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随着国内汽车保有量的增加,停车问题已成为既有住区特别是老旧住区最为突出的民生问题.该文从既有住区外围提供停车位策略、既有住区内部停车设施升级改造策略两个方面出发,提出适宜不同环境下的既有住区停车设施升级改造策略,可为解决既有住区停车难问题提供参考.  相似文献   

当前,黄冈市中心城区停车位相对不足,停车难问题十分凸显,“停车难”“道路堵”已经成为妨碍城市整体环境提升、制约城区发展的难点与焦点问题。与此同时,随着城镇化建设进程的加快和国民生活水平的不断提高,机动车持续保持上升趋势,现有的停车设施存量无法适应该增长需求。面对上述停车问题的高压态势,缓解黄冈市中心城区停车供需矛盾,满足社会经济和停车发展的要求,促进黄冈市中心城区停车设施科学可持续发展需要引起高度重视。  相似文献   

谷兴博 《城市住宅》2016,(12):76-79
正老城区停车位配建水平普遍较低,合理制定老旧小区停车发展政策与策略是缓解其停车矛盾的有力措施。老城区停车难的主要原因包括:小客车快速增长、停车位配建不足、车辆随意停放且城区内部空间有限等。通过对老城区停车趋势的判断,提出综合冶理、多元化、市场化的停车发展思路,从政策机制、规划建设、运行管理等方面提出停车发展建议。  相似文献   

王倩 《山西建筑》2009,35(9):20-21
通过对旧居住区内“停车难”问题产生的背景进行分析,得出了改善旧住区停车问题的原则——有机发展,并进一步提出了解决1日居住区停车问题的途径,从而更好的缓解由于私人轿车的增多给旧居住区带来的影响。  相似文献   

社会飞速发展,越来越多的汽车进入家庭。汽车多了,停车难成为城市的又一“硬伤”。 停车位紧缺,但大量空闲车位未得到合理利用。繁华地段无处停车,偏僻地区的停车位却常常空着。如医院周边的停车位就是一个老问题。采访中,有市民给记者说了这样一句顺口溜:“看病十分钟,停车一小时。”虽是戏言,但充分说明停车难。  相似文献   

随着私家车的逐步增加,社区停车位问题日渐成为比较棘手的问题,也成为纠纷的多发地,要解决这一问题任重道远。本文在对社区停车建设管理、收费现状及相关法规等问题分析基础上,提出缓解社区停车问题的建议,以期对社区停车难问题的缓解提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

贾锋 《山西建筑》2011,37(12):26-27
通过介绍停车位共享理论,分析当前大中型医院停车特点,提出了通过停车位共享解决医院停车难的方案,并通过对某医院的实例分析,指出停车位共享既提高了医院停车资源使用效率,又节约了医院运行成本,是一种解决医院停车难问题切实可行的方案。  相似文献   

卢源  李新茹  姚轶峰 《住区》2022,(2):88-94
随着小汽车保有量的持续增长,居住区停车问题已成为我国大城市亟待解决的一项重要民生问题。基于北京市多个住区停车状况及其既有解决策略的分析与评价,本文发现停车问题重点表现为停车供需矛盾,也就是日益增长的停车需求以及相对落后的停车位配套规划建设状况,但关键问题由于资金短缺、政策限制、公众意愿不统一等因素,以建设立体停车位和占用居住区其他空间资源来扩大停车位供给为核心思路的既有策略和方式难以实施落地并真正解决居住区的停车问题。基于此,本文建议将居住区道路尺寸进行调整,双向变为单向行驶,交通流线作为单循环,并采用多类型的停车位尺寸,充分利用居住区空间资源,最大化增加停车位数量,规范居民停车行为,缓解停车问题。  相似文献   

车多位少,停车位车位缺口巨大,停车难造成大量的违法占道停车现象,已经成为城市交通拥堵的首要因素。无忧停车智慧平台能实现停车诱导、语音导航、车位预定、错时停车、电子支付等功能,解决停车信息不畅、管理落后、资金流失、资源浪费的问题,缓解城市停车难题。  相似文献   

