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The family of related cell surface adhesion molecules designated CD44 are multifunctional proteins displayed by a wide variety of normal and malignant tissues. CD44 properties in vitro include hyaluronate-mediated adhesion, motility, hyaluronate degradation, self-aggregation, and adhesion to lymphoid tissue. These properties are among several that are required by invasive and metastatic tumor cells. Several in vivo experiments indicate that tumor cells transfected to overexpress specific CD44 isoforms display an enhancement in metastatic potential. Numerous CD44 isoforms exist as a result of alternative splicing, and specific isoforms enhance tumor cell metastasis more efficiently than others. This suggests that regulation of CD44 alternative splicing is an important determinant of metastatic potential. Several human tumors display specific alterations in CD44 isoform expression, and the extent of clinical disease in specific tumors correlates with the CD44 isoform expression pattern. In this review we analyze these data that suggest that CD44 plays an important role in tumor metastasis.  相似文献   

Expression of the homing-associated cell adhesion molecule/HCAM (CD44) in normal/reactive and neoplastic human tissue mast cells (TMC) was determined immunohistochemically using the antibody DAKO-DF1485, which detects all isoforms of CD44. Studies were performed on 30 routinely processed specimens. Twenty of these, from bone marrow, skin, spleen, liver, lymph node and jejunal mucosa, contained infiltrates of TMC. These represented various types of generalized mastocytosis/systemic mast cell disease, including benign systemic mastocytosis. Ten specimens consisted of tissue with a marked reactive increase in TMC; most of these were lymph nodes with chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis and benign or malignant solid tumours. In all 30 specimens TMC exhibited an annular pattern of immunostaining, which was usually very strong. Both normal/reactive and neoplastic TMC exhibited consistent immunoreactivity with the antibody DAKO-DF1485, and this antibody may be of diagnostic value in the detection of atypical TMC associated with malignant mastocytosis. TMC and their neoplastic derivatives belong to a large family of mesenchymal and epithelial cells containing the principal surface receptor for hyaluronan.  相似文献   

The expression and regulation of porcine CD44 were studied under various experimental conditions and in the context of lymphocyte differentiational and functional status. The CD44 molecule was subject to antigenic modulation by the anti-CD44 mAbs to different degrees depending on the type of cross-linking reagent and could be induced to shed from the cell surface. The reexpression of CD44 on papain-denuded lymphocytes was heterogeneous, as about half of the cells failed to resynthesize the molecule after prolonged culture, whereas the rest of the cells had a high turnover. Stimulation of lymphocytes by mitogens caused prolonged, dose-dependent elevation of the expression of CD44. Expression of CD44 on lymph node cells was found to be correlated with the expression of CD2 and sIgM. A CD2-CD4-sIgM-CD44-MHC Class IIhiCD45+ cell subset was identified, which was present in small numbers in lymph nodes but was enriched in gut-associated lymphoid tissues. In the thymus, CD44 expression seemed to be correlated with the differentiation status of thymocytes. In general, the expression of CD44 in the lymphoid tissues tested appeared to be related to their level of cell migration capacity.  相似文献   

The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is extremely poor, because there are usually invasion of surrounding tissues and metastases to lymph nodes, liver or peritoneum at the time of diagnosis. Many studies from the molecular-biological stand point have demonstrated this poor prognosis. However, the mechanisms underlying these invasive and metastatic capabilities have not yet been clarified. We reviewed several reports for prognostic factors of pancreatic cancer in molecular-biological examinations, and introduced our recent study on the adhesion molecule CD44. The CD44 variant 6 (v6) molecule has been noted as a marker for tumor metastasis and prognosis in several tumors. We examined whether or not v6 is a useful marker for evaluating the prognosis of pancreatic cancer patients. In addition, we attempted to assess the clinicopathological implications for pancreatic cancer of the variant 2 (v2) isoform using a recently developed monoclonal antibody against a v2 epitope. The expression of CD44 v6 and v2 was observed only in tumor cells, if at all. The expression of CD44 v6 and v2 was correlated with decreased overall survival. A significant correlation was obtained between CD44 v2 and vessel invasion. These results suggest that CD44 v2 and CD44 v6 may be useful markers of a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of the expression of adhesive molecules [CD44 (standard form) and sialyl Lewis A (sialyl Lea)] on hepatic metastasis, 108 advanced gastric carcinomas and 94 advanced colorectal carcinomas were investigated immunohistochemically. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that CD44 expression and lymph node metastasis in gastric cancer and CD44 and sialyl Lea expression in colorectal cancer were significantly related to hepatic metastasis. The incidence of hepatic metastasis was highest in patients with the expression of both CD44 and sialyl Lea. The expression of CD44 standard form as well as sialyl Lea may have a major role as adhesion molecules in the process of hepatic metastasis.  相似文献   

