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A novel unequal Wilkinson power divider is presented. A coupled-line section with two shorts is proposed to realize the high characteristic impedance line, which cannot be implemented by conventional microstrip fabrication technique due to fabrication limitation. The proposed coupled-line structure is compatible with single layer integration and can be easily designed based on an even-odd mode analysis. As a design example, a 10:1 Wilkinson power divider at 2 GHz is fabricated and measured. The measured $-10~{rm dB}$ bandwidth of $S_{11}$ is about 16%, and the isolation $S_{32}$ is better than $-20~{rm dB}$ . The measured amplitude balance between output port 2 and port 3 is between $-10.20~{rm dB}$ and $-9.52~{rm dB}$, and the corresponding phase difference is between 0$^{circ}$ and 4.6$^{circ}$.   相似文献   

提出基于新型平衡传输线——双面平行带线(DSPSL)结构的电容加载电可重构平面带通滤波器,并以梳状线 和磁耦合谐振环带通滤波器为例验证该方案的可行性。相对于常见的微带线结构,双面平行带线具有对称性以及较高 的功率使用容量。这些特性使得滤波器在没有无限大金属地板的情况下,仍然获得了良好的性能。采用DSPSL 结构 进行微波电路设计不但可以减小电路的尺寸,同时还增加了电路设计的灵活性。  相似文献   

A quad-band Wilkinson power divider using generalized negative-refractive-index transmission-line unit cells is presented. Such a band-controllable divider would be useful in most quad-band applications as it features four distinct pass bands that can be tailored. This divider also features a deep rejection band at its center frequency that can be used for isolation and noise rejection. The theory of operation and the design procedure are outlined. An example prototype is fabricated and tested. Simulated results are then compared to experimental ones with satisfactory agreement.   相似文献   

This work presents a Ka-band two-way 3 dB Wilkinson power divider using synthetic quasi-transverse electromagnetic (TEM) transmission lines (TLs). The synthetic quasi-TEM TL, also called complementary-conducting-strip TL (CCS TL), is theoretically analyzed. The equivalent TL model, whose production is based on the extracted results, is applied to the power divider design. The prototype is fabricated by the standard 0.18 mum 1P6M CMOS technology, showing the circuit size of 210.0 mumtimes390.0 mum without contact pads. The measurement results, which match the 50 Omega system, reveal perfect agreements with those of the simulations. The comparison reveals the following characteristics. The divider exhibits an equal power-split with the insertion losses (S21 and S31) of 3.65 dB. The return losses (S11, S22 and S33) of the prototype are higher than 10.0 dB from 30.0 to 40.0 GHz.  相似文献   

罗熙  国云川 《微波学报》2010,26(Z1):262-264
本文提出了一种基于DGS(Defected Ground structure)的不等功分威尔金森功分器的设计,实现了1GHz-2GHz频段内不等功分比为1:5 。由于加工工艺的限制,微带线的特性阻抗最高只能做到120Ω-130Ω。在接地板上的DGS引入了附加的等效电容和等效电感,这样使得微带线能够实现高于180Ω的特性阻抗。本文针对未加载DGS 和加载DGS 的威尔金森功分器均做了HFSS 仿真,均实现了1:5 的功分比。  相似文献   

This letter presents a theoretically rigorous investigation and experimental verification for an asymmetrical, unequal power divider working at dual frequency bands. Through the even- and odd-mode analysis that can be applied to dual-band, unequal power divider by assuming virtual open and short points, analytically exact solutions have been derived for the design parameters values. For verification of this analysis, commercially available software including ADS and CST MWS based on circuit theory and full-EM theory, respectively, and already-established equations have been adopted.   相似文献   

This letter presents a Wilkinson power divider operating at a frequency and its first harmonic with unequal power divider ratio. To obtain the unequal property, four groups of 1/6 wavelength transmission lines with different characteristic impedances are needed to match all ports. Theoretically, closed-form equations for the design are derived based on transmission line theory. Experimental results have indicated that all the features of this novel power divider can be fulfilled at $f_{0} $ and $2f_{0} $ simultaneously.   相似文献   

新颖双频Wilkinson功率分配器的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对三端口都加有微带线的新颖结构功率分配器的研究和理论分析,研制了一款适用于900 MHz射频识别(RFID)和2 140 MHz基站系统的双频段功率分配器。首先根据改进的Wilkinson功率分配器结构,通过奇模-偶模分析理论得出其设计电路参数方程;接着对电路参数方程求解获得具体的设计参数;然后根据设计参数搭建电路进行ADS仿真;最后对设计的功率分配器进行测试和分析。结果表明:设计的双频段功率分配器在工作的两个频段内都具有良好的性能,对两种系统具有实际的应用意义,同时表明奇模-偶模分析理论对设计实际的双频功率分配器具有重要价值。  相似文献   

提出一种在2~2.4GHz频段内工作的新型Wilkinson功率分配器,该种功率分配器主要由耦合线加载传输线和可配置电容构成。完成了该种新型Wilkinson功率分配器的仿真设计和实物加工测试。该新型Wilkinson功率分配器结构紧凑,有利于电路的小型化。同时,根据设计需求,可以通过配置不同容值的电容配置该种功分器的谐波抑制特性。测试结果显示,带内插损在3.6dB左右,带内回波损耗优于-10.5dB,输出端口隔离度优于-17dB,对二次谐波抑制优于20dB,对三次、四次和五次谐波抑制均优于15dB。  相似文献   

The analysis and design of a triple-band equal-split Wilkinson power divider are described. The circuit proposed is well matched and isolated at three arbitrary frequencies. The design procedure for the three-section transmission-line transformer based equal-split Wilkinson power divider derived from the ideal transmission-line model is provided. Simulated and experimental results in microstrip technology are presented to verify the idea and the derived equations.  相似文献   

