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Mysis diluviana is a major component of prey fish diets in the Great Lakes, so annual production of M. diluviana is important for understanding and modeling energy flow through Great Lakes food webs. However, only three lake-wide measurements of M. diluviana annual production in Lake Ontario are currently available (1971, 1990, 1995). During 2013, lake-wide coverage of Lake Ontario was achieved during four periods from April to November. Annual mean density and biomass of M. diluviana in 2013 were 99?#/m2 (SE: 8) and 318?mg?dw/m2 (SE: 28) – approximately half of values observed in 1990s. M. diluviana comprised 13–30% of offshore zooplankton biomass in each period. Reproduction peaked in fall, with mean brood size of 32 embryos (range: 11–49), at least 10% larger than in 1990s. Generation time was two years from embryo to initial reproduction. Growth rates were 0.052?mm/d for the age-0 cohort and 0.027?mm/d for the age-1 cohort. Age-0 growth rate was significantly higher than in 1980s–90s (0.035?mm/d). Annual production in 2013 was 0.85?g?dw/m2/yr (SE: 0.03) which was 30–40% of values observed in 1990 and 1995 (2.23 and 2.53?g/m2/yr). Annual production to biomass ratio (P/B) in 2013 was 2.65?/yr which was 80–85% of values observed in 1990 and 1995 (3.24 and 3.11?/yr), but this difference was not statistically significant. Our results suggest that changes in annual production over time can be estimated using changes in biomass over time and a mean P/B ratio.  相似文献   

Thirteen years of SeaWiFS data (1998–2010) from the early spring isothermal period (March–April) were used to determine trends of water attenuation coefficient (KdPAR), chlorophyll a (Chl a), Photosynthetic Available Radiation (PAR), and modeled primary production in southern Lake Michigan. Surface PAR values remained unchanged between 1998 and 2010, but there was an 18–22% drop in KdPAR during the March/April isothermal period as water clarity increased. This transparency increase was accompanied by a 41–53% decline in Chl a concentration (μg · L− 1) and a 42–46% decline in modeled primary production (Great Lakes Primary Production Model). These changes were most pronounced in 2001–2003 which coincided with the period of initial colonization of the quagga mussels. Statistically significant spatial differences were noted in Chl a (μg · L− 1) concentrations between mid-depth (z = 30–90 m deep), and offshore (z > 90 m deep) waters. Chl a concentrations in the mid-depth region (30–90 m) decreased at a higher rate compared to offshore waters (> 90 m) likely as a result of filtration activities of quagga mussel.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes form the largest freshwater island system in the world and provide breeding habitat for a large proportion of the continental population of double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus). Here, cormorants have a high profile due to conflicts with humans; by 2007, most active (64%) breeding sites in U.S. waters were managed. This study used data from the U.S. Great Lakes Colonial Waterbird Database and The Nature Conservancy's Great Lakes Island GIS database to identify important features of breeding sites in the U.S. Great Lakes and broaden understanding of cormorant presence at the island-landscape scale. Islands 0.5–10 ha were used more frequently than expected, and most sites had remoteness values of ≤ 3 km. Colony size was positively correlated with years occupied and large colonies (> 1000 pairs) developed primarily (95%) on island sites > 1.0 ha. Sites supporting large colonies were more remote than those supporting smaller colonies. Presence of other colonial waterbird species, especially Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), also characterized cormorant sites. Islands used by cormorants comprised a small proportion (n = 90, 3%) of the U.S. Great Lakes island resource, and < 1% of the total island area. Certain characteristics of breeding sites (e.g., small islands, proximity to mainland) may increase negative attitudes about cormorants. To understand cormorant impacts to island resources (e.g., vegetation; other colonial waterbird species), we suggest cormorant presence in the Great Lakes be considered in the broader context of island science, conservation and known threats, and at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Fish are an excellent source of lean protein and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) but there is inadequate information on the levels of PUFAs in freshwater fish and specifically Great Lakes fish. Knowledge of PUFAs is necessary to make informed decisions regarding the balance between the benefits of fish consumption due to these factors versus risks of adverse health effects associated with elevated levels of contaminants known to be present in some Great Lakes fish and linked to increased risk of cancer and adverse neurological effects to both infants and adults. Our goal was to determine the lipid profiles in two species of Great Lakes fish, lake trout and whitefish. Total fat and the percentage of total and omega-3 PUFAs were with one exception significantly higher in lake trout than whitefish. Average concentrations of EPA + DHA were 11.2 and 9.7 g/100 g lipid in lake trout and whitefish, respectively. The concentrations of EPA + DHA in fatty marine fish (22.7, 23.9 and 30.2 g/100 g lipid, respectively) are about double those found in Great Lakes lake trout and whitefish. Nevertheless a 100 g serving of Great Lakes lake trout provides more than 500 mg of EPA + DHA, which is the daily intake level recommended by the American Dietetics Association for the prevention of coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

