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Abstract. This paper abstracts and generalizes the known approaches for proving lower bounds on the size of various variants of oblivious branching programs (oblivious BPs for short), providing an easy-to-use technique which works for all nondeterministic and randomized modes of acceptance. The technique is applied to obtain the following results concerning the power of nondeterminism and randomness for oblivious BPs: <p>— Oblivious read-once BPs, better known as OBDDs (ordered binary decision diagrams), are used in many applications and their structure is well understood in the deterministic case. It has been open so far to compare the power of nondeterministic OBDDs with so-called partitioned BDDs which are a variant of nondeterministic branching programs also used in practice. A k -partitioned BDD has a nondeterministic node at the top by which one out of k deterministic OBDDs with possibly different variable orders is chosen. It is proven here that the two models are incomparable as long as k is bounded by a logarithmic function in the input length. <p>— It is shown that deterministic oblivious read-k -times BPs for an explicitly defined function require superpolynomial size, for k logarithmic in the input length, while there are Las Vegas oblivious read-twice BPs of linear size for this function. This is in contrast to the situation for OBDDs, for which the respective size measures are polynomially related. <p>— Furthermore, an explicitly defined function is presented for which randomized oblivious read-k -times BPs with bounded error require exponential size, while the function as well as its complement can be represented in polynomial size by nondeterministic oblivious read-k -times BPs and deterministic oblivious read-(k+1) -times BPs, where k=o(log n) .  相似文献   

We show that i-directable nondeterministic automata can be i-directed with a word of length O(2n) for i=1,2, where n stands for the number of states. Since for i=1,2 there exist i-directable automata having i-directing words of length Ω(2n), these upper bounds are asymptotically optimal. We also show that a 3-directable nondeterministic automaton with n states can be 3-directed with a word of length , improving the previously known upper bound O(2n). Here the best known lower bound is .  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper abstracts and generalizes the known approaches for proving lower bounds on the size of various variants of oblivious branching programs (oblivious BPs for short), providing an easy-to-use technique which works for all nondeterministic and randomized modes of acceptance. The technique is applied to obtain the following results concerning the power of nondeterminism and randomness for oblivious BPs: <p>— Oblivious read-once BPs, better known as OBDDs (ordered binary decision diagrams), are used in many applications and their structure is well understood in the deterministic case. It has been open so far to compare the power of nondeterministic OBDDs with so-called partitioned BDDs which are a variant of nondeterministic branching programs also used in practice. A k -partitioned BDD has a nondeterministic node at the top by which one out of k deterministic OBDDs with possibly different variable orders is chosen. It is proven here that the two models are incomparable as long as k is bounded by a logarithmic function in the input length. <p>— It is shown that deterministic oblivious read-k -times BPs for an explicitly defined function require superpolynomial size, for k logarithmic in the input length, while there are Las Vegas oblivious read-twice BPs of linear size for this function. This is in contrast to the situation for OBDDs, for which the respective size measures are polynomially related. <p>— Furthermore, an explicitly defined function is presented for which randomized oblivious read-k -times BPs with bounded error require exponential size, while the function as well as its complement can be represented in polynomial size by nondeterministic oblivious read-k -times BPs and deterministic oblivious read-(k+1) -times BPs, where k=o(log n) .  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that one-qubit polynomial time computations are as powerful as NC1 circuits. More generally, we define syntactic models for quantum and stochastic branching programs of bounded width and prove upper and lower bounds on their power. We show that any NC1 language can be accepted exactly by a width-2 quantum branching program of polynomial length, in contrast to the classical case where width 5 is necessary unless NC1 = ACC. This separates width-2 quantum programs from width-2 doubly stochastic programs as we show the latter cannot compute the middle bit of multiplication. Finally, we show that bounded-width quantum and stochastic programs can be simulated by classical programs of larger but bounded width, and thus are in NC1. For read-once quantum branching programs (QBPs), we give a symmetric Boolean function which is computable by a read-once QBP with O (log n) width, but not by a deterministic read-once BP with o (n) width, or by a classical randomized read-once BP with o (n) width which is “stable” in the sense that its transitions depend on the value of the queried variable but do not vary from step to step. Finally, we present a general lower bound on the width of read-once QBPs, showing that our O (log n) upper bound for this symmetric function is almost tight.  相似文献   