The human B lymphocyte-specific Ag, CD22, is a cell adhesion molecule expressed on the surface during a narrow window of B cell development, coincident with surface IgD. A ligand for CD22 has recently been identified on human T cells as the low molecular mass isoform of the leukocyte common Ag, CD45RO. CD22 has been reported to function in the regulation of both T and B cell activation in vitro. In this study, we report the isolation and expression of a molecular cDNA clone encoding the murine homologue of CD22, mCD22. Within their predicted protein sequences, murine and human sequences overall have 62% identity, which includes 18 of 20 extracellular cysteines and six of six cytoplasmic tyrosines. BHK cells transfected with mCD22 cDNA specifically adhere to resting and activated T lymphocytes and in addition bound activated, but not resting, B cells. Five Th clones were analyzed for their ability to adhere to mCD22; two Th0 clones and one Th1 clone bound CD22+ BHK transfectants, but not all T cell clones bound CD22+ cells: another Th1 clone and a Th2 clone did not. mCD22+ BHK transfectants were also specifically bound by the B cell-specific mAb, NIM-R6, demonstrating that this mAb is specific for murine CD22. Human cell lines expressing the counter-receptors for human CD22 were also examined for adhesion to the murine CD22 homologue; the epitope responsible for B cell adhesion to CD22 is conserved, whereas the T cell epitope binding to CD22 is not. The cDNA and mAb to murine CD22 will be useful for defining the in vivo function of CD22.  相似文献   

IL-2-activated NK cells exhibit cytotoxic activity against a wide variety of tumor cells in a non-MHC-restricted fashion and in the absence of prior sensitization. The molecular mechanisms that regulate the cytotoxicity and attachment of activated killer cells to tumor target cells are not known. We provide genetic evidence in CD44(-/-) and LFA-1(-/-) mice that the cell adhesion receptors LFA-1 and CD44 regulate the cytotoxic activity of IL-2-activated NK cells against a variety of different tumor cells. This defect in cytotoxicity was significantly enhanced in mice that carried a double mutation of both CD44 and LFA-1. In vitro differentiation, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma production, and expression of the cytolytic effector molecules perforin and Fas-L were comparable among IL-2-activated NK cells from LFA-1(-/-), CD44(-/-), CD44(-/-)LFA-1(-/-), and control mice. However, CD44(-/-), LFA-1(-/-), and CD44(-/-)LFA-1(-/-) IL-2-activated NK cells showed impaired binding and conjugate formation with target cells. We also show that hyaluronic acid is the principal ligand on tumor cells for CD44-mediated cytotoxicity of IL-2-activated NK cells. These results provide the first genetic evidence of the role of adhesion receptors in IL-2-activated NK killing. These data also indicate that distinct adhesion receptors cooperate to mediate binding between effector and target cells required for the initiation of "natural" cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell adhesion molecules play a key role in inflammation by initiating leukocyte trafficking. One of the most complex inflammatory responses is the formation of a cellular granuloma. Expression of adhesion molecules during granuloma formation was investigated by using the murine host reaction to schistosome parasite eggs deposited in the liver as a model. By both immunohistochemistry and lymphocyte adhesion assays, the predominant interaction identified was between intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and its cognate integrin, leukocyte functional antigen 1 (LFA-1). ICAM-1 expression on sinusoidal endothelium was induced when eggs were first deposited in the liver, peaked in parallel with granuloma size, and was downregulated with modulation of the granuloma. Polyacrylamide beads coated with soluble parasite egg antigens could induce ICAM-1 expression on endothelial cells in vitro only in the presence of tumor necrosis factor alpha, a cytokine previously shown to be key to granuloma formation. A role for ICAM-1 in recruiting lymphocytes to the hepatic granuloma was also supported by the observation that lymphocytes preincubated with anti-LFA-1 antibody did not bind to granulomas in tissue sections. While ICAM-1 is the predominant adhesion molecule in schistosome egg granuloma formation in wild-type mice, when the ICAM-1 gene is knocked out, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 is upregulated and granuloma formation is preserved.  相似文献   

