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Diversity reception over generalized-K (KG) fading channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A detailed performance analysis for the most important diversity receivers operating over a composite fading channel modeled by the generalized-K (Kg) distribution is presented. The Kg distribution has been recently considered as a generic and versatile distribution for the accurate modeling of a great variety of short term fading in conjunction with long term fading (shadowing) channel conditions. For this relatively new composite fading model, expressions for important statistical metrics of maximal ratio combining (MRC), equal gain combining (EGC), selection combining (SC) and switch and stay combining (SSC) diversity receivers are derived. Using these expressions and by considering independent but not necessarily identical distributed fading channel conditions, performance criteria, such as average output signal-to-noise ratio, amount of fading and outage probability are obtained in closed form. Moreover, following the moments generating function (MGF) based approach for MRC and SSC receivers, and the Pade approximants method for SC and EGC receivers, the average bit error probability is studied. The proposed mathematical analysis is complemented by various performance evaluation results which demonstrate the accuracy of the theoretical approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, bit error probability (BEP), outage probability (OP) and channel capacity (CC) of direct-sequence code-division multiple access systems with amplify-and-forward relaying are presented for different fading scenarios. In the first scenario, the source-destination link is assumed to experience Rayleigh fading while it is subject to Nakagami-m fading in the second scenario. The source-relay and relay-destination channels are considered to have Nakagami-m fading conditions in two scenarios. First, analytical expressions for the end-to-end probability density function (PDF) are derived by using the convolution integral. Then, BEP, OP and CC are obtained based on these PDFs in terms of infinite series. Truncation error analyses are presented for different parameter values in order to show that truncation error arising from the infinite series is negligible. Simple and easy-to-compute asymptotic expressions are also introduced for BEP and OP in order to simplify the performance analysis in high signal-to-noise ratio region. Simulation results are provided to show the accuracy of the proposed approximate and asymptotic expressions.  相似文献   

In this Letter, we propose a comprehensive framework for performance analysis of cooperative wireless systems using Amplify and Forward (AF) relay methods. The framework relies on the Moment Generating Function (MGF-) based approach for performance analysis of communication systems over fading channels, and on some properties of the Laplace Transform, which allow to develop a single-integral relation between the MGF of a random variable and the MGF of its inverse. Moreover, a simple lower bound for Outage Probability (Pout) and Outage Capacity (OC) computation is also introduced. Numerical and simulation results are provided to substantiate the accuracy of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

In this letter, a detailed performance analysis of generalized selection combining GSC(2,3) receivers operating over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (n.i.d.) generalized-K (KG) fading channels is presented. For this class of receivers, a novel closed-form expression for the moments of the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived. This result can be afterwards used to evaluate the outage probability and the average symbol error probability of different signal constellations. Various performance evaluation results are also presented and compared to equivalent simulation ones.  相似文献   

双瑞利衰落信道下最大比合并性能研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于接收信噪比的统计特性,研究了双瑞利衰落条件下各分集支路衰落幅度不平衡时最大比合并MRC接收系统的差错和分集性能。采用基于矩生成函数的方法导出了涵盖多种调制方式的平均误符号率ASER的通用公式,并得到了其Chernoff一致界。仿真结果表明:双瑞利衰落下采用MRC接收技术可以大大减小传输系统的ASER且能获得与瑞利衰落时相同的渐进分集增益,但在实际可接收到的信噪比范围内可获得的分集增益与满分集增益具有明显的差距;相对于单支路接收系统,双瑞利衰落下的MRC系统可近似得到满的相对分集增益。  相似文献   

The performance of binary differential phase-shift keyed (DPSK) communications over frequency-selective wide-sense-stationary uncorrelated-scattering fading channels is considered. A technique is described for obtaining bounds on the average error probability for DPSK in terms of one or two parameters obtained from multipath spread or frequency-correlation-function channel measurements. A method of approximating the performance of systems using various data-pulse shapes and systems where it is difficult to obtain a complete channel characterization is developed. Numerical examples and comparisons of the most interesting cases are given  相似文献   

The performance of binary frequency-shift-keyed communications over frequency-selective wide-sense-stationary uncorrelated-scattering Rayleigh fading channels is discussed. Previous analyses of FSK communications over frequency-selective channels have considered the average probability of error for specific models for the fading channel and typically assume that the two FSK signals are orthogonal. A technique for obtaining bounds on the average error probability for FSK in terms of one or two parameters obtainable from multipath spread or frequency correlation functions channel measurements is described  相似文献   