We consider maintaining information about the rank of a matrix under changes of the entries. For n×n matrices, we show an upper bound of O(n1.575) arithmetic operations and a lower bound of Ω(n) arithmetic operations per element change. The upper bound is valid when changing up to O(n0.575) entries in a single column of the matrix. We also give an algorithm that maintains the rank using O(n2) arithmetic operations per rank one update. These bounds appear to be the first nontrivial bounds for the problem. The upper bounds are valid for arbitrary fields, whereas the lower bound is valid for algebraically closed fields. The upper bound for element updates uses fast rectangular matrix multiplication, and the lower bound involves further development of an earlier technique for proving lower bounds for dynamic computation of rational functions.  相似文献   

Branching programs are a well-established computation model for Boolean functions, especially read-once branching programs (BP1s) have been studied intensively. A very simple function f in n2 variables is exhibited such that both the function f and its negation ¬f can be computed by Σ3p-circuits, the function f has nondeterministic BP1s (with one nondeterministic node) of linear size and ¬f has size O(n4) for oblivious nondeterministic BP1s but f requires nondeterministic graph-driven BP1s of size . This answers an open question stated by Jukna, Razborov, Savický, and Wegener [Comput. Complexity 8 (1999) 357-370].  相似文献   

We consider planar circuits, formulas and multilective planar circuits. It is shown that planar circuits and formulas are incomparable. An (n logn) lower bound is given for the multilective planar circuit complexity of a decision problem and an (n 3/2) lower bound is given for the multilective planar circuit complexity of a multiple output function.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an alternative solution to the problem min X ε Hn×n |A + BXC| where A, B, rmand C are rational matrices in Hn×n. The solution circumvents the need to extract the matrix inner factors of B and C, providing a multivariable extension of Sarason's H-interpolation theory [1] to the case of matrix-valued B(s) and C(s). The result has application to the diagonally-scaled optimization problem int |D(A + BXC)D−1|, where the infimum is over D, X εHn×n, D diagonal.  相似文献   

The adaptive control un is designed for the stochastic system A(z)yn+1 = B(z)un+C(z)wn+1 with unknown constant matrix coefficients in the polynomials A(z), B(z) and C(z) in the shift-back operator with the purposes that (1) the unknown matrices are strongly consistently estimated and (2) the poles and zeros are replaced in such a way that the system itself is transferred to A0(z)yn+1 = B0(z)un0+n+1 with given A0(z), B0(z) and un0 so that the pole-zero assignment error {n+1} is minimized. The problem of adaptive pole-zero assignment combined with tracking is also considered in this paper. Conditions used are imposed only on A(z), B(z) and C(z).  相似文献   

Summary Using modular arithmetic we obtain the following improved bounds on the time and space complexities for n × n Boolean matrix multiplication: O(n log 2 7 lognlogloglognloglogloglogn) bit operations and O(n 2loglog n) bits of storage on a logarithmic cost RAM having no multiply or divide instruction; O(n log 2 7(logn)2–1/2log 2 7(loglog n)1/2log 2 7–1) bit operations and O(n 2log n) bits of storage on a RAM which can use indirect addressing for table lookups. The first algorithm can be realized as a Boolean circuit with O(n log 2 7lognlogloglognloglogloglogn) gates. Whenever n×n arithmetic matrix multiplication can be performed in less than O(n log 2 7) arithmetic operations, our results have corresponding improvements.This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-67-0204-0063, by the National Research Council of Canada under grant A4307, and by the National Science Foundation under grants MCS76-17321 and GJ-43332  相似文献   

