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Caveolae are spherical invaginations of the plasma membrane and associated vesicles that are found at high surface densities in most cells, endothelia included. Their structural framework has been shown to consist of oligomerized caveolin molecules interacting with cholesterol and sphingolipids. Caveolae have been involved in many cellular functions such as endocytosis, signal transduction, mechano-transduction, potocytosis, and cholesterol trafficking. Some confusion still persists in the field with respect to the relationship between caveolae and the lipid rafts, which have been involved in many of the above functions. In addition to all these, endothelial caveolae have been involved in capillary permeability by their participation in the process of transcytosis. This short review will focus on their structure and components, methods used to determine these components, and the role of caveolae in the transendothelial exchanges between blood plasma and the interstitial fluid.  相似文献   

The vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae plays an important role in pH- and ion-homeostasis, and is used as a storage compartment for ions. Another important function of the vacuole, especially during nutrient limitation, is the bulk degradation of proteins and even whole organelles. To carry these proteins into the vacuolar lumen, sophisticated transport pathways have evolved. In this review, starvation-induced autophagy and its relationship to the specific cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (cvt-) pathway of proaminopeptidase I is discussed. A further topic is the specific vacuolar uptake and degradation of peroxisomes in Pichia pastoris cells via micro- and macroautophagy.  相似文献   

The superior olivary complex (SOC) is a mammalian auditory brainstem structure that contains several nuclei. Some of them are part of the ascending system projecting to higher auditory centers, others belong to the descending system projecting to the cochlear nuclei or the cochlea itself. The main nuclei of the ascending system, the lateral and medial superior olive (LSO, MSO), as well as the lateral and medial nuclei of the trapezoid body (LNTB, MNTB), have been traditionally associated with sound localization. Here we review the results of recent studies on the main SOC nuclei in echolocating bats. These studies suggest that some SOC structures and functions are highly conserved across mammals (e.g., the LSO, which is associated with interaural intensity difference processing), while others are phylogenetically highly variable in both form and function (e.g., the MSO, traditionally associated with interaural time difference processing). For the MSO, these variations indicate that we should broaden our view regarding what functions the MSO might participate in, since its function in echolocation seems to lie in the context of pattern recognition rather than sound localization. Furthermore, across bat species, variations in the form and physiology of the MSO can be linked to specific behavioral adaptations associated with different echolocation strategies. Finally, the comparative approach, including auditory specialists such as bats, helps us to reach a more comprehensive view of the functional anatomy of auditory structures that are still poorly understood, like the nucleus of the central acoustic tract (NCAT).  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding the anuran egg is composed of jelly coat layers, an envelope, and the perivitelline space, which separates the envelope from the egg plasma membrane. Both the jelly coat layers and egg envelopes are required for fertilization in anurans. This paper reviews the current understanding of the structure-function relations of the ECM, with emphasis on the egg envelope. The fibrous egg envelope exists in four related forms. The envelope forms differ in their ultrastructures, macromolecular compositions, and cellular functions. After the oocyte is released from the ovary, conversion of one envelope form to another is brought about by factors secreted by the oviduct prior to fertilization and by factors released from the egg in the sperm-triggered cortical reaction. An additional extracellular matrix structure, located in the perivitelline space, has recently been identified in Xenopus laevis, as well as a previously undescribed reorganization of envelope fibers occurring at fertilization. The molecular changes in the ECM glycoproteins (limited proteolysis, lectin-ligand binding, and conformational changes) and the oviductal and egg macromolecules responsible for the conversion of envelope forms are discussed. New experimental evidence that supports the lectin-ligand hypothesis for the formation of the fertilization layer is presented. It is proposed that the molecular changes in the ECM are responsible for the ultrastructural alterations of the ECM and for modifications of the fertilization and developmental functions of the anuran egg ECM.  相似文献   