正日前,住建部为贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见》,加快推进城市停车设施规划建设,逐步缓解停车难问题,切实改善城市交通环境,发布了关于开展城市停车设施规划建设督查工作的通知,其中重点督查内容如下。(1)推进停车设施专项规划编制;(2)完善建筑物配建停车位标准;(3)加快建设停车设施;(4)加强停车用  相似文献   

居住区停车对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐海燕  林恒 《住宅科技》2004,(12):46-48
指出居住小区停车问题,应在不破坏小区生态环境的前提下,通过合理开发地上、地下空间,发展新型停车系统加以解决.  相似文献   

北京老居住区停车改善方案编制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李伟  谷一桢 《规划师》2008,24(7):75-78
城市老居住区缺乏停车空间,停车占用通道、步道、绿地等公共空间,存在消防安全隐患。北京老居住区停车改善方案编制研究选取停车问题突出的玉廊园小区作为研究对象,在充分考虑居民意愿的基础上,对居住区内的公共空间进行重新划分与合并,建设绿化停车场,既解决了停车问题,又提升了绿化景观环境。  相似文献   

大塔克马市会展及贸易中心坐落于Tacoma市百老汇大街1500号(南15街与商业街的交角处),是美国华盛顿州最大的会展设旄之一。这个2.5hm^2的会展中心提供了各类可供选择的集会空间,包括464.5m^2的无柱展厅:232.3m^2的宴会、会议厅:可提供大约670个车位的停车库。主入口设于建筑物东侧,清晰的玻璃幕墙保证建筑内部拥有良好视野。  相似文献   

我国正处于快速机动化时期,直面小汽车迅猛增长带来的停车问题及引发的城市交通、环境等问题,尤其是大城市车多地少,停车问题更为严峻。长期以来,我国大城市习惯于增加供给来满足日益增长的停车需求。然而,发达国家的停车规划实践表明,大城市必须转变停车规划策略,从充分供给转向需求管理才能治愈停车难的顽疾。选取上海3个停车规划策略不同的地点作为案例,研究发现如果合理运用停车总量限制、增加停车后步行距离、增加停车收费的策略,可以在对地区活力影响很小的情况下有效地降低停车需求。停车规划策略应该基于地区详细的停车调查,每个地点适用的停车规划策略不同。  相似文献   

This paper presents car-parking guidance with fuzzy knowledge-based decision making. The characteristic knowledge of all parking spaces is subjectively quantified via the fuzzy linguistic sets such as walking distance from parking place to building entrances, car safety, shade from sunlight outdoors, etc. With fuzzy definitions on those characteristics of parking space, the method of the ordered weight averaging can be applied to determine the truth value of the proposition: most desired characteristics of parking space are the characteristics of parking space to which the driver is being guided. The truth values of each parking space are to be used to rank all the available parking spaces. The parking space which has the maximum of the truth value is selected as the best parking space. Accordingly, the direction to the best parking space is guided in real-time by the traffic lights at intersections in parking lots for the drivers approaching. For viability of the proposed methodology, a model of real parking lots was used to simulate the interaction of the drivers to signs of traffic lights in real-time implementation.  相似文献   

The problems arising from the gap between demand and supply of parking spaces are becoming increasingly acute in most towns and cities. These difficulties are noted mainly in more densely populated areas that are poorly served by public transportation facilities and where the planning and use of existing areas is inadequate. The importance of controlling parking spaces as an integral element of the traffic and trip demand management process, together with the need to ensure a close-linked conceptual approach, has been defined and defended for quite some time. This paper presents a methodological procedure that underpins the feasibility of implementing an integrated parking system based on telematics resources. This procedure includes the development of a logic architecture for processing and transferring data and information. In order to test the proposed procedure, a medium-sized Brazilian town in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region—Niterói—was considered. A specific survey area covering some two square kilometres with a significant number of parking facilities was selected for the analysis. The results expected through the implementation of the proposed system indicate that the resulting benefits would include possibly lower levels of traffic congestion in the area under consideration, while also reducing air pollution.  相似文献   

