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利用2007年10月5日覆盖合肥市的TM影像反演了NDVI和LST,并结合GIS技术和城市形态分维理论,分析了合肥市热环境布局以及不同热环境等级与各土地利用类型的关系。结果表明:合肥市地表温度具有东南高、西北低的热岛效应存在,热岛效应的中心并未出现在城市中心区域。LST与NDVI呈明显负相关关系(相关系数为-0.734),NDVI值每升高0.1,LST约降低0.93℃。城建面积加权环境效应贡献指数(WHI)为1.14,对热环境的作用(正向)程度最高;耕地的WHI为-0.51,对热环境的作用(负向)程度最高,且耕地在合肥市各热环境等级中都发挥了独特的作用。   相似文献   

空气流量计是汽车众多零部件中很重要的传感器,利用Flotherm软件建立了两种热式汽车空气流量计的三维模型,并对两种方案进行热模拟,比较不同方案对流量计散热性能的影响,所得结果对于热式汽车空气流量计的设计有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

随着计算机系统向多处理器多核架构发展,针对航空工程技术高精度大规模求解问题,提出了一种高效、准确的无人机CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)数值模拟多核并行计算方法。对典型机翼进行了串行解法和并行解法的数值校验,验证了以N-S(Navier-Stokes)方程为主控方程的数值求解方法的正确性。接着对比了串行计算和并行计算的时间、加速比等性能,最终获得了针对无人机整机的一种高效的并行计算方法,并对某无人机整机纵向气动特性进行了数值计算。采用FLUENT脚本记录功能,实现不同工况按编译顺序自动计算、保存数据和切换,提高了计算效率。从模块角度详细介绍了CFD串行、并行计算的工作原理,为采用并行计算的方法提供了依据。  相似文献   

针对流化床工业设备,简要阐述了加强气体分布板结构设计的重要性。在此基础上,结合对计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)理论及相关计算软件的介绍,重点阐明了FLUENT软件的计算特点及气固流化系统的流场模型,同时还列举了若干基于FLUENT、FIRE、PHOENICS、CFX等CFD软件的流化过程模拟及气体分布板结构优化的实例,并指出了该类研究的几点不足之处,以明确下一步的研发重点。  相似文献   

为探究天然气管道泄漏对周围人员和建筑物所造成的影响,提高管道火灾的人员逃生率,采用Pyrosim火灾仿真模拟软件,首先,按照管道火灾的特点设置火源及反应类型,对火灾模拟的过程、热辐射强度范围和温度分布范围进行分析;其次,将火灾模拟时间设为100 s,截取观察15 s、25 s、35 s、45 s、55 s、65 s、7...  相似文献   

热红外遥感地表温度反演研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孟鹏  胡勇  巩彩兰  李志乾  栗琳  周颖 《遥感信息》2012,27(6):118-123,132
从Planck函数和热红外辐射传输方程出发,概述了热红外遥感反演地表温度的基本原理,总结了当前反演地表温度常用到的热红外遥感器及相应波段。将热红外遥感地表温度反演算法分为单通道、劈窗和多通道3大类,分析了每一类中较具代表性算法的原理、适用条件及精确度。从热红外遥感机理、发射率、环境辐射、混合像元、大气影响等方面概述了热红外遥感反演地表温度面临的主要问题,并对热红外遥感地表温度反演的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

为探索不同城市建筑形态对地表温度影响的梯度与城市间差异,研究以西安、郑州、济南为研究区,基于Landsat-8 TIRS影像和城市三维建筑数据,通过多元线性回归模型分析了这3个城市中建筑形态对不同季节地表温度在城市整体和梯度尺度上的影响并比较其差异性:(1)夏季和冬季中地表温度受城市建筑形态影响最大的城市分别为西安(R2=0.414)和济南(R2=0.300)。建筑覆盖率和平均建筑高度分别对3个城市夏季和冬季地表温度影响最大,且分别表现为正向与负向影响。(2)对建筑覆盖率进行梯度分级后,发现当覆盖率小于20%时,建筑体积密度对3个城市有较强的降温作用;当覆盖率处于20%—40%时,平均建筑高度显著降低3个城市地表温度;当覆盖率处于40%—60%时,天空可视因子对3个城市有一定增温作用;当覆盖率大于60%时,平均建筑高度大幅度降低济南地表温度。(3)西安、济南、郑州低层建筑的平均地表温度分别为9.5℃、7.7℃、6.1℃,3个城市的地表温度由低层到高层都呈下降趋势,且每个梯度内西安的地表温度均高于郑州和济南。研究结果表明:合理规划城市建筑形态,有利于缓解中心城市地表温度过高的现象。  相似文献   