In this paper, the asymptotic performance of arbitrary rectangular Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) signals over fading channels is investigated. A novel unified asymptotic average Symbol Error Probability (SEP) expression is derived in terms of diversity and coding gain. The validity and accu-racy of the analytical result are verified by means of computer simulations. Furthermore, the results pre-sented are very easy to be extended to the systems with multi-channel diversity receivers.  相似文献   

We derive the exact pairwise error probability (PEP) for space-time coding over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of spatial fading correlation. We show that receive correlation always degrades the PEP for all signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). We quantify the effect of receive correlation by employing the notion of "majorization". We show that the stronger the receive correlation, the worse the PEP for all SNRs. We show that at low SNR, depending on the codes, transmit correlation can either improve or degrade the PEP performance. We show that to guarantee robust performance for arbitrary transmit correlation, the minimum eigenvalue of the codeword pair difference matrix should be maximized among all codeword pairs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the performance of fixed decode-and-forward cooperative networks with relay selection over independent but not identically distributed Nakagamim fading channels, with integer values of the fading severity parameter m. Specifically, closed-form expressions for the symbol error probability and the outage probability are derived using the statistical characteristic of the signal-to-noise ratio. We also perform Monte-Carlo simulations to verify the analytical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study on the end‐to‐end performance of multi‐hop non‐regenerative relaying networks over independent generalized‐gamma (GG) fading channels is presented. Using an upper bound for the end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR), novel closed‐form expressions for the probability density function, the moments, and the moments‐generating function of the end‐to‐end SNR are presented. Based on these derived formulas, lower bounds for the outage and the average bit error probability (ABEP) are derived in closed form. Special attention is given to the low‐ and high‐SNR regions having practical interest as well as to the Nakagami fading scenario. Moreover, the performance of the considered system when employing adaptive square‐quadrature amplitude modulation is further analyzed in terms of the average spectral efficiency, the bit error outage, and the ABEP. Computer simulation results verify the tightness and the accuracy of the proposed bounds. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对多输入多输出(MIMO)相关衰落信道上宽带码分多址接入(WCDMA)的安全性能进行评估,一种省时高效的解决方案是理论分析法。推导了相关 Nakagami 衰落信道上采用空时分组码和二维瑞克接收机(2D-Rake)的 WCDMA 系统的非零安全容量概率和安全中断概率的精确解析表达式。利用上述表达式,可以快速地评估收发天线数、天线相关系数、Nakagami衰落系数、平均路径衰减系数等参数对WCDMA系统安全性能造成的影响。数值计算和仿真结果相吻合,证明了以上理论分析的正确性。推导了WCDMA系统渐近安全中断概率的解析表达式。结果表明,WCDMA 系统的安全分集增益为主信道各个可分离路径上的分集增益之和,与窃听信道无关;对于恒定多径强度轮廓的同分布Nakagami衰落信道,WCDMA系统的安全分集增益为主信道的收/发天线数、多径个数以及Nakagami衰落系数四者之积。  相似文献   

Using the notion of the “spacing” between ordered exponential random variables, a performance analysis of the generalized selection combining (GSC) diversity scheme over Rayleigh fading channels is presented and compared with that of the conventional maximal-ratio combining and selection combining schemes. Starting with the moment generating function (MGF) of the GSC output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), we derive closed-form expressions for the average combined SNR, outage probability, and average error probability of a wide variety of modulation schemes operating over independently, identically distributed (i.i.d.) diversity paths. Because of their simple form, these expressions readily allow numerical evaluation for cases of practical interest. The results are also extended to the case of non-i.i.d. diversity paths  相似文献   

On performance analysis for signaling on correlated fading channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general approach is presented for analyzing the performance of digital signaling with multichannel reception on correlated fading channels. The approach is based on: (i) exploiting the complex Gaussian model for the joint distribution of the fading on the multiple channels; and (ii) applying recent results on the unified performance analysis of digital signaling on fading channels using alternative representations of the Q(·) and related functions. Numerical results that illustrate the effect of correlation on the diversity gain from multichannel reception are also presented  相似文献   