As part of the U.S. Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program (GLFMSP), more than 300 lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) collected from the Laurentian Great Lakes each year from 2004 to 2009, have been analyzed for total toxaphene and eight selected congeners. The analytical results show fish toxaphene concentrations are quite different among lakes. Between 2004 and 2009, Lake Superior lake trout had the highest concentration (119 to 482 ng/g) and Lake Erie walleye had the lowest concentration (18 to 47 ng/g). Combining these results with the historical total toxaphene data (1977–2003), temporal changes were examined for each lake. Because of different analytical methods used in the previous studies, the historical data were adjusted using a factor of 0.56 based on a previous inter-method comparison in our laboratory. Trend analysis using an exponential decay regression showed that toxaphene in Great Lakes fish exhibited a significant decrease in all of the lakes with t1/2 (confidence interval) of 0.9 (0.8–1.1) years for Lake Erie walleye, 3.8 (3.5–4.1) years for Lake Huron lake trout, 5.6 (5.1–6.1) years for Lake Michigan lake trout, 7.5 (6.7–8.4) years for Lake Ontario lake trout and 10.1 (8.2–13.2) years for Lake Superior lake trout. Parlars 26, 50 and 62 were the dominant toxaphene congeners accounting for 0.53% to 41.7% of the total toxaphene concentration. Concentrations of these congeners generally also decreased over time.  相似文献   

We examined factors that influence the energy base of Great Lakes coastal wetland food webs across a basin-wide gradient of landscape disturbance. Wetland nutrient concentrations were positively correlated with a principal components-based metric of agricultural practices. Hydraulic residence time influenced the energy base of wetland food webs, with high residence-time systems based mostly on plankton and low residence-time systems based mostly upon benthos. In systems with plankton, the importance of planktonic carbon to the resident fish community generally increased with residence time. A stronger relationship was apparent with an index of nutrient loading that combined residence time and nutrient concentration as the predictor (R2 = 0.289, p = 0.026). Shifts toward plankton-based food webs occurred at relatively low levels of loading. In riverine wetlands without plankton, contributions of detrital carbon to fish communities decreased significantly in response to watershed disturbance that reflected nutrient loading. In a third class of wetlands the wetland-resident fish communities were not entirely supported by within-wetland carbon sources and were significantly subsidized by nearshore habitats, which provided 35 (± 22) to 73 (± 9) % of fish community carbon. When lake-run migrant fish were included in the analyses, nearshore subsidies to all 30 wetland food webs ranged from 3 (± 2) to 79 (± 12) %. We obtained similar ranges when examining nearshore contributions to a single wetland species, northern pike. These results illustrate the spatial scale and the degree to which the energetics of coastal wetland food webs are influenced by interactions with their watersheds and Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Canadian and US federal wildlife agencies completed three surveys (1976–1980, 1989–1991, and 1997–2000) to census colonial waterbirds breeding on the Great Lakes. We here summarize and comment on nest numbers and colony site distribution of common terns (Sterna hirundo) and Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia). Common terns are in serious trouble on the Great Lakes. Numbers declined with substantial losses in nests (− 19.1%) and colony sites (− 23.2%) between the first and third censuses. An increase in numbers at US sites (+ 26.6%) did not compensate for losses (− 33.1%) at Canadian sites. Caspian terns increased in nest numbers (+ 65.9%) and colony sites (+ 50.0%) over the same period. The increase at US sites (136.5%) was greater than at Canadian sites (11.5%). Most (70.7%, n = 186) common tern sites had nests during only one census; 17 sites (6.5%) had nests during all censuses. In contrast, 9 of 33 (27.2%) Caspian tern sites had nests during all censuses and contained a majority of nests (50–82%) in each census. Pairs of both species nested on natural substrates across the Great Lakes. Common terns nested mostly on artificial (human-constructed) substrates on the lower Great Lakes. We identify site characteristics that may have contributed to long-term (three census) occupancy by common terns (small size, artificial substrates, absence of ring-billed gulls) and Caspian terns (natural substrates on large, remote islands). We suggest an urgent need for protection and conservation of common tern colonies and identify specific priority sites for implementation of management protocols.  相似文献   

