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作为南京的第一本本土绘本,《一本南京》手绘与设计点点滴滴渗透着南京这座城市的文化韵味。《一本南京》主体有三个板块。古城南京,作为六朝古都,南京的深厚历史是所有来过南京,在南京居住的人们不能避开的,南京的历史痕迹俯首皆是,作为古城的历史是南京最深刻的印记。  相似文献   

在竞争中崛起谢玉声(南京化工大学党委书记兼校长,南京,210009)1995年4月经国家教委、化工部正式批准南京化工学院更名为南京化工大学。这是我们全校师生员工的一件大喜事,是我校发展史上的一个里程碑,这意味着我们的各项工作从此揭开了新的一页!南京化...  相似文献   

南京是一座具有悠久历史文化的名城,是全国举世闻名的四大古都之一(西安、洛阳、北京、南京)。南京在古代历史上称为“六朝古都”,六朝是指我国古代从三国时期的“东吴”开始,经历两晋时期的“东晋”,到南北朝时期的“南朝宋、齐、梁、陈”结束,它们相继在南京建都,史称“六朝”,在南京尤其是六朝时期的文化艺术得到集中体现。  相似文献   

胡静 《流程工业》2014,(10):36-38
江宁,作为南京对外开放的重要窗口和名片,拥有浑然天成的山水和2500多年的人文历史文化积淀,1573km^2土地展延在长江南岸、从东南西三方紧紧拥抱着南京主城。秦淮蜿蜒,方山钟毓,  相似文献   

2014年举办的第二届青奥会(亚青会)是我国继北京奥运会、广州亚运会、深圳大运会之后,承办的又一国际性综合大型体育赛事,是南京乃至江苏承办的一次规格最高的体育盛会。这是历史赋予南京的重大机遇,是南京向全世界展现新面貌的绝佳契机。第二届青奥会(亚青会)的各项筹备组织工作正按计划有条不紊地进行着。  相似文献   

贾天洲 《照相机》1999,(3):41-41
随着电子技术的迅猛发展,测光、过片、调焦,全由数码逻辑电路控制的所谓纯“智能相机”,十几年前还是身披神秘外衣的“尤物”,如今却已是“涓涓细流汇成江海了”。机械相机简直被这“洪流”席卷得风雨飘摇、渺无踪影!以致让许多人觉得,再加以时间洪流的无情裹协,机械相机会像20世纪一样,只能成为一段历史了。呜呼!我的机械相机!自从法国人达盖尔发明了银盐版的照相术,自然而然也就出现了“摄影”这一概念。与其说是一个新概念,不如说是一种新事物。是新事物,人们也就不免会生出许多议论。有人把它当作记录历史的工具,有人把它…  相似文献   

蒙牛欲在全国开设15000家连锁加盟专卖店,澳的利600万元重奖经销商,南京卷烟厂产销量创历史新高,江苏“酿酒工程中心”通过验收,武烟全力打造中国雪茄第一品牌……  相似文献   

上海海鸥照相机厂(前身为上海照相机总厂)迄今走过了整整38个春秋,38年的历史雄辩地证明:“海鸥”,作为中国照相机第一品牌,当之无愧!过硬的质量是名牌的第一要素。早在70年代,美国近代投影杂志就对中国照相叽作了如下报道:海鸥DF照相机镜头好,与德国名牌蔡司厂勃奥它性能相似,镜头座圈保证了镜头对胶片垂直性,对光学成像有良好的效果;快门释放揿钮轻,润滑及正确不亚于美能达。80年代初,海鸥4型相机曾多次被评为国内120型相机质量第一;海鸥DF-1单镜头反光相机质量获全国省市级荣誉更是不胜枚举。90年代初,意大利一家摄…  相似文献   

金箔历史悠久 在中国,金箔的历史非常悠久。根据考古发现,距今3300多年的我国商代河南安阳殷墟以及河北藁城商代中期遗址都有金箔出土,上世纪80年代在三星堆考古发掘中也发现了商代的金箔,其中殷墟出土的金箔厚度仅0.01毫米左右。中国金箔起源于南京,而南京金箔起源于龙潭。龙潭的老人们都称,过去打金箔的人家都供着葛仙翁像。从民间传说和民间供奉推算,金箔的大量出现应在六朝时期,而现在无论是福建漳州还是江苏苏州,金箔业都奉葛仙翁为行业始祖。可见,南京龙潭是金箔制造源头说并非虚言,  相似文献   

