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应法国农业食品技术交流促进会(ADEPTA)邀请,随中国食品工业协会代表团于1996年10月22-31日访问法国,现就法国的奶牛生产及乳品加工业作一简要介绍。一、奶牛生产法国奶牛存栏数为470万头,分散在15.35万个农户饲养。一般农户饲养规模20-30头。每头年平均产奶量5440公斤  相似文献   

概述了世界稻米生产、贸易、消费的基本状况和世界稻米加工业发展的现状与趋势,分析了我国稻米加工业与世界发达国家的差距。根据发达国家发展稻谷加工业的成功经验和发展模式,结合我国的国情及应对加入WTO的机遇和挑战,对我国未来10年稻米加工业的发展战略提出了建议。  相似文献   

发展乳品生产 造福全国人民   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今天非常高兴参加由各有关部门和单位联合举办的“奶业振兴、经济增长与民族强盛高层研讨会”,我代表国家轻工业局并以中国食品科学技术学会理事长的名义,对这次会议的召开表示衷心的祝贺。这次研讨会为国内外同行、专家、学者、企业家提供了一个相互交流、沟通信息的机...  相似文献   

蒙牛乳业集团总裁杨文俊、伊利集团技术中心主任云战友以及中国农业科技东北创新中心主任杨贞耐等10位业界精英15日当选中国乳品加工业“十大杰出科技人物”。这是在此间开幕的第三届中国乳业科技大会公布的评选结果。此次乳业科技大会是继本月初举行的中国农业科技创新大会之后中国又一推动农业科技进步的重要会议。另外7位入选乳品加工业“十大杰出科技人物”的分别是山西古城乳业集团董事长乔道首、湖南亚华乳业有限公司技术总监任国谱、中国乳品工业杂志社社长刘鹏、江南大学食品学院副教授张国农、扬州大学乳品研究所所长顾瑞霞、四川新希望农业股份有限公司乳业事业部总经理助理汪家琦和山西省农业厅副厅长董希德。  相似文献   

刑绍平 《中国食品》2022,(3):128-130
随着我国整体经济的不断发展,国平生活水平不断提升,对于食品营养的要求也越来越高,尤其是乳制品的需求量逐年增加,使得乳品加工业也有了快速的进步,但其在实际发展过程中仍然存在一些问题,需要加以重视.本文主要分析了影响我国乳品加工业快速发展的因素,并提出了有针对性的解决方式,以供参考.  相似文献   

当今的薯类加工业不再完全局限于加工业的产业特点与优势,抓住国外发达国家的发展主流,分析了国内外薯类加工业的发展现状,动态及成功经验,归纳和论述了其发展特点与走向为:原料品种专用化,生产规模大型化,生产开发产业化,高新技术实用化与质量控制全程化。  相似文献   

介绍了目前在世界乳品科技研究领域起重要作用的基础科学和相关技术 ,描述了世界乳品科技界已能在分子水平上认识物质 ,用同样分子的原料生产出结构和功能完全不同的产品的现状。以婴儿配方产品和酸奶产品为例 ,文章解释了作者关于乳品行业是一个技术性非常强的行业 ,只有科学技术才能赋予乳品行业广阔的发展空间和无穷的生命力的观点。最后 ,文章介绍了发达国家乳品科技研究活动的组织方法。  相似文献   

The viscosity of a fluid, or fluid like material, is a measure of its resistance to flow. Many foods are fluid in nature, as final products and/or during production. The viscosity of the final product is an indicator of product consistency and can determine consumer preferences. During production a suitable and reliable in-line viscometer can help monitor the process, optimize yield, increase efficiency, reduce costs, enable a degree of automated control and improve final product consistency and quality. Whether such goals can be achieved in practice depends on many factors. This paper gives an overview of these factors.  相似文献   

