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A haptic feedback system has been developed to provide sensory information to patients with lower-limb prostheses or peripheral neuropathy. Piezoresistive force sensors were mounted against four critical contact points of the foot to collect and relay force information to a system controller, which in turn drives four corresponding pneumatically controlled balloon actuators. The silicone-based balloon actuators were mounted on a cuff worn on the middle thigh, with skin contacts on the posterior, anterior, medial, and lateral surfaces of the thigh. Actuator characterization and human perceptual testing were performed to determine the effectiveness of the system in providing tactile stimuli. The actuators were determined to have a monotonic input pressure-vertical deflection response. Six normal subjects wearing the actuator cuff were able to differentiate inflation patterns, directional stimuli and discriminate between three force levels with 99.0%, 94.8%, and 94.4% accuracy, respectively. With force sensors attached to a shoe insole worn by an operator, subjects were able to correctly indicate the movements of the operator with 95.8% accuracy. These results suggest that the pneumatic haptic feedback system design is a viable method to provide sensory feedback for the lower limbs.  相似文献   

Future robots and mechatronic systems will be required to physically support human activities. In order to reach the stage of real human-friendly physical support, they should acquire many functions such as the recognition of the real world based on complicated human actions, the transmission of the ambient information in harmony with human sensation, and so on. Since haptic sensation, as well as visual information and auditory sensation are so important for human activities, haptic motion control is one of the most important issues for the purpose. This paper now presents some haptic motion control techniques as the fundamental technology for the realization of future physical human support. Copyright © 2009 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Somatosensation is divided into multiple discrete modalities that we think of separably: e.g., tactile, proprioceptive, and temperature sensation. However, in processes such as haptics,those modalities all interact. If one intended to artificially generate a sensation that could be used for stereognosis, for example, it would be crucial to understand these interactions. We are presently examining the relationship between tactile and proprioceptive modalities in this context. In this overview of some of our recent work, we show that signals that would normally be attributed to two of these systems separately, tactile contact and self-movement, interact both perceptually and physiologically in ways that complicate the understanding of haptic processing. In the first study described here, we show that a tactile illusion on the fingertips, the cutaneous rabbit effect, can be abolished by changing the posture of the fingers. We then discuss activity in primary somatosensory cortical neurons illustrating the interrelationship of tactile and postural signals. In this study, we used a robot-enhanced virtual environment to show that many neurons in primary somatosensory cortex with cutaneous receptive fields encode elements both of tactile contact and self-motion. We then show the results of studies examining the structure of the process which extracts the spatial location of the hand from proprioceptive signals. The structure of the spatial errors in these maps indicates that the proprioceptive-spatial map is stable but individually constructed.These seemingly disparate studies lead us to suggest that tactile sensation is encoded in a 2-D map, but one which undergoes continual dynamic modification by an underlying proprioceptive map. Understanding how the disparate signals that comprise the somatosensory system are processed to produce sensation is an important step in realizing the kind of seamless integration aspired to in neuroprosthetics.  相似文献   

在家电产品中,旋钮操控是一种不可或缺的人机交互方式,相比于传统的机械式旋钮方案,电感式旋钮方案具有灵敏度可调、结构简单、利于产品面板一体化设计、可移动、易清洁、不易磨损等优势.本文结合电感式旋钮在中央空调控制器上面的应用,全面阐述了基于电感数字转换芯片LDC1314的电感式旋钮控制系统的结构、硬件和软件设计,该电感式旋...  相似文献   

身份验证系统包括了指纹识别、人脸识别、声音识别、虹膜识别和手形识别等生物识别技术。采用主动外观模型(AAM)用于手形的匹配,在特征提取阶段共同提取手形特征和纹理特征,实现了在特征级的特征融合。与现有方法进行了试验比较后表明,该方法提高了识别准确率与验证准确率。  相似文献   

李建  吴平东  林理平  黄杰 《微电机》2012,45(2):40-43,62
针对线绳式力觉交互设备在自由空间中运行时,存在操作者指尖所受阻力较大和设备线绳松弛等问题,建立了不同运动状态下的动态数学模型,并分析不同状态下影响线绳张紧力大小的因素,提出电流电压混合控制的方式.实验结果表明,该控制方式可以在设备末端不同的运动状态下,保持线绳较小、稳定的张紧力,使操作者感受较小阻力的同时,实现设备对指尖位置的实时跟踪.  相似文献   

Recently, Virtual Reality (VR) technology has developed quickly, together with research conducted on various elemental and related technologies and research in various fields of its application. We experimented about delay times. The haptic media is very sensitive to the network delay and its jitter and packet loss. The analytic hierarchy process(AHP) is one of the methods used to evaluate physical phenomena as correctness of the human sensation. In consequence of its application to the present experiment, it was made clear that the haptic media could be estimated from the delay times. In this report, we experimented about the relation between the delay times and haptic sense. Copyright © 2007 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

根据人体踝关节的运动特点,提出采用具有3个转动自由度的并联机构实现踝关节康复训练机器人。通过自由度分析,开展机构分支运动链设计,得到了3-SPS/S型并联机构。研究了机构奇异性出现的条件,奇异性分析结果表明:不同的机构结构形式,其运动学性能也完全不同。  相似文献   