初到美国,原以为语言是工作生活的最大障碍。可是一接触实际,马上发现:度量衡用法的沟通比语言更困难。因为作为世界科技强国的美国——至今仍保持着古老繁琐的英制“度量衡”制度,而报载英国也将使用公制“度量衡”制,从而将结束近700年历史的英制单位。作为一名中国工程师,我通过职业介绍所,很快进入纽约一家建筑公司。第一天工作,是绘制一张商场平面图。我按中国规范,用公制单位,按惯用的比例1:100,不到2小时就绘制完毕。可是拿给老板一看,他连连摇头:No!No!No!……。原来他看不懂公制的尺寸,比例也不同。美国人惯用…  相似文献   

在软基处理的各种方法中,爆炸法处理松散砂土地基以其快速、经济、简单的优点为人们所认同。迄今爆炸密实法应用于地基的处理已有70多年的历史,适合于处理饱和、松散的砂土地基,但在我国地基处理中应用不多也不常见,相应的理论研究和设计方法的研究远远落后于工程实践的要求。本文从爆炸密实法发展简史、加固机理及密实过程、爆炸能量输入与衰减的函数、设计参数、处理效果评价指标等几个方面对爆炸密实法的历史及研究现状进行了回顾,并对已有的研究成果进行了简要的评述。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that certain subpopulations (elderly and those with greater comorbidity) may not have significant benefit from "fistula first" initiative. A cohort of incident hemodialysis patients from 2005 to 2007, who were ≥70 years old, was derived from the United States Renal Data System. Primary variable of interest was type of vascular access used at first outpatient hemodialysis (i.e., fistula, graft, or central catheter), with primary outcome of all-cause mortality (time to death measured from the first outpatient hemodialysis). A cohort of 82,202 patients was stratified by age (70 to ≤80, 81 to ≤90, and >90). Each group demonstrated a survival benefit with the use of an arterio-venous fistula compared with catheter (hazard ratio [HR] 0.56 [P < 0.001], HR 0.55 [P < 0.001], and HR 0.69 [P = 0.007], respectively). Comparing graft to with a catheter, both groups, 70 to ≤80 and 81 to ≤90, had significant benefit compared with catheter (HR 0.73, P < 0.001 and HR 0.74, P < 0.001, respectively). However, significance was lost in those ≥90 (HR 0.83, P = 0.354). When substratified by comorbidity, those 81 to ≤90 years old with a history of malignancy or peripheral vascular disease also did not reach significant benefit compared with a catheter (HR 0.88, P = 0.423 and HR 0.85, P = 0.221, respectively). While specific subgroups in the hemodialysis population exist where use of fistulas and grafts at time of dialysis initiation is not of proven statistical benefit to survival, elderly hemodialysis patients with comorbidities still appear to benefit from the use of fistulas and grafts.  相似文献   

中国是一代具有丰富图学的学传统的国家,工程图学是中国科学技术之荦荦大者。中国古代的图学家们创造了人类文明史上堪称凿空之举的奇迹,无论是图学思想,图学理论,或是制图技术,都取得了巨大的科学成就。特别是中国古代工程图学所具有的科学技术与艺术的完善结合,为当今科学技术和艺术的整体发展趋势提供了历史的借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, dynamic behaviors of deployable composite structure are experimentally studied. Firstly, both the composite tape springs and the deployable composite structure are fabricated using the carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy composite thin cylindrical shells, respectively. Secondly, the deployable behaviors of thin cylindrical shell specimens with section angle θ = 70° and 90° are investigated based on the strain history in three directions (0o, 45oand 90o). Finally, the deployment behaviors of the deployable carbon/epoxy composite structure with two hinges and three hinges are also studied including the deployment process and dynamic strain history.  相似文献   

In Japan, a driving lesson consisting of a lecture, a driver aptitude test, on-road driving assessment and a discussion session was added to the driving license renewal procedure for drivers aged 75 years or older in 1998 and for drivers aged 70 years or older in 2002. We investigated whether these additions contributed to a reduction in at-fault motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) by examining the trend of the at-fault MVC rates per licensed driver and the rate ratios of the older drivers relative to those aged 65–69 years for the years 1986–2011. All data were derived from nationwide traffic statistics. If the introduction of the lesson was effective in reducing at-fault MVCs of older drivers, the rate ratio should have declined, given that the lesson targeted only the older drivers. We found this was not the case, i.e., there was no declining trend in the at-fault MVC rate ratios of both drivers aged 75 years or older and drivers aged 70 years or older, relative to drivers aged 65–69 years, after the driving lesson at license renewal became mandatory for these older drivers. Therefore, the mandatory lesson for the older drivers at license renewal needs to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

