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<正>欧洲各国实现可再生能源目标现状Energy Daily,2019-03-31欧盟可再生能源(如水电、风能和太阳能)用量2017年占比达到17.5%,2020年将达到20%的目标。每个成员国根据其情况和潜力都有自己的可再生能源目标,从10%到49%不等。欧盟统计局称,虽然欧盟11个国家已超过其目标,但其余国家还落后于目标。针对2030年32%的目标,欧洲统计局认为:"虽然欧盟整体正在实现其2020年目标,但一些成员国需要做出更多的努力来履行其义务。"  相似文献   

欧盟可再生能源发展形势和2020年发展战略目标分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年,欧盟可再生能源发展呈现出新的形势:一方面,风电满足了欧盟5.3%的电力需求,已经开始发挥替代能源的战略作用;另一方面,光伏发电新增装机容量首次超过风电,显示出分布式光伏发电的巨大优势。在欧盟可再生能源"20-20-20"发展目标的基础上,欧盟各成员国相继制定了具有法律效力的国家可再生能源行动方案,规定了各国在不同时期的可再生能源的发展目标和实现路径。  相似文献   

欧盟内部就可再生能源利用目标达成协议 欧洲议会和欧盟成员国代表12月9日就欧盟委员会制定的可再生能源利用目标立法建议达成协议,以保证欧盟到2020年把可再生能源在能源总体消耗中的比例提高到20%。  相似文献   

钱伯章 《太阳能》2011,(2):55-56
综合类欧盟设定2020年可再生能源目标欧洲风能委员会(EWEA)于2011年1月4日公布欧盟27国可再生能源行动计划分析报告,按照这一分析,欧盟27国到2020年可再生能源将超过其最终能源消费20%的目标。对照该行动计划表明,欧盟27国可再生能源将可满足其2020年能源消费的20.7%。到2020年,欧盟电力需求的1/3(34%)将由可再生能源供应。风能将在实现这一目标中发挥关键作用,将占欧盟总电力需求的14%(从213GW  相似文献   

欧盟可再生能源现状、未来发展与挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
据估计,欧盟的可再生能源在欧盟内部总能耗中的份额将从1992年的5.3%提高到2020年的6.2%。到2030年这个比例仍将小于7%。而白皮书中规定的战略和行动计划将力图使欧盟的2010年可再生能源份额达到12%的目标。另外各国国内的可再生能源发展目标应该和欧盟目标中可再生能源电力份额从1997年的13,9%增加到2010年的22.1%的目标一致。发展可再生能源是欧盟能源政策的中心目标,因为可再生能源在欧盟的主要目标——减少二氧化碳的排放中扮演着一个重要的角色。而且它还将通过减少欧盟对进口能源的依赖增进能源供应安全性。从中长期来看,和常规能源相比,可再生能源在经济上具备竞争力。文章就可再生能源在欧盟的发展现状和未来发展进行论述  相似文献   

<正>德国环境部长诺贝特·罗特根日前宣布:"到2050年德国的能源几乎全部来自可再生能源。"据悉,这是迄今世界上最宏大的可再生能源发展目标。德国在可再生能源发电方面一直走在世界前列。2005年德国政府曾宣布,希望到2010年可再生能源发电比例达到12.5%。据统计,2009年底德国可再生能源发电量已占电力消耗的16%,也超过了欧盟对其成员国  相似文献   

欧盟环保能源计划草案近日出台,计划到2020年欧盟的绿色环保能源总量占整个能源消耗量的比重从目前的8.5%增加到20%。该草案建议每个欧盟成员国至少提供整个目标量5.75%的可再生能源量,而较富裕成员国的负担将更重。草案涉及三方面内容:电力,交通,供热和制冷。在交通运输方面,所有欧盟成员国必须保证他们的生物燃料的比例到2012年至少达到6.5%,2020年达到10%。  相似文献   

为了保障能源安全、实现能源来源多元化,并应对气候变化,欧盟积极发展可再生能源。到2006年,欧盟可再生能源开发利用总量占其能源消费总量的比例已达到6.3%。风电在欧盟可再生能源中占据了主导地位,2005年欧盟风电装机容量达到了40GW以上,提前5年实现了2010年风电装机40GW发展目标。2006年风电新增装机容量在全部新增发电装机容量的比例达到了30%以上,累计风电装机容量已达到48.55GW,  相似文献   

正Energy Daily,2018-02-202月20日发布的新报告称,欧盟成员国应该利用可再生能源成本下降的优势,对该领域投入更多资金,到2030年使可再生能源占能源总产量的1/3。国际可再生能源署(IRENA)研究表明,到2030年,欧盟可再生能源可占总产量的34%,高于目前27%的目标,是2016年的两倍。  相似文献   

