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In this article, by using some matrix identities, we construct the equivalent form of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati equation (CCARE). Further, with the aid of the eigenvalue inequalities of matrix's product, by solving the linear inequalities utilising the properties of M-matrix and its inverse matrix, new upper matrix bounds for the solutions of the CCARE are established, which improve and extend some of the recent results. Finally, a corresponding numerical example is proposed to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived results.  相似文献   

In recent years, several eigenvalues, norms and determinants bounds have been investigated separately for the solutions of continuous and discrete Riccati equations. In this paper, an upper bound for solution of the unified Riccati equation is presented. In the limiting cases, the result reduces to a new upper bound for the solution of continuous and discrete Riccati equation.  相似文献   

The standard state space solution of the finite-dimensional continuous time quadratic cost minimization problem has a straightforward extension to infinite-dimensional problems with bounded or moderately unbounded control and observation operators. However, if these operators are allowed to be sufficiently unbounded, then a strange change takes place in one of the coefficients of the algebraic Riccati equation, and the continuous time Riccati equation begins to resemble the discrete time Riccati equation. To explain why this phenomenon must occur we discuss a particular hyperbolic PDE in one space dimension with boundary control and observation (a transmission line) that can be formulated both as a discrete time system and as a continuous time system, and show that in this example the continuous time Riccati equation can be recovered from the discrete time Riccati equation. A particular feature of this example is that the Riccati operator does not map the domain of the generator into the domain of the adjoint generator, as it does in the standard case.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose lower matrix bounds for the continuous algebraic Riccati and Lyapunov matrix equations. We give comparisons between the parallel estimates. Finally, we give examples showing that our bounds can be better than the previous results for some cases.  相似文献   

The discrete coupled algebraic Riccati equation (DCARE) has wide applications in control theory and linear system. In general, for the DCARE, one discusses every term of the coupled term, respectively. In this paper, we consider the coupled term as a whole, which is different from the recent results. When applying eigenvalue inequalities to discuss the coupled term, our method has less error. In terms of the properties of special matrices and eigenvalue inequalities, we propose several upper and lower matrix bounds for the solution of DCARE. Further, we discuss the iterative algorithms for the solution of the DCARE. In the fixed point iterative algorithms, the scope of Lipschitz factor is wider than the recent results. Finally, we offer corresponding numerical examples to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived results.  相似文献   

Redundant control inputs play an important part in engineering and are often used in H 2 $$ {H}_2 $$ control problems, dynamic control allocation, quadratic performance optimal control, and many uncertain systems. In this paper, by the equivalent form of the discrete algebraic Riccati equation (DARE), we propose new upper and lower bounds of the solution for the equivalent DARE. Compared with some existing work on this topic, the new bounds are more tighter. Next, when increasing the columns of the input matrix, we give the applications of these new upper and lower solution bounds to obtain a sufficient condition for strictly decreasing feedback controller gain. Finally, corresponding numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of our results.  相似文献   

In the present paper we obtain a closed-form solution for a class of continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations (AREs) with vanishing state weight. The ARE in such a class solves a minimum energy control problem. The obtained closed-form solution is used to prove a link between two independent fundamental limitation results in control over networks.  相似文献   

In recent years, several eigenvalues bounds have been investigated separately for the solutions of the continuous and the discrete Riccati and Lyapunov matrix equations. In this paper, lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the solution of the unified Riccati equation (relatively to continuous and discrete cases), are presented. In the limiting cases, the results reduce to some new bounds for both the continuous and discrete Riccati equation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with a perturbed algebraic Riccati equation in an infinite dimensional Banach space. Besides the interest in its own right, this class of equations appears, for instance, in the optimal control problem for infinite Markov jump linear systems (from now on iMJLS). Here, infinite or finite has to do with the state space of the Markov chain being infinite countable or finite (see Fragoso and Baczynski in SIAM J Control Optim 40(1):270–297, 2001). By using a certain concept of stochastic stability (a sort of L 2-stability), we prove the existence (and uniqueness) of maximal solution for this class of equation and provide a tool to compute this solution recursively, based on an initial stabilizing controller. When we recast the problem in the finite setting (finite state space of the Markov chain), we recover the result of de Souza and Fragoso (Syst Control Lett 14:233–239, 1999) set to the Markovian jump scenario, now free from an inconvenient technical hypothesis used there, originally introduced in Wonham in (SIAM J Control 6(4):681–697). Research supported by grants CNPq 520367-97-9, 300662/2003-3 and 474653/2003-0, FAPERJ 171384/2002, PRONEX and IM-AGIMB.  相似文献   

In this article, applying the properties of M-matrix and non-negative matrix, utilising eigenvalue inequalities of matrix's sum and product, we firstly develop new upper and lower matrix bounds of the solution for discrete coupled algebraic Riccati equation (DCARE). Secondly, we discuss the solution existence uniqueness condition of the DCARE using the developed upper and lower matrix bounds and a fixed point theorem. Thirdly, a new fixed iterative algorithm of the solution for the DCARE is shown. Finally, the corresponding numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed results.  相似文献   

