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Anecdotal evidence from several ENT departments suggests that pain following tonsillectomy is worst on the second and/or third days after surgery. This study tests this hypothesis. A pilot study with 19 subjects suggested this theory might well be true. A fuller study was then carried out on 91 subjects with standardised surgical and anaesthetic techniques, and standardised analgesia for five days postoperatively. Pain on the second and third postoperative days was compared with that eight hours after the operation and on the first, fourth and fifth postoperative days. No statistically significant difference was found. There is increasing pressure for early discharge from hospital after surgery. If pain following tonsillectomy is not going to become worse at home, this will tend to make early discharge more acceptable to patients.  相似文献   

148 patients with trigeminal neuralgia, odontogenic neuropathies of the alveolar nerves, neuropathy of the main trigeminal nerves and their sensitive branches, neuropathic complications after alcoholization received individually selected physiotherapy in each prosopalgia in acute and subacute period. Adequate choice of physical factors and physiotherapy is dependent on careful examination of the patient with consideration of topical and pathogenetic features of the disease.  相似文献   

Pneumoconioses are still a frequent cause of interstitial lung disease, that can be lethal. Nevertheless, the improvement of working conditions has led to a lower incidence of severe forms of disease. More sensitive diagnostic techniques, such as high resolution computed tomography scan, are used in early diagnosis and in the medico-legal expertise. Immunological techniques and mineralogical analyses of biological samples allow a more rigorous work-up in these cases. In this regard, bronchoalveolar lavage can bring very interesting information from the cellular, immunological, and mineralogical points of view.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old man had worked as a furniture painter and had been exposed to tonoko polishing powder for 30 years. He had complained of dyspnea on exertion for 7 years, and was admitted to our hospital in 1991. A chest X-ray film revealed large opacities and emphysematous changes in both lung fields. Tonoko pneumoconiosis was diagnosed after transbronchial lung biopsy. Home oxygen therapy was given because of progressive hypoxemia, but the patient died of respiratory failure. At autopsy, examination of the lungs showed severe emphysematous changes, and collapse of alveoli. Many gray masses resembling coating cement were seen especially in the upper lobes. Microscopical examination showed that the large opacities were composed of hyaline nodules, similar to silicotic nodules, with anthracosis. Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis revealed a high concentration of titanium in the gray mass. A low dose of titanium would not be expected to induce fibrotic changes in the lung, but a high dose and long-term exposure might have that effect. Titanium contained in paint might have exacerbated tonoko pneumoconiosis in this patient.  相似文献   

Acid-base disorders are frequently recognized in a wide variety of clinical settings such as severe systemic hospitalized patients. The principal object is to assessment of acid-base equilibrium and to obtain an appropriate guide to therapy. The approach is centered to a systemic analysis of blood gas evaluation. To establish this complex matter is followed. Is an acid-base disorder present? Is the disorder a simple or a mixed abnormality? What is the primary cause? These evaluations should be obtained by accurate history taking, physical examination, and routine laboratory tests. In addition, the supporting analysises such as anion gap (AG) calculation, urine AG assessment, urine chloride concentration and so on are also useful for correct diagnosis. In view of the complexty and difficult expression of acid-base disorders, it is desirable that clinicians must have full knowledges of systemic approach to the blood gas analysis and its evaluation.  相似文献   

A 57 year old man, receiving compensation for talc pneumoconiosis since 1977, was admitted to hospital for the first time in 1987, with symptoms of weight loss, fever, dyspnoea and productive cough. A chest roentgenogram showed bilateral cavitation. Two years later, Mycobacterium xenopi was found in sputum cultures. Despite specific oral antibiotherapy, the patient's health deteriorated and he died in 1990. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an association of talcosis with a M. xenopi pneumonia. The relative timing of the two diseases suggests that talc pneumoconiosis predisposed to the infection by M. xenopi.  相似文献   

From 614 patients with notified pneumoconiosis who died in 1964-1992 on necropsy carcinoma of the lungs was found in 87, i.e. 14.1% (in 48 it was the cause of death). The incidence in individual years did not differ significantly; on evaluation in relation to the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis an insignificantly more frequent incidence was found in complicated pneumoconiosis of miners. On evaluation by work places miners in black coal mines and workers in quarries were affected more frequently, the difference being at the borderline of statistical significance. As to the histological aspect, most frequently squamous cell carcinoma was involved, the site was most frequently in both upper lobes. The carcinoma was seven times associated with silicotic lesions, with anthracofibrotic lesions six times (a total of 14.9%). In lifetime carcinoma was detected in 55 of the patients who died, i.e. in 63.2%. As to aetiopathogenetic influences, the relationship with smoking is significant. The aetiopathogenesis of carcinoma of the lungs in patients with pneumoconiosis is most probably not uniform-the influence of smoking is beyond doubt, the carcinogenic effect of silica should be considered in patients with carcinoma in the scar. With regard to the repeatedly proved more frequent incidence of carcinoma of the lungs in patients with pneumoconiosis, frequent check-ups of patients with pneumoconiosis focused on possible detection of lung cancer are essential.  相似文献   

A mortality cohort study was carried out on 7,065 coal miners with pneumoconiosis first diagnosed during the years of 1970-85. The cohort was selected from among subjects entered into the National Register of Occupational Diseases and followed up through to the end of 1991. The general male population of Poland was considered as a reference group. The PYRS-3 programme was used to identify, by means of standardized mortality ratios (SMRs), total and selected cause-specific mortality. An analysis revealed significantly elevated total mortality (SMR = 105; 95% confidence interval (CI): 100-110) in the whole cohort of coal miners. The risk of selected cause-specific mortality was significantly enhanced due to diseases of the respiratory system among which pneumoconiosis predominated (SMR = 383; 95% CI: 345-424). While mortality from all diseases of the circulatory system (SmR = 89; CI: 82-96), arterial hypertension (SMR = 63; 95% CI: 38-98), cerebrovascular diseases (SMR = 79; 95% CI: 62-99), atherosclerosis (SMR = 79; 95% CI: 66-93), and injury in poisoning (SMR = 50; 95% CI: 38-64) was significantly lower. The risk of death from malignant neoplasm of lung in the whole study population as well as in individual groups and categories of coal miners with pneumoconiosis, which varied in the risk of pneumoconiosis and the level of exposure to ionizing radiation, was not increased.  相似文献   

The author studied children from 6-14 years with disseminated sclerosis in the area of a decreased risk to this disease. The early period of the disease in this age group was very difficult to discern. As a rule, disseminated sclerosis in children in detected by a retrospective analysis of the clinical development. In children, as in adults, the clinical course has a remittent development, where there are remissions and exacerbations. More frequently than in adults, the disease acquires a hyperkinetic form, which is considered to be most malignant. Probably the disease occurs not at 12-15 years, as it is being pointed in the literature but much earlier (4-5 years). Exacerbations of disseminated sclerosis in children, unlike exacerbations in adults occur not so much from the influence of cold factors as from warm. In order to avoid a hyperdiagnosis of disseminated sclerosis in children a differential diagnosis should be made between hereditary-degenerative disorders of the nervous system and progressive forms of panencephalitis.  相似文献   

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