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阐述了飞秒激光双光子聚合(TPP)制造三维零件微快速原型技术和成形系统的搭建及其实现的理论基础,分析该技术的两大显著技术优势以及双光子吸收特性、双光子聚合工艺流程、成形材料及双光子触媒的特性,并在此基础上进行工艺参数影响分析和优化组合,给出初步实验结果,提出系统未来发展提升空间。  相似文献   

双光子三维微结构快速制备技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
建立了一种利用双光子聚合技术快速制备三维微结构的方法,并对加工分辨率进行了研究。通过对高速扫描原理的研究,提出了采用二维振镜与一维压电微移动台相结合,利用跳跃和扫描协同的运动模式,以段段扫描方式进行三维微结构加工的系统来提高其加工速度。实验制备千里马和具有木堆结构的三维光子晶体结构说明,采用上述扫描方式可使其加工速度较点点扫描方式提高10倍至1 000倍。实验结果表明,使用一定的激光功率时,其加工分辨率随曝光时间减小而显著提高,实验得到了50 nm的线宽分辨率,超过文献报道的100 nm的最高值。研究还表明,上述加工方法可实现激光三维微结构的快速制备并具有高分辨率加工的特点。  相似文献   

由于双光子聚合所具有的纳米级加工分辨率以及真三维制造能力,被广泛应用于微米纳米制造领域。利用双光子聚合加工的三维木堆结构是实现生物支架、光子晶体、超材料等功能器件的重要途径之一。但是加工结构在经过后处理之后产生的不均匀收缩成为获得高质量木堆结构的重要阻碍,严重时会导致失去其结构的功能性。为了实现木堆结构的均匀性加工,提出一种通过降低加工结构与基底附着力的方法,来实现均匀木堆结构的加工。此外,采用Ormocomp光敏材料以及双光子聚合加工技术,对基底高附着力和低附着力的木堆结构分别进行了加工。通过对加工所得木堆结构的各层尺寸的测量,验证了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

双光子聚合加工技术可实现大面积超材料快速结构化加工,双光子聚合加工系统中存在的误差是影响加工精度的重要因素之一。系统误差的来源以及系统误差的辨识分析是实现误差补偿,提高加工精度的重要前提。为了研究加工系统的各个组成部分的误差项及系统误差的主要来源,对系统误差进行辨识分析,从而建立双光子聚合加工系统的误差模型,并搭建实验测量系统,对微动台的几何误差进行测量,包括定位误差与直线度误差,然后采用改进九线辨识法对其它几何参数进行辨识,得到了加工系统的各项几何误差参数。对加工系统的误差项及其主要来源分析,可知系统的几何误差对加工精度的影响最大,同时对其误差参数进行辨识,对提高加工精度有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对所研制中的一台多轴双光子加工系统,通过齐次坐标变换建立了激光束焦斑中心与试件期望位置之间的综合误差模型。假定对各个运动轴误差及光路系统的误差服从非平稳概率分布,考察了各个运动轴误差及光路系统误差对综合误差的影响。为主动补偿多轴双光子聚合加工系统的综合误差、提升多轴双光子聚合加工系统的工作精度提供了依据。  相似文献   

微制造系统中的微细电火花加工技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章系统地研究和综述了微细电火花加工技术的研究现状和发展趋势,论述了微细电火花加工技术在微三维结构制作及微制造系统中的应用。  相似文献   

针对传统加工方法很难实现微机电系统(Micro electromechanical systems,MEMS)零部件高质量加工的问题,在微细加工技术研究基础上,提出采用飞秒激光双光子聚合加工技术加工标准渐开线微齿轮的方法.采用钛蓝宝石激光器自行搭建的飞秒激光双光子加工系统,能够输出波长为800 nm的飞秒激光用于双光子聚合加工,利用AutoCAD软件设计标准渐开线微齿轮,通过理论和试验两种方法研究激光功率与单个固化点尺寸之间的关系,进而研究扫描步距与加工精度和表面粗糙度之间的关系,结果表明,激光功率越小,加工分辨率越高;扫描步距越小,加工变形越大,但表面质量提高.采用优化后的加工工艺参数加工出高质量的标准渐开线微齿轮,其表面粗糙度Ra27.66 nm.因此,飞秒激光双光子加工技术能够为微齿轮或其他MEMS零部件的加工提供一条有效途径.  相似文献   

折射率失配对双光子三维信息存储中信息点的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据Torok的光在多层介质中传播的理论,模拟了在折射率失配情况下点扩展函数的强度分布.在介质折射率为1.48,多种物镜数值孔径NA=0.25、0.45、0.65、0.85条件下,分析了信息点轴向尺寸及读出信号强度变化趋势.选取合适的光学参数(如物镜的数值孔径NA=0.45,存储介质的折射率1.48),能够使信息点在深度200μm内轴向尺寸变化率小于4%,信号读出强度变化率小于30%,提高了存储效果.对选取各种物镜和介质折射率的情况下信息点的变化趋势分析表明,折射率失配使信息点横向尺寸随深度变化不大,而轴向尺寸及信号读出强度产生较大的变化,变化的程度与物镜NA、介质的折射率及存储深度密切相关.采用与模拟时相同的光学参数,在光致变色材料中进行了双光子三维存储实验.通过观察信息点的轴向及横向扫描图像和信号的读出强度,证实了这种变化趋势.实验结果为双光子三维存储提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

