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文章针对通过优化路由来改善光分组交换网络性能这一方法进行了深入地分析。文章认为在输出光缓存结构下可以计算出网络丢包率下限的理论模型,通过将该模型得到的丢包率下限与在已有路由算法下由仿真得到的丢包率进行比较,能够预测出最佳路由算法下的丢包率,从而进一步预测通过优化路由所能获得的最大性能提升。  相似文献   

基于缓存旁路和本地修复的多跳网络路由重建机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文针对多跳网络中现有AODV和AODV-BR按需路由算法的弊端,提出了基于缓存旁路和本地修复的AODV-CL路由重建机制。该机制利用空闲时间监听无线信道中传输的所有数据包和路由控制信令,用于维护有效的邻居节点列表及本地路由缓存,有效降低了周期性HELLO消息带来的信令负担,并增加了可用路由信息。中间节点在发现断链时,尝试采用局部修复,尽量避免由源节点广播RREQ消息发现路由。根据本地路由缓存及邻居节点的路由信息,实现了快速的路由发现及修复,能有效降低路由控制信令开销及丢包率。  相似文献   

针对稀疏分布有限波长转换能力的光突发交换(SWCC-OBS)网络容易出现的高丢包率和负载不均 衡问题,建立了稀疏分布OBS全网丢包率的数学模型。为了克服模型求解过程中多 变量带来的非 线性问题,对影响全网突发丢包率的参变量进行分解预估和反馈更新,求得全网对应业务流 模型下的优化 路由路径,获得了全网突发数据的近似最低丢包率。仿真实验表明,在SWCC-OBS网络中, 本文提出的路由 选择模型及分解协调的路由选择算法,不仅能有效地避免突发数据包间的相互冲突、降低了 全网丢包率,而 且能很好地适应突发数据业务的动态变化,保证了网络的负载均衡和较低的丢包率。  相似文献   

吴翔  孙强 《光通信技术》2005,29(8):34-35
提出了一种基于自适应交替路由的负载平衡方法,来缓解通信链路上的拥堵问题,从而减少基于WDM光突发交换(OBS)网络中的丢包率,提高服务质量。并通过基于丢包率的仿真实验结果,证明负载动态平衡算法在提高QoS方面优于传统的最短路径算法。  相似文献   

无线adhoc网络中的多径源路由   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
舒炎泰  高德云  王雷 《电子学报》2002,30(2):279-282
本文针对无线ad hoc网络提出了一种基于DSR(动态源路由)的路由算法,多径源路由(MSR).MSR对DSR中的路由搜索和路由维护机制进行了扩展,用来解决多径路由问题.本文还提出,在多条路径之间基于测量的RTT进行负载分配.仿真结果表明,MSR在只增加少量网络开销的情况下,提高了TCP和UDP的投递率,降低了丢包率,并减少了端到端之间的延迟以及队列长度,从而有效地减少了网络拥塞.  相似文献   

光突发交换是适合在当前技术条件下的新交换技术,它比电路交换灵活,带宽利用率高,又比光分组交换易于实现,将成为下一代光IP骨干网的核心技术。在光突发交换网络中,偏射路由算法是有效解决突发竞争、提高网络性能的一种重要措施。首先分析了发送端控制的偏射路由技术,在此基础上提出了一种基于阈值检测的偏射路由的改进算法。该算法通过跳数来控制无效偏射路由并通过有条件地丢弃偏射突发来保证正常突发的丢包率,从而减少偏射路由对网络负荷的影响,使整个网络的丢包率得到一定提高,改善网络性能。  相似文献   