地表温度热红外遥感反演的研究现状及其发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
区域性或全球性的地表温度, 只有通过遥感手段才能获得, 在诸多应用中是一个非常重要的参数。地表温度反演是热红外遥感研究的热点和难点之一, 大气校正、温度与比辐射率的分离是必须考虑的两个重要方面。近年来有关的研究非常多, 主要反演方法可分为5 类: 单通道方法、分裂窗(双波段) 方法、多波段温度- 比辐射率分离方法、多角度温度反演方法和多角度与多通道相结合的方法。这些方法都各有利弊, 如何提高反演的精度和模型的适用性是地表温度热红外遥感的未来发展趋势, 理论和实验相结合的多种信息源的综合应用成为必然的要求。  相似文献   

湿地是生态系统中最为重要的一个生态系统,同时也是近些年来遭受人类活动破坏最为严重的生态系统。近些年来,关于湿地的保护也引起了人们的广泛关注。本文以三江保护区的1999年和2007年两期TM遥感影像为基础,结合人工神经网络和元胞自动机模型,通过对不同分类精度的一系列遥感分类影像作模拟预测,比较分析它们的预测精度,最后结果表明:分类精度和模拟预测精度有着正相关的线性关系,当分类精度达到(Kappa系数)0.75以上时,预测的精度(Kappa系数)才可以达到0.69以上。这一结论为利用元胞自动机模拟预测湿地的空间格局演化时分类精度的选择提供了一定的指导。最后,用此元胞自动机模型预测了2015和2023两年的该区域湿地空间格局图,为三江保护政策的实施提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

目前对于超大城市土地覆盖和热环境定量模型研究报道不足,这主要是因为大城市地表温度和地表生物物理组分之间存在复杂的潜在非线性关系,这使得准确评估城市热环境情况遇到了严峻的技术挑战。研究选取中外6个典型超大城市(北京、上海、广州、伦敦、纽约和东京)为研究对象,以Landsat遥感影像为主要数据源,利用单通道算法反演各城市地表温度,采用随机森林回归模型(RFR)建立土地覆盖类型与城市热环境定量关系模型(LCT),综合分析城市土地覆盖因子与热环境间的多维定量关系。土地覆盖与地表温度的定量关系显示,城市地表热场的空间结构在很大程度上被下垫面用地类型所左右,不透水面会导致高温热场的聚集,而植被和水体则有降温作用。6个超大城市地表覆盖结构变化产生的升温/降温效应有所差异,北京、上海、纽约和东京等城市区域的植被和水体降温效应较广州和伦敦显著。基于随机森林回归方法建立了NDVI、MNDWI和NDISI等3种土地覆盖类型与城市热环境的综合定量关系模型(LCT),模型得到的精度高于基于多元线性回归方法建立的模型。LCT_RF模型的R2值在0.623~0.826之间,比LCT_MLR模型高0.021~0.07...  相似文献   

Taking a university campus in Jiangning District of Nanjing as the study area,we used an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) mounted with a thermal infrared imager to map the land surface temperature of the study area for analysis of thermal variance and its change over different typical urban surface patterns.6 typical urban underlying surfaces (water,shrubs,grass,brick pavement,marble pavement and asphalt pavement) were identified in the study area.Thus,the objective of the study is to analyze the variation of the obtained land surface temperature among the surface patterns in the study area and to reveal the detailed characteristics of the LST changes under different weather conditions within a day and a month.The estimation of sensible heat release was conducted to quantitatively describe the fine characteristics of the surface temperature of different underlying surfaces.The influencing factors of surface temperature changes were investigated by correlating surface temperature with meteorological factors.The results showed that under different weather conditions,there were differences in the characteristics of surface temperature and sensible heat release on underlying surfaces.In sunny days,the diurnal variation of different underlying surfaces fluctuated greatly,the temperature of asphalt pavement was relatively high,and the sensible heat release was the largest,which had the greatest impact on the thermal environment,followed by the marble and brick pavement.The water and shrub almost had no sensible heat release during the day,and the remission effect on the thermal environment was obvious.In cloudy days,the diurnal variation of surface temperature on different underlying surfaces was not obvious and the artificial was still the main body of sensible heat release.Referring to meteorological factors,the solar radiation and the air temperature were positively correlated with the surface temperature of the underlying surface which had a warming effect on the underlying surface.The air humidity was negatively correlated with the temperature of the underlying surface,which played a role of cooling the land surface.This research will provide a new idea and method for the study of urban micro\|thermal environment and a theoretical basis for the research of urban micro-thermal environment based on remote sensing. 〖HT〗〖ST〗〖HJ〗〖WT〗〖JP〗〖LM〗 〖GK2!2〗  相似文献   

