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以环氧基封端的聚二甲基硅氧烷(α,ω-ESO)、聚醚胺为原料合成中间体氨基聚醚硅油(APES),再用马来酸酐(MAn)对APES改性,合成了一种羧基化聚醚硅油(CAPES)。用非离子表面活性剂脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚,将自制的羧基化聚醚硅油(CAPES)乳化,制得白色半透明泛蓝的乳液并将该乳液用于生蚕丝的柔软浸泡整理中。利用红外(IR)光谱、纳米粒度仪、Zeta电位分析仪、扫描电镜(SEM)对CAPES及其乳液进行表征、测定,观察CAPES在生丝表面的膜形貌,并考察CAPES浴液的p H、浸丝时间和硅乳的用量对生丝性能的影响。结果表明:CAPES乳液平均粒径84.6 nm,Zeta电位-21.5 m V,且在丝样纤维表面的成膜性良好;当p H=6,浸丝时间为30 min,CAPES用量为5 g/L左右时,整理效果最佳。  相似文献   

一、柔软剂的种类、性质与特征柔软剂可分为脂肪酸衍生物类和有机硅油类两大类型,前者是传统上广为使用的柔软剂,后者是后来居上的新品种。有机硅类柔软剂的发展速度很快,不断地有各种性能和功能的新型品种在开发上市。  相似文献   

水溶性有机硅柔软剂合成   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简述了活性有机硅柔软剂的特点 ,讨论了以含氢、烷氧基、羧基、环氧基和氨基硅油为起始物合成制备水溶性有机硅柔软剂的途径。  相似文献   

研制了CO系列有机硅柔软剂,并对其一般性能进行了表征;用其对全棉色织物及三维卷曲涤纶短纤维进行柔软整理,并与进口柔软剂作了比较,表明CO系列柔软剂有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

研制了CO系列有机硅柔软剂,并对其一般性能进行了表征;用其对全棉色织物三维卷曲涤纶短纤维进行柔软整理,并与进口柔软剂作了比较,表明CO系列柔软剂有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

氨基改性有机硅柔软剂的合成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述以氨基改性聚硅氧烷为主的织物用柔软剂的制备方法。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,柔软剂一直是硅油应用中最为广泛的领域。在众多的硅油柔软整理剂中,氨基硅油具有其它柔软剂无法比拟的“超柔软”效果。氨基硅油柔软剂结构中,将氨基官能团引入到聚硅氧烷骨架上,由于氨基具有较强极性,可以与纤维中的羟基、羧基等基团相互作用,产生极强的取向性和吸附性,因此大大改善了硅氧烷在纤维上的定向排列,使织物柔软、滑爽、硬挺、抗皱,同时具有良好的抗静电性和一定的耐洗性。氨基改性有机硅柔软剂是新一代产品,综合性能优良,是有机硅柔软剂第三代产品中的佼佼者,目前己在市场上占有一定份额,但还有待于继续开发。  相似文献   

综述了用于织物后整理的有机硅柔软剂的发展历史和分类,简单介绍了各种改性有机硅柔软剂的合成方法、主要用途及研究进展,并对我国未来柔软剂的发展趋势做出了展望。  相似文献   

以丙烯酸羟丙酯(HPAA)、烯丙基环氧聚醚(APE500)和十八叔胺(Q18)为原料,在引发剂偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)作用下,进行溶液聚合,合成新型非有机硅类长链聚有机季铵盐(VPEQ18)。利用红外光谱对其进行表征,分析表明VPEQ18中含有与预期结构相同的基团,说明VPEQ18合成成功。利用柔软度仪、折皱弹性仪、全自动色差计对VPEQ18的应用性能进行研究,最终确定在棉布大小为6cm?0cm,含固量30%的VPEQ18乳液用量为3g/100g H2O,焙烘温度为180℃,焙烘时间为90s的工艺条件下,经VPEQ18整理的织物能够达到理想的柔软、顺弹、抗菌的效果。  相似文献   

有机硅柔软剂的分类和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单介绍了有机硅柔软剂的分类及性能特点。重点介绍了改性有机硅柔软剂的合成方法、应用现状及改进,并对有机硅柔软剂的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

低黄变和亲水性氨基硅油柔软剂的合成及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡静  姚方 《天津化工》2011,25(1):28-30
以含氢硅油、烯丙基缩水甘油醚、烯丙基聚氧烷基醚和乙二胺为原料,经过硅氢加成和胺化反应合成了亲水性氨基硅油,并确定了最佳反应条件,将其应用于织物整理上,赋予织物柔软及滑爽的手感。  相似文献   

