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选择刻蚀在GaAs工艺中是非常重要的一步。由于湿法腐蚀存在钻蚀和选择性差,且精度难以控制,因此有必要进行干法刻蚀的研究。虽然采用反应离子刻蚀(RIE)、磁增强反应离子刻蚀(MERIE)可以进行选择刻蚀,但是这两种方法在挖槽时会对器件造成较大损伤,影响器件性能。感应耦合等离子刻蚀(ICP)是一种低损伤、高刻蚀速率高选择比的刻蚀方法,在GaAs器件的制造中有突出的优点。本工作进行GaAs/AlGaAs  相似文献   

主要分析了不同工艺参数对于刻蚀图形的影响,包括刻蚀侧壁角度,刻蚀表面平整度,选择比,侧向钻蚀等几个方面,及ICP刻蚀对激光器性能的影响,通过对翔蚀图形的控制,使2寸片内均匀性〈±5%,侧壁角达到79°~81°。  相似文献   

为避免深硅刻蚀工艺所引起的扇贝纹效应,同时减少其工艺气体所带来的温室效应,本文将新一代环保电子刻蚀气C4F6引入硅刻蚀工艺,采用刻蚀与钝化同步进行的伪Bosch工艺刻蚀硅槽孔。研究了ICP功率、RIE功率、腔体压强和C_(4)F_(6)/SF_(6)气体流量比对刻蚀速率、光刻胶/硅刻蚀选择比及刻蚀形貌的影响。结果表明,一定程度增加ICP功率和RIE功率可分别提高等离子体密度和物理轰击刻蚀作用;腔体压强对粒子平均自由径有较大影响;而C4F6流量的增加可加强刻蚀侧壁保护机制。通过综合优化工艺参数,获得了2.8μm/min硅刻蚀速率,3.1的光刻胶/硅刻蚀选择比和侧壁平坦,表面光滑,垂直度高的刻蚀形貌。  相似文献   

结合刻蚀GaAs基光子晶体在光子晶体垂直腔面发射激光器中的应用,研究了光刻胶、SiO2掩膜的特性以及对GaAs基二维光子晶体ICP刻蚀效果的影响,并分析了ICP刻蚀小尺寸光子晶体时,造成底面凹凸不平、侧壁粗糙、垂直度差的原因.最后,调整工艺条件,利用BP212-7CP光刻胶做掩膜,成功制作了直径为1.2~4.0μm、深度为1.5μm的侧壁光滑垂直、底面平整的高质量光子晶体结构.  相似文献   

通过一系列的刻蚀实验,研究了在反应离子刻蚀(RIE)过程中,CF4流量及射频功率等工艺参数对刻蚀硅基材料的影响,采用不同工艺条件,得出了对应的刻蚀速率、均匀性、选择比等刻蚀参数,并对结果进行了比较与分析,得到了相对最佳的工艺条件,能较好地实现硅的各向异性刻蚀,为硅基材料刻蚀技术在半导体工艺中的应用做了一定的实验探索.  相似文献   

采用分子束外延方法在GaSb衬底上生长InAs/GaSb超晶格红外薄膜材料,为获得台面结构,采用电感耦合等离子体(ICP)刻蚀技术和Cl2/Ar刻蚀气体,分别研究了不同刻蚀时间、不同气体比例及不同功率对GaSb、InAs及InAs/GaSb超晶格刻蚀速率和刻蚀形貌的影响。结果表明,由于刻蚀产物InCl x的低挥发性阻挡了Cl2的刻蚀,InAs的刻蚀速率低于GaSb;Cl2比例在20%~40%时,刻蚀表面粗糙度最小,明显低于湿法腐蚀造成的表面损伤,有助于形成良好的欧姆接触和减小器件的表面漏电流。  相似文献   

XeF2不需要任何电离作用,与硅可发生自发反应,可用作对硅各向同性干法刻蚀.研制了一个使用脉冲法对二氧化硅/硅体系进行XeF2刻蚀的系统,利用该系统实现了高SiO2/Si、光刻胶/Si刻蚀选择比之硅刻蚀,并对刻蚀速率与刻蚀压强、刻蚀表面粗糙度与刻蚀深度之间的关系进行实验研究.  相似文献   