中国保健食品的优势与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国保健品最大特点与优势是传统养生学与现代营养学及食品科学相结合,历史悠久,近年发展迅速。文章论述了中国保健食品的历史与现状,基本理论与技术内容,行政管理与市场监督,并对目前出现的一些问题及对策进行了讨论。  相似文献   



Chronic health conditions associated with ageing can lead to changes in driving ability. The Canadian Driving Research Initiative for Vehicular Safety in the Elderly (Candrive II) is a 5-year prospective study funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research aiming to develop an in-office screening tool that will help clinicians identify potentially at-risk older drivers. Currently, no tools exist to directly predict the risk of motor vehicle collision (MVC) in this population. The American Medical Association (AMA), in collaboration with the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, has designed an opinion-based guide for assessing medical fitness to drive in older adults and recommends that physicians use the Assessment of Driving Related Skills (ADReS) as a test battery to measure vision, cognition and motor/somatosensory functions related to driving. The ADReS consists of the Snellen visual acuity test, visual fields by confrontation test, Trail Making Test part B, clock drawing test, Rapid Pace Walk, and manual tests of range of motion and motor strength. We used baseline data from the Candrive/Ozcandrive common cohort of older drivers to evaluate the validity of the ADReS subtests. We hypothesized that participants who crashed in the 2 years before the baseline assessment would have poorer scores on the ADReS subtests than participants who had not crashed.


In the Candrive/Ozcandrive study, 1230 participants aged 70 years or older were recruited from 7 Canadian cities, 1 Australian city and 1 New Zealand city, all of whom completed a comprehensive clinical assessment at study entry. The assessment included all tests selected as part of the ADReS. For this historical cohort study, data on all crashes (at-fault and non-at-fault) that occurred within 2 years preceding the baseline assessment were obtained from the respective licensing jurisdictions. Those who crashed were compared to those who had not crashed on their ADReS subtest scores using Pearson's chi-squared test and Student's t-test.


Sixty-three of the 1230 participants (5.1%) were involved in an MVC within the 2 years preceding the baseline assessment. Contrary to our hypothesis, there were no statistically significant associations between abnormal performance on the tests constituting the ADReS and history of crash in the previous 2 years (p > 0.01).


We found that a history of crash in the previous 2 years was not associated with abnormalities on the subtests comprising the ADReS. This suggests the need for prospective analyses of risk factors over time to establish sensitive, valid predictors of crash that can be incorporated in clinical practice guidelines.  相似文献   

氯离子侵蚀作用引发的结构耐久性损伤将导致RC结构抗震性能发生时变劣化。在材料层次,该文通过考虑钢筋截面削弱、保护层混凝土开裂软化、核心区混凝土极限压应变降低等模拟氯离子侵蚀对RC框架结构材料性能的影响,并基于试验数据验证了模拟方法的准确性;在结构层次,基于上述材料力学性能退化模型和纤维模型,对3层、6层与8层多不同服役期(0年、30年、50年和70年)RC框架结构进行数值建模,继而进行了静力与动力弹塑性分析,研究了其随服役期增长承载与变形能力退化规律和层间位移角分布变化规律。研究结果表明:结构腐蚀后,随着服役期的增加,结构承载力、特征点位移、位移延性、软化段刚度等抗震性能指标均逐渐减小,结构的屈服PGA和倒塌PGA亦不断降低,结构最大层间位移角不断增大,且结构在罕遇地震作用下层间位移反应受服役期影响较设防地震作用更为明显。  相似文献   

Fullerenes in the Fossil of Dinosaur Egg   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By means of laser desorption post-ionization time-of flight mass specrometry (TOF) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), fullerene C60 have been found in a fossil of dinosaur egg shell from Xixia (N33.3 E111.4), China. These techniques verified also mat fullerene C70 is virtually absent from identical egg fossil of dinosaur at XiXia. Preliminary results suggest that C60 occurrence and C70 absence may be the outcome of environment (ambient temperature, and SO2 pollution of Earth's atmosphere, etc.) effects during the synthesis of fullerenes at 70 million years ago.  相似文献   

关于工业工程在近代中国的介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据作者们近年发掘的第一手史料 ,引述中国教育界和学术界在2 0世纪 2 0~3 0年代对“工业工程”概念和学科的介绍 ,并对其加以解释和评说 ,将中国的工业工程思想史向上推前了 40年。  相似文献   

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