脑血流自动调节(CAR)是血管在神经控制下进行的脑部供血调节过程,通过评估CAR可以判断大脑神经和生理状态.本文对脑生物阻抗检测技术评估大脑自调节进行了研究,在脑血流自调节评估中引进脑血流循环阻力参数和动脉血管弹性参数.在实验中使用干预措施使受试者脑供血系统处于正常调节状态和失常状态.分别测量两种状态下的脑血流阻抗信号...  相似文献   

The morphology of the trigeminal ganglion in human fetus was investigated by means of the tract‐tracing method using the lipophilic dye DiI‐C18‐(3) (1,1′‐double octadecane 3,3,3′3′‐tetramethyl indole carbonyl cyanine‐perchlorate), hematoxylin–eosin (HE) stain, and three‐dimensional computer reconstruction models. The trigeminal ganglion was flat in the dorsoventral direction, and DiI staining revealed that the trigeminal ganglion cells were somatotopically distributed in the ganglion in a way that reflected the mediolateral order of the three branches. Ganglion cells of the ophthalmic nerve were distributed in the anteromedial part of the trigeminal ganglion, those of the mandibular nerve were in the posterolateral part, and those of the maxillary nerve were localized in the intermediate part. DiI labeled both ganglion cells and nerve fibers in the trigeminal ganglion; the ganglion cells varied in size and appeared as round‐ or oval‐shaped, the neurites connected the cell soma, and some bipolar neurons were also observed. The number of embryonic trigeminal ganglion cells did not significantly change with gestational age, but the cell diameter, area, and perimeter significantly increased. The motor root leaves the pons, runs along the sensory root, passes the ventral surface of the ganglion, and finally runs together with the mandibular nerve. The findings reported here elucidate the morphology, development, and somatotopic organization of the trigeminal ganglion and reveal the trigeminal nerve motor root pathway along the trigeminal ganglion and mandibular nerve in the human fetus. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:598–605, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

T Nei 《Journal of microscopy》1978,112(2):197-204
Freezing patterns and post-thaw survival of cells varies with different cooling rates. The optimal cooling rates, indicating the highest percentage survival, were different in yeast and red blood cells. A difference of freezing patterns was also noticed in preparations frozen above and below the optimal cooling rate for each cell, namely, cell shrinkage at lower rates and intracellular ice formation at higher rates which showed similar trends in both the cells, even though there was some shifting of the optimum. Ultra-rapid freezing and addition of cryoprotectants are useful ways to minimize ice crystal formation and to cause such ice formations to approach the vitreous state. Ice crystals are hardly detectable in yeast cells as well as in erythrocytes, when these cells are frozen ultra-rapidly in the presence of cryoprotective agents in moderate concentration.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical techniques were used to study the effect of glucocorticoids on the development of phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)-immunoreactive cells in the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of early postnatal rats. Rats were injected daily with hydrocortisone acetate on postnatal days 2—6. The first PNMT-immunoreactive cells were detected 6 hours after the first glucocorticoid injection and their number increased after subsequent injections. No PNMT-immunoreactive cells were detected in uninjected controls. PNMT-immunoreactive fibres were seen in the ganglion 6 hours after the first glucocorticoid injection. The PNMT-immunoreactive cells consistently showed processes 2 days after beginning the glucocorticoid treatment, and long processes and fibre networks were seen in ganglia of 7-day-old rats. However, no PNMT-immunoreactive fibres were seen in the iris, which is innervated by the SCG. Ultrastructurally, most of the PNMT-immunoreactive cells had the look of small granule-containing (SGC) cells, including heterochromatin clumps along the nuclear envelope and in the center of the nucleoplasm as well as dense core vesicles. SGC cells, nonimmunoreactive to PNMT antiserum, also were seen. However, some PNMT-immunoreactive cells showed ultrastructural characteristics of nerve cells. In contrast to the SGC cells, these cells were characterized by a voluminous cytoplasm, dispersed nuclear heterochromatin, and a lack of granular vesicles. These results demonstrate that glucocorticoids induce PNMT immunoreactivity both in SGC cells and also in cells with characteristics of principal neurons.  相似文献   

