

The elicitation or communication of user requirements comprises an early and critical but highly error-prone stage in system development. Socially oriented methodologies provide more support for user involvement in design than the rigidity of more traditional methods, facilitating the degree of user–designer communication and the ‘capture’ of requirements. A more emergent and collaborative view of requirements elicitation and communication is required to encompass the user, contextual and organisational factors. From this accompanying literature in communication issues in requirements elicitation, a four-dimensional framework is outlined and used to appraise comparatively four different methodologies seeking to promote a closer working relationship between users and designers. The facilitation of communication between users and designers is subject to discussion of the ways in which communicative activities can be ‘optimised’ for successful requirements gathering, by making recommendations based on the four dimensions to provide fruitful considerations for system designers.  相似文献   

The contributors to this special issue focus on socio-technical and soft approaches to information requirements elicitation and systems development. They represent a growing body of research and practice in this field. This review presents an overview and analysis of the salient themes within the papers encompassing their common underlying framework, the methodologies and tools and techniques presented, the organisational situations in which they are deployed and the issues they seek to address. It will be argued in the review that the contributions to this special edition exemplify the ‘post-methodological era’ and the ‘contingency approaches’ from which it is formed.  相似文献   

Information systems security issues have usually been considered only after the system has been developed completely, and rarely during its design, coding, testing or deployment. However, the advisability of considering security from the very beginning of the system development has recently begun to be appreciated, and in particular in the system requirements specification phase. We present a practical method to elicit and specify the system and software requirements, including a repository containing reusable requirements, a spiral process model, and a set of requirements documents templates. In this paper, this method is focused on the security of information systems and, thus, the reusable requirements repository contains all the requirements taken from MAGERIT, the Spanish public administration risk analysis and management method, which conforms to ISO 15408, Common Criteria Framework. Any information system including these security requirements must therefore pass a risk analysis and management study performed with MAGERIT. The requirements specification templates are hierarchically structured and are based on IEEE standards. Finally, we show a case study in a system of our regional administration aimed at managing state subsidies.  相似文献   

The fidelity and practicality of using soft systems methodology (SSM) to empower the workforce such that its members can make a fuller contribution to the requirements engineering process is critically analysed. The detailed analysis is carried out by using a (critical) philosophical approach to develop an interpretation of (some key aspects of) requirements engineering practice in actual information systems development situations, utilising a number of practical requirements engineering studies. This analysis is built upon to explain the relationship between requirements engineering, SSM and workforce empowerment. It is concluded that, by maintaining critically focused attention on the economic context, it is theoretically possible to engineer requirements for information systems that would actually empower the workforce. However, the likelihood of using SSM successfully for this purpose is low, as the economic context in which requirements engineering takes place is largely ignored by the SSM advocates.  相似文献   

When system developers design a computer system (or other information artefact), they must inevitably make judgements as to how to abstract the domain and how to represent this abstraction in their designs. Over the years human–computer interaction, or more generally information systems design, has had a history of developing competing methods and models for both the process and products of its development. Various paradigms have been suggested, often trying to keep pace with the changing nature of the design problem; from batch processing to interactive systems to work situations and most recently to designing for household environments. It appears timely, then, to review the nature of the design problem that faces the developers of human–computer systems and to consider some of the impact that different representations and different conceptualisations may have on their activities. Green (1998) has suggested that a single model of developing human–computer systems is not desirable, instead arguing for a number of limited theories each of which provides a useful perspective. The aim of this paper is to place competing methods side by side in order to see their strengths and weaknesses more clearly. The central tenet of the paper is that different views of both the human–computer system design process and the different abstractions, or models, that are produced during the design process have varying degrees of utility for designers. It is unlikely that any single method or modelling approach will be optimal in all circumstances. Designers need to be aware of the range of views that exist and of the impact that taking a particular approach may have on the design solution.  相似文献   