In the present paper we present a closed-form solution, as a function of the closed-loop poles, for the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations (CAREs) related to single-input single-output systems with non-repeated poles. The proposed solution trades the standard numerical algorithm approach for one based on a spectral factorisation argument, offering potential insight into any control technique based on a CARE and its solution. As an example, we present the equivalence of two fairly recent control over network results. Furthermore we apply the proposed result to the formula for the optimal regulator gain matrix k (or equivalently the Luenberger's observer gain l) and present an example. Finally, we conclude by discussing the possible extension of the proposed closed-form solution to the repeated eigenvalues case and to the case when the CARE is related to multiple-input multiple-output systems.  相似文献   

This article proposes two algorithms for solving a stochastic discrete algebraic Riccati equation which arises in a stochastic optimal control problem for a discrete-time system. Our algorithms are generalized versions of Hewer’s algorithm. Algorithm I has quadratic convergence, but needs to solve a sequence of extended Lyapunov equations. On the other hand, Algorithm II only needs solutions of standard Lyapunov equations which can be solved easily, but it has a linear convergence. By a numerical example, we shall show that Algorithm I is superior to Algorithm II in cases of large dimensions. This work was presented in part at the 13th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 31–February 2, 2008  相似文献   

We deal with a perturbed algebraic Riccati equation in an infinite dimensional Banach space which appears, for instance, in the optimal control problem for infinite Markov jump linear systems (from now on iMJLS). Infinite or finite here has to do with the state space of the Markov chain being infinite countable or finite (see, e.g., [M.D. Fragoso, J. Baczynski, Optimal control for continuous time LQ—problems with infinite Markov jump parameters, SIAM J. Control Optim. 40(1) (2001) 270–297]). By using a certain concept of stochastic stability (a sort of L2-stability), we have proved in [J. Baczynski, M.D. Fragoso, Maximal solution to algebraic Riccati equations linked to infinite Markov jump linear systems, Internal Report LNCC, no. 6, 2006] existence (and uniqueness) of maximal solution for this class of equations. As it is noticed in this paper, unlike the finite case (including the linear case), we cannot guarantee anymore that maximal solution is a strong solution in this setting. Via a discussion on the main mathematical hindrance behind this issue, we devise some mild conditions for this implication to hold. Specifically, our main result here is that, under stochastic stability, along with a condition related with convergence in the infinite dimensional scenario, and another one related to spectrum—weaker than spectral continuity—we ensure the maximal solution to be also a strong solution. These conditions hold trivially in the finite case, allowing us to recover the result of strong solution of [C.E. de Souza, M.D. Fragoso, On the existence of maximal solution for generalized algebraic Riccati equations arising in stochastic control, Systems Control Lett. 14 (1990) 233–239] set for MJLS. The issue of whether the convergence condition is restrictive or not is brought to light and, together with some counterexamples, unveil further differences between the finite and the infinite countable case.  相似文献   

In this paper, applying eigenvalue sum inequality of symmetric matrix and the properties of M-matrix and its inverse matrix, we introduce new lower matrix bounds for the solution of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati equation. Finally, we give corresponding numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the derived results.  相似文献   

Stable and Lipschitz stable hermitian solutions of the discrete algebraic Riccati equations are characterized, in the complex as well as in the real case.This paper was written while the first author visited The College of William and Mary.Partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-8802836 and by the Binational United States-Israel Science Foundation.  相似文献   

For an infinite-dimensional continuous (or discrete)-time linear system, based on the study of the representation of nonnegative solutions of the algebraic Riccati equation (ARE), we get some sufficient and necessary conditions for a nonnegative solution of (ARE) to be isolated in the set of all nonnegative solution of (ARE) with respect to the norm topology, the strong operator topology and weak operator topology, respectively.  相似文献   

Recent error bounds derived from the Schur method of solving algebraic Riccati equations (ARE) complement residual error bounds associated with Newton refinement of approximate solutions. These approaches to the problem of error estimation not only work well together but also represent the first computable error bounds for the solution of Riccati equations. In this paper the closed-loop Lyapunov operator is seen to be central to the question of whether Newton refinement will improve an approximate solution (region of convergence), as well as providing a means of bounding the actual error in terms of the residual error. In turn, both of these issues are related to the condition of the ARE and the damping of the associated closed-loop dynamical system. Numerical results are given for seven problems taken from the literature. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (and AFOSR) under Grant No. ECS87-18897 and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS88-00817.  相似文献   

In this paper, combining the equivalent form of the unified coupled algebraic Riccati equation (UCARE) with the eigenvalue inequalities of a matrix's sum and product, using the properties of an M-matrix and its inverse matrix, we offer new lower and upper matrix bounds for the solution of the UCARE. Furthermore, applying the derived lower and upper matrix bounds and a fixed-point theorem, an existence uniqueness condition of the solution of the UCARE is proposed. Then, we propose a new fixed-point iterative algorithm for the solution of the UCARE. Finally, we present a corresponding numerical example to demonstrate the effectiveness of our results.  相似文献   

In this paper, combining some special eigenvalue inequalities of matrix’s product and sum with the equivalent form of the continuous coupled algebraic Riccati equation (CCARE), we construct linear inequalities. Then, in terms of the properties of M-matrix and its inverse matrix, through solving the derived linear inequalities, we offer new upper matrix bounds for the solution of the CCARE, which improve some of the recent results. Finally, we present a corresponding numerical example to show the effectiveness of the given results.  相似文献   

A monotonicity result for the maximal solution of the equation XBB*XA*XXAQ = 0, Q = Q*, (A, B) stabilizable, is proved.  相似文献   

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