The retino-tectal system has been used to study developmental aspects of axon growth, synapse formation and the establishment of a precise topographic order as well as degeneration and regeneration of adult retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons after axonal lesion. This paper reviews some novel findings that provide new insights into the mechanisms of developmental RGC axon growth, pathfinding, and target formation. It also focuses on the cellular and molecular cascades that underlie RGC degeneration following an axonal lesion and on some therapeutic strategies to enhance survival of axotomized RGCs in vivo. In addition, this review deals with problems related to the induction of regeneration after axonal lesion in the adult CNS using the retino-tectal system as model. Different therapeutic approaches to promote RGC regeneration and requirements for specific target formation of regenerating RGCs in vitro and in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The amino acids GABA and glycine mediate synaptic transmission via specific neurotransmitter receptors. Molecular cloning studies have shown that there is a great diversity of GABA and glycine receptors. In the present article, the distribution of GABA and glycine receptors on identified bipolar and ganglion cell types in the mammalian retina is reviewed. Immunofluorescence obtained with antibodies against GABA and glycine receptors is punctate. Electron microscopy shows that the puncta represent a cluster of receptors at synaptic sites. Bipolar cell types were identified with immunohistochemical markers. Double immunofluorescence with subunit-specific antibodies was used to analyze the distribution of receptor clusters on bipolar axon terminals. The OFF cone bipolar cells seem to be dominated by glycinergic input, whereas the ON cone bipolar and rod bipolar cells are dominated by GABAergic input. Ganglion cells were intracellularly injected with Neurobiotin, visualized with Streptavidin coupled to FITC, and subsequently stained with subunit specific antibodies. The distribution and density of receptor clusters containing the alpha1 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor and the alpha1 subunit of the glycine receptor, respectively, were analyzed on midget and parasol cells in the marmoset (a New World monkey). Both GABA(A) and glycine receptors are distributed uniformly along the dendrites of ON and OFF types of parasol and midget ganglion cells, indicating that functional differences between these subtypes of ganglion cells are not determined by GABA or glycinergic input.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture analysis of adult spiral ganglion cells of CBA/CBA mice revealed two types of membrane specializations. Most cells (type I) had a smooth surface and were surrounded by Schwann cells. Type II spiral ganglion cells showed numerous membrane specializations with well-delineated indentations similar to those previously found on hair cells adjacent to afferent and efferent nerve endings. Immunomorphological analysis (using well-defined monoclonal antibodies directed against different subclasses of intermediate filament proteins) revealed a unique co-expression of neurofilaments, vimentin and cytokeratins in spiral ganglion cells of 8-to 22-week human fetuses.  相似文献   

The development of the spiral ganglion in the cat, the rat, and the mouse was studied by electron microscopy, from fetal stages in the cat and from birth in the rodent. In the earliest stages, a single population of ganglion cells is present. Immature spiral ganglion neurons possess small perisomatic processes that seem to disappear with development, before the myelination ganglion cells are surrounded by one or two layers of Schwann cell processes. With maturation, the Schwann process increases in number around the perikaryon and its processes, which leads to the onset of myelination. The onset of myelination of the cell body processes is asynchronous. The perikaryon may be delayed in myelination by several days. Moreover, ganglion neurons from a given region of the cochlea do not myelinate simultaneously. The differentiation of two types of fibers in the intraganglionic spiral bundle and the first appearance of TII neurons occurs around birth in the cat and a few days after birth for the rat and the mouse. The distinction of TII cells is possible due to characteristic accumulation of neurofilamentous structures in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

