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Herbicide contamination of streams has been well documented, but little is currently known about the specific factors affecting watershed vulnerability to herbicide transport. The primary objectives of this study were (1) to document herbicide occurrence and transport from watersheds in the northern Missouri/southern Iowa region; (2) to quantify watershed vulnerability to herbicide transport and relate vulnerability to soil properties; and (3) to compute the contribution of this region to the herbicide load of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. Grab samples were collected under baseflow and runoff conditions at 21 hydrologic monitoring stations between April 15 and July 15 from 1996 to 1999. Samples were analyzed for commonly used soil-applied herbicides (atrazine, cyanazine, acetochlor, alachlor, metolachlor, and metribuzin) and four triazine metabolites (deisopropylatrazine, deethylatrazine, hydroxyatrazine, and cyanazine amide). Estimates of herbicide load and relative losses were computed for each watershed. Median parent herbicide losses, as a percentage of applied, ranged from 0.33 to 3.9%; loss rates that were considerably higher than other areas of the United States. Watershed vulnerability to herbicide transport, measured as herbicide load per treated area, showed that the runoff potential of soils was a critical factor affecting herbicide transport. Herbicide transport from these watersheds contributed a disproportionately high amount of the herbicide load to both the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. Based on these results, this region of the Corn Belt is highly vulnerable to transport of herbicides from fields to streams, and it should be targeted for implementation of management practices designed to reduce herbicide losses in surface runoff.  相似文献   

A model was used to explore the influence of physicalchemical properties on the potential of organic chemicals to bioaccumulate in humans. ACC-HUMAN, a model of organic chemical bioaccumulation through the agricultural and aquatic food chains to humans, was linked to a level I unit world model of chemical fate in the physical environment and parametrized for conditions in southern Sweden. Hypothetical, fully persistent chemicals with varying physical-chemical properties were distributed in the environment, and their bioaccumulation to humans was calculated. The results were evaluated using the environmental bioaccumulation potential (EBAP), defined as the quotient of the chemical quantity in a human divided by the quantity of chemical in the whole environment. Since the latter is closely related to emissions, EBAP is potentially a more useful tool for comparative risk assessment of chemicals than currently used medium-specific measures such as the fish-water bioaccumulation factor. A high environmental bioaccumulation potential, defined as > 10% of the maximum EBAP, was found for chemicals with 2 < log KOW < 11 and 6 < log KOA < 12. While these chemical partitioning properties clearly influenced bioaccumulation at each trophic level, these effects tended to equalize over the food web. The fact that the transfer from the environment as a whole to humans was quite uniform over a large chemical partitioning space suggests that these partitioning properties are relatively unimportant determinants of human exposure compared to other factors such as the substance's persistence in the environment and in the food web.  相似文献   

This study presents concurrently sampled ambient air data for a range of persistent organic pollutants at the continental scale. This was achieved using a passive air sampling system, deploying polyurethane foam disks, which was prepared in one laboratory, sealed to prevent contamination, sent out by courier to volunteers participating in different countries, exposed for 6 weeks, collected, resealed, and returned to the laboratory for analysis. Europe was the study area--a region with a history of extensive POPs usage and emission and with marked national differences in population density, the degree of urbanization and industrial/agricultural development. Samplers were deployed at remote/rural/urban locations in 22 countries and analyzed for PCBs, a range of organochlorine pesticides (HCB, alpha-HCH, gamma-HCH, ppDDT, ppDDE), and PBDEs. Calculated air concentrations were in line with those obtained by conventional active air sampling techniques. The geographical pattern of all compounds reflected suspected regional emission patterns and highlighted localized hotspots. PCB and PBDE levels varied by over 2 orders of magnitude; the highest values were detected in areas of high usage and were linked to urbanized areas. HCB was relatively uniformly distributed, reflecting its persistence and high degree of mixing in air. Higher gamma-HCH, ppDDT, and ppDDE levels generally occurred in South and East Europe.  相似文献   

Plant uptake of non ionic organic chemicals   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Plant uptake of organic chemicals is an important process when considering the risks associated with land contamination, the role of vegetation in the global cycling of persistent organic pollutants, and the potential for industrial discharges to contaminate the food chain. There have been some significant advances in our understanding of the processes of plant uptake of organic chemicals in recent years; most notably there is now a better understanding of the air to plant transfer pathway, which may be significant for a number of industrial chemicals. This review identifies the key processes involved in the plant uptake of organic chemicals including those for which there is currently little information, e.g., plant lipid content and plant metabolism. One of the principal findings is that although a number of predictive models exist using established relationships, these require further validation if they are to be considered sufficiently robust for the purposes of contaminated land risk assessment or for prediction of the global cycling of persistent organic pollutants. Finally, a number of processes are identified which should be the focus of future research.  相似文献   

