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0前言 2011年中国汽车产销量突破1840万辆,汽车的普及程度越来越高.随着人们环保意识的加强,消费者对车内空气质量的关注度也越来越高.车内空气污染主要来源于发动机燃烧产物、汽车内饰材料释放的有害气体、人自身产生的污染物和车厢外污染物的渗入[1].2004年"中国首次汽车内环境污染情况调查活动"结果显示,有93.82%的车辆存在不同程度的车内环境污染.依据GB/T18883-2002《室内空气质量标准》,在接受调查的1175辆新车中,高达81.6%的新车车内甲醛、苯超标.后来国内多位专家对新车和使用一定年限的汽车进行的调查[2-3],同样证明了车内空气污染存在的普遍性.  相似文献   

在影响车内空气质量的诸多因素中,汽车内饰材料为车内空气质量的重要污染源,此原因引起的污染在新购买的车辆中尤其突出。介绍了车内空气中挥发性有机污染物的种类、污染物释放来源,及内饰件/材料释放的有机污染物的测试方法,为零部件供应商或汽车制造商选用低散发环保型材料提供参考,力求最大限度地从源头上控制车内空气污染。  相似文献   

中国室内装饰协会室内环境监测中心主任宋广生:新车内空气污染亟需警惕中国室内装饰协会室内环境监测中心主任宋广生称,随着轿车进入百姓家庭步伐的加快,必须警惕新车内空气污染的问题。新车内空气污染物质主要来自两个方面,一是新车本身,目前很多汽车下了生产线就直接进入市场,车内各种配件和材料的有害气体没过释放期;二是车内装饰,一些含有害物质的地胶、座套垫、胶粘剂进入新车内,其主要包括苯、甲醛、丙酮、二甲苯等会造成车内空气污染。据广州中科环境检测中心对2000辆汽车车内空气质量检测,发现有92.5%的车辆存在空气质量问题。南京…  相似文献   

汽车内部空气质量是影响健康的重要因素,是最常用的出行工具。因此,研制一种便携式、可靠、简单、低成本检测器真正重要的是反映机器中污染物的种类和含量。本项目研究了苯乙烯和甲醛,确认了有害气体飞机的空气质量。这个仪器可以通过打开一个显示来显示。有害气体浓度过高的话,哪些气体超过了车辆标准。另外,以SD卡为储存,对不同时期有害气体浓度进行检测,为汽车空气质量分析提供了依据。  相似文献   

屈敏 《制造业自动化》2012,34(11):121-124
本文介绍了一种基于CAN总线的车内空气质量控制节点设计方法.本设计采用PHILIPS公司的P89C58单片机、独立CAN控制器SJA1000、CAN收发器PCA82C250,开发了一款带空气质量传感器的通用车载CAN总线控制节点.利用控制节点数据采集功能实时监控车内CO、CO2气体浓度,当气体浓度轻度超标时进行声光报警提醒驾乘人员;当气体浓度重度超标时节点与车载CAN总线通讯,发送CAN控制数据帧,实现自动开窗通气.经实际验证,设计的车内空气质量控制节点可灵活、方便的安装在装备车载CAN总线的车型上,提高了汽车使用安全性能,有效防止车内CO、CO2气体对驾乘人员的伤害和事故发生.  相似文献   

中国国家室内车内环境及环保产品质量监督检验中心主任宋广生在10月23日表示,车内空气质量问题不仅仅要注意新车内的污染问题,而且还要关注汽车使用过程中进入车内的PM2.5和化学污染物污染问题。他说,车内空气污染问题四大问题:VOC、气味、雾化和过敏性材料控制(镍、生态性材料)。  相似文献   

随着社会各界对车内空气质量关注度提高,政府主管部门对车内VOC管控的力度加大,汽车制造厂商也在加大车内空气质量改进力度。车内空气质量是由汽车内各种内饰件材料的VOC含量决定的。麻纤维板是一种使用广泛、低VOC环保型汽车内饰件材料,研究了天然麻纤维板VOC的来源,并提出减少麻纤维板VOC的主要方法。  相似文献   