The evaluation of brain tumor recurrence and therapy-induced benign changes following surgery and/or irradiation is a diagnostic challenge for imaging methods based on either morphology (cCT/MRI) or function (SPECT/PET). Current literature and the present data of our own patients demonstrate the diagnostic efficiency of IMT-SPECT and FDG-PET in the detection of recurrence and in-vivo grading. Thirty-nine patients suspected of brain tumor recurrence at follow-up were studied by FDG-PET and IMT-SPECT. Thirty-four of 39 patients showed recurrences; in 12 cases even a change in the grade of malignancy was observed. All high-grade recurrences could be confirmed by either methods. IMT-SPECT showed a higher sensitivity in detecting low-grade tumors at recurrence. In contrast to IMT-SPECT, FDG-PET supports sufficient in-vivo grading. Both methods can be used to differentiate between tumor recurrence and radionecrosis. In conclusion the results of our study demonstrate the efficiency of IMT-SPECT and FDG-PET in confirming recurrences and determining the actual tumor grade.  相似文献   

We immunohistochemically examined the expression of CD44 standard (CD44 st) and CD44 variant 6 (CD44 v6) in 112 cases of primary lung cancer, and their relationship to the clinical milieu, including the clinical stage. In 46 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, expression of CD44 st was observed in 45.7% of the cases, and expression of CD44 v6 was observed in 60.9%. In 43 cases of adenocarcinoma, positive staining of CD44 st and CD44 v6 was seen in 2.3% and 4.7% of the cases, respectively. None of 21 small cell carcinomas was positive for CD44 st or CD44 v6. In squamous cell carcinomas, the expression of CD44 st and CD44 v6 was observed at a rate significantly higher than in other histologic type. Most specimens positive for CD44 st stained positively for CD44 v6. Therefore, it seems likely that the CD44 expression observed in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung was a variant CD44 containing the domain encoded by variant exon 6. The expression of CD44 v6 was not related to the clinical stage. Significant association between CD44 v6 and differentiation of squamous cell carcinoma was seen; 2/7 (28.6%) for poorly differentiated, 19/31 (61.3%) for moderately differentiated, and 7/8 (87.5%) for well differentiated squamous cell carcinomas (p = 0.02 by trend test). It was previously reported that CD44 st and CD44 v6 were expressed in both normal bronchial epithelium and squamous cell metaplasia. These results suggest that the expression of CD44 v6 in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung may reflect the immunohistochemical characteristics of the tissue from which such carcinoma emerge.  相似文献   

CD44 can be considered structurally and functionally one of the most variable surface molecules. Alternative splicing of variant exons as well as posttranslational modifications of the molecule (differences in glycosylation) generate a rich repertoire of CD44 isoforms (CD44v), some of which seem to play a key role in tumor growth and progression. Immunodetection of CD44 isoforms in vivo, using mAbs specific for CD44 variant exon products, is largely used to identify those CD44 molecules involved in tumor growth and progression and to interfere with CD44-mediated processes. In the present work we demonstrate that the immunoreactivity of some mAbs directed to CD44 exon-specific epitopes can be impaired by the structural variability of the molecule. Our findings demonstrate that (1) specific exon assortment and/or posttranslational modifications of CD44v molecules can mask CD44 exon-specific epitopes; (2) glycosaminoglycan side chains, carried by some CD44v isoforms of high molecular weight, may play a critical role in determining the exact conformation of the molecule, which is necessary for the detection of CD44 variant epitopes by specific mAbs; and (3) in a panel of stable transfectants expressing CD44 N-glycosylation site-specific mutants, generated in the constant region of CD44 extracellular domain, asparagine-isoleucine substitution is sufficient per se to impair the immunoreactivity of several mAbs to pan-CD44. Thus, conformational changes due to the alternative splicing of CD44 variant exons and/or posttranslational modifications of the molecule (different degree of glycosylation), which are cell type-specific, are likely to generate CD44 variants that elude immunodetection. These findings strongly suggest that immunohistochemical analysis of CD44 expression in vitro and in vivo, using mAbs specific for CD44 variant exon epitopes, can potentially be impaired by a large number of false negative results.  相似文献   

Through the interaction with its ligands, CD80/B7-1 and CD86/B7-2 or B70, the human CD28 molecule plays a major functional role as a costimulator of T cells along with the CD3-TcR complex. We and others have previously reported that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inducibly associates with CD28. This association is mediated by the SH2 domains of the p85 adaptor subunit interacting with a cytoplasmic YMNM consensus motif present in CD28 at position 173-176. Disruption of this binding site by site-directed mutagenesis abolishes CD28-induced activation events in a murine T-cell hybridoma transfected with human CD28 gene. Here we show that the last 10 residues of the intracytoplasmic domain of CD28 (residues 193-202) are required for its costimulatory function. These residues are involved in interleukin-2 secretion, p85 binding, and CD28-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. In contrast, the CD28/CD8O interaction is unaffected by this deletion, as is the induction of other second messengers such as the rise in intracellular calcium and tyrosine phosphorylation of CD28-specific substrates. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that, within these residues, the tyrosine at position 200 is involved in p85 binding, probably together with the short proline-rich motif present between residues 190 and 194 (PYAPP).  相似文献   