Rapid urban expansion had a significant impact in land use/cover change along urban-rural gradient, and the increase of impervious construction land and the reduction of vegetation cover had induced and aggravated the urban heat island effect. Studying the impact of urban-rural gradient land cover change on urban heat island effect was significant for urban planning and construction, improving the comfort of human settlements and enhancing the function of urban ecological services. The surface temperature of Xi'an city was retrieved by mono-window algorithm based on Landsat images, and the thermal field intensity map was obtained by calculating the thermal field variation index, and the gradient land cover changes in urban and rural areas were analyzed with land use data. The results showed that: ①The urban heat island effect in Xi'an showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing from 2000 to 2015. In 2000, the extremely strong heat island effect area accounted for 10.58% of the research area, and gradually increased to 16.14% in 2011, and then decreased to 9.00% in 2015. ②From 2000 to 2015, the area of construction land increased 412.76 km2 and the intensity of extremely strong heat island expanded year by year with the expansion of urban built-up areas. ③About 70% of the non-heat island effect areas were located on farmland and forest land, and the proportion of water area in the non-heat island effect was increasing year by year from 31% to 47%, which showed that the increase of vegetation and water area could effectively alleviate the urban heat island effect.  相似文献   

杭州市城市空间扩展及其热环境变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过Landsat卫星影像分别获取了杭州市1989、2000和2010年的城市空间扩张、地表温度及作为主要地表参数的建筑用地和植被的信息,用以研究杭州市城市扩展及其城市热环境变化。结果表明:在21 a间,杭州市建成区范围有了大幅扩展,且城市热岛区域的空间变化与建成区的空间扩展变化基本一致。研究还发现杭州市区的特高温区面积比例在逐渐减小,城市热岛比例指数(URI)从0.78降至0.71,表明城市热岛效应有一定缓解。建筑用地比例的减小与建筑用地密度的下降是城市热岛得以缓解的主要原因。定量分析表明建筑用地的升温效应要强于植被的降温效应。总的看来,杭州市的城市热岛效应现象在整个研究时段内虽有一定的改善,但仍一直处于较强烈的状态。  相似文献   

Impervious surface area (ISA) from the Landsat TM-based NLCD 2001 dataset and land surface temperature (LST) from MODIS averaged over three annual cycles (2003-2005) are used in a spatial analysis to assess the urban heat island (UHI) skin temperature amplitude and its relationship to development intensity, size, and ecological setting for 38 of the most populous cities in the continental United States. Development intensity zones based on %ISA are defined for each urban area emanating outward from the urban core to the non-urban rural areas nearby and used to stratify sampling for land surface temperatures and NDVI. Sampling is further constrained by biome and elevation to insure objective intercomparisons between zones and between cities in different biomes permitting the definition of hierarchically ordered zones that are consistent across urban areas in different ecological setting and across scales.We find that ecological context significantly influences the amplitude of summer daytime UHI (urban-rural temperature difference) the largest (8 °C average) observed for cities built in biomes dominated by temperate broadleaf and mixed forest. For all cities combined, ISA is the primary driver for increase in temperature explaining 70% of the total variance in LST. On a yearly average, urban areas are substantially warmer than the non-urban fringe by 2.9 °C, except for urban areas in biomes with arid and semiarid climates. The average amplitude of the UHI is remarkably asymmetric with a 4.3 °C temperature difference in summer and only 1.3 °C in winter. In desert environments, the LST's response to ISA presents an uncharacteristic “U-shaped” horizontal gradient decreasing from the urban core to the outskirts of the city and then increasing again in the suburban to the rural zones. UHI's calculated for these cities point to a possible heat sink effect. These observational results show that the urban heat island amplitude both increases with city size and is seasonally asymmetric for a large number of cities across most biomes. The implications are that for urban areas developed within forested ecosystems the summertime UHI can be quite high relative to the wintertime UHI suggesting that the residential energy consumption required for summer cooling is likely to increase with urban growth within those biomes.  相似文献   


随着城市化进程的加快,热岛效应成为当今社会热点问题,研究主要集中于热岛强度变化和景观格局影响分析.遥感热岛提取结果受到多方面因素的影响,因此影像选择尤为关键.以石家庄地区为例,选取不同季节、相同季节但植被状态不同的Landsat影像以及ASTER夜间影像,分析季节、农田生长状态、昼夜等因素对遥感热岛提取结果的影响.研究...  相似文献   

西宁和拉萨城市作为青藏高原人类活动的热点地区,其发展历程对青藏高原社会经济发展具有重要影响。研究基于遥感影像、城市规划图和历史地图等资料重建了西宁和拉萨城市1949基准年、1978基准年、1990年、2000年、2010年和2018年城市扩展及2000年以来城市不透水层和绿地空间组分数据,分析了1949基准年以来西宁和拉萨主城区城市扩展的时空特征,揭示了社会经济因素和政策因素对城市土地利用/覆盖变化的影响。研究结果表明:(1)新中国成立以来,西宁和拉萨主城区持续扩展,均呈现非线性的增长态势,城市土地面积分别从1949基准年的1.98 km2和1.10 km2增长到2018年的75.65 km2和76.04 km2;西宁主城区城市扩展呈现十字状的扩展态势,拉萨呈现出圈层外延式的扩展模式;(2)自2000年来,西宁和拉萨城市绿化水平显著提升。2000~2018年,西宁和拉萨城市不透水层面积分别从36.91 km2和21.56 km2增加到55.34 km  相似文献   

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