An in situ passive sampling and gas chromatographic protocol was developed for analysis of the major and several minor fixed gases (He, Ne, H2, N2, O2, CO, CH4, CO2, and N2O) in groundwater. Using argon carrier gas, a HayeSep DB porous polymer phase, and sequential thermal conductivity and reductive gas detectors, the protocol achieved sufficient separation and sensitivity to measure the mixing ratio of all these gases in a single 0.5 mL gas sample collected in situ, stored, transported, and injected using a gastight syringe. Within 4 days of immersion in groundwater, the simple passive in situ sampler, whether initially filled with He or air, attained an equivalent and constant mixing ratio for five of the seven detected gases. The abundant mixing ratio of N2O, averaging 2.6%, indicated that significant denitrification is likely ongoing within groundwater contaminated with uranium, acidity, nitrate, and organic carbon from a group of four closed radioactive wastewater seepage ponds at the Oak Ridge Field Research Center. Over 1000 passive gas samples from 12 monitoring wells averaged 56% CO2, 32.4% N2, 2.6% O2, 2.6% N2O, 0.21% CH4, 0.093% H2, and 0.025% CO with an average recovery of 95 +/- 14% of the injected gas volume.  相似文献   

Asia is of global importance economically, yet data on ambient persistent organic pollutant levels are still sparse for the region, despite international efforts under the Stockholm Convention to identify and reduce emissions. A large-scale passive air sampling survey was therefore conducted in Asia, specifically in China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. Polyurethane foam disks were deployed simultaneously at 77 sites, between Sept 21 and Nov 16, 2004, and analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine compounds (hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), chlordane), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The meteorological conditions prevailing in the region at this time facilitated the assessment of local/regional differences in atmospheric emissions, because large-scale advection effects due to monsoons or dust storms did not occur. Air concentrations estimated assuming an average sampler uptake rate of 3.5 m3/day ranged as follows (pg m(-3)): PCBs, 5-340; HCB, 10-460; DDTs, 0.4-1800; chlordanes, 1-660; PBDEs, < 0.13-340. South Korea and Singapore generally had regionally low concentrations. Elevated concentrations of PCBs, DDTs, and HCB occurred at sites in China, higher than reported in a similar recent sampling campaign in Europe. Chlordane was highest in samples from Japan (which also had elevated levels of PCBs and DDTs) and was also elevated in some Chinese locations. PBDE levels were generally low in the region.  相似文献   

Numerical studies were performed to evaluate a new air monitoring method for reconstructing chemical exposures and source emissions, based upon optical remote sensing (ORS) and computed tomography (CT). With an ORS-CT system, two-dimensional maps of chemical concentrations can be created that have good spatial and temporal resolution. The mathematical algorithm used to compute the distribution is critical for accurate and useable reconstructions of the concentrations. In this research, a novel reconstruction method was tested that uses maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) combined with two techniques called grid-translation and multi-grid (GT-MG). To evaluate this method, computer simulations were performed using 120 test maps of varying complexity and a simulated ORS system with four instruments and a total of 40 path-integrated measurements. The results were quantitatively compared with two previously used reconstruction methods (single-grid and grid-translation). Results using the GT-MG method were dramatically improved over previously used methods. Quantitatively, peak exposure errors were reduced by up to 85% and artifacts were dramatically minimized.  相似文献   

Lipids have been considered as the predominant components for bioaccumulation of organic chemicals. However, differences in accumulation properties between different types of lipid (e.g., storage and membrane lipids) have rarely been considered. Moreover, in view of toxic effects on organisms, chemical accumulation specifically in biological membranes is of particular importance. In this review article, partition coefficients of 240 neutral organic compounds between liposomes (phospholipid membrane vesicles) and water (K(lipw)), reported in the literature or measured additionally for this work, were evaluated. Values of log K(lipw) and log K(ow) (octanol-water partition coefficients) differ by 0.4 on average. Polyparameter linear free energy relationships (PP-LFERs) can describe the log K(lipw) data even better (standard deviations = 0.28-0.31) than the log K(ow) model. Recent experimental data for highly hydrophobic compounds fit well to the PP-LFERs and do not indicate the existence of a previously postulated "hydrophobicity cutoff". Predictive approaches based only on the molecular structure (KOWWIN, SPARC, COSMOthermX, COSMOmic) were also evaluated for K(lipw) prediction. The PP-LFERs revealed that partition coefficients into membrane lipids can be two log units higher than those into storage lipids for H-bond donor compounds, suggesting that distinguishing between the two lipids is necessary to account for the bioaccumulation of these compounds, and that tissues rich in membrane lipids (e.g., kidneys, liver) instead of fat tissue can be the primary phase for accumulation.  相似文献   