Ep-CAM, an epithelium-specific cell-cell adhesion molecule (CAM) not structurally related to the major families of CAMs, contains a cytoplasmic domain of 26 amino acids. The chemical disruption of the actin microfilaments, but not of the microtubuli or intermediate filaments, affected the localization of Ep-CAM at the cell-cell boundaries, suggesting that the molecule interacts with the actin-based cytoskeleton. Mutated forms of Ep-CAM were generated with the cytoplasmic domain truncated at various lengths. All of the mutants were transported to the cell surface in the transfectants; however, the mutant lacking the complete cytoplasmic domain was not able to localize to the cell-cell boundaries, in contrast to mutants with partial deletions. Both the disruption of the actin microfilaments and a complete truncation of the cytoplasmic tail strongly affected the ability of Ep-CAM to mediate aggregation of L cells. The capability of direct aggregation was reduced for the partially truncated mutants but remained cytochalasin D sensitive. The tail truncation did not affect the ability of the transfectants to adhere to solid-phase-adsorbed Ep-CAM, suggesting that the ability to form stable adhesions and not the ligand specificity of the molecule was affected by the truncation. The formation of intercellular adhesions mediated by Ep-CAM induced a redistribution to the cell-cell boundaries of alpha-actinin, but not of vinculin, talin, filamin, spectrin, or catenins. Coprecipitation demonstrated direct association of Ep-CAM with alpha-actinin. Binding of alpha-actinin to purified mutated and wild-type Ep-CAMs and to peptides representing different domains of the cytoplasmic tail of Ep-CAM demonstrates two binding sites for alpha-actinin at positions 289 to 296 and 304 to 314 of the amino acid sequence. The results demonstrate that the cytoplasmic domain of Ep-CAM regulates the adhesion function of the molecule through interaction with the actin cytoskeleton via alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

Attributable risks (ARs) for bladder cancer were computed in relationship to cigarette smoking, coffee consumption, low intake of vegetables, history of cystitis, and occupation using data from a case-control study conducted in northern Italy between 1985 and 1993. Cases were 431 patients with histologically confirmed bladder cancer, and controls were 491 patients admitted to the same network of hospitals for acute, nonneoplastic, and non-urinary-tract diseases. Overall, the AR estimates were 49% for cigarette smoking, 23% for coffee consumption, 16% for low intake of vegetables, 12% for history of cystitis, and 4% for occupation. These five factors together explained more than 70% of bladder cancer cases in this population. The AR for cigarette smoking was significantly higher among men (56%) than women (17%), whereas coffee consumption, low vegetable intake, and cystitis were more important (but not significantly so) among women. These results suggest that more than 2500 of the 5400 deaths due to bladder cancer in Italy in 1990 could have been prevented by the elimination of cigarette smoking. With some appropriate dietary modification and intervention to prevent urinary tract infections and occupational exposures, this figure could approach 4000 avoidable deaths. Thus, bladder cancer could become a rare cause of death in this population.  相似文献   

In mitogenic signaling pathways, Shc participates in the growth factor activation of Ras by interacting with activated receptors and/or the Grb-2.Sos complex. Using several experimental approaches we demonstrate that Shc, through its SH2 domain, forms a complex with the cytoplasmic domain of cadherin, a transmembrane protein involved in the Ca2+-dependent regulation of cell-cell adhesion. This interaction is demonstrated in a yeast two-hybrid assay, by co-precipitation from mammalian cells, and by direct biochemical analysis in vitro. The Shc-cadherin association is phosphotyrosine-dependent and is abrogated by addition of epidermal growth factor to A-431 cells maintained in Ca2+-free medium, a condition that promotes changes in cell shape. Shc may therefore participate in the control of cell-cell adhesion as well as mitogenic signaling through Ras.  相似文献   

