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为了合理选择螺杆泵定子橡胶材料以提高螺杆泵的使用寿命,分析了不同工况下丁腈橡胶与金属配副的摩擦磨损机理.采用MPV-600环块式摩擦磨损试验机对不同炭黑质量分数的丁腈橡胶在变载荷情况下进行摩擦磨损试验,利用体视显微镜观察橡胶磨损后的表面形貌,使用红外光谱仪分析表面官能团变化.试验结果表明:干摩擦情况下,磨损量在一定炭黑质量分数范围内随其增加而减小,磨损机制为黏着磨损和磨粒磨损;水润滑情况下,由于水的润滑及冷却作用,炭黑质量分数适中的橡胶耐磨性最好,磨损机制为磨粒磨损;原油润滑低载荷情况下,磨损量几乎不受炭黑质量分数的影响,而高载荷情况下,炭黑质量分数越高,磨损量越小,其磨损机制以腐蚀磨损为主.  相似文献   

The role of atomic hydrogen and hydrogen-induced martensites in hydrogen embrittlement in slow strain rate tensile tests and hydrogen-induced delayed cracking (HIC) in sustained load tests for type 304 L stainless steel was quantitatively studied. The results indicated that hydrogen-induced martensites formed when hydrogen concentration C0 exceeded 30 ppm, and increased with an increase in C0, i.e. M(vol%) =62-82.5exp( - C0/102). The relative plasticity loss caused by the marten-sites increased linearly with increasing amount of the martensites, i.e. Iδ(M),% = 0.45M(vol %) = 27.9-37.1 exp( -C0/102). The plasticity loss caused by atomic hydrogen Iδ(H) increased with an increase in C0 and reached a saturation value Iδ(H)max = 40% when C0 > 100 ppm. Iδ( H) decreased with an increase in strain rate E , i.e. Iδ (H), % = - 21.9 - 9. 9(?), and was zero when (?)≥(?)c = 0.032/ s. HIC under sustained load was due to atomic hydrogen, and the threshold stress intensity for HIC decreased linearly with lnC0, i.e  相似文献   

真空条件下GCr15钢摩擦磨损性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究登月车轴承内部摩擦磨损机理,研制了真空球盘式摩擦磨损试验机,并在常压和真空(真空度为6×10~(-3)Pa)条件下试验研究了GCr15钢球/GCr15钢盘配副的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:真空条件下摩擦面之间的高温使得试件剪切强度和粘着力降低,从而摩擦系数低于常压下。而真空条件下配副更易发生粘着,产生的磨屑更多,磨损量更大。  相似文献   

综合评价了国内外钢球的应用状况与钢球磨损机理的研究动态。  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONForfrictionbetweenmetals ,triboelectricityinvolvessurfacecontactpotential,thermalelectricpotential (See beckeffect) ,andelectronemission ,etc[1] .Andthefric tionofmetalsunderlubricationstatesmaybeaccompaniedwithelectrochemicalprocessandelectroki…  相似文献   

通过对9SiCr钢表面进行合金激光熔覆处理,在摩擦磨损实验机上对熔覆合金钢与Q235钢配副进行了摩擦磨损性能实验.通过摩擦磨损实验研究了参数如载荷、滑动距离、滑动速度、润滑条件等对Q235钢与熔覆合金钢的磨损量的影响,熔覆合金钢与Q235钢的磨损量与压力和滑动速度成正比.Ni合金钢的耐磨性比Co合金钢要好.通过扫描电镜分析了熔覆合金磨损机理,熔覆合金钢磨损主要以磨粒为主,同时表面存在大量凹坑,而Q235钢以磨粒和塑性变形为主.  相似文献   

