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<正>一九八九年南京电子器件研究所在科研工作中取得了丰硕的成果,已经通过鉴定的项目共41项.其中微波半导体专业34项,光电专业7项.12月19日在南京召开了部分科研成果鉴定会,对18项成果进行了专家评议鉴定.其中半导体专业15项,光电专业3项.大部分成果处于国内领先地位,部分达到目前国际先进水平.现将半导体专业的部分鉴定项目介绍如下:  相似文献   

<正> 南京电子器件研究所一九八八年度在微波半导体和光电两个专业领域取得了22项鉴定成果,其中部级鉴定四项,省级鉴定两项,其余为所级鉴定。现将微波半导体专业的部分项目介绍如下: WB64型GaAs电调变容二极管 该器件是根据宽带压控振荡器的需要而研制的。它采用缓变浓度分布GaAs外延材料,SiO_2钝化,平面扩散超突变结构,与通常的超突变结变容二极管相比,具有电容—电压斜率指数γ(γ=1,1.25)为常数,电容变化比大(R_(CT)=8)的特点,采用超小型金属—陶瓷同轴封装,具有寄生参数小的优点。器件主要技术指标与国外  相似文献   

<正> 南京电子器件研究所一九八六年度有39项科研成果分别通过了部(省)、局级和所级鉴定(其中部(省)、局级鉴定13项)。来自大专院校,有关厂所的教授、专家、工程技术人员及上级领导机关代表参加了成果鉴定工作,并对提请鉴定成果的技术水平给予了高度评价。鉴定的成果涉及微波半导体和光电两个专业。现将半导体专业部分的项目介绍如下:  相似文献   

南京电子器件研究所1994年度科研成果介绍NEDI'sResearchFruitsin1994¥//南京电子器件研究所于1995年1月16日至17日在南京召开第43次科研成果鉴定会。对1994年度完成的102项科研成果进行专家评议、鉴定,并分别通过了...  相似文献   

<正>南京电子器件研究所于1993年1月5日至6日在南京召开第39次科研成果鉴定会。科工委、中国电子工业总公司领导以及来自全国各地的高等院校、研究所、工厂的同行专家和使用部门专家共60个单位150人参加了会议。提交会议评议鉴定的科研成果共67项,专家们对这些成果的技术资料进行了认真审查,对成果样品进行了抽样检测,并全部通过鉴定。由中国电子工业总公司基础局批准鉴定的54个项目中有33项产品主要性能达到国外80年代中后期同类产品水平,有23项产品主要性能处于国内领先水平,有22项产品填补国内空白,有27项产品达到专用标准,取得了良好社会和经济效益。现将微波半导体的部分成果介绍如下: *WD64型S波段砷化镓单片可控增益放大器  相似文献   

<正>1990年3月10日至12日南京电子器件研究所在南京召开了第33次科研成果鉴定会.对1989年度余下的18项科研成果进行了专家评议鉴定.其中半导体专业14项,光电专业8项.这次鉴定会展示了该所近年来在半导体及光电领域中取得的进展.现将半导体专业的部分鉴定项目介绍如下:  相似文献   

<正> 南京电子器件研究所1991年12月23日在南京召开了科研成果鉴定会。中国电子工业总公司、机电部电科院、南京市有关部门领导以及来自全国各地的有关院校、机电部、航空航天部的厂、所的教授、专家、工程技术人员共150多人对56项科研成果进行了全面、认真的技术审定,并全部一致通过鉴定。这56项成果中,达到80年代中、后期国外同类产品先进水平的有27项;处国内领先地位的35项;填补国内空白的8项;国内先进水平的4项。现将微波半导体的部分成果介绍如下:  相似文献   

<正>南京电子器件研究所1991年度第一批科研成果共19项于4月28日通过鉴定.国防科工委、机电部等上级机关领导以及来自全国各地的有关院校、厂、所的教授、专家、工程技术人员共六十多人对成果进行了全面、认真的技术评定,作出了高度评价.现将微波半导体专业的部分成果介绍如下:  相似文献   