Aggregation of many cell-surface receptors results in tyrosine phosphorylation of numerous proteins. We previously observed the tyrosine phosphorylation of the platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule, PECAM-1 (CD31), after FcepsilonRI stimulation in rat basophilic leukemia RBL-2H3 cells. Here we found that PECAM-1 was also transiently tyrosine-phosphoryated after adherence of these cells to fibronectin. Similarly aggregation of the T cell receptor on Jurkat cells also induced this tyrosine phosphorylation. The protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 is a widely expressed cytosolic enzyme with two Src homology 2 (SH2) domains. SHP-2, but not the related protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, associated with PECAM-1. This association of the two proteins correlated with the extent of the tyrosine phosphorylation of PECAM-1. A fusion protein containing the two SH2 domains of SHP-2 precipitated PECAM-1 from cell lysates and also directly bound to phosphorylated PECAM-1. In immune precipitate phosphatase assays, there was tyrosine dephosphorylation of PECAM-1. Therefore, integrin and immune receptor activation results in tyrosine phosphorylation of PECAM-1 and the binding of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, which could regulate receptor-mediated signaling in cells.  相似文献   

The expression of the intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and the integrins CD49, CD11b/c, and CD11a (LFA-1 alpha chain) was analyzed in an experimental model of pulmonary fibrosis. Adult rats were exposed to 75% oxygen during 10 weeks, and to 2.0 mg/kg of paraquat twice weekly. Rats were sacrificed at 2 days, and at 2 and 10 weeks after the first injection of paraquat. Lungs were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and used for histology and immunohistochemistry. At 2 days the lungs showed a diffuse inflammation composed of a mixed polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell infiltrate. Afterwards, the inflammatory process was predominantly mononuclear, and an increasing fibroblast proliferation was observed. Early inflammatory events (48 h) correlated with a moderate increased expression of ICAM-1, LFA, and CD11b/c in epithelial cells as well as a pronounced expression of ICAM-1 and CD11b/c in macrophages. At 2 and 10 weeks, there was a progressive increased expression of CD11b/c and ICAM-1 by macrophages, as well as of LFA in epithelial cells, and of ICAM-1 and CD49 by epithelial and interstitial cells. Lymphocytes showed a slight increased expression of LFA at 2 weeks, and of CD49 at 2 and 10 weeks. These results suggest that macrophages expressing ICAM-1, CD11b/c, and CD49 are involved in the earlier and late phases of the disease whereas fibroblast and epithelial cells expressing ICAM-1 and CD49 might play a role in the cell interactions involved in the fibrotic phase.  相似文献   

CD22 beta is a B cell-restricted phosphoprotein expressed on the surface of mature resting B cells. It mediates interactions with other cells partly or exclusively via recognition of alpha 2-6-linked sialic acids on glycoconjugates. The sialylated N-linked oligosaccharides recognized best by CD22 beta are common to many glycoproteins, suggesting that additional regulatory mechanisms may exist. Since the exocyclic side chain of sialic acid is required for recognition, we explored the effects of a naturally occurring modification of the side chain, 9-O-acetylation. Semisynthetic N-linked oligosaccharides terminating with 9-O-acetylated, alpha 2-6-linked sialic acids showed markedly reduced binding to CD22 beta relative to their non-O-acetylated counterparts. Murine lymphoid cells were probed for natural CD22 beta ligands that might be O-acetylated using recombinant soluble forms of CD22 beta (CD22 beta Rg) and influenza C esterase (CHE-Fc, which specifically removes 9-O-acetyl esters from sialic acids). By flow cytometry analysis, CD22 beta Rg binding to splenic B cells and a subset of T cells was increased by pretreatment with CHE-Fc, indicating that some potential CD22 beta ligands are naturally "masked" by 9-O-acetylation. Unmasking of these CD22 beta ligands by removal of 9-O-acetyl esters from intact splenocytes substantially increases their CD22 beta-dependent adhesion in an in vitro adhesion assay. Probing of murine lymphoid tissue sections by CD22 beta Rg and CHE-Fc treatment demonstrates regionally restricted and differentially expressed patterns of distribution between masked and unmasked ligands. For example, lymph node-associated follicular B cells express high levels of CD22 beta ligands, none of which are masked by 9-O-acetylation. In contrast, the ligands on lymph node-associated dendritic cells are almost completely masked by 9-O-acetylation, suggesting that masking may regulate interactions between CD22 beta-positive B cells and dendritic cells. In the thymus, only medullary cells express CD22 beta ligands, and a significant portion of these are masked by 9-O-acetylation, particularly at the cortical-medullary junction. Thus, 9-O-acetylation of sialic acids on immune cells is in a position to negatively regulate CD22 beta adhesion events in a manner depending on both cell type and tissue localization.  相似文献   

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