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徐俊东 《中国陶瓷》2008,44(3):63-65
明代德化瓷塑大师、瓷圣何朝宗的瓷塑艺术具有独特和永恒的艺术魅力,它达到了中国古代瓷塑艺术成就的高峰。何朝宗鬼斧神工的瓷塑艺术将宗教精神、人生哲学、审美情趣融入德化的白瓷,创造出了一件件不朽的瓷塑艺术品,他的艺术风格一直影响到数百年后的今天。现存福建泉州海交馆的何朝宗瓷塑艺术代表作品《渡海观音》,就是一尊何氏精湛的雕塑艺术语言和艺术家心目中的“世上独一无二的艺术珍品”。何朝宗的瓷塑艺术凝铸着一个时代的智慧,它将永恒的闪耀着灿烂的光辉。  相似文献   

在过去的2007年,在经济全球一体化的背景下,通过资本市场运作,行业的并购之风改变着市场竞争的格局。国际间的并购,企业间的并购,风起云涌。如何进行资本重组,如何进行利益的再分配,如何处理好并购后各种人员之间的关系等等一系列问题,将是决策者认真考虑的。本文的一些观点也许会带来一些启示。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在中国现代陶艺的快速发展的道路上,积累了不少问题,其中一些问题是中国特有的,它是中国当代艺术在国际化潮流中不可避免的遭遇,例如现代主义和后现代主义在移植时的前后衔接的尴尬,本土化、后殖发主义的影响等.  相似文献   

刘丹 《中国涂料》2008,23(5):22-24
"紫荆花"象征着亲情、团结、和睦,因此也成为香港的象征,称其为市花。美丽的紫荆花,经历了历史的血泪,百年的风雨,和那怒放的紫荆花树一起向我们尽情展现那侠骨柔情之美。1982年,香港紫荆花制漆就成立于那芬芳美丽、朝气蓬勃、光彩夺目的香港。随后分别在上海、成都、深圳、惠阳、汕头及东莞建有生产基地,以先进的生产技术、科学的管理模式,迅速在中、港、澳三地崛起。多年来紫荆花涂料一直被香港房屋选用为指定品,广泛应用于社会各类大型场所。秉承多年累积的经验,借助于"漆艺坊"的成功推行,紫荆花建筑涂料在中国内地亦大放异彩。踏入千禧年,蓄势待发的重工业涂料悄然推向市场,迅即承接了机场、大桥、码头、集装箱、化工基地等大型项目,发展重工业涂料将是紫荆花打造化工王国的另一里程碑。经历整个隆冬的酝酿,春的气息终于冲破凝固的寒冬,打破沉闷无声的落雪,清新的空气弥漫遍及每一个角落。伴随着2008年春的气息,我们的心情也变化得像春季的花朵一样绚烂。带着这份好心情,我有幸走访了香港紫荆花制漆(大中华)有限公司,并和该公司市场总监叶钧有一席交谈。  相似文献   

不同种类GFRP筋的力学性能试验比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
GFRP筋的高强、轻质、耐腐蚀、抗磁性使其具有了作为结构材料的优良性能,解决了钢筋混凝土中钢筋锈蚀的严重问题.本文对研制开发的6种不同的GFRP筋进行常温拉伸比较试验.结果表明,随树脂的不同与玻璃纤维含量的改变,不同GFRP筋的强度及弹性模量有较大的差异.  相似文献   

"你好,欢迎欢迎!".作为拉法基瑞安水泥的CEO,华顾思微笑着向<中国水泥>的记者们一一握手打招呼,尽管他的发音还带着外国的语调,但听起来非常亲切.陪同我们采访的公司负责企业传播的副总裁乔天云告诉记者,与我们见面之前,华顾思刚刚从法国总部开会回来.他的工作很忙,日程安排满满的,许多时间都是在国内国际航线上度过的.但他依然神采奕奕,目光敏锐,嘴角带着可亲的笑容.华顾思热情随和,采访中始终带着微笑,有时还开个玩笑.他给<中国水泥>记者的印象--身材魁梧,天庭饱满,浓而密的眉毛下面有一双睿智的眼晴,这是一位具有很强亲和力和感染力的企业领导人.  相似文献   

1 对蒸骨制胶过程的认识 蒸骨制胶的过程也就是用蒸汽使骨料块在密封的锅内受热、受压,使骨质疏松,由生胶质热解转变为可溶解于热水的动物胶质(习惯上称之为"骨胶")的过程.  相似文献   

硬度是衡量超硬材料烧结体的主要特性之一.然而目前国内外还没有超硬材料烧结体硬度测量的统一的标准.文章通过硬度计测量标准块的硬度值总结如下:施加相同力而采用不同形状的压头所得结果不同,采用相同的压头而施加不同的力所得结果也不一样;随着施加负荷的增大,压痕周围产生的破碎形变也在增大,这将影响测量值的准确性.因此,压头的形状和所施加的负荷是影响硬度值的一个重要因素.通过分析得知,在测试中应采用努普压头并且施加小负荷的力.[1,3]  相似文献   