针对移动自组织网动态源路由协议(DSR)中旧路径中断至新路径建立期间存在的丢包和端到端时延问题,设计了一种基于阈值判断的路由发现和维护算法,以优化路由协议性能。该方法首先定义节点电池能量和节点接收信号能量双阈值等级,分别用于衡量节点和既存链路状态;然后修改路由发现和路由维护算法,使动态源路由具备阈值判断功能。分别对增强型动态源路由协议(EDSR)包传递率和端到端时延等性能随节点数目和移动速度等参数的变化规律进行了软件仿真。实验结果表明,节点数目超过150或者速度小于10 m/s时,EDSR端到端时延和包传递率优于DSR,其他性能基本相当,因此EDSR协议性能得到明显改善,为低速大规模移动自组网路由协议提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

提出了一种在光网络中实现流量工程的负载均衡动态路由算法(LBDRO).该算法通过新定义的链路关键度函数和链路当前可用带宽确定链路动态成本,并依据该动态成本运用最短路径优先算法为到达的LSP请求建立动态成本优化路径.该算法的计算复杂度低,仿真实验表明,与MHA、WSP、MIRA算法相比,在光传输网络中,该算法在降低LSP建立请求服务拒绝率、均衡网络负载以及链路失效后重路由等方面有很好的性能.  相似文献   

对路由方案效率以信息交付延迟进行指标的衡量作为研究对象,在最短路径模型的路由策略中,对于针对网络信息交付进行延迟的软件定义网络实现方案加以探讨。提出了建立在全网流量信息基础上的支持流量感知的高校路由方案。对于采用了多元优化方案后的路径的可用带宽、延迟、交换机无效服务率、路由长度、丢包率等进行分析,充分考虑路由效率和路由策略的提高,采用实验的方法,将数据交付效率提高作为研究对象,采用路由方案对比的方式,在OPENFLOW框架下进行网络负载均衡的维护工作。  相似文献   

支持业务均衡的OBS网络分布式回退偏射路由算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
突发竞争是引起光突发交换(OBS)网络丢包的主要因素之一,而作为一种有效的突发竞争解决方法的偏射路由,因其对光缓存器的性能和数量要求较低而备受关注。然而,现有偏射路由算法忽略了偏射业务对偏射路径上原有业务的影响以及业务被偏射后自身的成功传输率,同时也忽略由偏射引起的偏置时间不够的问题,致使OBS网络整体丢包率较高。为此,本文提出了一种支持业务均衡的分布式回退偏射路由算法(DBDF-LB),基本思路在于:从全网业务均衡出发,根据网络状态信息分布式的为偏射业务选择一条丢包率最小、跳数最短的路径;然后通过回退机制,利用网络资源来缓存突发包,从而补偿由偏射引起的额外偏置时间。与典型的最短路径偏射算法(SPDF)相比,DBDF-LB能有效降低丢包率约23~50%,而成功传输突发包所经历的平均跳数增加不到1跳。  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2013,19(2):169-178
With increasing network sizes, the energy consumption of Passive Optical Networks (PONs) has grown significantly. Therefore, it is important to design effective energy-saving schemes in PONs. Generally, energy-saving schemes have focused on sleeping the low-loaded Optical Network Units (ONUs), which tends to bring large packet delays. Further, the traditional ONU sleep modes are not capable of sleeping the transmitter and receiver independently, though they are not required to transmit or receive packets. Clearly, this approach contributes to wasted energy. Thus, in this paper, we propose an Energy-Saving scheme that is based on downstream Packet Scheduling (ESPS) in Ethernet PON (EPON). First, we design both an algorithm and a rule for downstream packet scheduling at the inter- and intra-ONU levels, respectively, to reduce the downstream packet delay. After that, we propose a hybrid sleep mode that contains not only ONU deep sleep mode but also independent sleep modes for the transmitter and the receiver. This ensures that the energy consumed by the ONUs is minimal. To realize the hybrid sleep mode, a modified GATE control message is designed that involves 10 time points for sleep processes. In ESPS, the 10 time points are calculated according to the allocated bandwidths in both the upstream and the downstream. The simulation results show that ESPS outperforms traditional Upstream Centric Scheduling (UCS) scheme in terms of energy consumption and the average delay for both real-time and non-real-time packets downstream. The simulation results also show that the average energy consumption of each ONU in larger-sized networks is less than that in smaller-sized networks; hence, our ESPS is better suited for larger-sized networks.  相似文献   