Atrazine is an herbicide used extensively throughout the Midwest corn belt, including the agricultural regions within the Great Lakes basin watershed. Measurements of atrazine concentrations in the Great Lakes are few, however, so knowledge of its current concentrations, persistence, and trends in this ecosystem is limited. A dynamic annual time step model was used to predict atrazine concentrations over time in the Great Lakes based on varied atrazine loading rates to the lakes (“most-likely” and “high” loading conditions). Four degradation scenarios were evaluated: no degradation, and atrazine degradation with half-lives of 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years. Predicted steady-state concentrations for all of the scenarios and all the Great Lakes ranged from 0.0024 to 0.88 μg/L. The number of years until steady-state conditions were achieved ranged from 4 to over 400 years. The most-likely loading rate and two-year half-life scenario had the lowest concentrations (0.0024 to 0.13 μg/L) and the fewest years (4 to 13 years) to achieve steady-state conditions. Available monitored atrazine concentrations in the Great Lakes are very similar to the most-likely loading rate and 2-year half-life scenario predicted values. Monitored and predicted concentrations in the Great Lakes indicate atrazine does not currently pose a toxicological risk to humans or aquatic organisms, and under current and expected lower loading rates should remain well below criteria values.  相似文献   

Zooplankton production plays a critical role in the Great Lakes ecosystem, and vertical migration, which is exhibited by many zooplankton species, could affect production. We examined the effects of water temperature and food resource gradients on the growth rate of zooplankton undergoing vertical migration in Lake Michigan. In three laboratory experiments, juvenile Daphnia mendotae, native herbivorous cladocerans, were incubated for 5 days at water temperatures associated with the epilimnion and deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM) of Lake Michigan and were fed food resources collected directly from these regions. Growth rate strongly depended on water temperature, as Daphnia incubated at the epilimnetic temperature (21 °C) grew 42% faster than those at the DCM temperature (8 °C). Growth rate of Daphnia that alternated between the two temperatures every 12 h (0.108 day− 1) was similar to the arithmetic average growth rate of the two water temperature treatment extremes (0.110 day− 1), suggesting fluctuating temperatures alone do not substantially influence Daphnia growth. In contrast, food resources derived from different depths did not affect growth rate, nor was there a significant interaction between food resource origin and water temperature effects. Our results indicate that vertical migration will reduce growth rate, and hence zooplankton production, through reduced temperature, not from changes in resources. Consideration of the effects of vertical migration, especially given the known variability in this behavior, may substantially improve zooplankton production estimates in the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Sediment nitrification and denitrification in a Lake Superior estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inorganic nitrogen (N) transformations and removal in aquatic sediments are microbially mediated, and rates influence N-transport. In this study we related physicochemical properties of a large Great Lakes embayment, the St. Louis River Estuary (SLRE) of western Lake Superior, to sediment N-transformation rates. We tested for associations among rates and N-inputs, vegetation biomass, and temperature. We measured rates of nitrification (NIT), unamended base denitrification (DeNIT), and potential denitrification [denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA)] in 2011 and 2012 across spatial and depth zones. In vegetated habitats, NIT and DeNIT rates were highest in deep (ca. 2 m) water (249 and 2111 mg N m− 2 d− 1, respectively) and in the upper and lower reaches of the SLRE (> 126 and 274 mg N m− 2 d− 1, respectively). Rates of DEA were similar among zones. In 2012, NIT, DeNIT, and DEA rates were highest in July, May, and June, respectively. System-wide, we observed highest NIT (223 and 287 mg N m− 2 d− 1) and DeNIT (77 and 64 mg N m− 2 d− 1) rates in the harbor and from deep water, respectively. Amendment with NO3 enhanced DeNIT rates more than carbon amendment; however, DeNIT and NIT rates were inversely related, suggesting the two processes are decoupled in sediments. Average proportion of N2O released during DEA (23–54%) was greater than from DeNIT (0–41%). Nitrogen cycling rates were spatially and temporally variable, but we modeled how alterations to water depth and N-inputs may impact DeNIT rates. A large flood occurred in 2012 which temporarily altered water chemistry and sediment nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