报道了反应离子刻蚀转移图形过程中对Amonil光刻胶的刻蚀参数优化的结果.利用软膜紫外光固化纳米压印技术,首先制备了线宽/间距均为200 nm的纳米光栅结构.然后采用反应离子刻蚀的方法去除残留的Amonil光刻胶.研究了不同的气体组成、射频功率、压强和气体流量对刻蚀形貌、表面粗糙度以及刻蚀速度的影响.在优化的工艺条件下,获得了理想的具有垂直侧壁形貌和较小表面粗糙度的纳米光栅阵列.结果表明,选择优化的刻蚀工艺参数,既能有效地改善图形转移的性能,同时也能提高所制备结构的光学应用特性.  相似文献   

发展电化学刻蚀和化学刻蚀技术,对钛表面进行处理,并应用扫描电镜、X射线衍射方法对其表面进行表征,探讨电化学刻蚀钛表面形成微观结构的机理.结果表明,经刻蚀后钛表面形成了纳米级微观结构,提高了表面粗糙度,可增强生物材料涂层与钛基底的结合强度.  相似文献   

在CF4/Ar的感应耦合等离子体中,用"法拉第筒"式的方法研究了SiO2刻蚀速率与不同离子入射角度之间的关系.在所施加的-20~300V射频偏压范围内,SiO2基片的归一化刻蚀速率(NER)呈现两种情况,当偏压值<100V时,归一化刻蚀速率的大小与基片倾斜角度θ符合余弦曲线规律;当偏压值>100V时,θ在15°~60°范围内,归一化刻蚀速率的大小在大于相应的余弦值,θ>60°时归一化刻蚀速率快速下降,在90°附近SiO2表面出现聚合物沉积.θ<60°时,SiO2的表面刻蚀主要决定于入射离子与基片表面间的能量转换,转换能量的大小深刻地影响着SiO2的刻蚀速率,同时也影响形成于基片表面的碳氟聚合物的去除速率.  相似文献   


The cooling slope process is a simple method to produce feedstock materials for semisolid processing. In this work, the influence of surface coating of the cooling slope on grain morphology was examined. The investigation showed that the coating on the surface of the slope can affect the forming of both the solidification shell and the morphology of α-Al phase. A zebra form coating was proposed and tested, which cannot only reduce the solidification shell but also improve the grain microstructure.  相似文献   

The presence of reactive gases as contaminants of the gas atmosphere in a sputter etching machine can cause a strong increase in the etch rate of commonly used photoresist masks. When an appropriate part of the target material has a high getter efficiency, the partial pressure of reactive gases can be markedly reduced. The influence of a copper and of a titanium target on the partial pressure of oxygen in a sputter etching equipment has been investigated. The use of a titanium target results in a drastic decrease in the etch rate of photoresist masks at oxygen pressures in the range 10-6–10-4 Torr.  相似文献   

Dry etching of GaAs was investigated in BCl3, BCl3/N2 and BCl3/Ar discharges with a mechanical pump-based capacitively coupled plasma system. Etched GaAs samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy and surface profilometry. Optical emission spectroscopy was used to monitor the BCl3-based plasma during etching. Pure BCl3 plasma was found to be suitable for GaAs etching at > 100 mTorr while producing a clean and smooth surface and vertical sidewall. Adding N2 or Ar to the BCl3 helped increase the etch rates of GaAs. For example, the GaAs etch rate was doubled with 20% N2 composition in the BCl3/N2 plasma compared to the pure BCl3 discharge at 150 W CCP power and 150 mTorr chamber pressure. The GaAs etch rate was ∼ 0.21 µm/min in the 20 sccm BCl3 plasma. The BCl3/Ar plasma also increased etch rates of GaAs with 20% of Ar in the discharge. However, the surface morphology of GaAs was strongly roughened with high percentage (> 30%) of N2 and Ar in the BCl3/N2 and BCl3/Ar plasma, respectively. Optical emission spectra showed that there was a broad BCl3-related molecular peak at 450-700 nm wavelength in the pure BCl3 plasma. When more than 50% N2 was added to the BCl3 plasma, an atomic N peak (367.05 nm) and molecular N2 peaks (550-800 nm) were detected. Etch selectivity of GaAs to photoresist decreased with the increase of % N2 and Ar in the BCl3-based plasma.  相似文献   