Hybrid optical-wireless broadband access network (HOWBAN) takes full advantage of the high capacity and reliability of the passive optical network and the flexibility, ubiquity of the wireless network. Similar to other access networks, the issue of high energy consumption is a great challenge for HOWBAN. In HOWBAN, optical network units (ONUs) consume a great amount of energy. The sleep of ONUs can greatly improve the energy efficiency of HOWBAN. However, the quality of service (QoS) will be decreased while the packets are waiting in ONUs and optical line terminal. In this paper, we propose a QoS-aware energy-saving mechanism. A dynamic bandwidth allocation mechanism is designed to guarantee the QoS, where different priorities are considered. Meanwhile, we employ different sleep strategies by taking different priorities’ tolerant delays into account to prolong the sleep time of ONUs. Then, based on the evaluation of packet delay, the optimal sleep parameter is derived to maximum the energy efficiency. In addition, a load balancing and resource allocation mechanism is adopted in the wireless domain to reduce the delay and congestion caused by ONUs’ sleep. Results show that the proposed mechanism can effectively improve the energy efficiency and meet the QoS requirements of packets.  相似文献   

通过对AOMDV多径协议进行改进,提出了一种基于节点剩余能量策略MMBCR的多径协议(EAOMDV)。改进协议以节点剩余能量为备份路径的度量对AOMDV多径协议进行改进。使用NS2软件进行仿真,通过改变节点的暂停时间来比较EAOMDV协议和AOMDV协议的性能。仿真结果表明,与AOMDV多径协议相比,新协议路由开销和丢包率有所增加,但降低了网络的总能耗并减少了某时刻耗尽能量的节点数目,从而延长了网络的存活时间。  相似文献   

针对传统路由协议端到端时延长、丢包率过高的现实问题,提出了一种基于贪婪转发的能量感知多路径路由协议(Greedy Forward Energy-aware Multipath Routing Protocol,GFEMRP)。GFEMRP从传感器起始结点出发,如果遇到网络黑洞则选择周边转发方式,否则将选择吞吐量大、且更接近于目的结点的结点作为下一跳结点。利用了OMNET++5.0和INET框架对包括无线自组网按需平面距离向量路由协议(Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol,AODV),动态按需无线自组织网络(Dynamic MANET On-demand,DYMO),贪婪周边无状态路由无线网络(Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks,GPSR)和GFEMRP协议在内的四种路由协议进行了仿真和比较,实验结果表明GFEMRP协议具有良好的端到端时延、丢包率等性能。  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes are deployed to collect data, perform calculations, and forward information to either other nodes or sink nodes. Recently, geographic routing has become extremely popular because it only requires the locations of sensor nodes and is very efficient. However, the local minimum phenomenon, which hinders greedy forwarding, is a major problem in geographic routing. This phenomenon is attributed to an area called a hole that lacks active sensors, which either prevents the packet from being forwarded to a destination node or produces a long detour path. In order to solve the hole problem, mechanisms to detect holes and determine landmark nodes have been proposed. Based on the proposed mechanisms, landmark-based routing was developed in which the source node first sends a packet to the landmark node, and the landmark node then sends the packet to the destination. However, this approach often creates a constant node sequence, causing nodes that perform routing tasks to quickly run out of energy, thus producing larger holes. In this paper, a new approach is proposed in which two virtual ellipses are created with the source, landmark, and destination nodes. Then guide the forwarding along the virtual ellipses. Furthermore, a recursive algorithm is designed to ensure a shortcut even if there are multiple holes or a hole has multiple landmarks. Thus, the proposed approach improves both geographic routing and energy efficiency routing. Simulation experiments show that the proposed approach increases the battery life of sensor nodes, lowers the end-to-end delay, and generates a short path.  相似文献   