2008年欧盟27国的温室气体排放量比上年下降1.5%,从而实现了欧盟温室气体排放连续4年下降。欧盟及其成员国一直积极推动有关气候和环境问题的国际谈判。去年12月通过的欧盟能源气候一揽子计划承诺,欧盟到2020年将温室气体排放量在1990年基础上至少减少20%,将可再生清洁能源占总能源消耗的比例提高到20%,将煤、石油、天然气等化石能源消费量减少20%。  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) is developing an increasingly close relationship with Moldova, going beyond cooperation, to gradual economic integration and a deepening of political cooperation. This fact indicates that eventually the adoption of EU legislation in the energy sector is a necessity. Therefore, the provision of a clear picture of the country’s renewable energy potential is considered essential, bearing in mind the new EU Renewable Energy Directive, which sets a mandatory target of 20% of renewable energy sources by 2020 for each member state. The aim of this paper is to discuss the perspective of renewable energy in Moldova taking into account the current energy framework and to analyze, whether it is suitable to adopt similar methodologies and policy frameworks applied in other EU countries.  相似文献   

One of the current energy policy's goals in the European Union (EU) is the exchange of knowledge and experience between the EU-15 member states and the new as well as the candidate countries in issues regarding the development of Renewable Energy Sources and the promotion of Energy Efficiency (EE). Nowadays, the liberalization of energy markets and the deterioration of the climate, in combination with the non-stop crude oil price increase, have had a decisive influence on the development of the above sectors. In addition, one of the most important elements for the renewable energy and EE development is the enhancement of energy producers by renewable energy and Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), respectively. These companies’ success is based on the formulation of a modern environment in each EU member state. However, the environment in the new and candidate member states is less mature than the environment in the EU-15 member states, as it is still in its development phase. In this context, the main aim of this paper is to present a “multi-dimensional” decision support methodology for the formulation of modern energy companies’ operational environment in the 13 new and candidate member states of the EU.  相似文献   

The utilisation of anaerobic digestion to produce biogas as an energy source is a mature technology in many European countries but is yet to be developed in Ireland. In 2009, the EU issued the Renewable Energy Source Directive 2009/28/EC which requires a 20% share of renewable energy sources (heat and electricity) in final energy consumption for all member states, respectively, including a 10% share of biofuels in the transport sector by 2020. The introduction of biogas to produce power and electricity in the form of CHP technology and biomethane as a transport fuel can help Ireland achieve the mandatory targets set by the directive. The key focus of the paper is to determine the optimum small to medium scale biogas technology and the impact the introduction of that technology infrastructure will have on renewable energy targets for Ireland. In terms of feedstock, agricultural sources such as energy crops and slurry offer a sustainable input to the anaerobic digestion process. The crop rotations under consideration consist of different arrangements of grass silage, maize silage and barley. Grass silage is found to be the most suitable crop for biogas energy production while biogas upgrading to biomethane as a transport fuel has the optimum technology potential in Ireland. To fuel a car operating on biomethane, 0.22 ha of grass land is required annually. Full scale national development of 5% of the area under grass in Ireland will contribute 11.4% of renewable energy to the total final transport energy demand by 2020, surpassing the target set by the Renewable Energy Source Directive 2009/28/EC.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2006,30(5):385-392
The European Union has set up indicative targets for its 15 Member States to supply 22.1% of their total electricity consumption using renewable energy resources by 2010. This paper compares two ways to achieve target compliance—either with import of biomass from countries outside the EU or without. The ADMIRE REBUS model combines cost data for electricity producing renewable energy technologies with data on the renewable energy resources available in EU and assesses the effect of the various national support policies for green electricity in the EU countries. The major finding of the study is that increased imports of low-cost biomass will significantly reduce the cost of target compliance, but would hamper the use of energy crops and further development of wind power within the EU. Despite this, increased importation of biomass can be the cost-reducing factor making the target realisable, which would justify promotion of such trade.  相似文献   

The European market for renewable electricity received a major stimulus from the adoption of the Directive on the Promotion of Renewable Electricity. The Directive specifies the indicative targets for electricity supply from renewable energy sources (RES-E) to be reached in European Union (EU) Member States in the year 2010. It also requires Member States to certify the origin of their renewable electricity production. This article presents a first EU-wide quantitative evaluation of the effects of meeting the targets, using an EU-wide system for tradable green certificates (TGC). We calculate the equilibrium price of green certificates and identify which countries are likely to export or import certificates. Cost advantages of participating in such an EU-wide trading scheme are determined for each of the Member States. Moreover, we identify which choice of technologies results in meeting targets at least costs. Results are obtained from a model that quantifies the effects of achieving the RES-E targets in the EU with and without trade. The article provides a brief insight in this model as well as the methodology that was used to specify cost potential curves for renewable electricity in each of the 15 EU Member States. Model calculations show that within the EU-wide TGC system, the total production costs of the last option needed to satisfy the overall EU RES-E target equals 9.2 eurocent/kWh. Assuming that the production price of electricity on the European power market would equal 3 eurocent/kWh in the year 2010, the indicative green certificate price equals 6.2 eurocent/kWh. We conclude that implementation of an EU-wide TGC system is a cost-efficient way of stimulating renewable electricity supply.  相似文献   