从内胎生产所用设备的性能和操作对内胎质量的影响进行了阐述.着重介绍了内胎生产所用设备的结构、工艺流程及经常出现的质量缺陷、造成的原因和防治办法.对内胎生产具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

中国古代民间陶瓷的丰厚文化遗存再现了其悠远的历史,它庞大的产量不仅曾服务历代民众而且大额外销,在各个历史时期,民间陶瓷造型、装饰、工艺等的成就卓然。它的传统深植于民众之中,是历史传承积累的智慧和经验,也是现代陶瓷文化民族性的渊源以及发展的原动力。  相似文献   

何丹辉 《中国塑料》2016,30(9):93-96
基于模外装饰工艺原理,对模外装饰自动换膜机构进行了详细设计,其中包含抚平轮和夹紧轮部分、机构固定部分、机架部分和裁刀部分。抚平轮和夹紧轮部分由抚平轮、夹紧轮、轴承、轴承套和摇杆等组成;机构固定部分由电机、压块、压块杆、轴承盖和摇杆等组成,机架部分由滚动导轨副、底板、滚珠丝杆副、步进电机、滚筒支架等组成;裁刀部分由侧板、导向杆、滑块和驱动电机组成。该套模外装饰自动换膜机构能够满足设计要求和实际需要。  相似文献   

Carotenoids can be effective singlet oxygen quenchers and inhibit free-radical induced lipid peroxidation. A remarkable property of β-carotene ( 1a ) is the change from an antioxidant to a prooxidant depending on oxygen pressure and concentration. In the present study a considerable number of carotenoids ( 1a , 2c , 2d , 2e , 3a , 4a , 5a , 6a , 7a , 8a , 8h , 8i , 8j , 9f , 10a , 11a , 12g ) was investigated using two independent approaches: 1. Comparison of their effects on inhibition of the free-radical oxidation of methyl linoleate, and 2. The direct study of the effect of oxygen partial pressure upon their rates of oxidation. It is shown that some carotenoids ( 7a , 8a ) are even more effective than the well-known compounds β-carotene ( 1a ) and astaxanthin ( 5a ) and are powerful antioxidants without any prooxidative property. Different carotenoids display different behaviour depending on chain length and end groups. The influence of these functional groups on the antioxidative reactivity is discussed.  相似文献   

Using a chronically placed jugular catheter and a silver electrode, it was possible to monitor short-term changes in the plasma concentration of cortisol and catecholamine in the marsupial sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) and to monitor both heart and respiration rates. Males judged to be low in the social hierarchy of a particular group were exposed to the whole-body odor of a dominant male from the same social group, a foreign dominant male, or a castrate male. While there was no evidence of a change in any of the physiological parameters when a male was exposed to either a castrate male or a female, a rapid increase occurred in heart rate and plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose and catecholamine when the donor was a dominant male from the same or a different social group.  相似文献   

Examination of the receptive field structure of the retina suggested looking at small graphic figures of special forms. The luminance distribution called the “Mexican hat function” was approximated by a black dot with a small white dot at its center, called a “tip,” and the inverse function was approximated by a white dot with a small black dot at its center, called a “pit.” Such figures were given the generic name “tippit.” On a dark‐blue ground, tips looked yellow, and on a bright‐yellow ground, pits looked blue. Similarly, a black line with a white center, on a blue ground, and a white line with a black center, on a yellow ground, elicited these effects. On yellow and blue grounds, simple, small colored dots looked more like the color of the ground than when seen as large spots on a neutral gray ground, an effect here called “microspreading.” This effect may be attributable to scattering and blurring, but these processes do not account for the tippit effects. The visual system exaggerates contrast between a large spot and ground, and diminishes contrast between a small dot and ground, but exhibits neither effect on a figure of some intermediate size. Chromatic pit lines exhibit effects obeying laws of additive mixture. It appears that perceptions of these effects are normally repressed. No causal link was sought or established between receptive field theory and the observed effects. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 28, 242–250, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10159  相似文献   

