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城市犯罪和公共安全是最重要的城市公共问题之一。作为产学研载体的大型工业园区大量的兴起,随之而来的园区内犯罪活动也日益增多。基于建筑信息模型(BIM),结合闭路电视监控系统(CCTV)以及工业园区内的警卫巡逻,是一个有效预防犯罪的方法。在固有大型工业园区环境基础上,本文提出了一个大型工业园区内保安巡逻系统的数学模型。根据现有区内建筑物及车道、人行道等的分布,经过定量分析,获得空间的可视性、接近性和本征性,找出园区内防犯薄弱点,针对防范薄弱区域增添CCTV,确定保安的巡逻路径。最后通过基因遗传算法,对保安巡逻路径进行拓扑优化,得出最佳巡逻路径。通过文中的案例分析,本文所提出的模型可有效的预防大型工业园区内的犯罪发生,并大大提高了分析的效率。  相似文献   

One of the most challenging current issues in planning systems is the extent to which they are now being expected to contribute to effective crime prevention, given the importance that both politicians and the public worldwide attach to crime reduction. Recent British initiatives have opened up some of the debates surrounding this matter, and this paper examines key operational elements of these. In particular, the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, has placed a new duty upon British local planning authorities to exercise their functions with due regard both to the effect on, and the need to do all they can to prevent, crime and disorder. The government has subsequently reinforced this initiative by indicating in the Urban Policy White Paper (2000) its intention that crime prevention should become a key objective in planning. This article therefore takes as given the intention that the planning system in Britain should engage more effectively with these matters than it has done to date, noting in passing that there is extensive academic debate particularly around the concept of fear of crime, and begins to address some of the implications for the British planning system of actually doing this.  相似文献   

于婷婷  冷红  袁青 《规划师》2020,(5):45-48
全球频发的传染病疫情对城市公共安全造成严重威胁,城市应急性规划响应成为应对公共健康风险的重要议题。为剖析城市系统面对突发公共卫生事件时的运作规律,文章从复杂性视角解读城市公共健康风险特征,构建适应性主体-城市空间-社会网络的复杂系统并分析其复杂适应机制,同时结合智慧规划技术方法拓宽适应性规划响应途径,实现从疫情防控管理到空间布局规划的尺度转换,以期为完善城市公共安全规划、建设健康城市人居环境提供参考。  相似文献   

曾真 《今日消防》2021,6(7):101-103
通常情况下,公共场所的人员、电气设备等都较为集中,且随着科学技术的发展,建筑形式复杂多样,一旦出现火灾,就会造成重、特大火灾事故的发生,威胁着人民的生命和财产安全,因此加强公共场所的消防安全管理显得尤为重要.文章从公共场所的消防防火的重要性和火灾特点出发,对公共场所消防安全隐患进行了详细分析,并结合自身防火经验,提出针对性的防火对策,旨在强化公共场所消防安全管理质量,降低消防安全隐患,从整体上提升公共场所的消防防火能力.  相似文献   

现有犯罪学研究成果表明,公共绿地空间与城市犯罪事件的发生存在紧密联系。本研究以实际数据为基础,现状场地调研为依据,CPTED理论为指导,探究北京市朝阳区32个单元的犯罪率与绿化覆盖率之间的关系。其次,随机抽取朝阳区12个具有代表性的绿地进行深入分析,根据空间环境特征将其归纳为4个具有典型特征的绿地形态,并由其易滋生犯罪的环境特征提出规划设计层面的改进方案,以期为城市空间环境规划设计的犯罪预防提供合理的建议。  相似文献   

城市公共空间是城市社会生活的“发生器”,在其物质表象下是活动人群社会关系特征的反映,呈现出如类聚、排斥甚至冲突等特征,其形成和重塑过程也是空间生产的社会过程。基于社会属性的视角,城市公共空间规划设计应从公平原则出发来完善其规划布局,注重城市公共空间类型的多样化以服务不同的社会人群,应注重公共空间的认知性来提升场所的特色和记忆,以增强社区归属感,并且应发挥法定规划特别是控制性详细规划编制的制度作用。城市公共空间的品质保障是促进城市社会生活更为健康和谐的重要基础。  相似文献   