Quantification of chemical toxicity continues to be generally based on measured external concentrations. Yet, internal chemical concentrations have been suggested to be a more suitable parameter. To better understand the relationship between the external and internal concentrations of chemicals in fish, and to quantify internal concentrations, we compared three toxicokinetic (TK) models with each other and with literature data of measured concentrations of 39 chemicals. Two one-compartment models, together with the physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) model, in which we improved the treatment of lipids, were used to predict concentrations of organic chemicals in two fish species: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). All models predicted the measured internal concentrations in fish within 1 order of magnitude for at least 68% of the chemicals. Furthermore, the PBTK model outperformed the one-compartment models with respect to simulating chemical concentrations in the whole body (at least 88% of internal concentrations were predicted within 1 order of magnitude using the PBTK model). All the models can be used to predict concentrations in different fish species without additional experiments. However, further development of TK models is required for polar, ionizable, and easily biotransformed compounds.  相似文献   

Air concentrations of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) were measured as part of the Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling (GAPS) study to assess their spatial distribution on a worldwide basis for the first sampling period between December 2004 and March 2005. Results from more than 40 sites on seven continents show that PCNs are widespread, and highest levels are detected in urban/industrial locations consistent with other air sampling studies. The geometric mean air concentration of sigmaPCN is 1.6 pg/m3, ranging from below detection limit to 32 pg/m3. With technical PCN mixtures largely no longer produced, combustion inputs may be contributing increasingly to contemporary PCN air burden globally. Enrichment of combustion-related congeners, e.g., PCN-52/60, -50, -51,-54, and -66/67, is observed in the congeneric compositions of air at nearly all sites compared to relatively minor contribution of these congeners in technical PCN formulations. Further evidence of current combustion sources influencing global PCN levels is a higher relative abundance of combustion-related congeners quantified by sigmaPCNcombustion/sigmaPCN. The relative contribution by combustion sources and emissions from technical PCN mixtures is expected to vary among sites since it depends on the combustion sources and the technical mixture used in a particular country or region.  相似文献   

Adsorption of polar and nonpolar organic chemicals to carbon nanotubes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Understanding adsorptive interactions between organic contaminants and carbon nanotubes is critical to both the environmental application of carbon nanotubes as special adsorbents and the assessment of the potential impact of carbon nanotubes on the fate and transport of organic contaminants in the environment. The adsorption of organic compounds with varied physical-chemical properties (hydrophobicity, polarity, electron polarizability, and size) to one single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) and two multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) was evaluated. For a given carbon nanotube, the adsorption affinity correlated poorly with hydrophobicity but increased in the order of nonpolar aliphatic < nonpolar aromatics < nitroaromatics, and within the group of nitroaromatics, the adsorption affinity increased with the number of nitrofunctional groups. We propose that the strong adsorptive interaction between carbon nanotubes and nitroaromatics was due to the pi-pi electron-donor-acceptor (EDA) interaction between nitroaromatic molecules (electron acceptors) and the highly polarizable graphene sheets (electron donors) of carbon nanotubes. Additionally, we attribute the stronger adsorption of nonpolar aromatics compared to that of nonpolar aliphatics to the pi-electron coupling between the flat surfaces of both aromatic molecules and carbon nanotubes. For tetrachlorobenzene, the bulkiest adsorbate, adsorption affinity (on a unit surface area basis) to the SWNT was much stronger than to the two MWNTs, indicating a probable molecular sieving effect.  相似文献   

Model intercomparison for the uptake of organic chemicals by plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Currently, a variety of models are available for predicting the uptake, translocation, and elimination of organic contaminants by plants. These models range from simple deterministic risk assessment screening tools to more complex models that consider physical, chemical, and biological processes in a mechanistic manner. This study evaluates the performance of a range of such models and model types against experimental data sets. Three dynamic, three regression-based, and three steady-state and equilibrium models have been selected for evaluation. These models differ in terms of their scope, methodological approach, and complexity. Data from nine published experiments were used to create scenarios to test model performance. These experiments consider plant contamination via both soil and aerial exposure pathways. A total of 19 different organic chemicals were used in the experiments along with 7 different plant species. Model predictions of chemical concentrations in the relevant plant compartments were compared with the experimentally recorded values. The results indicate that dynamic models offer performance advantages for acute exposure durations and for rapidly changing environmental media. Equilibrium/steady-state and regression-based models perform better for chronic exposure durations, where stable conditions are more likely to exist. The selection of an appropriate plant uptake model will therefore be dependent on the requirements of the assessment, the nature of the environmental media, and the duration of the source term. The results generated by the regression-based models suggest that in their current form these models are unsuitable for evaluating the uptake of organic chemicals from the air into plants.  相似文献   