气固流化床固体浓度分布的冷模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内径0.284 m、高6.0 m的气固流化床冷模装置中进行了气固流化实验,采用PC6 D型颗粒浓度测试仪检测固体浓度. 分别采用枝条型(开孔率a=5‰和2.5‰)和环形(a=5‰)气体分布器,以直径154~180 mm、密度2550 kg/m3的砂子为颗粒,在静床高H0=0.6~1.5 m、表观气速u=0.3~0.6 m/s的情况下,考察了时均固体浓度1-e在空间的分布. 结果表明,增加u使密相区的1-e减小,分布器形状对1-e影响不大. 采用较低a的分布器时1-e的变化较大,且其值均较低. H0=0.6 m, 轴向位置H=0.4 m, u=0.3 m/s, 径向位置r=0~0.142 m时,1-e由0.410上升到0.494;H0=0.6 m, H=0.4~0.95 m, u=0.3 m/s, r=0时,1-e从0.410减小到0;H0=1.5 m, H=0.4~1.3 m, u=0.3 m/s, r=0时,1-e从0.397先下降到0.372,再上升到0.424,最后下降到0.328.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll pigments present in canola seed, meal and crude and degummed oils were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a fluorescence detector. Chlorophylls a and b, low levels of pheophytin a, and occasionally traces of pheophorbide and its methyl ester were present in canola seed. Meals and oils contained magnesium-deficient chlorophyll pigments such as pheophorbide a, methylpheophorbide a, pheophytins a and b, and pyropheophytins a and b but not chlorophyll a or b. The amounts of chlorophyll pigments were oil > seed >> meal. Both crude and degummed oils contained pheophytin a and pyropheophytin a as main components, but the ratio of pyropheophytin a to pheophytin a was markedly higher in degummed oils. No pheophorbides were detected in degummed oils. These results suggest that oil processing steps such as extraction and degumming affect the composition of chlorophyll pigments. Publication No. 678 Canadian Grain Commission.  相似文献   

国内外己内酰胺生产现状及市场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界上最大的5家己内酰胺生产商是德国BASF公司,生产能力为55.5万T/a;荷兰DSM公司,生产能力为42.0万t/a;美国Allied-Signal公司,生产能力为32.7万t/a;日本宇部兴产公司,生产能力为26.8万t/a;日本东丽公司,生产能力为17.0万t/a。这5家公司的已内酰胺生产能力合计为174万t/a,约占世界总产量的50%。中国目前有4套己内酰胺生产装置,岳阳巴陵鹰山石化厂,2000年生产能力为7万t/a;南京东方公司,生产能力为6万t/a;石家庄化纤公司,生产能力为5万t/a;浙江巨化公司锦纶厂,生产能力为0.45万t/a,全国合计年生产能力为18.45万t/a。国外己内酰胺的主要消费领域为纤维、工程塑料和食品包装膜;国内已内酰胺的主要消费领域为帘子布、民用丝、工程塑料,所占比例分别为70%、28%、2%。国内己内酰胺需求一直大于国内产量,但由于技术力量薄弱、资金有限及下游产品结构不合理等原因制约了己内酰胺的应用,目前国内的已内酰胺主要应用在中低档产品中,高档产品所需己内酰胺仍要依靠进口。  相似文献   

This article poses and discusses a maximization problem: for a given chromaticity, and in a given illumination, how light a fluorescent color is possible. The article does not present a solution, but does offer a conjecture that for many illuminants and many chromaticities the greatest lightness is achieved by a simple form of bispectral function. The output is in two points plus a tail, so we call it a “PPT” function. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 85 – 91, 2007  相似文献   

目的分析1例新生儿血小板减少性紫癜(NAIT)血清中免疫抗体的特异性。方法采用固相凝集法检测患儿及其母亲血清中是否存在抗父亲/抗丈夫血小板抗体,用PAK12试剂盒鉴定血清中的抗体是抗-HLA还是抗-HPA,用ELISA法(PRA)鉴定HLA抗体的特异性,用SSOP法进行父亲、母亲和患儿HLA-Ⅰ类基因分型,用PCR-SSP法进行父亲、母亲和患儿HPA抗原1-5系统基因分型。结果该例NAIT患儿血清中存在来自母体的HLA-Ⅰ类抗体和HPA抗体;HLA-Ⅰ类抗体为抗-Bw6;父亲和患儿的HLA-B位点的宽特异性均为Bw4,Bw6,母亲为Bw4;患儿HPA抗原1-5系统基因型与父亲相同,有3a,母亲没有3a。结论在对NAIT患儿进行实验室诊断时,除注意HPA抗体的作用外,也应重视HLA-Ⅰ类抗体的作用。  相似文献   

A stress distribution model for a liquid-solid circulating moving bed reactor that consists of a bottom reaction chamber, a top regeneration chamber, a coupling standpipe, a particle transportation system, and a bottom standpipe is established based on the equations of continuity and momentum balance. Simulations show that the stress concentration regions are at the bottom of the regeneration chamber and the coupling standpipe. To reduce the maximal stress and increase the operation flexibility in a reactor for the 2000-ton-per-year production of linear alkylbenzene, the regeneration chamber should have a low height-to-radius ratio (about 9), a suitable half-conical angle between 28° and 35°, and standpipe radius of about 0.05 m.  相似文献   

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