在研究车内有害气体成份的基础上,设计了一个基于PIC16F877A的车内有害气体检测控制系统.对该系统的控制方案、电源电路、复位电路、振荡电路、传感器检测电路、车窗控制电路、语音控制电路和相应的控制软件进行了设计.试验表明,该系统能有效检测车内确定的有害气体成份,并能对车内有害气体浓度进行有效调节,可改善车内空气质量.  相似文献   

随着汽车工业的发展,汽车噪声已成为汽车的重要性能指标。本题重点分析了汽车车内噪声的来源:车外噪声向车内的传播,车体振动以及车内混响。并针对汽车车内噪声的来源提出相应的控制方法以达到降低车内噪声。  相似文献   

调查显示,妻子怀孕或方便孩子及家庭出行是在一个家庭初次购买汽车的主要推动力。在汽车消费逐步扩张的同时,车内空气质量引起更多关注。中国科协工程学会联合会汽车环境专业委员会对1175辆车的调查显示,93%的车内  相似文献   

出于汽车数量的快速增长,汽车排放的尾气对环境的影响也越来越严重,为了帮助人们清楚地了解尾气中的有害物质成分和含量,以及如何有效控制汽车尾气排放,本文开发了汽车对大气污染的模拟系统.文章从该系统的功能、结构、软件设计以及控制系统等几个方面介绍了该系统的研究与开发.  相似文献   

基于气相色谱-质谱法的车辆驾驶室空气污染物检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了车辆驾驶舱主要空气污染物的成份和来源。利用快速检测技术与色质联用技术,对汽车处于静止、行驶状态驾驶室及尾气处空气污染物成分进行了定性检测。结果显示,车辆在行驶或静止状态下,其驾驶舱内主要污染物以烷烃类、苯及其衍生物污染物为主。苯及其衍生物主要为燃油燃烧过程产物,在尾气中含量较高。无机类污染物以二氧化碳、一氧化碳、二氧化氮、一氧化二氮等无机气体为主。  相似文献   

车内热环境对乘员热舒适性、行车安全和燃油消耗都有重要意义。以我国南方夏季典型天气环境下车内热环境为研究对象,首先建立试验和数值仿真方法;然后对外部环境作用下车内热流场稳态特性进行测试和数值计算,并以此作为初始条件进一步对空调系统作用下车内热环境动态特性进行测试和计算;最后对车内热环境的稳态和动态特性及其影响因素进行分析研究。结果表明车内热环境存在典型的"温室效应";所受太阳辐射强度的不同导致壁面温度存在着较大差异,且在自然对流的作用下气温在高度方向存在明显的分层现象,车内热环境呈现高度非均匀的分布特性;空调开启后,车内气温在10 min左右可达到稳态,而壁面温度的变化速率要小于气温,30 min后依然没有达到稳态,车内仍然存在明显的瞬态非均匀特性。  相似文献   

研制了乘用车乘座舱密封性能和车用空调风量综合测试台架,运用不同流体机械装置串联理论,模拟了实际运行环境,提高了测试精度。台架能以量化指标检测乘座舱密封性能,并能在空调装车状态下检测空调实际运行环境下的风量。介绍了测试系统的设计,包括测试的原理、全压的计算和气路的设计等。所研制的台架具有测量乘座舱密封性和空调排风量的双重功能。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) transient numerical analysis was performed inside an automobile cabin during cooling period. A three-dimensional vehicle cabin including glazing surfaces was modelled by using the real dimensions of a car. A virtual manikin with real dimensions and physiological shape was added to the model of the vehicle cabin, and it was assumed that the manikin surfaces were subjected to constant temperature. The virtual manikin was divided into 17 parts in standing posture to evaluate the local heat transfer characteristics of the human body during transient cooling period. We considered three different cases that the cooling capacity of the automobile cabin was same for all cases. Three-dimensional fluid flow, temperature distribution and heat transfer characteristics inside the automobile cabin were calculated with different type of inlet vents. Comparisons of the numerical results were presented and discussed.  相似文献   

