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乳及乳制品营养丰富,不仅含大量蛋白质成分,还含有丰富无机盐和维生素,是一种优良食品。花生是一种植物蛋白食品,与其它蛋白质食品比较,含丰富的维生素E,而维生素E被视为抗衰老维生素,且花生含丰富镁、钾,为碱性食物,有利于中和人体酸性,增加抵抗力,花生烤熟后又有其特有的香味。乳和花生搭配做为原料,即动植物蛋白含理搭配,加上产品强化钙,使产品更具营养和特色。以其为原料生产的营养花生酸奶冰淇淋香味浓郁、感细腻,为一般酸奶冰淇淋所不及。  相似文献   

洋槐花粉营养的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王俊丽 《食品科学》1990,11(1):43-47
本试验对洋槐花粉中的蛋白质、氨基酸、可溶性糖、维生素、矿质元素、黄酮类化合物进行了系统研究。结果表明,洋槐花粉中营养物质含量丰富,种类齐全,配比良好,其营养价值高于牛肉、鸡蛋、牛奶、玉米、小麦等食物;花粉是良好的食品添加剂、与豆制品、乳制品、谷物有蛋白质互补作用。  相似文献   

牛奶与人类健康   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳及乳制品是营养价值最高、养分最全、最容易消化吸收的食品,人类出生以后4个月内可完全以母乳为食物,可见,乳是一种全价食品。1牛奶的营养牛奶中含有以下主要营养物质:1.1蛋白质蛋白质是牛奶的重要营养物质,市售鲜牛奶的蛋白质含量为3%,主要包括酪蛋白、乳...  相似文献   

一、概况1食品营养的需求 随着科学技术的进步与地球生物圈的演化,人类对食物营养的要求越来越高,不仅要求蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素等营养均衡,而且要求矿质营养合理搭配;同时,随着食品科学的发展,人们对食品需求的观念也发生了变化,逐渐认识到食品营养第一、风味第二。在矿质营养方面,最近我国的营养状况调查表明:青少年钙营养素的摄入量仅满足标准需求量的39%~52%;少年儿童缺铁性贫血检出率为13%~16%;锌元素被人们称为“长寿元素”之一,人体缺锌也被大多数人所认识;补钙、铁、锌等食品(通过食品加工生…  相似文献   

云南撒尼族乳饼的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了云南撒尼族乳饼的加工工艺,并分析其营养成分。实验表明,新鲜山羊乳经杀菌、冷却,然后加入发酵剂,凝乳形成后,经切割、排乳清即得到成品,产品的蛋白质含量为20.4%,必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的41%。脂肪含量为25%,矿物质含量丰富,尤其是Ca、P、Zn;维生素的含量一般。乳饼是人体补充优质蛋白质和Ca、P、Zn的良好食物。研究结果为进一步研制开发民族乳制品奠定了基础。  相似文献   

大脑主要由蛋白质、脂质糖类、维生素、矿物质和微量元素等营养成分所组成。丰富的营养可以使大脑得到必要的营养物质而发育良好。在众多的食物中,对大脑有所裨益的莫过于鱼肉了,因为鱼肉所含有球蛋白、白蛋白和含磷的核蛋白等。鱼肉中的蛋白质,一般在15—20%,是脑髓蛋白质的最好来源,其中各种必需氨基酸的比值和人体氨基酸的比值,尤其是与儿童的比值很接近;鱼肉中还富有婴儿必需的组氨酸,所以鱼肉是儿童营养的优质蛋白质食物。鱼肉中脂肪在1—3%,它分布于全身,其中大量的不饱和脂肪酸  相似文献   

乳制品是人体新陈代谢所需能量与热能的最好来源。它能供给人体需要的各种营养,如蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、一定量的维生素和矿物质等。这些营养素缺乏时便会导致身体的功能减退、使发育迟缓、代谢受阻、乃至死亡。从营养学角度看,乳制品在食品中虽优于其它,但其中的某些成份仍是先天不足的。如普通乳粉中所含维生素的量就不能满足人体的生理需要,加之在加工过程中,一系列物理、化学、生物方面的影响,其量就更显不足。  相似文献   

人每天都要进食食物,要保持体内营养平衡。因此,了解食物营养就非常必要。 在每百克常见的食物中,含蛋白质最多的植物食品是黄豆:36.3克;含蛋白质最多的肉类食品是鸡肉:23.3克;含脂肪最多的是植物油:100克;含糖最多的是白糖:99克;含维生素A最多的是鸡肝,50900单位;含维生素B1最多的是花生米:1.07毫克;  相似文献   

<正> 牛奶及其乳制品由于其本身富含的蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等成分使其较其他消费食品在大众心目中更具健康形象。人们通过食用乳制品来达到健康的饮食平衡,近年来全球乳制品行业发展呈现非常活跃的势头。尤其是亚太地区,在过去十年的市场增长是相当显著的。就中国而言,每年人均总乳制品消费量保持7.5%的速度增长。其中液态奶的生产和消费更是势不可挡。但是另一方面,国内产品的同质化现象越来越明显。厂家若想在日益竞争的环境下,不断巩固和加强市场份额,树立领导品牌的形  相似文献   