We consider dynamic evaluation of algebraic functions (matrix multiplication, determinant, convolution, Fourier transform, etc.) in the model of Reif and Tate; i.e., if f(x1,…, xn)=(y1, …, ym) is an algebraic problem, we consider serving online requests of the form “change input xi to value v” or “what is the value of output yi?” We present techniques for showing lower bounds on the worst case time complexity per operation for such problems. The first gives lower bounds in a wide range of rather powerful models (for instance, history dependent algebraic computation trees over any infinite subset of a field, the integer RAM, and the generalized real RAM model of Ben-Amram and Galil). Using this technique, we show optimal Ω(n) bounds for dynamic matrix–vector product, dynamic matrix multiplication, and dynamic discriminant and an Ω( ) lower bound for dynamic polynomial multiplication (convolution), providing a good match with Reif and Tate's O( ) upper bound. We also show linear lower bounds for dynamic determinant, matrix adjoint, and matrix inverse and an Ω( ) lower bound for the elementary symmetric functions. The second technique is the communication complexity technique of Miltersen, Nisan, Safra, and Wigderson which we apply to the setting of dynamic algebraic problems, obtaining similar lower bounds in the word RAM model. The third technique gives lower bounds in the weaker straight line program model. Using this technique, we show an Ω((log n)2/log log n) lower bound for dynamic discrete Fourier transform. Technical ingredients of our techniques are the incompressibility technique of Ben-Amram and Galil and the lower bound for depth-two superconcentrators of Radhakrishnan and Ta-Shma. The incompressibility technique is extended to arithmetic computation in arbitrary fields.  相似文献   

Cluster Computing for Determining Three-Dimensional Protein Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determining the three-dimensional structure of proteins is crucial to efficient drug design and understanding biological processes. One successful method for computing the molecule’s shape relies on inter-atomic distance bounds provided by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. The accuracy of computed structures as well as the time required to obtain them are greatly improved if the gaps between the upper and lower distance-bounds are reduced. These gaps are reduced most effectively by applying the tetrangle inequality, derived from the Cayley-Menger determinant, to all atom-quadruples. However, tetrangle-inequality bound-smoothing is an extremely computation intensive task, requiring O(n4) time for an n-atom molecule. To reduce computation time, we propose a novel coarse-grained parallel algorithm intended for a Beowulf-type cluster of PCs. The algorithm employs pn/6 processors and requires O(n4/p) time and O(p2) communications, where n is the number of atoms in a molecule. The number of communications is at least an order of magnitude lower than in the earlier parallelizations. Our implementation utilized processors with at least 59% efficiency (including the communication overhead)—an impressive figure for a non-embarrassingly parallel problem on a cluster of workstations.  相似文献   

We show an O(1.344n)=O(20.427n) algorithm for edge-coloring an n-vertex graph using three colors. Our algorithm uses polynomial space. This improves over the previous O(2n/2) algorithm of Beigel and Eppstein [R. Beigel, D. Eppstein, 3-coloring in time O(1.3289n), J. Algorithms 54 (2) (2005) 168–204.]. We apply a very natural approach of generating inclusion–maximal matchings of the graph. The time complexity of our algorithm is estimated using the “measure and conquer” technique.  相似文献   

This work concerns the trade-offs between the dimension and the time and space complexity of computations on nondeterministic cellular automata. We assume that the space complexity is the diameter of area in space involved in computation. It is proved that (1) every nondeterministic cellular automata (NCA) of dimensionr, computing a predicatePwith time complexityT(n) and space complexityS(n) can be simulated byr-dimensional NCA with time and space complexityO(T1/(r+1)Sr/(r+1)) and byr+1 dimensional NCA with time and space complexityO(T1/2+S), whereTandSare functions constructible in time, (2) for any predicatePand integerr>1 if is a fastestr-dimensional NCA computingPwith time complexityT(n) and space complexityS(n), thenT=O(S), and (3) ifTr, Pis the time complexity of a fastestr-dimensional NCA computing predicatePthenTr+1,P=O((Tr, P)1−r/(r+1)2),Tr+1,P=O((Tr, P)1+2/r).Similar problems for deterministic cellular automata (CA) are discussed.  相似文献   