The Eurasian round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) invaded the freshwater North American Great Lakes in ~ 1990 via accidental introduction from ballast water discharge. Its genotypes in the Great Lakes traced to estuaries in the northern Black Sea, where the round goby flourishes in a variety of salinities to 22 parts per thousand (ppt). To prevent further introductions, U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard regulations now require that vessels exchange ballast water at sea before entering the Great Lakes. Since salinity tolerance of the invasive round goby population is poorly understood, we tested 230 laboratory-acclimated fish in three experimental scenarios: (1) rapid salinity increases (0–40 ppt), simulating ballast water exchange, (2) step-wise salinity increases, as during estuarine tidal fluxes or migration from fresh to saltwater, and (3) long-term survivorship and growth (to 4 months) at acclimated salinities. Almost all gobies survived experiments at 0–20 ppt, whereas none survived ≥ 30 ppt, and at 25 ppt only 15% withstood rapid changes and 30% survived step-wise increases. Ventilation frequencies were lowest at 10–15 ppt in step-wise experiments, in conditions that were near isotonic with fish internal plasma concentrations, reflecting lower energy expenditure for osmoregulation. Growth rates appeared greatest at 5–10 ppt, congruent with the larger sizes reached by gobies in Eurasian brackish waters. Thus, we predict that the Great Lakes round goby would thrive in brackish water estuaries along North American coasts, if introduced. However, oceanic salinities appear fatal to the invasive round goby, which likely cannot withstand complete seawater ballast exchanges or oceanic habitats.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Basin plays an important role in the economy and society of the United States and Canada, and climate change in this region may affect many sectors. In this study, six GCM simulations were downscaled to resolve the Great Lakes using a regional climate model (RCM) with 25 km × 25 km resolution. This model was used to project changes in temperature and precipitation during the mid-century (2040–2069) and late-century (2070–2099) over the Great Lakes basin region with reference to a baseline of 1980–2009. The whole-basin annual mean temperature is projected to increase 2.1 °C to 4.0 °C above the baseline during the mid-century, and 3.3 °C to 6.0 °C during the late-century. Summer temperatures in the southern portion of the basin are projected to increase more than the temperatures in the northern portion of the basin; whereas winter temperatures are projected to increase more in the north than in the south. Estimates of the whole-basin annual precipitation with respect to the baseline vary from −3.0% to 16.5% during the mid-century and −2.9% to 21.6% during the late-century, respectively. Future summer precipitation in southwestern areas of this region is expected to decrease by 20%–30% compared to the baseline, but winter precipitation (mostly snow) is expected to increase by 11.6% and 15.4% during the mid-century and late-century. This study highlights the effects of the large expanses of water (such as the Great Lakes) on regional climate projections and the associated uncertainties of climate change.  相似文献   

In recent decades, three important events have likely played a role in changing the water temperature and clarity of the Laurentian Great Lakes: 1) warmer climate, 2) reduced phosphorus loading, and 3) invasion by European Dreissenid mussels. This paper compiled environmental data from government agencies monitoring the middle and lower portions of the Great Lakes basin (lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario) to document changes in aquatic environments between 1968 and 2002. Over this 34-year period, mean annual air temperature increased at an average rate of 0.037 °C/y, resulting in a 1.3 °C increase. Surface water temperature during August has been rising at annual rates of 0.084 °C (Lake Huron) and 0.048 °C (Lake Ontario) resulting in increases of 2.9 °C and 1.6 °C, respectively. In Lake Erie, the trend was also positive, but it was smaller and not significant. Water clarity, measured here by August Secchi depth, increased in all lakes. Secchi depth increased 1.7 m in Lake Huron, 3.1 m in Lake Ontario and 2.4 m in Lake Erie. Prior to the invasion of Dreissenid mussels, increases in Secchi depth were significant (p < 0.05) in lakes Erie and Ontario, suggesting that phosphorus abatement aided water clarity. After Dreissenid mussel invasion, significant increases in Secchi depth were detected in lakes Ontario and Huron.  相似文献   