Summary The theories of KRATKY, DEBYE and BUESCHE and POROD have been applied to evaluate macromolecular parameters which speak of the fine structural characteristics of raw silk — a natural polymer in the solid state. The small-angle KRATKY camera has been utilised for the measurements of the scattering intensities. The macromolecular parameters evaluated are the percentage of void (w1), the specific inner surface (O/V), length of coherence (1c), range of inhomogeneity (1r), transversal length –s – and which were found to be equal to 0.13%, 25.15 × 10–4 Å–1, 21.84 Å, 2.11 Å, 1.59 × 103 Å and 2.11 Å respectively The physical properties as evaluated by Scott's IP2 Tester have been reported.  相似文献   

再生橡胶在生产过程中需要软化剂的配合以改善再生橡胶机械强度,使用再生橡胶生产橡胶制品时,软化剂可以改善胶料加工工艺性能,因此,再生橡胶在生产和使用过程中都离不开软化剂。那么软化剂在再生橡胶生产与使用过程中是如何作用的?作用效果如何,又该如何选择与再生橡胶相关的软化剂呢?  相似文献   

一种阳离子柔软剂在羊毛织物上的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对双长链酯基季铵盐类阳离子柔软剂EQ-1在超细羊毛及织物上的应用,研究了此种柔软剂在羊毛织物上柔软性、膨松度、染色性、生物降解性及皮肤刺激性等不同方面的应用效果.结果表明:EQ-1柔软剂在羊毛织物应用中柔软性与D1821性能相当,膨松度比未处理样品上升了约5%,EQ-1生物降解性10 d后降解度达到了87%,特别适用于贴身面料的整理.  相似文献   

双牛脂酰乙基羟乙基甲基硫酸甲酯铵柔软剂单体的合成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双牛脂酰乙基羟乙基甲基硫酸甲酯铵是一种性能优良的织物柔软剂单体,广泛应用于织物柔软剂的配方中。研究了以牛油脂肪酸为原料,通过与二乙烯三胺的酰胺化合成双酰胺,双酰胺再与环氧乙烷进行乙氧基化,最后与硫酸二甲酯进行季铵化的合成过程。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the effects of nanosized silver colloids on the antibacterial properties of silk fibers against two kinds of bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Different concentrations of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs; 10, 25, 50, and 100 ppm) were applied to silk fibers by an exhaust method. The effect of medium pH on the Ag NP uptake on the fibers was studied. Also, sodium carbonate and sodium chloride were added to the liquor as auxiliaries. Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the morphology of the silk fibers. The antibacterial activity was examined by a bacterial counting method. Energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy was also used to show the elements on the surface of the silk fibers. We observed that the antibacterial activity increased with silver treatment. It also increased with decreasing pH, especially for the raw silk. The use of NaCl improved the uniformity of the Ag NPs on the fiber surface and increased the antibacterial activities. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2010  相似文献   

通过总结近30多年来国内外对制备丝素材料的研究,以及在日用化妆品中的应用情况,简述了丝素的结构及性能,概述了溶解丝素的各种方法,介绍丝素蛋白粉及丝素肽的制备及应用,简要阐述了丝素蛋白粉和丝肽在不同产品中的功能,最后提出了存在的一些问题,对未来护肤美容和医疗用丝素材料的开发研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent and is widely used in various applications, which includes bleaching of cotton. Literature on the action of ozone on silk is almost not available. Therefore, an elaborate study was carried out to understand the effects of process parameters in the ozone treatment of raw and degummed tassar silk fabrics on their properties. The study was extended with a view to compare the ozone treatment with soap degumming and hydrogen peroxide treatment carried out on raw and degummed tassar silk fabrics, respectively. The treatment results in improvement in pliability of the fabric and reduction in color. Decrease in breaking strength, breaking elongation, and weight as well an increase in amino group content is also experienced by the material. The results obtained are substantiated with tyrosine content, scanning electron micrographs, and infrared spectroscopy of the treated materials. The effect of pH on the treatment is maximum upto pH 4 and then decreases. The treatment is more severe when the wet pickup used is 50% compared to 10 and 100%. With respect to treatment time, though the severity increases with time, it is maximum during the first 10 min of the treatment. Soap degumming of raw silk fabric results in little higher yellowness index and lesser loss in breaking strength and elongation and flexural rigidity compared to that of ozone‐treated material. There is not much of difference between ozone and hydrogen peroxide treatments of degummed silk fabric, except for the lesser yellowness index obtained in the latter case. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 104: 147–155, 2007  相似文献   

A series of haloacetyl reactive dyes have been synthesised. The reactivity of haloacetyl groups and the dyeing properties of the dyes on silk fabric were studied. The results show that the bromoacetyl group is more reactive than the chloroacetyl group and molecules containing a bromoacetyl group would dye silk under relatively mild dyeing conditions. Both the exhaustion and fixation on silk fabric are increased if a second reactive group is present in the molecule  相似文献   

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