Workflow management systems are becoming a relevant support for a large class of business applications, and many workflow models as well as commercial products are currently available. While the large availability of tools facilitates the development and the fulfilment of customer requirements, workflow application development still requires methodological guidelines that drive the developers in the complex task of rapidly producing effective applications. In fact, it is necessary to identify and model the business processes, to design the interfaces towards existing cooperating systems, and to manage implementation aspects in an integrated way. This paper presents the WIRES methodology for developing workflow applications under a uniform modelling paradigm – UML modelling tools with some extensions – that covers all the life cycle of these applications: from conceptual analysis to implementation. High-level analysis is performed under different perspectives, including a business and an organisational perspective. Distribution, interoperability and cooperation with external information systems are considered in this early stage. A set of “workflowability” criteria is provided in order to identify which candidate processes are suited to be implemented as workflows. Non-functional requirements receive particular emphasis in that they are among the most important criteria for deciding whether workflow technology can be actually useful for implementing the business process at hand. The design phase tackles aspects of concurrency and cooperation, distributed transactions and exception handling. Reuse of component workflows, available in a repository as workflow fragments, is a distinguishing feature of the method. Implementation aspects are presented in terms of rules that guide in the selection of a commercial workflow management system suitable for supporting the designed processes, coupled with guidelines for mapping the designed workflows onto the model offered by the selected system.  相似文献   

The development of complex information systems calls for conceptual models that describe aspects beyond entities and activities. In particular, recent research has pointed out that conceptual models need to model goals, in order to capture the intentions which underlie complex situations within an organisational context. This paper focuses on one class of goals, namely non-functional requirements (NFR), which need to be captured and analysed from the very early phases of the software development process. The paper presents a framework for integrating NFRs into the ER and OO models. This framework has been validated by two case studies, one of which is very large. The results of the case studies suggest that goal modelling during early phases can lead to a more productive and complete modelling activity.    相似文献   

Linguistic Problems with Requirements and Knowledge Elicitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human and conversational aspects of requirements and knowledge identification are employed to show that requirements ‘engineering’ is not the same as civil engineering or scientific problem solving. Not only can requirements not be made fully explicit at the start of a project, they cannot be made fully explicit at all. A need is identified to enhance computer-based information systems (CBIS) development methods to accommodate: plurality of incommensurable perspectives, languages and agendas; dynamic representations of system features that can be experienced rather than abstracted and forced into an abstract paper-based representation; recognition that CBIS development is in general a continuous process where users changing their minds is a natural and necessary indication or organisational vitality.  It is suggested that prototyping and rapid application development go some way to addressing these requirements but that they require further development in the light of the theoretical light thrown on the nature of the problem.  相似文献   

In spite of the impressive progress in the development of the two main methods for formal verification of reactive systems – Symbolic Model Checking and Deductive Verification, they are still limited in their ability to handle large systems. It is generally recognized that the only way these methods can ever scale up is by the extensive use of abstraction and modularization, which break the task of verifying a large system into several smaller tasks of verifying simpler systems. In this paper, we review the two main tools of compositionality and abstraction in the framework of linear temporal logic. We illustrate the application of these two methods for the reduction of an infinite-state system into a finite-state system that can then be verified using model checking. The technical contributions contained in this paper are a full formulation of abstraction when applied to a system with both weak and strong fairness requirements and to a general temporal formula, and a presentation of a compositional framework for shared variables and its application for forming network invariants.  相似文献   

With regard to the design of information content in information display, it is often claimed that the abstraction hierarchy (AH) of the work domain should be considered as a basis for identifying and structuring the information content. The primary advantage of AH-based analysis and design is that functionally abstracted information can systematically be identified and provided to the operator, which has rarely been presented in traditional displays. This study evaluated the effectiveness of providing functional information, which was abstracted and represented based on goal–means analysis along the AH, to the operator in two task situations (fault diagnosis and operation). The results showed that the operator’s performance was improved with the high-level information, and the latter’s utility became greater when the goal–means relations between information at different abstraction levels were exhibited. From the results, three design principles for information display can be drawn. First, information should be identified and displayed at multiple abstraction levels. Second, the goal–means relations among the abstraction levels should be explicitly presented, especially for analytical cognitive tasks. Third, information layout should support information integration along decomposition structure within an abstraction level as well as along abstraction levels.  相似文献   