 If G is an n vertex maximal planar graph and δ≤1 3, then the vertex set of G can be partitioned into three sets A, B, C such that neither A nor B contains more than (1−δ)n vertices, no edge from G connects a vertex in A to a vertex in B, and C is a cycle in G containing no more than (√2δ+√2−2δ)√n+O(1) vertices. Specifically, when δ=1 3, the separator C is of size (√2/3+√4/3)√n+O(1), which is roughly 1.97√n. The constant 1.97 is an improvement over the best known so far result of Miller 2√2≈2.82. If non-negative weights adding to at most 1 are associated with the vertices of G, then the vertex set of G can be partitioned into three sets A, B, C such that neither A nor B has weight exceeding 1−δ, no edge from G connects a vertex in A to a vertex in B, and C is a simple cycle with no more than 2√n+O(1) vertices. Received: 8 September 1993/11 December 1995  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of locating a median path of limited length on a tree under the condition that some existing facilities are already located. The existing facilities may be located at any subset of vertices. Upper and lower bounds are proposed for both the discrete and continuous models. In the discrete model, a median path is not allowed to contain partial edges. In the continuous model, a median path may contain partial edges. The proposed upper bounds for these two models are O(n log n) and O(n log (n)), respectively. They improve the previous known bounds from O(n log2 n) and O(n2), respectively. The proposed lower bounds are both Ω(n log n).  相似文献   

The problem of merging two sorted arrays A = (a1, a2, ..., an1) and B = (b1, b2, ..., bn2) is considered. For input elements that are drawn from a domain of integers [1...s] we present an algorithm that runs in O(log log log s) time using n/log log log s CREW PRAM processors (optimal speed-up) and O(nsε) space, where n = n1 + n2. For input elements that are drawn from a domain of integers [1...n] we present a second algorithm that runs in O(α(n)) time (where α(n) is the inverse of Ackermann′s function) using n/α(n) CREW PRAM processors and linear space. This second algorithm is non-uniform; however, it can be made uniform at a price of a certain loss of speed, or by using a CRCW PRAM.  相似文献   

A lower bound theorem is established for the number of comparators in a merging network. Let M(m, n) be the least number of comparators required in the (m, n)-merging networks, and let C(m, n) be the number of comparators in Batcher's (m, n)-merging network, respectively. We prove for n≥1 that M(4, n)=C(4, n) for n≡0, 1, 3 mod 4, M(4, n)≥C(4, n)−1 for n≡2 mod 4, and M(5, n)=C(5, n) for n≡0, 1, 5 mod 8. Furthermore Batcher's (6, 8k+6)-, (7, 8k+7)-, and (8, 8k+8)-merging networks are optimal for k≥0. Our lower bound for (m, n)-merging networks, mn, has the same terms as C(m, n) has as far as n is concerned. Thus Batcher's (m, n)-merging network is optimal up to a constant number of comparators, where the constant depends only on m. An open problem posed by Yao and Yao (Lower bounds on merging networks, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.23, 566–571) is solved: limn→∞M(m, n)/n=log m/2+m/2log m.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the computational complexity of the nontermination problem for systems of communicating processes with respect to five types of scheduling schemes, namely, round-robin, random, priority, first-come-first-served, and equifair schedules. We show that the problem is undecidable (1-complete) with respect to round-robin, first-come-first-served, and priority scheduling; whereas it is decidable with respect to random and equifair scheduling. (Here 1 denotes the set of languages whose complements are recursively enumerable.) For a restricted class of systems in which the communication channels between processes are of unit capacity, we show that the nontermination problem is solvable inO(k 2 logn) nondeterministic space for round-robin, random, priority, and first-come-first-served scheduling, and inn o(k 2) nondeterministic time for equifair scheduling, wherek is the number of processes andn is the size of the maximal process. We are also able to establish a lower bound of ((k–59)/20*logn) nondeterministic space for all five types of scheduling schemes.  相似文献   

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