变厚度复合材料热压罐工艺层板厚度控制的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对2种碳纤维织物/环氧预浸料,采用热压罐工艺在不同条件下制备了变厚度层板,并通过层板内部形貌、层板厚度、纤维含量、吸胶量、织物渗透率的测试分析,研究了变厚度层板的密实过程和纤维分布的影响因素。结果表明:密实过程中树脂的二维流动导致2种织物变厚度层板厚板区的纤维含量高于薄板区;G0827单向织物的面内渗透率与厚度方向渗透率比值大于G0803缎纹织物,造成G0827织物变厚度层板的纤维分布不均匀性更大;无吸胶材料的条件下层板内纤维分布均匀,说明吸胶材料内树脂的面内流动对层板的纤维分布有很大影响。  相似文献   

介绍了一种在氮化镓外延片表面制备得到孔径为纳米量级的多孔结构的工艺.用电化学方法制备出孔径为纳米量级的多孔阳极氧化铝模板作为掩模,经过电感耦合等离子体(ICP)刻蚀制备得到纳米孔氮化镓材料.孔的大小和孔间距可以通过改变阳极氧化条件来控制,改变刻蚀时间可以控制孔深.刻蚀所用气体为氯气和惰性气体的混合物.扫描电镜照片显示,掩模图形能够很好地转移到GaN材料上.刻蚀后的材料经光荧光谱(PL Spectra)谱和Raman散射谱测试,显示出良好的光学特性,并在一定程度上释放了应力.  相似文献   

对机械剥离在SiO2表面的多层石墨烯进行氧等离子体刻蚀,通过拉曼光谱、原子力显微镜和电学性能表征来研究氧等离子体轰击对石墨烯特性的影响。结果表明氧等离子体轰击会在表层石墨烯中引入大量缺陷,大量缺陷的存在又会诱导对石墨烯的进一步刻蚀,从而实现逐层刻蚀石墨烯。另外,氧等离子体轰击的过程在做了金属电极的石墨烯中引入金属颗粒等其它物质,这几方面的原因最终导致在氧等离子体刻蚀石墨烯的过程中石墨烯的两端电导呈现近似线性的减小,石墨烯出现n型掺杂效应。  相似文献   

The etching rate in hydrofluoric acid (HF) of a sacrificial oxide layer decreases during the extended etching process, as indicated by experiments with temperature from 298 to 308 K at different HF concentration. Existing models indicate that the etching solution's concentration at the etching front decreases during extended etching since the diffusion distance of HF from the source of the solution increases, resulting in the decrease of the etching rate. However, it is found that the measured etching rates do not decrease as seriously as predicted by the models. The difference of etching rate between the experiments and the model can reach as high as 30% for extended etching process. A modified model is proposed to explain this phenomenon by considering the diffusion coefficient of HF as a function of concentration in the solution. In the modified model, the decrease of the HF concentration causes the increase of the HF diffusion coefficient, which will partly compensate the decrease of the concentration caused by the long diffusion distance. In addition, the diffusion coefficient as a function of temperature is also included in the modified model. It is found that the modified model matches well the experimental data.  相似文献   

A novel high-speed, high-sensitivity capacitive-type humidity sensor is fabricated by using a new microfabrication process involving combination of directional and isotropic etching with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etcher and a localized curing of polyimide films on a micro-hotplate. The polyimide humidity sensor is found to have a sensitivity of 0.75 pF/%RH, a linearity of 0.995, a hysteresis of 1.32%RH, a time response of 3 s, and a temperature coefficient of 0.22%RH/°C. This high-sensitivity and high-speed device is achieved using the locally-cured polyimide and a sensor structure having many holes and allowing moisture to diffuse through the top and side surfaces of polyimide film.  相似文献   

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