MoSi2 samples were prepared by a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and a hot-press technique. The sliding friction and wear properties of intermetallic MoSi2 against AISI10045 steel under dry friction and oil lubrication conditions were investigated with a MRH-5A type ring-on-block friction and wear tester. The elemental composition, microstructure and worn surface morphology of the MoSi2 material were observed and analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The synthetic parameter pv value reflecting friction work, was used to discuss the tribological properties of MoSi2 material. The results show that 1) oil lubrication can obviously improve the tribological properties of MoSi2, 2) the bigger the pv value, the greater the antifriction and the abrasive resistance of MoSi2 under oil lubrication, 3) with an increase in the pv value, the wear mechanism of MoSi2 material under dry sliding friction is the fatigue fracture and adhesive wear and 4) under oil lubrication the wear mechanism is mainly fatigue pitting.  相似文献   

为了查找在设备检修中304 L材质的管道造成的大面积泄露的原因,本文对常用的腐蚀性较强的盐酸和硝酸进行化学清洗时的情况进行了研究.分别测定了两种酸在不同情况下的腐蚀率,通过SEM对腐蚀形貌进行了分析.分析结果表明该腐蚀产生的原因为盐酸的穿晶腐蚀.  相似文献   

The high temperature properties of AISI 304 stainless steel were studied.Basic data about the employed experimental equipment,testing procedures,and specimen geometry were given.The experimental setup was used to obtain stress-strain diagrams from tensile tests at room temperature as well as several elevated temperatures.Furthermore,the specimens were subjected to short-time creep tests at various temperatures.Stress levels for creep testing were established as a percentage of yield stress.The results indic...  相似文献   

为研究304不锈钢连铸坯中夹杂物的数量分布,用金相检验法对铸坯中的夹杂物数量进行了统计分析.结果显示,铸坯中由外向内非金属夹杂物数量增加.304不锈钢铸坯表层中绝大多数5μm以上夹杂物为球状或近似球状的硅酸盐夹杂物.但随着凝固的进行,在铸坯内部会新生大量氧化铝、镁铝尖晶石、氮化物等点状夹杂物和不规则夹杂物.铸坯心部10μm以上的大颗粒夹杂物数量较多.  相似文献   

Several imidazole phosphate ionic liquids with varying carbon chain length have been synthesized at room temperature. Corrosion characteristics and tribological properties of these synthesized ionic liquids were studied using four-ball friction and wear testing machine. Its lubrication mechanism was also investigated by means of electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The experimental results showed that no corrosion was generated when the imidazole phosphate ionic liquid was applied to steel-steel pair. Meanwhile, the imidazole phosphate showed excellent anti-wear and lubricating performances, its frictional performance was related to the polarity of ionic liquids. It is suggested that the ionic liquids react with friction surface to form a protective film of iron phosphate and result in reduction in friction and wear. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50721062 and 20533080) and the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (Grant No. 2007CB607606)  相似文献   

马氏体不锈钢等离子堆焊铁基合金组织及磨损性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究马氏体不锈钢的表面性能,采用等离子堆焊技术在Z5CND16-04不锈钢表面制备铁基合金堆焊层.采用扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪、显微硬度计及销盘磨损实验机等检测设备,对堆焊层的组织结构、成分、硬度和磨损性能进行了研究.结果表明,铁基合金堆焊层主要由α-Fe、(Fe,Cr,Mo)7C3和(Fe,Cr,Mo)23C6相组成,添加稀土元素后相组成无明显变化.铁基合金堆焊层的硬度和耐磨性均明显高于马氏体不锈钢基材.添加适量的CeO2后,明显细化了堆焊层的显微组织.  相似文献   

采用Compoglass,F2000,Elan,Dyract AP4种牙科用复合体材料(Compomer),对其玻璃颗粒含量和表面硬度进行了测量,并在球一盘往复摩擦磨损试验机上考察了它们的摩擦磨损特性。结果表明:F2000的摩擦系数最高,Elan的摩擦系数次之,Compoglass和DyractAP的摩擦系数分别为第三和第四.摩擦系数随玻璃颗粒含量的增加而增加.在同样试验条件下,低摩擦系数的DyractAP和Compoglass与高摩擦系数的F2000和Elan相比具有较好的耐磨性.磨损机理主要表现为由玻璃颗粒脆性断裂引起的玻璃颗粒脱落和磨粒磨损。  相似文献   