如何搞好托儿所饮食,保证供给孩子们充足的营养物质,这是每个托儿所都必须认真对待的问题.选吃哪些食物食物中所含的蛋白质、醣、脂肪、矿物质、维生素和水是孩子们生长发育必不可少的营养物质,其中尤以蛋白质为最重要.量足质优的蛋白质,大多在奶类、鱼类、蛋类、瘦肉和豆类食品中.这些食物经过  相似文献   

<正> 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,牛奶的营养价值日益受到重视。有关统计数字显示,我国牛奶消费量近些年来每年递增15%。有人说,我们不喝牛奶,就像生活中少了音乐。如今,我国奶制品种类比音符丰富得多了,商场、超市的食品专柜上,各种奶粉、干酪、酸奶、花色奶、奶茶和奶片等琳琅满目,奶制品已成为仅次于粮食和蔬菜的第三大食品类型。  相似文献   

<正> 1949年新中国成立以后,我国政府非常重视奶畜饲养和乳品加工业,使之逐步成为一项新的产业。 解放初期,全国奶牛及改良种奶牛存栏只有12万头,奶山羊17万只 牛奶、羊奶总产量21.7万吨。到1979年,奶牛及改良种奶牛存栏已有55.7万头,奶山羊150万只,牛奶、羊奶总产量130.1万吨。在这30年间,奶牛头数增长了3.6倍,奶类总产量  相似文献   

The United States dairy industry is projected to go through a major transition by the 2000 with some regions experiencing more change than others. Population growth plus medical discoveries favorable to certain dairy products combined with strengthened marketing programs could increase consumption of milk equivalent from the present 66.3 to 72.1 million metric tons by the yr 2000. Ongoing genetic, feeding, and management improvements could raise average milk production per cow from the 1984 level of 5,680 kg to 7,425 kg by 2000. If growth hormone biotechnology is adopted, average production per cow could reach 9,281 kg by the 21st century. This could reduce US dairy cow numbers 30% from the present 11.1 million to 7.8 million by the yr 2000. Likewise, the dairy industry and others could expect approximately 92,500 fewer commercial dairy farms, a decrease of 51%. This would mean 195,000 fewer employees and 3.6 to 4.1 million fewer crop hectares would be required. A transition of this magnitude will require indepth planning by legislators, policy makers, university teaching, research, and extension personnel, agribusiness, industry representatives, and dairy producers to cope with the necessary adjustments.  相似文献   

Epizootic hemorrhagic disease is caused by a Culicoides-borne Orbivirus. In cattle, the disease is characterized by reduced milk production and mortality. Recent outbreaks of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) in North Africa, Israel, and Turkey increase the risk of its invasion into central and northern Europe. An outbreak of EHDV in Israel during the fall of 2006 enabled an assessment of the consequent production losses to the dairy cattle industry. Reduction in milk production and involuntary culling were modeled using a 4-yr database of monthly milk and mortality records from 48 affected and 63 unaffected herds. These indices were compared between periods of outbreak and no outbreak and assessed for various levels and exposure onset. Geospatial kriging interpolation of serological results from 127 herds was used to assess the total outbreak losses for the dairy cattle industry in Israel. Herds affected during the first, second, and third month of the outbreak (September-November) experienced an average loss of 207 (95% CI = 154-261), 137 (63-211), and 52 (27-76) kg of milk/milking cow, respectively, during the outbreak period. An average excess mortality and involuntary culling of 1.47/100 cows was documented in herds affected in September. High correlation was observed between EHDV seroprevalence and milk loss; average milk loss for herds with seropositivity of 26 to 50, 51 to 75, and 76 to 100% was 84, 133, and 204 kg of milk/milking cow, respectively. A 1.42% (0.91-1.93%) increase in mortality was observed in herds with seroprevalence above 50%. Losses for the dairy cattle industry interpolated from these data were estimated at US$2,491,000 (US$1,591,000-3,391,000), an average loss of US$26.5/cow in the Israeli dairy cattle. This equals 0.55% of the average total value production of a dairy cow in Israel. This is the first study to estimate the production losses caused by EHDV or any bluetongue-like disease.  相似文献   

The US dairy industry has realized tremendous improvements in efficiencies and milk production since the 1940s. During this time, farm and total cow numbers have decreased and average herd size has increased. This intensification, combined with the shift to a largely urban public, has resulted in increased scrutiny of the dairy industry by social and environmental movements and increased concern regarding the dairy industry’s sustainability. In response to these concerns, a group of scientists specializing in animal welfare, nutrient management, greenhouse gas emissions, animal science, agronomy, agricultural engineering, microbiology, and economics undertook a critical review of the US dairy industry. Although the US dairy system was identified as having significant strengths, the consensus was that the current structure of the industry lacks the resilience to adapt to changing social and environmental landscapes. We identified several factors affecting the sustainability of the US dairy industry, including climate change, rapid scientific and technological innovation, globalization, integration of societal values, and multidisciplinary research initiatives. Specific challenges include the westward migration of milk production in the United States (which is at odds with projected reductions in precipitation and associated limitations in water availability for cattle and crops), and the growing divide between industry practices and public perceptions, resulting in less public trust. Addressing these issues will require improved alignment between industry practices and societal values, based upon leadership from within the industry and sustained engagement with other interested participants, including researchers, consumers, and the general public.  相似文献   