The present paper proposes a methodological framework for the design and evaluation of information technology systems supporting complex cognitive tasks. The aim of the methodological framework is to permit the design of systems which: (1) address the cognitive difficulties met by potential users in performing complex problem-solving tasks; (2) improve their potential users’ problem-solving performance; and (3) achieve compatibility with potential users’ competences and working environment. After a short review of the weaknesses of existing systems supposed to support complex cognitive tasks, the theoretical foundations of the proposed methodology are presented. These are the ergonomic work analysis of French ergonomists, cognitive engineering, cognitive anthropology–ethnomethodology and activity theory. The third section of the paper describes the generic ergonomic model, which constitutes a frame of reference useful for the analyst of the work situation to which the information technology system is addressed. In the fourth section, the proposed methodology is outlined, and in the fifth a case study demonstrating an application of the methodology is summarised. In the epilogue, the differences between the proposed methodological framework and other more conventional approaches are discussed. Finally, directions for future developments of the problem-driven approach are proposed.  相似文献   

Specifications in Context: Stakeholders, Systems and Modelling of Conflict   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper looks from an ethnographic viewpoint at the case of two information systems in a multinational engineering consultancy. It proposes using the rich findings from ethnographic analysis during requirements discovery. The paper shows how context – organisational and social – can be taken into account during an information system development process. Socio-technical approaches are holistic in nature and provide opportunities to produce information systems utilising social science insights, computer science technical competence and psychological approaches. These approaches provide fact-finding methods that are appropriate to system participants’ and organisational stakeholders’ needs.  The paper recommends a method of modelling that results in a computerised information system data model that reflects the conflicting and competing data and multiple perspectives of participants and stakeholders, and that improves interactivity and conflict management.  相似文献   

This paper describes aminimally immersive three-dimensional volumetric interactive information visualization system for management and analysis of document corpora. The system, SFA, uses glyph-based volume rendering, enabling more complex data relationships and information attributes to be visualized than traditional 2D and surface-based visualization systems. Two-handed interaction using three-space magnetic trackers and stereoscopic viewing are combined to produce aminimally immersive interactive system that enhances the user’s three-dimensional perception of the information space. This new system capitalizes on the human visual system’s pre-attentive learning capabilities to quickly analyze the displayed information. SFA is integrated with adocument management and information retrieval engine named Telltale. Together, these systems integrate visualization and document analysis technologies to solve the problem of analyzing large document corpora. We describe the usefulness of this system for the analysis and visualization of document similarity within acorpus of textual documents, and present an example exploring authorship of ancient Biblical texts. Received: 15 December 1997 / Revised: June 1999  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to introduce the socio-technical Role Activity Diagram modelling language to National Health Service (NHS) information systems requirements engineering using a process approach. Most requirements engineering in the NHS is done using data-driven methods such as data flow diagrams. Role Activity Diagrams provide not only a socio-technical method for analysing a particular systems development problem, but they also offer a process-based approach for capturing workflows and their associated information flows, and facilitate communication between analysts and users in an intuitive fashion. In particular, they elicit the important roles in a process and the interaction and collaboration required to achieve the goals of the process. The process approach has been applied in business information systems development. It is introduced here as a potential for systems development in the NHS.  相似文献   

Method engineering (ME) deals with the selection and assembly of situation-specific methods for information systems development. In this paper we use ME with a somewhat unusual perspective, that is, an educational one. We introduce a procedure for the evaluation of information systems curricula within an ME framework. Using this approach it is possible to quantitatively characterise and compare information systems curricula, showing their relative strengths and weaknesses. As an example we evaluate three model curricula (IS’90, IS’97 and ISCC’99) and analyse their differences and similarities.  相似文献   

A Representational Framework for Scenarios of System Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scenarios are becoming widely used in three areas of system development: software engineering, human–computer interaction (HCI), and organisational process design. There are many reasons to use scenarios during system design. The one usually advanced in support of the practice is to aid the processes of validating the developers’ understanding of the customers’ or users’ work practices, organisational goals and structures, and system requirements. All three areas identified above deal with these processes, and not surprisingly this has given rise to a profusion of scenario-based practices and representations. Yet there has been little analysis of why scenarios should be useful, let alone whether they are. Only by having such a framework for understanding what scenarios are, and what they are for, can we begin to evaluate different scenario approaches in specific development contexts. This paper is a contribution toward such a framework. We lay out a space of representational possibilities for scenarios and enumerate a set of values or criteria that are important for different uses of scenarios. We then summarise several salient representations drawn from the software engineering, HCI, and organisational process design communities to clarify how these representational choices contribute to or detract from the goals of the respective practices. Finally, we discuss how scenario representations from one area of design may be useful in others, and we discuss the relationship between these representations and other significant early-design and requirements engineering practices.  相似文献   

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