Stable isotope mass balance of the Laurentian Great Lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    We investigate the physical limnology of the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America using a new dataset of 18O/16O and 2H/1H ratios from over 500 water samples collected at multiple depths from 75 stations during spring and summer of 2007. δ18O and δ2H values of each lake plot in distinct clusters along a trend parallel to, but offset from, the Global Meteoric Water Line, reflecting the combined effects of evaporative enrichment and the addition of precipitation and runoff along the chain lake system. We apply our new dataset to a stable-isotope-based evaporation model that explicitly incorporates downwind lake effects, including humidity build-up and changes to the isotope composition of atmospheric vapor. Our evaporation estimates are consistent with previous mass transfer results for Michigan, Huron, Ontario and Erie, but not for Superior, which has a much longer residence time. Calculated evaporation from Superior is ~300 mm per year, less than previous estimates of ~500 mm per year, likely arising from integration of the ‘isotopic memory' of lower evaporation rates under cooler climatic conditions with greater ice-cover than the present. Uncertainties in the estimates from the stable-isotope-based model are comparable to mass transfer results, offering an independent technique for evaluating evaporation fluxes.  相似文献   

We examined thiaminase activity in dreissenid mussels collected at different depths and seasons, and from various locations in Lakes Michigan, Ontario, and Huron. Here we present evidence that two dreissenid mussel species (Dreissena bugensis and D. polymorpha) contain thiaminase activity that is 5–100 fold greater than observed in Great Lakes fishes. Thiaminase activity in zebra mussels ranged from 10,600 to 47,900 pmol g− 1·min− 1 and activities in quagga mussels ranged from 19,500 to 223,800 pmol g− 1·min− 1. Activity in the mussels was greatest in spring, less in summer, and least in fall. Additionally, we observed greater thiaminase activity in dreissenid mussels collected at shallow depths compared to mussels collected at deeper depths. Dreissenids constitute a significant and previously unknown pool of thiaminase in the Great Lakes food web compared to other known sources of this thiamine (vitamin B1)-degrading enzyme. Thiaminase in forage fish of the Great Lakes has been causally linked to thiamine deficiency in salmonines. We currently do not know whether linkages exist between thiaminase activities observed in dreissenids and the thiaminase activities in higher trophic levels of the Great Lakes food web. However, the extreme thiaminase activities observed in dreissenids from the Great Lakes may represent a serious unanticipated negative effect of these exotic species on Great Lakes ecosystems.  相似文献   

Environmental modeling has been an indispensable tool of the Hamilton Harbour restoration efforts, where a variety of data-oriented and process-based models have been used for linking management actions with potential ecosystem responses. In this study, our objective is to develop a biogeochemical model that can effectively describe the interplay among the different ecological mechanisms modulating the eutrophication problems in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, Canada. First, we provide the rationale for the model structure adopted, the simplifications included, and the formulations used during the development phase of the model. We then present the results of a calibration exercise and examine the ability of the model to sufficiently reproduce the average observed patterns along with the major cause–effect relationships underlying the Harbour water quality conditions. The present modeling study also undertakes an estimation of the critical nutrient loads in the Harbour based on acceptable probabilities of compliance with different water quality criteria (e.g., chlorophyll a, total phosphorus). Our model suggests that the water quality goals for TP (17 μg L1) and chlorophyll a concentrations (5–10 μg L1) will likely be met, if the Hamilton Harbour RAP phosphorus loading target at the level of 142 kg day1 is achieved. We also provide evidence that the anticipated structural shifts of the zooplankton community will determine the restoration rate as well as the stability of the new trophic state in the Harbour.  相似文献   

As the global water balance accelerates in a warming climate, extreme fluctuations in the water levels of lakes and aquifers are anticipated, with biogeochemical, ecological and water supply consequences. However, it is unclear how site-specific factors, such as location, morphometry and hydrology, will modulate these impacts on regional spatial scales. Here, we report water level time series collected by citizen scientists for 15 diverse inland lakes in the upper Laurentian Great Lakes region from 2010 to 2020, and we compare these time series with those for the two largest Great Lakes, Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron. Combined with historical data (1942–2010), the findings indicate that lakes spanning seven orders of magnitude in size (10?2 to 105 km2) all rebounded from record low to record high water levels during the recent decade. They suggest coherent water level oscillations among regional lakes (large and small) implying a common, near-decadal, climatic driver that may be changing.  相似文献   