新西兰是世界奶业大国,牛奶产量居世界第8位,产品出口150多个国家,是世界上最大的乳制品出口国,奶业已成为新西兰的重要经济支柱。新西兰奶业发展以天然牧场放牧为基础,充分利用天然草地农业系统,通过机械化生产、专业化管理和规模化经营实现了畜牧业生产现代化,以成本低、质量好、效率高为特点赢得了较强的国际竞争力。新西兰也是一个完备的法制国家,针对奶业规模化发展制定了一系列的法律和政策,为奶业持续健康发展提供了保证。新西兰的成功做法和宝贵经验,对我国奶业的发展有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

成小平 《中国乳品工业》2012,40(7):43-46,56
利用产业集中度、空间集聚指数和区位熵指标测算了我国乳制品产业的集聚水平。在此基础上,将区位熵作为集聚指数纳入生产函数的计量经济学模型中,利用2000—2009年31个省级面板数据分析我国乳制品产业的集聚效应。分析结果表明:中国乳制品产业集聚水平总体明显上升趋势,我国乳业主要集中在东北内蒙古和华北地区,大城市产区表现出下降趋势,而南方产区表现出较明显的上升趋势,乳制品产业集聚度的提高明显加快了产业成长能力。  相似文献   

我国向来以地大物博而著称,自然资源丰富、农产品品种繁多,为我国食品深加工提供了得天独厚的原料优势;同时,由于自然人文因素多样,在悠久的历史中,形成了大批如金华火腿、宁夏枸杞、山东大花生、新疆葡萄等具有浓厚地域特点的农副土特产品。然而,也正因为我国是一个发展中的国家,具有人口众多、生产力发展总体水平较低的特点,导致各个地区的经济发展极不均衡。如何充分利用农产品优势,大力发展食品深加工工业,以推动地域经济,成为各地方政府及食品企业尤为重视的问题。从本期开始,我们特开辟一个新的栏目——地方食风,为各地展示食品工业及特色食品的发展提供一个平台。  相似文献   

卵磷脂在乳制品中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 卵磷脂萃取自大豆,是一种天然的乳化剂,可广泛应用于不同的食品中。在乳制品中,卵磷脂已普遍在奶粉、干酪、冰淇淋和奶油制品等产品中使用,本文将详细探讨这些领域的应用情况。 速溶奶粉 奶粉通常采用附聚处理以形成粗糙的颗粒,便于冲调饮用。然而,由于奶粉颗粒大多被脂肪覆盖,形成对水的排斥性,故此,单独采用附聚处理,不能  相似文献   

A survey of 38 universities that grant 4-yr degrees as well as 12 institutions that grant technical degrees of 2 yr or less revealed that degree programs in dairy production remain popular, but have changed significantly over the last 25 yr. Enrollment in dairy production programs remains strong (1,189 and 417 students in baccalaureate and nonbaccalaureate degrees, respectively) even though this is viewed as a traditional industry. There are significant differences in size of programs across the United States, and some are struggling to maintain both the visibility and faculty numbers to keep pace with the industry. The percentage of students enrolled in 4-yr programs who are female has increased to the majority. More students hail from a nondairy farm background in our university programs today than in 1994. Computer and information technology has become a mainstream part of our educational programs. A high percentage of undergraduate students elect to engage in an internship or work experience, and there is a high correlation between internship and career paths selected by our students. The dairy industry initiated and financially supports the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge; an educational activity among university teams to foster skills in analyzing a dairy farm business. This collaboration between universities and private industry is strong evidence that our undergraduate programs are relevant to the dairy industry. Extracurricular activities like dairy science clubs also remain popular, and are perceived by faculty members to be an important part of our educational experience. An analysis of nonbaccalaureate degree programs was not reported previously, but was a part of the present survey. In the nonbaccalaureate institutions that responded to the survey, there were 417 students enrolled in 12 dairy programs across the United States in 2004. This student population in nonbaccalaureate programs has a higher percentage of female enrollment than in 1994, but enrollment is still predominantly male. Computer and information technologies are an important part of their curricula and a very high percentage of these students remain in production agriculture upon graduation. Many of the challenges in undergraduate education described previously continue to be challenges in 2005. However, there are many reasons for optimism; as the number of students electing enrollment in dairy production remains strong, there is great interest in keeping the curricula relevant and interaction with and support by the dairy industry continues to be significant.  相似文献   

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