A processing-sector model was developed that simulates (i) milk collection, (ii) standardization, and (iii) product manufacture. The model estimates the product yield, net milk value, and component values of milk based on milk quantity, composition, product portfolio, and product values. Product specifications of cheese, butter, skim and whole milk powders, liquid milk, and casein are met through milk separation followed by reconstitution in appropriate proportions. Excess cream or skim milk are used in other product manufacture. Volume-related costs, including milk collection, standardization, and processing costs, and product-related costs, including processing costs per tonne, packaging, storage, distribution, and marketing, are quantified. Operating costs, incurred irrespective of milk received and processing activities, are included in the model on a fixed-rate basis. The net milk value is estimated as sale value less total costs. The component values of fat and protein were estimated from net milk value using the marginal rate of technical substitution. Two product portfolio scenarios were examined: scenario 1 was representative of the Irish product mix in 2000, in which 27, 39, 13, and 21% of the milk pool was processed into cheese (€3,291.33/t), butter (€2,766.33/t), whole milk powder (€2,453.33/t), and skim milk powder (€2,017.00/t), respectively, and scenario 2 was representative of the 2008 product mix, in which 43, 30, 14, and 13% was processed into cheese, butter, whole milk powder, and skim milk powder, respectively, and sold at the same market prices. Within both scenarios 3 milk compositions were considered, which were representative of (i) typical Irish Holstein-Friesian, (ii) Jersey, and (iii) the New Zealand strain of Holstein-Friesian, each of which had differing milk constituents. The effect each milk composition had on product yield, processing costs, total revenue, component values of milk, and the net value of milk was examined. The value per liter of milk in scenario 1 was 24.8, 30.8, and 27.4 cents for Irish Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, and New Zealand strain of Holstein-Friesian milk, respectively. In scenario 2 the value per liter of milk was 26.1, 32.6, and 28.9 cents for Irish Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, and New Zealand strain of Holstein-Friesian milk, respectively.  相似文献   

The Centre for Agricultural Strategy was established by the Nuffield, Foundation on the campus of the University of Reading, in October, 1975. This, the fourth report, deals with the United Kingdom dairy industry and in view of its importance the Summary and Recommendations are reproduced here in full. We are grateful to the Director of the Centre, Professor J. C. Bowman for permission to print these in this way  相似文献   

<正> 中国奶业协会于2007年6月21~23日在江苏南京召开。本次会议的主题是"乳品企业健康发展与和谐奶业建设。"会议坚持科学发展观,对当前奶业发展形势进行了分析,对落实全国奶业"十一五"发展规划和推进现代奶业建设展开了广泛交流。农业部畜牧司副司长陈伟生出席大会,并作了重要讲话。中国奶业协会理事长刘成果在大会上作了"促进乳品企业健康发展构建和谐奶业"的主题报告。会议认为,当前我国奶业形势总体是好的,向健康方向发展  相似文献   

<正> 食品风味对食品的销售有着重要的影响。消费者在选购食品时,往往会以风味作为首要的考虑条件,风味上乘的食品,才能吸引消费者再次购买。 现今,消费者对加工食品的风味要求愈来愈高。但是,食物在加工过程中,不论是贮存、加热、脱水或干燥,其风味均会受到一定程度的破环。在加工食品中添加香味剂以补偿损失的风味,有助于提高食品的吸引力。  相似文献   

<正> 日前,新希望重组华西牛奶在成都锦江宾馆正式签约。刚刚收购重庆天友乳业返蓉的新希望1号人物刘永好,受让省国有资产管理公司持有的47.09%的股权和另三家成都企业持有的6.77%的股权,以总计53.86%的股权荣升华西乳业有限公司第一大股东。 此前,新希望已先后拿下四川阳坪、安徽白帝两大地方品牌,加上刚刚收入囊中的天友、华西,四大诸侯年产20万吨液态奶,支撑起西南奶业-  相似文献   

金鑫 《中国食品工业》2007,(6):30-30,32
由英国Zenith国际出版公司组办的第一届乳制品创新奖和2007饮料创新奖评选活动,经全球专业评委的评选,结果于近期揭晓。此次评选活动要求参选单位自主创新,要求参选产品能够在竞争中体现差异化,具有新理念、附加值和市场影响力。  相似文献   

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