《物权法》虽然对普通小区车位、车库的产权纠纷提供了定分止争的依据,但是,没有提及小区人防车位的产权问题,在《物权法》实施10年以后的今天,围绕小区人防车位的产权纠纷愈演愈烈。对此,目前理论上的研究局限于法学和法律视角,且争论不休、难以达成一致意见。其实,小区人防车位产权问题实质上是个经济学问题,因此,立足于经济学基本理论,沿着物品属性决定供给,供给决定产权的思路,通过分析发现:防空效能属于公共物品范畴,小区人防车位作为人防工程的一部分,政府是其防空效能的实际供给者和有效维护方,因此,其产权应该归国家所有。  相似文献   

近年,机动车保有量随着人们生活水平提高而不断增加,城市停车位供需矛盾紧张,尤其老中心城的建筑密集区域更为突出。为了进一步缓解老中心城“停车难”问题,调节已建成区域停车设施供需矛盾,利用小微地块建设沉井式地下停车库增加泊位供给,以缓解城市局部停车难问题,促进城市有机更新,改善人居环境。以厦门海沧区沉井式地下停车库为例,较为详细地介绍了沉井式地下停车库的适用范围,建设场地灵活,占地小,结构安全合理,可预制缩短工期,绿色施工,性价比高、设备先进,智能化集成度高,使用方便等,以及其在城市更新中可发挥的积极作用,具有较好的推广前景,以期为类似工程研究参考提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article is the first in the literature to investigate the network traffic equilibrium for traveling and parking with autonomous vehicles (AVs) under a fully automated traffic environment. Given that AVs can drop off the travelers at their destinations and then drive to the parking spaces by themselves, we introduce the joint equilibrium of AV route choice and parking location choice, and develop a variational inequality (VI)‐based formulation for the proposed equilibrium. We prove the equivalence between the proposed VI model and the defined equilibrium conditions. We also show that the link flow solution at equilibrium is unique, even though both the route choices and parking choices are endogenous when human‐occupied AV trips (from origin to destination) and empty AV trips (from destination to parking) are interacting with each other on the same network. We then develop a solution methodology based on the parking‐route choice structure, where we adjust parking choices in the upper level and route choices in the lower level. Numerical analysis is conducted to explore insights from the introduced modeling framework for AV network equilibrium. The results reveal the significant difference in network equilibrium flows between the AV and non‐AV situations. The results also indicate the sensitivity of the AV traffic pattern to different factors, such as value of time, parking pricing, and supply. The proposed approach provides a critical modeling device for studying the traffic equilibrium under AV behavior patterns, which can be used for the assessment of parking policies and infrastructure development in the future era of AVs.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Many cities have adopted minimum parking requirements, but there is relatively poor information about how parking infrastructure has grown. We estimate how parking has grown in Los Angeles County (CA) from 1900 to 2010 and how parking infrastructure evolves, affects urban form, and relates to changes in automobile travel using building and roadway growth models. We find that since 1975 the ratio of residential off-street parking spaces to automobiles in Los Angeles County is close to 1.0 and the greatest density of parking spaces is in the urban core, while most new growth in parking occurs outside of the core. In total, 14% of Los Angeles County's incorporated land is committed to parking. Uncertainty in our space inventory is attributed to our building growth model, on-street space length, and the assumption that parking spaces were created as per the requirements.

Takeaway for practice: The continued use of minimum parking requirements is likely to encourage automobile use at a time when metropolitan areas are actively seeking to manage congestion and increase transit use, biking, and walking. Widely discussed ways to reform parking policies may be less than effective if planners do not consider the remaining incentives to auto use created by the existing parking infrastructure. Planners should encourage the conversion of existing parking facilities to alternative uses.  相似文献   

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