Fish consumption advisories have been issued for the Great Lakes generally based on the most restrictive contaminant. For the Canadian waters of the Great Lakes, toxaphene causes minor restrictions only in Lake Superior, i.e., 3% of the total (restrictive + unrestrictive) advisories issued. However, the significance of the hazard posed by toxaphene in fish is not clear since more restrictive advisories due to other priority contaminants may be masking the less restrictive advisories. We simulated fish consumption advisories for the Toxaphene-only scenario by neglecting the presence of contaminants other than toxaphene, and compared with the issued advisories as well as with the published simulated Mercury-only scenario. Restrictive advisories under the Toxaphene-only scenario compared to the issued toxaphene related advisories would increase from 3% to 14%, < 1% to 4%, and 0% to 2% for Lakes Superior, Huron and Ontario, respectively, and remain at 0% for Lake Erie. For Lake Superior, most of the restrictive Toxaphene-only advisories would be for fatty fish. Overall, the Toxaphene-only advisories would be significantly less restrictive compared to the issued advisories, and also generally less restrictive compared to the Mercury-only scenario. These results suggest that toxaphene is less of a concern than PCBs (including dioxin-like PCBs), dioxins–furans and mercury from the perspective of health risk to humans consuming Great Lakes fish; elevated toxaphene is mainly a concern for human consumers of Lake Superior fatty fish. Our results suggest that the routine monitoring of toxaphene in other Canadian waters of the Great Lakes and Lake Superior lean/pan fish could be discontinued.  相似文献   

Despite increasing recognition of the importance of invertebrates, and specifically crayfish, to nearshore food webs in the Laurentian Great Lakes, past and present ecological studies in the Great Lakes have predominantly focused on fishes. Using data from many sources, we provide a summary of crayfish diversity and distribution throughout the Great Lakes from 1882 to 2008 for 1456 locations where crayfish have been surveyed. Sampling effort was greatest in Lake Michigan, followed by lakes Huron, Erie, Superior, and Ontario. A total of 13 crayfish species occur in the lakes, with Lake Erie having the greatest diversity (n = 11) and Lake Superior having the least (n = 5). Five crayfish species are non-native to one or more lakes. Because Orconectes rusticus was the most widely distributed non-native species and is associated with known negative impacts, we assessed its spread throughout the Great Lakes. Although O. rusticus has been found for over 100 years in Lake Erie, its spread there has been relatively slow compared to that in lakes Michigan and Huron, where it has spread most rapidly since the 1990s and 2000, respectively. O. rusticus has been found in both lakes Superior and Ontario for 22 and 37 years, respectively, and has expanded little in either lake. Our broad spatial and temporal assessment of crayfish diversity and distribution provides a baseline for future nearshore ecological studies, and for future management efforts to restore native crayfish and limit non-native introductions and their impact on food web interactions.  相似文献   

Fish have been shown to be sensitive indicators of environmental quality in Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Fish composition also reflects aquatic macrophyte communities, which provide them with critical habitat. Although investigators have shown that the relationship between water quality and fish community structure can be used to indicate wetland health, we speculate that this relationship is a result of the stronger, more direct relationship between water quality and macrophytes, together with the ensuing interconnection between macrophyte and fish assemblages. In this study, we use data collected from 115 Great Lakes coastal marshes to test the hypothesis that plants are better predictors of fish species composition than is water quality. First we use canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to conduct an ordination of the fish community constrained by water quality parameters. We then use co-correspondence analysis (COCA) to conduct a direct ordination of the fish community with the plant community data. By comparing the statistic ‘percent fit,’ which refers to the cumulative percentage variance of the species data, we show that plants are consistently better predictors of the fish community than are water quality variables in three separate trials: all wetlands in the Great Lakes basin (whole: 21.2% vs 14.0%; n = 60), all wetlands in Lakes Huron and Superior (Upper: 20.3% vs 18.8%; n =  32), and all wetlands in Georgian Bay and the North Channel (Georgian Bay: 18% vs 17%; n =  70). This is the largest study to directly examine plant–fish interactions in wetlands of the Great Lakes basin.  相似文献   

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