<正> 南京电子器件研究所一九八七年度在微波半导体和光电两个专业领域又取得了一批新成果。共有四十余项分别通过了部(省)、局级和所级鉴定。十二月十六日就微波半导体专业的部分产品召开了定型鉴定会。国防科工委、电子部、南京市等上级机关领导及来自全国各地的有关院校、厂、所的教授、专家、工程技术人员共一百多人对十七项成果进行了全面、认真的技术审定,作出了高度评价。鉴定会开得圆满成功。现将微波专业的部分成果介绍如下: ●WC67型Ku波段砷化镓功率场效应晶体管 其主要参数为:在16和工8GHz下1dB增  相似文献   

<正>南京电子器件研究所1990年度又获得了丰硕的科研成果.微波半导体专业有40余项科研课题完成了研究工作,至1991年1月已分别在南京和北京,由机械电子工业部军工司和微电子基础产品司主持召开了两次科研成果鉴定会.这些成果都处于国内领先地位,部分项目已达到国际先进水平,或填补了国内空白;一些项目有较强的创新性.现分项简介如下.  相似文献   

<正> WQB10 dual channel detector having both microwave and infrared detection functions is one of the main products developed by NEDI in 1988, and also a ouble-technology product first qualitatively tested by the Ministry of Public Security. It has features of high capability of anti-interference, low warning error probability, small size and less power consumption, and is specially suitable for a department of public security, an army, a confidential room, an ammunition storehouse, a prison entrance, an airport, a bank, a department of preservation cultural and historical relic, a warehouse,etc. Its main technical specifieations are as follows:  相似文献   

近红外光谱技术在水果品质无损检测中应用的研究与现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
付兴虎付广伟  毕卫红 《红外》2006,27(2):33-37,48
简单概述了我国水果产业的发展现状,着重阐述了国内外利用近红外光谱技术进行水果品质无损检测的最新研究进展,分析了当今研究中存在的问题,并对利用近红外光谱技术进行水果检测的前景进行了展望,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1993,30(1):68-71
Developments and events during 1992 are reviewed. The drive toward intelligent vehicle-highway systems was given an extra push by the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act, which was signed into US law in December 1991. The demand for zero emissions has revived work on electric vehicles. In spite of high installation costs, high-speed rail projects moved ahead, and nonstop air-traffic communications is planned. Japan tested a ship propelled by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) thrusters akin to the `caterpillar drive' used by the superquiet submarine in The Hunt For Red October  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Journal》1994,25(4):xxvii-xxxi

Bell  T.E. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1993,30(1):38-41
Significant events during 1992 are highlighted. Communication technologies began merging, with cable TV offering telephone service and telecommunication companies offering TV. Wireless personal communication systems (PCSs) got the green light when the 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference designed frequency bands for future mobile communications services, with provisions for such services to be handled via low-Earth-orbiting satellites, and the US Federal Communication Commission allocated frequencies in the 2 GHz band to the deployment of several emerging technologies, including PCSs. Multimedia communication took off with the introduction of new services. In optical communication, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers were installed in the world's longest repeaterless undersea link. Strained-layer multi-quantum-well lasers received increasing attention, due to the improved system and device properties they offer. Research on cheap optical interconnects and packages gained momentum  相似文献   


The Director of M.I.T.'s Project Transport takes us to the year 1993 to see what is expected to happen in the field of transportation in the next 25 years. From our vantage point in the future, we observe that the individual vehicle is still the most important mode of transport, although it is quite different from the automobile of 1968. For mass transportation there has been an attempt to upgrade conventional rail service but it has met with only moderate success, whereas the growth of the airlines has been phenomenal, as have been their problems.  相似文献   

Comerford  R. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1993,30(1):30-33
Significant developments during 1992, including the end of an era of prosperity for software and computer companies, are examined. The battle for dominance among operating systems, specifically Windows, OS2, and Unix-based systems, is discussed. The growth in popularity of the function points metric, a new system of notation, activity in object-oriented programming, and integration of electronic design automation applications in heterogeneous environments are addressed  相似文献   

Jurgen  R.K. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1993,30(1):65-67
The adoption of a US ghost-canceling reference signal by the Advanced Television Systems Committee was one of the significant events during 1992. Other noteworthy developments were the adoption of a broad regulatory framework for introducing HDTV by the US Federal Communications Commission and the preparation worldwide for digital audio broadcasting (DAB). Home theater began to make inroads with consumers, the competition for recordable digital audio heated up, a bill to regulate cable television prices was passed by the US Congress, and video telephone was introduced  相似文献   

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