The European Commission expects the use of biomass for energy in the EU to increase significantly between 2010 and 2020 to meet a legally binding target to cover at least 20% of EU's total energy use from renewable sources in 2020. According to estimates made by the member states of the EU, the direct supply of biomass from forests is expected to increase by 45% on a volume basis between 2006 and 2020 in response to increasing demand (Beurskens LWM, Hekkenberg M, Vethman P. Renewable energy projections as published in the national renewable energy action plans of the European Member states. ECN and EEA; 2011. http://https://www.ecn.nl/docs/library/report/2010/e10069.pdf [accessed 25.04.2014]; Dees M, Yousef A, Ermert J. Analysis of the quantitative tables of the national renewable energy action plans prepared by the 27 European Union Member States in 2010. BEE working paper D7.2. Biomass Energy Europe project. FELIS – Department of Remote Sensing and landscape information Systems, University of Freiburg, Germany; 2011). Our aims were to test the hypotheses that European private forest owners' attitudes towards supplying woody biomass for energy (1) can be explained by their responses to changes in prices and markets and (2) are positive so that the forest biomass share of the EU 2020 renewable energy target can be met. Based on survey data collected in 2010 from 800 private forest owners in Sweden, Germany and Portugal our results show that the respondents' attitudes towards supplying woody biomass for energy cannot be explained as direct responses to changes in prices and markets. Our results, furthermore, imply that European private forest owners cannot be expected to supply the requested amounts of woody biomass for energy to meet the forest biomass share of the EU 2020 renewable energy target, at least if stemwood is to play the important role as studies by Verkerk PJ, Anttila P, Eggers J, Lindner M, Asikainen A. The realisable potential supply of woody biomass from forests in the European Union. For Ecol Manag 2011;261: 2007–2015, UNECE and FAO. The European forest sector outlook study II 2010–2030. United Nations, New York and Geneva; 2011 [abbreviated to EFSOS II] and Elbersen B, Staritsky I, Hengeveld G, Schelhaas MJ, Naeff H, Böttcher H. Atlas of EU biomass potentials; 2012. Available from: http://www.biomassfutures.eu [accessed 14.10.2013] suggest.  相似文献   

Considerable argument about trading in green electricity certificates (GECs) preceded the publication of the proposed EU Renewables Directive in early 2008. The proposed Directive set a binding target of 20 per cent of EU energy to be derived from renewable energy by 2020 broken down into targets for each member state. Those arguing for trade in green certificates, called certificates of guaranteed origin (GO), included major electricity companies. However, the idea of mandatory trading was opposed by the main renewable energy industry lobby groups. The proposed Directive limited trading in accordance with the demands of the renewables industry pressure groups. Analysis suggests that if member states were forced to trade to achieve a mandatory target of 20 per cent target, then GEC prices would rise to high levels because the demand for tradeable certificates would be much higher than their supply. Trading is unlikely to improve the prospects for meeting the targets. A system of nationally based ‘feed-in tariff’ systems would not face the problems of uncertain certificate prices faced by compulsory trading in GECs.  相似文献   

Renewable energy is in a rapid development stage in China, and some technologies are in commercialisation or near commercialisation and have large development potential from resource, technology and industry points. Renewable energy has begun to play a role in the energy structure, and it has the potential for large scale development. According to the national target, renewable power will represent 12% of the total power capacity in China in 2020. It is expected that it will reach 30% or even more in the 2040s and renewable energy will be an important substitute energy at that time.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of the use of different metrics in the EU renewable energy target definition. The analysis, using a case study of the Dutch renewable energy support for illustration, reveals that a target based on primary energy would have led to a ranking in which renewable electricity options would predominantly have been considered cheaper for realizing the target. As a primary energy-based target is more closely linked to overarching objectives of the EU Renewable Energy Directive, such as climate change and energy security, this implies that the least cost realization of the current final energy-based target does not necessarily lead to the least cost mix for reducing CO2 emissions or avoiding fossil primary energy. The Dutch case study also shows that the budget allocation in favour of renewable heat and gas options was not only a direct consequence of the final energy-based target but also because of the limited annual budget available for support in the analysed period. With the increase of the support budget since 2013, the budget allocation between the renewable energy categories has become more balanced. Lessons for policy design are provided by highlighting the importance of side-effects which are often insufficiently recognized in the design stage of targets. In the case of the EU renewable energy target, the choice for a final energy-based target did, on the one hand, not consider the consequences for least cost target achievement (negative side-effect), but on the other provided an incentive to pay more attention to renewable heat (positive side-effect).  相似文献   

AbstractFor the European Union's Member States 2001/77/EC Directive on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market determined targets for 2010 of 21% share of electricity from renewable energy sources in total electricity consumption. Particular Member States adopted different measures for development of renewable and in consequence they achieved different results. Poland, being Member State of the EU since 2004 has accepted target of 7.5% for electricity generated from renewable energy sources until 2010. Currently, in this decade, new 2009/28/EC Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources plays significant role in development of renewable energy sources. Directive set new target for 2020. Nowadays is a time for summary and assessment of results fulfilling Directives and monitor progress of new targets. Article presents measures implemented for renewable source energy development, also current state and perspectives of using of renewable energy sources in Poland and in the EU.  相似文献   

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