It is well known that today’s inter-domain routing protocol, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), converges slowly during network failures. Due to the distribution nature of Internet routing decisions and the rate-limiting timer Minimum Route Advertisement Interval (MRAI) of BGP, unavoidable convergence latency is introduced in reaction to network changes. During the period of convergence temporarily routing table inconsistencies cause short-term routing blackholes and loops which result in widespread temporary burst packet loss. In this paper, we present ROute-Free Forwarding (ROFF) — a novel technique for packet delivering continuously during periods of convergence. With slightly modifications on IP packet header and BGP, route loops and blackholes can be avoided. Our preliminary evaluation demonstrates that ROFF succeeds in reducing the number of Autonomous Systems (ASes) which experience burst packet loss and the duration of packet loss.  相似文献   

邹赛  汪文勇  唐勇  张骏 《通信学报》2013,34(Z1):36-275
在异构无线传感器网络模型下,针对采集节点发送数据能量消耗过高及路由时分组丢失率过大等情况,对数据汇聚节点的位置优化及路由进行了研究,提出了移动汇聚节点位置优化路由算法(MLOYIH)。先根据蚁群算法的原理对移动节点与静态节点进行分组,再在组内寻找适合的位置放置汇聚节点,最后根据供电情况,选择合适的跳算进行路由。经过仿真实验与性能分析表明,MLOYIH算法与传统算法比较,能量消耗降低到64%,分组丢失率不高于3%。  相似文献   

IEEE 802.16e devices may enter sleep mode to conserve energy. There has been some work studying how to schedule device’s packet transmissions to maximize the device’s sleep period while meeting associated QoS (quality of service) requirements. This paper proposes two schemes that attempt to save more energy for a given sleep schedule by accelerating or deferring scheduled packet transmissions with the intention to further reduce the frequency of transitions from sleep to active modes (states). Performance evaluation results indicate that the proposed schemes effectively reduce state transitions when compared with existing sleep scheduling schemes. Packet delays may also be improved in case of accelerating packet transmissions.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of localized energy aware routing in mobile ad hoc networks. In localized routing algorithms, each node forwards a message based on the position of itself, its neighbors and the destination. The objective of energy aware routing algorithms is to minimize the total power for routing a message from source to destination or to maximize the total number of routing tasks that a node can perform before its battery power depletes. In this paper we propose new localized energy aware routing algorithms called OLEAR. The algorithms have very high packet delivery rate with low packet forwarding and battery power consumption. In addition, they ensure good energy distribution among the nodes. Finally, packets reach the destination using smaller number of hops. All these properties make our algorithm suitable for routing in any energy constrained environment. We compare the performance of our algorithms with other existing energy and non‐energy aware localized algorithms. Simulation experiments show that our algorithms present comparable energy consumption and distribution to other energy aware algorithms and better packet delivery rate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Routing in a low duty‐cycled wireless sensor network (WSN) has attracted much attention recently because of the challenge that low duty‐cycled sleep scheduling brings to the design of efficient distributed routing protocols for such networks. In a low duty‐cycled WSN, a big problem is how to design an efficient distributed routing protocol, which uses only local network state information while achieving low end‐to‐end (E2E) packet delivery delay and also high packet delivery efficiency. In this paper, we study low duty‐cycled WSNs wherein sensor nodes adopt pseudorandom sleep scheduling for energy saving. The objective of this paper is to design an efficient distributed routing protocol with low overhead. For this purpose, we design a simple but efficient hop‐by‐hop routing protocol, which integrates the ideas of multipath routing and gradient‐based routing for improved routing performance. We conduct extensive simulations, and the results demonstrate the high performance of the proposed protocol in terms of E2E packet delivery latency and packet delivery efficiency as compared with existing protocols. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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