A wide range of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs), including pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), were measured in lichen, conifer needles, snowpack and XAD-based passive air sampling devices (PASDs) collected from 19 different U.S. national parks in order to compare the magnitude and mechanism of SOC accumulation in the different passive sampling media. Lichen accumulated the highest SOC concentrations, in part because of its long (and unknown) exposure period, whereas PASDs accumulated the lowest concentrations. However, only the PASD SOC concentrations can be used to calculate an average atmospheric gas-phase SOC concentration because the sampling rates are known and the media is uniform. Only the lichen and snowpack SOC accumulation profiles were statistically significantly correlated (r = 0.552, p-value <0.0001) because they both accumulate SOCs present in the atmospheric particle-phase. This suggests that needles and PASDs represent a different composition of the atmosphere than lichen and snowpack and that the interpretation of atmospheric SOC composition is dependent on the type of passive sampling media used. All four passive sampling media preferentially accumulated SOCs with relatively low air-water partition coefficients, while snowpack accumulated SOCs with higher log K(OA) values compared to the other media. Lichen accumulated more SOCs with log K(OA) > 10 relative to needles and showed a greater accumulation of particle-phase PAHs.  相似文献   

Earthworms take up organic compounds through their skin as well as from their food, but the quantitative contribution of each route is unclear. In this contribution, we experimentally validate an accumulation model containing a separate compartment for the gut. Uptake from the gut is modeled as passive diffusion from the dissolved phase in the gut contents. For the experiments, we exposed Eisenia andrei in artificial soil spiked with tetrachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, and PCB 153. Apart from the standard accumulation and elimination experiments, we ligatured the worm (using tissue adhesive) to prevent feeding. Model fits were good, thus supporting the validity of the model. The contribution of the gut route increased with increasing hydrophobicity of the chemical, and for PCB 153 the gut route clearly dominated. Despite the importance of the gut route, the final steady-state body residues did not exceed equilibrium partitioning predictions by more than 25%. Rate constants for exchange across the skin and the gut wall could be separately identified. The rate constant across the skin decreases with K(ow) but was generally higher than data derived from water-only exposure. The relationship with hydrophobicity was less clear for the rate constant across the gut wall.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation and biotransformation are key toxicokinetic processes that modify toxicity of chemicals and sensitivity of organisms. Bioaccumulation kinetics vary greatly among organisms and chemicals; thus, we investigated the influence of biotransformation kinetics on bioaccumulation in a model aquatic invertebrate using fifteen (14)C-labeled organic xenobiotics from diverse chemical classes and physicochemical properties (1,2,3-trichlorobenzene, imidacloprid, 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol, ethylacrylate, malathion, chlorpyrifos, aldicarb, carbofuran, carbaryl, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol, 4-nitrobenzyl-chloride, 2,4-dichloroaniline, and sea-nine (4,5-dichloro-2-octyl-3-isothiazolone)). We detected and identified metabolites using HPLC with UV and radio-detection as well as high resolution mass spectrometry (LTQ-Orbitrap). Kinetics of uptake, biotransformation, and elimination of parent compounds and metabolites were modeled with a first-order one-compartment model. Bioaccumulation factors were calculated for parent compounds and metabolite enrichment factors for metabolites. Out of 19 detected metabolites, we identified seven by standards or accurate mass measurements and two via pathway analysis and analogies to other compounds. 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene, imidacloprid, and 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol were not biotransformed. Dietary uptake contributed little to overall uptake. Differentiation between parent and metabolites increased accuracy of bioaccumulation parameters compared to total (14)C measurements. Biotransformation dominated toxicokinetics and strongly affected internal concentrations of parent compounds and metabolites. Many metabolites reached higher internal concentrations than their parents, characterized by large metabolite enrichment factors.  相似文献   

Earthworms live in close contact with the soil and can thus be considered representative for the bioavailability of chemicals at contaminated sites. Bioavailability can either be assessed by analyzing earthworms from contaminated locations or by exposing laboratory-reared specimens to soil samples from the field (bioassays). In this study, we investigate the relevance of bioassays by using an extended experimental design (to identify signs of depletion of the bioavailable phase by the earthworms) and by using two species of earthworm (the standard test species Eisenia andrei and the field-relevant Aporrectodea caliginosa). Furthermore, bioassay results are compared to body residues of worms collected from the field site: a heavily polluted polder, amended with dredge spoil. We focused on telodrin, dieldrin, hexachlorobenzene, and eight PCBs. With our bioassay design, it was shown that depletion was unlikely, although more subtle effects could have occurred (e.g., changes in sorption during the experiments). E. andrei is a good choice for bioassays because its body residues correlate well to those in A. caliginosa, as well as to those in the field-collected worms. Nevertheless, E. andrei accumulated slightly more than the other species and appeared to be more sensitive to the conditions in soil from one of our sites.  相似文献   

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