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煤气、氧气、氮气、水等是钢铁生产的重要能源,期间涉及大量的信息,如管线的基础数据、动态数据、瞬时数据、社会经济数据等等,如何有效地组织、管理这些信息,为钢铁生产服务,从而达到节约能源、节省建设投资、消除事故隐患的目的。本文介绍了系统的数据结构、网络结构、功能结构和应用情况,为钢铁企业的综合管线管理提供了一个现代化的管理模式。  相似文献   

依据鞍钢炼铁工艺参数,利用铁矿石综合品位法和模拟单烧计算法对鞍钢自产精矿和常用外购铁矿粉进行经济性评价;利用修正后的冶金价值评价法对鞍钢常用块矿进行经济性评价,对铁矿石综合品位和模拟单烧计算品位的关系进行拟合。以模拟单烧计算品位为依据,分别对自产精矿和外购粉矿综合品位计算公式进行修正,修正后的评价方法能够指导企业铁矿石采购和降低炼铁成本。  相似文献   

DEA模型在钢铁企业经济效益综合评价中的应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
郁俊莉  韩文秀 《钢铁》1999,34(2):74-78
通过对运用数据包络分析模型(Data Envelopment Analysis,简称DEA),对钢铁企业经济效益进行综合评价,从而为企业管理者进行科学决策提供依据。  相似文献   

结合内蒙古君正集团公司20万t/a硅铁项目,对BIM技术在铁合金行业的应用前景与应用方法及作用进行了分析,并对BIM技术的应用要点进行深度剖析。  相似文献   

结合江西师范大学附属中学滨江校区项目办公楼设计,阐述BIM技术在建筑给排水设计可视化模拟、协同设计、管线综合、碰撞检测中的应用,指出该技术在现阶段应用存在的问题,并对该技术的应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   

张耀胜 《包钢科技》2003,29(3):74-76
本文拟从住宅厨房整体设计中的设计目标,管线综合,柜体储物三方面进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

现代工业建筑的特点是大量采用金属网架结构产生了新的建筑形式。文章介绍了各种金属结构在建筑上应用的特点。  相似文献   

Zymomonas mobilis is undoubtedly one of the most unique bacterium within the microbial world. Known since 1912 under the names Termobacterium mobilis, Pseudomonas linderi, and Zymomonas mobilis, reviews on its uniqueness have been published in 1977 and 1988. The bacterium Zymomonas mobilis not only exhibits an extraordinarily uniqueness in its biochemistry, but also in its growth behavior, energy production, and response to culture conditions, as well as cultivation techniques used. This uniqueness caused great interest in the scientific, biotechnological, and industrial worlds. Its ability to couple and uncouple energy production in favor of product formation, to respond to physical and chemical environment manipulation, as well as its restricted product formation, makes it an ideal microorganism for microbial process development. This review explores the advances made since 1987, together with new developments in the pure scientific and applied commercial areas.  相似文献   

A process is developed for the autoclave leaching of nickel and manganese with sulfuric acid from the products of catalytic synthesis of industrial diamonds containing 20% Ni and 30% Mn. The optimum conditions for the autoclave processes are determined to be as follows: the temperature range is 150–160°C, the solution acidity is 5 N H2SO4 (230–240 g/l), the leaching duration is 2 h, and the number of processing steps is two. The extraction of the metals into a solution under these conditions is >99% for a total Ni + Co content of <0.4–0.5% in the autoclave leaching cake. The studies performed are related to the search for alternative ways of the catalytic preparation of industrial diamonds that can replace the nonferrous metal leaching technology using aqua regia solutions, which is mainly applied for these purposes under industrial conditions.  相似文献   


Microwave carbothermal nitridation was used to prepare vanadium nitride from vanadium pentoxide and carbon black, under flowing nitrogen gas at atmospheric pressure. The effect of synthesis temperature, soaking time and the initial concentration of carbon on the final nitrogen content was studied. The nitrogen content in the products reached 12 to 16 wt-%, well within the current requirements of the steelmaking industry.  相似文献   

工业控制组态软件的发展现状及应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
简要地阐述了工业控制组态软件的发展过程和现状,对具有代表性的组态软件InTouch及其应用进行了扼要的介绍,同时讨论了组态软件领域未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

樊丽琴 《包钢科技》2001,27(3):11-14
本文通过对GE-28捕收剂进行小型试验,工业试验以及工业试生产应用,验证了GE-28药剂的低温性能。使用该药剂在25℃以下,可获得铁品位为62.72%,含氟0.57%的铁精矿,除氟率由试验前5月份的96.96%提高到97.10%。  相似文献   

烧结烟气循环技术工业化应用概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前钢铁产能过剩,钢铁企业既要加大环保投入,又要降低生产成本,处境十分尴尬。烧结烟气循环利用是减排烧结烟气的有效手段,近年来,在国内烧结机新建和改造项目中均有成功应用。在当前形势下,根据企业的实际条件,采用适宜的工艺模式应用烧结烟气循环技术,不仅可以在环保、挖潜增效和提质降耗等方面给企业带来效益,而且能有效推动企业的转型升级与健康发展。  相似文献   

概述了烧结矿竖式冷却工艺发展历程,并从吨矿蒸汽回收量、发电量以及减碳、减排量等方面介绍了梅钢烧结矿竖式冷却工艺工业试验进展.研究认为,烧结矿料层空隙率及其分布均匀性对于高温烧结矿与冷却气体的充分接触及换热具有重要意义,烧结矿粒度组成决定了料层空隙率,布料偏析及烧结矿颗粒运动影响料层空隙率大小及均匀性.实际生产中,应确定适宜入炉烧结矿粒度范围,设计偏析改善装置以及保持烧结矿颗粒整体流.  相似文献   

氰化物浓度是氰化浸金工艺的重要参数,通过氰化物浓度在线检测控制可以有效减少氰化物消耗。介绍了BOTA型氰化物浓度在线分析仪的技术升级,由光度滴定替代电位滴定,提高了仪器测量性能及可靠性。升级后的BOTA-Ⅱ型氰化物浓度在线分析仪在排山楼金矿进行了工业应用,在氰化钠和某低氰药剂的浸出流程中均能实现氰化物浓度的在线测量,测量精度及可靠性满足要求,为企业带来了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了重庆钢铁股份公司炼钢厂为了提高钢水洁净度,减缓因Al2O3夹杂堵塞水口造成事故。借助冶金熔渣有关知识,结合炼钢厂连铸生产实际开展中包碱性保护渣研究,解决了中包碱性保护渣在连铸生产应用中遇到的一些问题,使得生产顺行,同时取得了较好的冶金效果。  相似文献   

A single-pot enzymatic synthesis of Z-CCK5 (4-8) is presented in this work, employing Z-Gly-Trp-OBzl as acyl donor, under kinetic control. The first goal of the work is the development of a synthetic strategy allowing the use of the same medium for two reactions catalyzed by immobilized alpha-chymotrypsin, discriminating between simultaneous and consecutive addition systems. The second goal is the maximization of the pentapeptide yield as a function of the molar excess of both nucleophiles employed. A maximum yield of 36% was obtained, and the addition strategy as well as the optimal initial concentrations of substrates have been determined.  相似文献   

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