蔡凯瑧 《华中建筑》2008,26(11):92-95
该文简要回顾了英国城市规划及设计领域对于公共空间犯罪防控的研究及实践成果,从空间设计策略及规划管控实施层面总结了英国规划系统在这方面的成功经验,并揭示了其对于相关城市设计研究实践的启示意义。  相似文献   

母乳哺育设施建设是体现我国城市文明和人性关爱的重要内容之一。在全面开放二孩政策背景下,公共场所母乳哺育设施的供需矛盾日益成为社会关注的焦点,亟待探索该类特殊附属型设施规划编制的理论及方法。本文通过总结国内外哺育设施建设相关研究与实践,基于母乳哺育设施建设现实,厘清了母乳哺育设施配置理论基础,构建了母乳哺育设施规划框架。以国内首倡并实践"公共场所母乳哺育设施规划"的苏州市为例,结合规划框架提出了协调总体布局、分类供给体系、分级配建标准、分区规划落实和地方法规保障的空间配建策略。通过母乳哺育设施为代表的附属型公共服务设施规划探索,助力儿童友好型城市建设,将让城市更有"温度"。  相似文献   

姜建科 《今日消防》2022,7(3):79-81
公共娱乐场所应该全面做好消防防火工作,实现对火灾隐患问题的全面排查与整改,以保障商户和消费者的生命财产安全。由于公共娱乐场所的规模较大且人员密集,给消防防火工作带来了极大的困难,如果采用传统防控模式,将会导致其经营风险增大,在火灾事故发生后容易造成难以挽回的损失。为此,应该加强工作理念和模式的创新,提高整体防火能力和水平。文章对公共娱乐场所消防防火的重要性进行分析,明确公共娱乐场所的火灾特点及隐患问题,探索公共娱乐场所的消防防火要点。  相似文献   

The numbers of English public houses or “pubs” have reduced significantly in the last two decades. Politicians have called on the planning system to resist their closure but, at the same time, demand further controls over high-street bars. This paper explores the reasons for the decline and the rationale for supporting the continuation of the “traditional” English pub. Using evidence drawn from a wider study of the relationships between places and youth drinking cultures, the paper discusses young adults' use of pubs. While recognising the adverse effects of heavy drinking, arguments are put forward in support of the traditional pub as a site for restrained and responsible social interaction for young adults. The paper discusses the issues this raises for the UK planning system in the context of responsibilities for social sustainability and public health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study models the relationship between adolescents’ perceived safety of places where they engage in their daily activities, socioeconomic characteristics, and the actual crime rates of corresponding activity places. The Teen Activity and Transportation Enterprise (TATE) project was an exploratory research and outreach project carried out at Feinstein High School in Providence, Rhode Island. Students developed activity lists that revealed how they spent their time outside of school and home, and used activity mapping techniques to differentiate urban areas perceived to be safe and unsafe. A mixed regression model was developed to measure perceived safety as the dependent variable. The independent variables included place‐based characteristics such as crime rates, distance of an activity from home, time of day the activity took place, and gender. The researchers found that all factors except race and income were significantly related to perceived safety. Independent of time of day, females felt significantly less safe. Frequency of visits, duration, and distance from home were positively correlated with safer locations. Travel by car was associated with unsafe locations. Students were aware of and affected by the level of crime in public spaces in their communities. This sensitivity and awareness should lead researchers and planners to include teenagers’ views when planning and designing public places.  相似文献   

当代北京城市“易犯罪”空间位置初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马瑞  朱文一 《建筑创作》2010,(10):198-203
本文利用插值分析方法分析了北京市公安局公开的"每周警情通报"中的"警情分布"数据,通过"统计"、"模拟"和"检验"三个步骤,模拟出当代北京城市犯罪相对集中的"易犯罪"空间位置。通过比较"易犯罪"空间位置和城市空间结构之间的关系,并结合国外对该问题的讨论,初步探讨了城市规划建设对社会治安的影响。  相似文献   

赵东昊  耿虹 《规划师》2020,(5):103-108
近年来,突发公共卫生事件的阴影一直笼罩着世界各地,现代交通技术和全球化的不断发展也为传染性疾病的肆虐提供了温床。本次新型冠状病毒肺炎更是由于病原体人际传播能力较强和发生在节庆期间等特点而对我国城市发展、人们生活造成严重的危害。文章对传统城市防灾规划内容进行解读,指出其存在防范灾种数量不足、对城市承灾体考虑不全面和内容缺乏统领协调的问题,提出关于城市防灾规划复合化体系建构的新思考,从国土空间规划体系下的总体规划、详细规划和城市综合防灾专项规划3个层面提出具体构建策略,以期为城市未来公共卫生安全防控和健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