Spread-spectrum modulation can provide protection from the selective fading that is typically encountered in mobile radio networks. Because the methods of combating frequency-selective fading are quite different for slow-frequency-hop (SFH) and direct-sequence (DS) spread spectrum systems, these two types of modulation perform very differently. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of SFH and DS systems under identical conditions for several models of the wide-band fading channel. Each system has the same bandwidth, transmits over the same frequency-selective Gaussian wide-sense-stationary uncorrelated-scattering channel, and uses error-correction coding to combat thermal noise and fading. The probability of bit error at the output of the decoder is determined for each system by a combination of analysis and simulation. Results are presented for systems with a single transmitter-receiver pair and for networks with multiple simultaneous transmissions (i.e., multiple-access communications). The multiple-access network is distributed, so that control of power by a central terminal, such as a base station, is not possible. The results illustrate the tradeoffs in performance between SFW and DS spread-spectrum systems as a function of the parameters of the signals and the channel model. The performance of the SFH system is shown to be less sensitive to the exact characterization of the channel delay spectrum than the DS system. For most of the channels considered in this paper, SFH spread spectrum gives better performance than DS spread spectrum  相似文献   

Presented here is a unified approach to evaluating the error-rate performance of digital communication systems operating over a generalized fading channel. What enables the unification is the recognition of the desirable form for alternate representations of the Gaussian and Marcum Q-functions that are characteristic of error-probability expressions for coherent, differentially coherent, and noncoherent forms of detection. It is shown that in the largest majority of cases, these error-rate expressions can be put in the form of a single integral with finite limits and an integrand composed of elementary functions, thus readily enabling numerical evaluation  相似文献   

In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed to estimate mobile speed for broadband wireless communications, which often encounter large number of fading channel taps causing severe intersymbol interference. Different from existing algorithms, which commonly assume that the fading channel coefficients are available for the speed estimators, the proposed algorithm is based on the received signals which contain unknown transmitted data, unknown frequency selective fading channel coefficients possibly including line-of-sight (LOS) components, and random receiver noise. Theoretical analysis is first carried out from the received signals, and a practical algorithm is proposed based on the analytical results. The algorithm employs a modified normalized auto-covariance of received signal power to estimate the speed of mobiles. The algorithm works well for frequency selective Rayleigh and Rician channels. The algorithm is very resistant to noise, it provides accurate speed estimation even if the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is as low as 0 dB. Simulation results indicate that the new algorithm is very reliable and effective to estimate mobile speed corresponding to a maximum Doppler up to 500 Hz. The algorithm has high computational efficiency and low estimation latency, with results being available within one second after communication is established.  相似文献   

Datta  S.N. Bose  C. Chandra  A. 《Electronics letters》2007,43(17):934-935
Using the unified expression as devised by Wojner, an analytical framework is presented to determine error performance of all binary modulation schemes employing coherent or non-coherent detection and operating over a slow flat Rayleigh fading channel with different diversity combining. A class of generalised expressions for the bit error probability has been obtained following the probability density function or the cumulative distribution function approach.  相似文献   

We present closed‐form bounds for the performance of wireless multihop communications systems with cooperative diversity over Nakagami‐m fading channels. The end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio is formulated and upper bounded by using the inequality between harmonic and geometric means of positive random variables. Closed‐form expression is derived for the moment‐generating function and is used to obtain lower bounds for the average error probability. Numerical results are compared with computer simulations showing the tightness of the proposed bounds. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The broadcast nature of communications in wireless communication networks makes it vulnerable to some attacks, particularly eavesdrop attack. Hence, information security can have a key role to protect privacy and avoid identity theft in these networks, especially in distributed networks. In the wireless systems, the signal propagation is affected by path loss, slow fading (shadowing), and fast fading (multi‐path fading). As we know, there is a correlation between communication channels in the real radio environments. This correlation is defined by the correlation between their shadowing and/or multipath fading factors. So when there are several channels in the wireless systems, there is certainly a correlation between the channels. In this paper, we assume that the transmitter knows the full channel state information (CSI), it means the transmitter knows both the channel gains of the illegitimate (ie, eavesdropper) and the legitimate receivers and study the performance of secure communications of single‐input single‐output (SISO) systems consisting of single antenna devices, in the presence of a single antenna passive eavesdropper over correlated slow fading channels, where the main (transmitter to legitimate receiver) and eavesdropper (transmitter to illegitimate receiver) channels are correlated. Finally, we present numerical results and verify the accuracy of our analysis by Monte‐Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

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