磨损条件对冷作模具钢的磨粒磨损特性及机理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对三种冷作模具钢LDI、65Nb和Cr12MoV在不同磨损条件下的磨粒磨损试验,并结合金相组织分析和SEM形貌观察,研究了试验钢的磨粒磨损特性,讨论了钢的组织和力学性能对耐磨性的影响。结果表明:材料的磨损机理随磨损条件的变化而变化;LDI钢540℃两次回火组织具有优良的耐磨性。  相似文献   

镍基纳米碳管复合镀层的摩擦磨损性能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用化学镀方法制备镍基纳米碳管复合镀层,用扫描电镜分析了镀层的表面形貌,并用销-盘式磨损试验机研究了复合镀层在干摩擦条件下的摩擦磨损行为.结果表明:纳米碳管均匀地嵌入在镍基体中,镍基纳米碳管复合镀层具有优良的耐磨性能;由于纳米碳管的自润滑作用,复合镀层的摩擦系数随着纳米碳管体积分数的增加而逐渐降低.  相似文献   

炮钢表面电弧离子镀TiAlN薄膜的摩擦磨损性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高PCrNi3Mo钢的耐磨性,利用电弧离子镀技术在其表面沉积了Ti_(0.7)Al_(0.3)N和Ti0.5Al0.5N薄膜,分析了沉积态和磨损态薄膜膜层的微观结构和形貌.结果表明,两种薄膜膜层均属于晶粒细小的柱状晶结构.Ti_(0.7)Al_(0.3)N和Ti0.5Al0.5N薄膜的硬度分别比PCrNi3Mo钢提高了4.75和4.22倍,而弹性模量分别比PCrNi3Mo钢提高了88%和84%.Ti_(0.7)Al_(0.3)N薄膜的稳定摩擦系数较小,两种薄膜具有显著的减摩耐磨作用.PCrNi3Mo钢的磨损机理主要为严重粘着磨损,而两种薄膜的磨损机理属于轻微粘着磨损.Ti0.5Al0.5N薄膜因脆性断裂局部产生了更大面积的剥落区,低硬度的PCrNi3Mo钢基体对膜层的支撑力变小是导致薄膜局部发生开裂破坏的主要原因.  相似文献   

Copper ions were implanted into austenitic stainless steel (SS) by metal vapor vacuum arc with a energy of 100 keV and an ions dose range of (0.5-8.0)×1017 cm-2. The Cu-implanted SS was annealed in an Ar atmosphere furnace. Glancing X-ray diffrac-tion (GXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) were used to reveal the phase compositions, microstructures, and concentration profiles of copper ions in the implanted layer. The results show that the antibacterial property...  相似文献   

Abrasive wear characteristics of polyethylene, polystyrene, polymethylmethacrylate, nylon 1010 and polyvinyl chloride were investigated. The volume relative wear resistance coefficients of these thermoplastic polymers are 18%-35% (hardened and low temperature tempered steel 45 was used as a comparing material), and have a linear correlation with square roots of their cohesive energy densities. The coefficients of linear correlation is 0.949. Wear morphologies were observed by scanning electron microscope (SRM). Main wear mechanism of the thermoplastic polymers includes brittle breaking for the hard and brittle polymers & plowing and fatiguing for the soft and tough ones.  相似文献   

Dry Friction Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy under High Sliding Velocity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tribological behaviours of Ti-6Al-4V alloy pins sliding against GCr15 steel discs over a range of contact pressures (0.33-1.33 MPa) and sliding velocities (30-70 m/s) were investigated using a pin-on-disc tribometer under unlubricated conditions. The wear mechanisms and the wear transition were analyzed based on examinations of worn surfaces using SEM, EDS and XRD. When the velocity increases, the friction coefficient and the wear rate of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy show typical transition features, namely, the critical values of sliding velocities for 0.33 and 0.67 MPa are 60 and 40 m/s, respectively. The experimental results reveal that the tribological behaviours of Ti-6Al-4V alloys are controlled by the thermal-mechanical effects, which connects with the friction heat and hard particles of the pairs. A tribolayer containing mainly Ti oxides and V oxides is formed on the worn surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy.  相似文献   

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