水电是可再生的绿色能源,开发新水电和改造老水电是同等重要相辅相成地增加发电量的途径.为后者,需对老水电站的核心设备--水电机组进行修复和现代化改造.本文列举国内外若干实例,对其改造的原因、目的进行了初步归纳浅析.  相似文献   

张粤  倪伟 《电气自动化》2003,25(4):49-51,56
本文以机械手控制系统为背景,讨论了实现蓝牙技术协议的整体框架和主要的工作流程,并从应用的角度介绍了PC机与微处哩器78E58芯片间无线通讯的实现。  相似文献   

机器人手指用无刷直流电动机驱动系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪为庆  金明河 《微电机》2007,40(3):51-54
在机器人多指仿人灵巧手的设计之中,手指的灵巧性在很大程度上依赖于手指机械结构及其尺寸大小,这对手指驱动系统的设计提出了严格的要求。简要描述了灵巧手手指电气系统的结构,详细介绍了基关节基于FPGA的电机驱动电路。  相似文献   

温升试验是家用燃气灶具常规检测项目,在温升试验中灶具的旋钮温升最容易超出限值而不符合标准要求,通过燃气灶具的长期实际检测工作总结和大量试验验证,本文发现燃气灶具结构(火焰挡板、旋钮离火焰的距离)、旋钮材质、旋钮颜色等都对旋钮温升有直接的影响,并对影响因素进行了分析和总结.  相似文献   

涡流检测中传递函数方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文提出了一种新的涡流检测方法——传递函数方法(TransferFunctionMethod,以下简称TF方法),以克服现行阻抗分析方法的缺点。本文将传递函数理论引入涡流无损检测中,从电磁场基本方程和线性系统理论出发,导出了以空心圆柱线圈为探头的涡流检测系统的传递函数表达式,它为探头及新检测仪器的设计提供了理论指导;并设计了新的宽频激励信号,构造了基于传递函数方法的涡流检测实验装置,探讨了涡流传递函数方法的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

阐述了电站焊工考核试件的焊前准备及装配,分析了板状试件、管状试件在焊接中存在的问题,详细介绍了碱性焊条在母材为20号、16Mn,12Cr1MoV等钢材的焊接操作要领,可为电站焊工提高焊接技术水平提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为了提高电厂在电网中安全、稳定和经济运行水平 ,在 1号机 DCS改造中 ,采用了新华控制工程公司的 XDPS-4 0 0分布式处理系统。介绍了该系统的配置情况及各项控制功能 ,该系统十分紧凑且具有较强的可靠性及抗干扰能力。通过光纤通信网与 DCS系统及厂级 MIS网相连 ,实现了资源共享 ,与 DCS系统共同构成了一套完整的自动化系统。  相似文献   

电力系统传递函数的通用Prony辨识算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国电网互联使电力系统的规模越来越大、运行状态越来越多变,研究基于广域测量数据的系统模型在线辨识方法成为电力系统在线分析及广域控制的重要理论问题。考虑初始状态对系统输出的影响,提出一种电力系统传递函数的通用普罗尼(Prony)辨识方法,同时给出激励信号和数据采样参数的选取原则。该算法允许待辨识系统初始状态非零,可采用任意类型的激励信号,并能综合处理多时段数据。辨识4机2区域系统和新英格兰系统的传递函数模型,仿真分析结果表明,通用Prony辨识方法能准确辨识初始状态和传递函数,计算速度快且几乎不随系统规模而变化,辨识方法具备在线应用的潜力。  相似文献   

本文利用描述函数分析了多机电力系统低频振荡,并确定了PSS装设地点。通过对山西电网实例计算可以表明:该方法具有一定的实用价值  相似文献   

基于双指数函数拟合的冲击波形参数提取算法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
提出了基于双指数函数拟合的冲击波形参数提取算法 ,该算法可自动对雷电冲击全波及操作波进行类型判别和参数提取。还研究了使用该算法软件时记录仪参数设置对波形参数的影响 ,验证了其稳定性  相似文献   

A language ABAL (Auburn Boolean Algebra Language) is described in this paper that permits machine representation and manipulation of Boolean functions. Functions may be specified in algebraic form or as lists of minterms or maxterms. Types of operations available in the language include functional form changes, simplification rules, prime implicant or prime implicate generation, functional minimization, functional combinations using Boolean operators, and truth table generation. ABAL is written in Basic-Plus for execution on a DEC PDP 11/40 RSTS/E System.  相似文献   

针对和应涌流暂态过程中发电机差动保护误动问题,通过理论研究和实际数据分析发现此时发电机两侧电流相位偏差较大,差流中存在较大的二次谐波分量,制动电流较小,导致保护没有进入传统差动保护制动区而误动。提出了一种加强制动型发电机差动保护新方法,其动作特性仍为两段折线,以制动电流拐点值为分界点,下方区域采用二次谐波百分比结合差流与制动电流幅值关系来实现加强制动功能,而上方区域仍采用比率制动,从而实现整个动作区域上均有制动功能。各项试验数据和结果证明了该方法的正确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

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