A new scheme is proposed for the dual-band operation of the Wilkinson power divider/combiner. The dual band operation is achieved by attaching two central transmission line stubs to the conventional Wilkinson divider. It has simple structure and is suitable for distributed circuit implementation.  相似文献   

杨瑾屏  吴文 《电子学报》2009,37(2):338-341
 本文在多节阻抗变换器基础上嵌入螺旋型缺陷地结构(SP-DGS)以满足功分器所需阻抗和相位条件,从而实现了在两个任选的工作频率上同时具有良好功率传输、匹配和隔离特性的新型功分器设计.该设计的突出优点是所需电抗可由SP-DGS结构精确实现,整个设计过程严密而不失灵活性.最后,采用上述方法设计并研制了一个2.4GHz/5.8GHz双频功分器,工作频带内的最大插损分别是0.1dB和0.4dB,回波损耗和隔离度均优于15dB.  相似文献   

介绍了WIIkinson功分器的基本设计方法,研制了一种工作频段在2~12 GHz的带状线宽带功分器,采用多节λ/4阻抗变换器级联,实现了功分器频带的展宽.仿真结果和测试结果比较表明,功分器在频带范围内满足良好的性能指标,隔离度在整个频带范围内均在20 dB以上,驻波比小于1.5,输入输出端口均达到良好的匹配.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel unequal broadband out‐of‐phase power divider (PD) is presented. Double‐sided parallel‐strip lines (DSPSLs) are employed to achieve an out‐of‐phase response. Also, an asymmetric dual‐band matching structure with two external isolation resistors is utilized to obtain arbitrary unequal power division, in which the resistors are directly grounded for heat sinking. A through ground via (TGV), connecting the top and bottom sides of the DSPSLs, is used to short the isolation components. Additionally, this property can efficiently improve the broadband matching and isolation bandwidths. To investigate the proposed divider in detail, a set of design equations are derived based on the circuit theory and transmission line theory. The theoretical analysis shows that broadband responses can be obtained as proper frequency ratios are adopted. To verify the proposed concept, a sample divider with a power division of 2:1 is demonstrated. The measured results exhibit a broad bandwidth from 1.19 GHz to 2.19 GHz (59.2%) with a return loss better than 10 dB and port isolation of 18 dB.  相似文献   

针对Ku和K波段(14.5~17.5 GHz,21~23 GHz)的宽带功分网络需求,设计了一种基于波导腔-微带线混合型结构的新型双级阻抗变换线Wilkinson功分器。通过仿真优化,加工了一款1分32宽带Wilkinson等功分网络。测试结果表明,在14.5~17.5 GHz,21~23 GHz频段,该功分网络所有端口驻波低于1.6,幅度和相位均方根误差分别优于0.5 dB和5°,与仿真结果保持一致,验证了该方案的工程可实现性。  相似文献   

王小军  聂翀 《微波学报》2012,28(S2):351-353
以工作于100MHz 的Wilkinson 十八路等功分器为设计对象,结合宽带匹配设计方法——实频技术法,设计功分 器阻抗变换节,以达到小型化设计的目的。将实频技术引入阻抗变换节设计,采用集总元件构成的网络结构来取代微带 功分器的四分之一波长阻抗变换节,从而大大缩减了Wilkinson 十八功分器的整体尺寸。根据仿真模型制作了十八等功分 器实物,尺寸仅为10?10cm2,其插入损耗小于13.5dB,幅度波动小于0.2dB,隔离度大于18dB。  相似文献   

随着通信技术的加速发展,传统的Wilkinson功分器已经无法满足多频及宽带的技术需求。基于ADS仿真设计软件,根据传统的功分器原理和结构,设计了一款谐振频率在900MHz附近的标准Wilkinson功分器。考虑到目前的实际需求,对其结构进行了适当调整和改进,从而仿真设计出了频率在900MHz附近的宽带Wilkinson功分器以及谐振频率为900MHz和2.OGHz的双频Wilkinson功分器,并且对其进行了良率分析,最终的仿真结果实现了预期的传输特性。  相似文献   

姜兴  张凯  彭麟 《微波学报》2015,31(1):74-77
微带T 型功分器,是阵列天线馈电网络中最常见的微带功分器。它容易实现各种形式的复杂馈电网络,但是难以实现大功分比,主要原因在于其中一个支路的阻抗变换段是高阻抗线,现有加工水平很难实现。理论 分析了通过单枝节网络等效替换高阻抗线的方法,可以实现大功分比。推导了单枝节网络的计算公式,并进行了仿 真研究,最后利用该方法制作了一个功分器,实测结果和仿真数据吻合良好,证明了该设计方法的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

This letter presents a planar power divider with an effective technique for nth harmonics suppression. The proposed technique served by a microstrip electromagnetic bandgap cell is used to suppress the nth harmonics and reduce the length of a quarter-wave line over 30% as compared to the conventional divider. The planar structure enables an easy circuit design in printed circuit boards. From the measured results, a 32.5 dB suppression for the third harmonic and a 12 dB suppression for the fifth harmonic is obtained while maintaining the characteristics of a conventional Wilkinson power divider. It is able to achieve less than 3.4 0.1 dB of the two equivalent insertion losses, less than 23dB of the return loss, and better than 25dB of isolation at 2.4GHz.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的基于左手传输线的威尔金森功分器,该器件利用左手传输线具有非线性色散的特性,使用L-C元件构成的-λ/4左手传输线来取代传统功分器的右手传输线构成分支臂。仿真和实验结果表明该新型的功分器能有效增加器件的隔离带宽,缩小器件的尺寸。同时仿真与实验测试结果很好的一致。  相似文献   

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