目的 :分析高血压脑出血脑疝手术效果及影响因素,探讨高血压脑出血脑疝的预后预测指标。方法 :回顾性分析2013年2月—2016年2月于我院接受手术治疗的高血压脑出血脑疝患者105例资料。按照患者术后6个月预后质量,将格拉斯哥预后评分(GOS)Ⅳ~Ⅴ级者纳入预后良好组,将Ⅰ~Ⅲ级者纳入预后不良组,分析年龄、GCS评分、血肿量、手术时机等因素对患者预后的影响。结果:105例患者中,预后良好46例(43.81%),预后不良59例(56.19%)。大量血肿、GCS评分≤8分、脑室积血、中线移位≥1 cm、术后再出血、术后肺部感染为影响高血压脑出血脑疝手术效果的独立危险因素,发病后6 h内手术为保护性因素(P<0.05)。结论 :急诊大骨瓣减压血肿清除术对合并脑疝患者效果尚可,充分减压,尽早实施手术、完善围术期综合治疗,有望降低患者病死、病残率。  相似文献   

Cholinergic-nitrergic transmitter mechanisms in the cerebral circulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cerebral blood vessels from several species are innervated by vasodilator nerves. Acetylcholine (ACh) released from parasympathetic cholinergic nerves was first suggested to be the transmitter for vasodilation. Results from pharmacological studies in isolated cerebral arterial ring preparations, however, have demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) but not ACh mediates the major component of neurogenic vasodilation. More recently, ACh and NO have been shown to co-release from the same cholinergic-nitrergic nerves, and that ACh acts as a presynaptic transmitter in modulating NO release. In this communication, evidence for the neuronal origin of NO and possible role of ACh in modulating NO release in large cerebral arteries at the base of the brain will be discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肾上腺节细胞神经瘤的螺旋CT表现及鉴别诊断。方法:回顾分析9例经手术病理证实的肾上腺节细胞神经瘤的螺旋CT扫描资料,重点分析其强化特点。结果:9例肾上腺节细胞神经瘤6例位于右侧,3例位于左侧。病灶呈圆形或椭圆形,边界清晰。9例患者CT扫描可见肿物为实性7例,病灶密度均匀,2例病灶内伴有钙化。增强扫描后8例病灶呈进行性均匀强化。结论:肾上腺节细胞神经瘤CT影像表现具有一定的特征性,多排螺旋CT不仅能作出正确定位并且能比较准确进行定性诊断。CT平扫及增强扫描是本病手术之前的主要诊断依据。  相似文献   

本文利用透射电镜观察了柄海鞘(Styela clava)神经节的超微结构.结果显示,神经节的神经细胞内线粒体及核糖体含量丰富;含有大量散在分布的有颗粒囊泡和无颗粒囊泡;神经纤维为有髓神经纤维.  相似文献   

通过分析变胞机构的拓扑构态变换过程,提出一种能描述杆件减少过程中任意杆件合并的矩阵表达新方法,此方法不需要进行行列变换就可得到简洁的终态矩阵,且不影响原机构杆件的编号。以此方法为基础,阐述杆件数增加或不变的变胞机构拓扑构态变换的数学描述和实现方法。根据变胞机构构态变化规律和平面机构构型综合的拓扑相关性,提出基于变胞机构拓扑构态变换的数学描述进行平面闭链机构构型综合的新方法,给出单自由度闭链构型综合的实现方法和步骤,并以8杆机构构型综合为例进行应用说明。  相似文献   

以理论计算为基础,结合实际工厂中使用的经验数据,针对机器人行走机构出现的爬行现象,对机器人行走机构导轨摩擦因数的设定进行校核论述并对其驱动组件结构进行了设计改进。以现代工业中常用的典型机器人行走机构为例,概述其基本结构,针对其实际应用中出现的爬行现象,将理论上的反推法与实际应用中的示教再现法相辅使用,完成了重型机器人行走机构导轨摩擦因数的重新校核,推导出参考经验值,并完成其驱动系统结构上的设计改进。  相似文献   

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