以环境设计防止犯罪研究与实践30年   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
讨论了自纽曼提出“可防卫空间”理论30年来,以环境设计防止犯罪的理论研究与实践。这些研究与实践反映出的多元方法现在被称为“第二代以环境设计防止犯罪”。建议防止犯罪应采用综合方法,重点探讨了如何结合规划及社会和管理的各方面来防止犯罪。  相似文献   

董轶 《山西建筑》2011,37(4):117-119
结合公共娱乐场所营业范围和装修特点,对其内部装修过程中存在的消防问题进行了总结,并对其装修火灾成因进行了详细的分析,提出了加强公共娱乐场所内部装修工程消防工作的防范对策,以保障公共娱乐场所内部装修工程质量,避免火灾发生。  相似文献   

This paper introduces ‘fourth places’ as an additional category of informal social settings alongside ‘third places’. Through extensive empirical fieldwork on where and how social interaction among strangers occurs in the public and semi-public spaces of a contemporary masterplanned neighbourhood, this paper reveals that ‘fourth places’ are closely related to ‘third places’ in terms of social and behavioural characteristics, involving a radical departure from the routines of home and work, inclusivity and social comfort. However, the activities, users, locations and spatial conditions that support them are very different. They are characterized by ‘in-betweenness’ in terms of spaces, activities, time and management, as well as a great sense of publicness. This paper will demonstrate that the latter conditions are effective in breaking the ‘placelessness’ and ‘fortress’ designs of newly designed urban public spaces and that, by doing so, they make ‘fourth places’ sociologically more open in order to bring strangers together. The recognition of these findings problematizes well-established urban design theories and redefines several spatial concepts for designing public space. Ultimately, the findings also bring optimism to urban design practice, offering new insights into how to design more lively and inclusive public spaces.  相似文献   

浅述石油库综合污染防控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵冰松 《城市勘测》2012,22(4):84-86
随着石油库数量的不断增加和公众环境保护意识的增强,石油库环境污染问题越来越引人关注.正确认识和合理预防、控制油库污染对于实现企业经济、社会以及环境效益的协调发展起着非常重要的作用.文章简要分析了石油库的常规环境污染途径、方式及火灾爆炸事故造成的环境风险,分别从规划、设计和运行三个阶段论述了常规环境污染控制以及事故状态下的风险防控,并提出此项工作应贯穿于规划、设计和运行的全过程中.  相似文献   

城市设计与城市公共空间犯罪防控   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
汤晋 《华中建筑》2005,23(1):112-113
城市犯罪是当代城市严重的社会问题之,在城市设计中对城市公共空间犯罪实施有效的防控是解决城市犯罪问题的个重要途径。该文在对城市公共空间犯罪防控进行理论辨析的基础上,重点针对商业区、住宅区、公园、街道等公共空间作了相应的设计探讨。  相似文献   

Trust is a central element of planning practice because the profession is positioned at the nexus of public and private interests, has a crucial role in the contested management of space, and seeks to promote democratic governance and public participation in local decision making. While trust (social and interpersonal) is often cited as a central factor contributing to the success or failure of participatory planning processes and of plan implementation, its role in planning has not been fully conceptualized. Building on the literature on trust in governance, this paper highlights key characteristics and paradoxes of trust, discusses the importance of trust for cooperation and planning, and presents the factors that hinder and promote trust. This discussion provides the bases for planning practice and research aimed at effective trust building.  相似文献   

过快的城市化进程引发了包括住区犯罪在内的一系列城市问题。诚然,居住小区的规划设计不是导致犯罪发生的直接原因,但其设计的缺陷为犯罪的实施提供了一定的便利。山地居住小区与平原居住小区相比,在犯罪预防上面临更多挑战,其防卫设计存在着特殊性。文章从现状入手,将犯罪预防作为研究的出发点,分析山地居住小区在防卫设计上的特殊性,提出相应的防卫设计策略,为山地居住小区的规划设计提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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