三维微细电火花加工伺服控制系统设计及实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对微细电火花加工伺服控制系统的要求,进行了微细电火花加工伺服控制系统总体设计.伺服控制系统特点是执行机构采用步进电机+压电陶瓷的宏微细合式驱动机构,实现了大行程和小步距的有机结合,能够提高电火花加工机床的加工性能.同时Z轴增加一个振动源,实现自动排屑和微调加工间隙.通过实验验证,证明系统运行良好,运动平台能够达到较高的精度,并实现了简单的极微细电火花加工.  相似文献   

Ulrich V  Fischer P  Riemann I  Königt K 《Scanning》2004,26(5):217-225
An inverted fluorescence microscope was upgraded into a compact three-dimensional laser scanning microscope (LSM) of 65 x 62 x 48 cm dimensions by means of a fast kHz galvoscanner unit, a piezodriven z-stage, and a picosecond (ps) 50 MHz laser diode at 405 nm. In addition, compact turn-key near infrared femtosecond lasers have been employed to perform multiphoton fluorescence and second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy. To expand the features of the compact LSM, a time-correlated single photon counting unit as well as a Sagnac interferometer have been added to realize fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and spectral imaging. Using this unique five-dimensional microscope, TauMap, single-photon excited (SPE), and two-photon excited (TPE) cellular fluorescence as well as intratissue autofluorescence of water plant leaves have been investigated with submicron spatial resolution, <270 ps temporal resolution, and 10 nm spectral resolution.  相似文献   

In recent years, nonlinear laser scanning microscopy has gained much attention due to its unique ability of deep optical sectioning. Based on our previous studies, a 1,200-1,300-nm femtosecond laser can provide superior penetration capability with minimized photodamage possibility. However, with the longer wavelength excitation, three-photon-fluorescence (3PF) would be necessary for efficient use of intrinsic and extrinsic visible fluorophores. The three-photon process can provide much better spatial resolution than two-photon-fluorescence due to the cubic power dependency. On the other hand, third-harmonic-generation (THG), another intrinsic three-photon process, is interface-sensitive and can be used as a general structural imaging modality to show the exact location of cellular membranes. The virtual-transition characteristic of THG prevents any excess energy from releasing in bio-tissues and, thus, THG acts as a truly noninvasive imaging tool. Here we demonstrated the first combined 3PF and THG microscopy, which can provide three-dimensional high-resolution images with both functional molecule specificity and sub-micrometer structural mapping capability. The simultaneously acquired 3PF and THG images based on a 1,230-nm Cr:forsterite femtosecond laser are shown with a Hoechst-labeled hepatic cell sample. Strong 3PF around 450 nm from DNA-bounded Hoechst-33258 can be observed inside each nucleus while THG reveals the location of plasma membranes and other membrane-based organelles such as mitochondria. Considering that the maximum-allowable laser power in common nonlinear laser microscopy is less than 10 mW at 800 nm, it is remarkable that even with a 100-mW 1,230-nm incident power, there is no observable photo damage on the cells, demonstrating the noninvasiveness of this novel microscopy technique.  相似文献   

由产品的三维模型可生成二维工程图,而由产品的二维工程图不能直接生成三维模型。给出了根据二维工程图快速建立三维模型的方法。  相似文献   

The central region of the intervertebral disc (IVD) in infant humans is made and maintained by notochordal cells (NCs). These cells disappear during maturation to be replaced by mature chondrocyte-like cells. NCs are completely different morphologically from the mature chondrocyte-like IVD cells and have complex and essential functions but little is known about them. Recently, two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) using near-infrared (NIR) femtosecond pulsed lasers has emerged as a promising noninvasive optical technique for observing unfixed living 3D biological specimens in situ and in vitro. Several lines of evidence suggest that compared with conventional laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM), femtosecond NIR laser-based TPLSM has any number of advantages including 3D resolution without a spatial filter (confocal pinhole), minimal photobleaching, and photodamage above and below the focal plane, and importantly, greater depth penetration. We have thus taken advantage of these unique features of femtosecond laser-based TPLSM for vital 3D imaging in conjunction with advanced spatial-volume rendering modalities to compare morphologies of NCs/clusters from pig caudal discs with chondrocyte-like IVD cells from bovine caudal discs, both in ex vivo tissue and when isolated and grown in vitro within 3D alginate scaffolds. Our results provide evidence that (a) ex vivo notochordal tissue consists of areas with NC clusters, and those dominated by tubular structures of low cell density (b) within 3D in vitro scaffolds the morphology of NC is heterogeneous and the cells contain distinct cytoplasmic vacuole-like structures occasionally including acidic subinclusions (c) a quantitative determination based on 3D spatial and volumetric-rendering reveals an average NC diameter of 22.05 microm (range 11.96-46.63 microm) and NC volume of 9701 microm(3) (2041-36427 microm(3)) whereas chondrocyte-like cells have a mean volume of 3279 microm(3) and diameter of 12.20 microm. Taken together, this study demonstrates that femtosecond TPLSM has unique advantages over other conventional histological and in particular LSCM for high resolution noninvasive vital characterization of notochordal and chondrocyte-like cells of IVD over extended depths beyond 300-500 microm.  相似文献   

