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采用VOF方法模拟了液滴以相同速度撞击到接触角分别为63°、90°、118°和160°的固体壁面上的形态演变过程。结果表明:固壁的亲憎水性对液滴撞击表面后形态的演化有较大影响,亲水壁面有利于液滴的铺展,在接触角为90°的壁面上液滴部分反弹,而当接触角为160°时,液滴完全反弹;当三相接触线开始回缩时,中心液体的表层部分在惯性力的作用下继续向铺展的液滴边缘聚集,导致近中心处液膜逐渐减薄至断裂,最终形成边缘较厚的液环;同时,液滴最大铺展系数随壁面接触角的增大而减小,达到最大铺展系数的时间也相应缩短。 相似文献
采用复合水平集法和流体体积法建立液滴冲击球形凹曲面的数值模型,通过分析计算结果揭示了液滴撞壁流动及破碎机制。研究表明:液滴的撞壁特性与液滴碰撞速度密切相关;液滴凹曲面撞壁与平面撞壁相比,铺展系数较小,回弹射流出现时间超前,回弹射流速度较大。量纲1分析得出:液滴的最大铺展系数和相对最大铺展速度与Reynolds数近似幂递增,液滴的相对最大射流长度与Reynolds数近似对数递增,液滴的相对最大射流速度与Reynolds数近似幂递减。对比分析现有液滴撞壁最大铺展系数理论解析模型,提出了液滴凹曲面撞壁最大铺展系数解析模型的发展方向。 相似文献
对冷水滴撞击不同表面时的动力学行为和相变过程进行了模拟。通过耦合VOF和Level-set方法追踪气液自由界面,结合焓-孔隙度相变模型,模拟水滴撞击冷表面的动力学行为及相变特征。选取亲水(接触角30°)、疏水(接触角114°)和超疏水(接触角163°)3种典型浸润性的表面,计算了多种壁温条件下的水滴撞击结冰过程。结果表明提高表面疏水性,将减小水滴与冷表面的接触时间和接触面积,降低水滴内的相变速率,延缓水滴结冰的时间。在表面温度高于-15℃时,超疏水表面可以避免冷水滴的冻结黏附,保持表面洁净。将模拟得到的最大铺展直径、回缩速率以及冻结情况,与已有实验结果进行对比验证,表明了模拟方法的有效性和准确性。 相似文献
采用CLSVOF耦合焓-多孔介质方法对单液滴撞击低温光滑圆柱壁面的现象进行数值模拟研究,揭示了壁面温度、壁面浸润性和液滴撞击速度等因素对液滴撞击低温光滑圆形壁面后动力学行为及相变特性的影响,研究中主要关注两个重要参数的变化规律:液膜高度变化和液滴对壁面的润湿特性。研究表明:提高壁面疏水性能可有效减小液滴碰撞圆柱的铺展润湿面积,从而减小冻结面积,降低结冰的危害程度;由于圆柱壁面的曲率作用,液滴撞击疏水圆柱壁面会出现液膜断裂,但在极低温度下,可抑制液膜在圆形壁面上的分裂,导致液膜在壁面上的铺展面积有所增加,防结冰性能下降。 相似文献
金属-有机骨架(metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)材料是一种由金属离子和有机配体通过自组装形成的新型多孔材料,具有优异的物理及化学性能,因而在气体吸附储存、气体分离以及工业催化等方面表现出良好的应用潜力。但在应用的过程中,无处不在的水分子会影响MOFs骨架的稳定性和吸附性能,极大地制约了其实际应用。本文介绍了近年来疏水性MOFs材料的研究进展,重点论述了金属离子和有机配体对调控MOFs亲疏水性的影响以及通过配体后修饰和疏水性物质复合等提高疏水性的方法,分析了MOFs材料的亲疏水性机理,同时提出了实验结合计算机模拟技术筛选疏水性MOFs的手段。最后,指出目前疏水性MOFs材料合成存在的问题及解决方法,期望为今后拓宽MOFs材料在高湿环境中的应用提供一些有用的参考。 相似文献
In this paper, a numerical model is developed for direct simulation of droplet impinging onto a spherical surface on a fixed Eulerian mesh. The model couples the level‐set method and the interfacial cell immersed boundary method to the single‐fluid formulation of the Navier–Stokes equations which are solved by a finite‐volume projection technique. Moving contact lines are modelled here with a simple static contact angle model. The model is shown to converge, and to agree with previous work in the literature. The model is then applied to investigate the impact behaviour of a droplet onto solid sphere of different diameters at low Weber number and low Reynolds number. The simulation results show that the droplet used in present study seems to deposit on different spherical surfaces through oscillating. The simulated results also suggest that the impacted‐sphere size has a significant effect on the impact dynamics of the droplet. A local breakage phenomenon may be found in the centre of the droplet collision with a smaller sphere during the first recoiling stage. A regime map is then established to provide quantitative analysis for the breakage mode of the current impacting process. 相似文献
The phenomenon of drop spreading is important to several process engineering applications. In the present work, numerical simulations of the dynamics of drop impact and spreading on horizontal and inclined surfaces were carried out using the volume of fluid (VOF) method. For the horizontal surfaces, the dynamics of impact and spreading of glycerin drops on wax and glass surfaces was investigated for which the experimental measurements were available [Šikalo, Š., Tropea, C., Ganic, E.N., 2005a. Dynamic wetting angle of a spreading droplet. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 29, 795-802; Šikalo, Š., Tropea, C., Ganic, E.N., 2005b. Impact of droplets onto inclined surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 286, 661-669]. The influence of surface wetting characteristics was investigated by using static contact angle (SCA) and dynamic contact angle (DCA) models. The dynamics of drop impact and spreading on inclined surfaces and the different regimes of drop impact and spreading process were also investigated. In particular, the effects of surface inclination, surface wetting characteristics, liquid properties and impact velocity on the dynamics of drop impact and spreading were investigated numerically and the results were verified experimentally. It was found that the SCA model can predict the drop impact and spreading behavior in quantitative agreement with the experiments for less wettable surfaces (SCA>90°). However, for more wettable surfaces (SCA<90°), the DCA observed at initial contact times were order of magnitude higher than SCA values and therefore the DCA model is needed for the accurate prediction of the spreading behavior. 相似文献
喷雾冷冻液滴的冻结过程决定着干燥产品的微结构。本文以单个雾化液滴为研究对象,利用数值模拟的方法研究了液滴大小、气体流速和环境温度3个参数对其冻结过程的影响。结果发现,液滴越大冻结时所需的形核时间和完全固化时间越长,而且冻结过程随着气体流速的增大和环境温度的降低而缩短。通过方差分析发现,液滴大小较气体流速和环境温度对液滴完全固化时间的影响有较显著差异。液滴冷冻过程中,其质量损失率随着液滴大小的增大而略有减小,随着气体流速的增加及环境温度的降低而减小,其中环境温度对液滴质量损失率的影响最大。 相似文献
Enhui Chen Quanzi Yuan Xianfu Huang 《Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology》2016,30(20):2265-2276
We experimentally investigated the dynamic polygonal spreading of droplets on lyophilic pillar-arrayed substrates. When deposited on lyophilic rough surfaces, droplets adopt dynamic evolutions of projected shapes from initial circles to final bilayer polygons. These dynamic processes are distinguished in two regimes on the varied substrates. The bilayer structure of a droplet, induced by micropillars on the surface, was explained by the interaction between the fringe (liquid in the space among the micropillars) and the bulk (upper liquid). The evolution of polygonal shapes, following the symmetry of the pillar-arrayed surface, was analysed by the competition effects of excess driving energy and resistance which were induced by micropillars with increasing solid surface area fraction. Though the anisotropic droplets spread in different regimes, they obey the same scaling law S ~ t2/3 (S being the wetted area and t being the spreading time), which is derived from the molecular kinetic theory. These results may expand our knowledge of the liquid dynamics on patterned surfaces and assist surface design in practical applications. 相似文献
用实验和模拟的方法研究了直径为3.2 mm的单个蒸馏水液滴与冷板面(温度低于273 K)撞击铺展和固化过程,分析了撞击高度(100、250、500 mm)、板面温度(253、268 K)、板面倾角(0°、30°和60°)对撞击过程的影响以及液滴在冷板面上冻结过程。并模拟了单个普鲁兰多糖溶液液滴在撞击高度为100 mm、板面温度为253 K的过程。结果表明,撞击高度与板面温度对液滴在水平冷板面的铺展过程起到重要作用,板面倾角会影响液滴撞击倾斜板面时的冷冻沉积。物料的黏度会影响液滴冷冻沉积时的铺展速率及铺展直径,而对于较高黏度物料,温度并不起决定作用。模拟和实验结果吻合较好,反映了液滴铺展冻结过程中的温度变化,有利于直观解释液滴发生冻结的状况。 相似文献
为了研究液滴碰撞复杂热壁面过程中液滴的铺展特性和传热特性,文中基于FTM(Front-Tracking Method)方法对液滴碰撞倾斜固体热壁面过程进行了模拟研究,通过改变壁面倾斜角度、表面张力系数σ,从压力场、流场、惯性力、表面张力等角度对换热现象进行分析和研究。结果表明:液滴撞击倾斜壁面时,在液滴下滑方向一侧三相点处热流密度取得最大值;壁面倾斜角度越大,液滴铺展程度越低,传热减弱;σ影响液滴中后期的铺展特性,σ越大液滴最大铺展系数越小,且回缩越迅速;由于传热大部分发生在液滴碰撞壁面初期铺展阶段,所以σ对液滴与壁面间传热特性影响较小。 相似文献