针对当前汽车对大气的污染,设计并制造出模拟系统来显示随着汽车数量的增加汽车尾气排放的情况,同时还可以让参观者直观地从显示器上看出不同燃料的汽车所排放的污染物的数量是不同的。  相似文献   

针对目前日益严峻的环境污染问题,本文根据汽车排放有害气体的迁移扩散理论,利用实验室模拟研究法,对汽车有害排放物的浓度进行动态监测,分析了植物绿化环境下汽车排放有害气体的扩散特征,寻找具有最佳净化效果的绿化树种.  相似文献   

The existing investigations on thermal comfort mostly focus on the thermal environment conditions, especially of the air-flow field and the temperature distributions in vehicle cabin. Less attention appears to direct to the thermal comfort or thermal sensation of occupants, even to the relationship between thermal conditions and thermal sensation. In this paper, a series of experiments were designed and conducted for understanding the non-uniform conditions and the occupant's thermal responses in vehicle cabin during the heating period. To accurately assess the transient temperature distribution in cabin in common daily condition, the air temperature at a number of positions is measured in a full size vehicle cabin under natural winter environment in South China by using a discrete thermocouples network. The occupant body is divided into nine segments, the skin temperature at each segment and the occupant's local thermal sensation at the head, body, upper limb and lower limb are monitored continuously. The skin temperature is observed by using a discrete thermocouples network, and the local thermal sensation is evaluated by using a seven-point thermal comfort survey questionnaire proposed by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc(ASHRAE) Standard. The relationship between the skin temperature and the thermal sensation is discussed and regressed by statistics method. The results show that the interior air temperature is highly non-uniform over the vehicle cabin. The locations where the occupants sit have a significant effect on the occupant's thermal responses, including the skin temperature and the thermal sensation. The skin temperaWa-e and thermal sensation are quite different between body segments due to the effect of non-uniform conditions, clothing resistance, and the human thermal regulating system. A quantitative relationship between the thermal sensation and the skin temperature at each body segment of occupant in real life traffic is presented. The investigation result indicates that the skin temperature is a robust index to evaluate the thermal sensation. Applying the skin temperature to designing and controlling parameters of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning(HVAC) system may benefit the thermal comfort and reducing energy consumption.  相似文献   

分析了目前汽车空调器流量控制中存在的一些问题,提出了由发动机转速决定的压缩机转速引起的开环控制与车内蒸发器过热度模糊闭环反馈控制的复合控制系统,介绍了一种具有智能判断和积分功能的自调整模糊控制器的电子膨胀阀流量控制设计,并提出了双过热度控制信号方法。试验结果表明,本文设计电子膨胀阀系统提高了汽车空调的调节品质,同时起到了电磁阀的作用。  相似文献   


New technologies have been adopted by the marine industry to control the air emission from ship. Wet scrubbers have found widespread use in cleaning contaminated gas streams by the application of scrubbing of marine engine exhaust gases by spraying sea-water and thus develop their ability to remove particulates like SOX for pollution free environment. In real case problems, to control the emission of SOX in scrubber, the temperature of the flue gases should be dropped down by spraying sea-water droplets which brings down the lifetime of harmful pollutants. In order to examine the flow characteristics inside the scrubber, the computer simulation methodology is carried out in this paper with the boundary conditions of hot air at ideal gas state and water droplets injection using lagrangian method. During the impact of injecting water droplets over the hot air, the nature invites evaporation of hot air which is the obvious benefit of scrubber in diminishing the domain temperature. After the numerical analysis, if the model is observed with reasonable reduction in domain temperature, the optimum scrubber design can be elected for pollutant emission control in real case problems. From the assessment of possible impacts of pollutants from marine industry, the temperature of the system are in need of investigation facilitating the evaporation rate of water droplets and the computation of droplets concentration over the entire domain to bring out the competent modeling. The numerical analysis using CFD facilitates in understanding the problem better over its entire operating envelope.


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