基于准分子激光的微结构与微器件加工制作研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郭利  刘超  章海军 《光学仪器》2009,31(1):69-72
介绍了准分子激光微加工的机理,设计并研制了步进控制的二维微动扫描台,建立了一种基于准分子激光的微加工装置,通过计算机控制扫描路径,可实现点、线、面等基本微结构以及组合型微结构、微器件的加工制作。利用该准分子激光微加工装置,进行了微结构和微器件的加工实验,成功加工制作出齿轮形微结构和微型无芯薄膜变压器件。准分子激光微加工装置具有加工效率高、加工切口平整、可实现各种形状的微结构与微器件的加工等特点,可望在微机电系统(MEMS)及微纳米技术领域得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

The cell volume alteration participates in a wide variety of cellular functions that may interfere with intra‐cellular homeostasis. The most adequate approach of estimation of the volume changes induced by osmotic misbalance, alteration in shape and size due to the action shape forming substances, etc., is the direct measurement of volumetric parameters of embryos. In the given research, the volume magnitude and kinetics of changes in volume and surface area of blastomere and polar bodies of early mouse embryos were determined using three‐dimensional reconstruction of the optical section stack obtained with laser scanning microscope (LSM). The size and surface area were determined for isotonic and anisosmotic conditions. The physiological significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

利用Pro/E软件建立了翻车机的装配体及其零件的三维实体模型,然后转成STL文件导入3ds max软件,对翻车机的工作流程进行三维动态处理,实现了一种新型三车翻车机的动画仿真。  相似文献   

基于光纤的三维电子散斑干涉测量系统设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
周文静  于瀛洁 《光学精密工程》2008,16(10):1815-1821
为了实现物体三维变形非接触测量,设计了基于电子散斑干涉技术的三维变形测量系统。该系统中采用了一分五型分束光纤,这根光纤在系统中起到分光和传光的作用,使系统所需器件相比一般的设计系统要少。为了获得变形的量化数值,系统将电子散斑技术与相移技术结合在一起,由压电陶瓷引入相移,并采用“4+1”相移算法计算变形量。该系统可以实现面内及离面变形的独立测量,进而实现物体三维变形的测量。以带缺陷的木板和钢板为测试对象,进行了物体面内、离面和三维变形的测量,结果表明设计系统可以实现各种变形的测量。  相似文献   

三维精密位移系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
为满足精密位移的需要,研究开发了一种大行程、纳米级和计量型三维精密位移系统。采用模块化结构设计,即3个方向的驱动机构均采用完全相同的设计结构,分别称为X、Y、Z向一维工作台。位移系统在X、Y、Z3个方向采用粗、精两级驱动,并分别装有计量光栅。各方向粗驱动采用交流伺服电机配合精密丝杠和直线导轨进行,精驱动采用压电陶瓷微位移器配合柔性铰链进行,每个方向的两级驱动共用一套计量光栅,从而保证了位移系统的大行程、纳米级和计量型。介绍了位移系统的结构设计,分析了位移系统的位移分辨率、计量原理以及它的运动性能。实验表明,在40mm位移行程内,X、Y和Z向工作台两级驱动实际位移与设定位移之差分别不超过±0.030、±0.028和±0.033μm,验证了位移系统设计的有效性,为位移系统的设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

Background : Multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy provides attractive advantages over conventional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy. For the first time, simultaneous measurement of the second harmonic generation (SHG) signals in the forward and backward directions and two photon excitation fluorescence were achieved from the deep shade plant Selaginella erythropus. Results : These measurements show that the S. erythropus leaves produce high SHG signals in both directions and the SHG signals strongly depend on the laser's status of polarization and the orientation of the dipole moment in the molecules that interact with the laser light. The novelty of this work is (1) uncovering the unusual structure of S. erythropus leaves, including diverse chloroplasts, various cell types and micromophology, which are consistent with observations from general electron microscopy; and (2) using the multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy by combining three platforms of laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, harmonic generation microscopy and polarizing microscopy for detecting the SHG signals in the forward and backward directions, as well as two photon excitation fluorescence. Conclusions : With the multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy, one can use noninvasive SHG imaging to reveal the true architecture of the sample, without photodamage or photobleaching, by utilizing the fact that the SHG is known to leave no energy deposition on the interacting matter because of the SHG virtual energy conservation characteristic.  相似文献   

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