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研究微重力环境下层流射流扩散火焰的形貌特征,可为航天领域中火灾探测的研究提供理论支持。本文首先选取可控的层流射流扩散火焰,对火焰炭黑特性及其对火焰温度和热辐射的影响进行了理论分析。其次,在国家微重力实验室落塔设备中进行实验,微重力水平可达10-2~10-3 g,实验结果表明,微重力环境下随着伴流空气速度增大火焰亮度增大,火焰辐射分数降低,火焰温度升高,同时火焰内高温区位于火焰两翼处。  相似文献   

In this study, a global soot formation model based on the LSP (Laminar Smoke Point) concept in combination with the soot oxidation model developed by Leung et al. [40] is validated in three laminar flames: a non-smoking and a smoking ethylene flame, as well as a non-smoking propane flame, and then applied in two turbulent pool fires fueled by ethylene and methane, respectively. In this global soot model, the sooting propensities of different fuels are accounted for by a pre-exponential factor determined from the LSP height, providing a general and practical solution for soot modeling in multi-fueled fires. The flame fields are solved by FLUENT with UDFs to provide material properties and add additional soot governing equations. A-CSE (Alternative Conditional Source-term Estimation) approach is adopted to handle the interaction between soot chemistry and turbulent flow in the turbulent fires.The model parameters such as the pre-exponential factor, soot inception limits and soot particulate surface area are determined and calibrated against the experimental data. Mixture fraction and temperature are first verified to provide a good premise for soot modeling. Good agreements between the predicted and measured soot volume fraction, as well as the reproduction of transition from non-smoking to smoking flames, demonstrate the capability of current global soot model in accurately predicting soot for both laminar flames and turbulent fires. Using the A-CSE soot modeling approach together with the global soot model, this study presents a general effective yet computationally efficient global soot modeling framework for fires.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore mechanisms for ignition and extinction for condensed-phase fuels via the use of a gas-fueled burner. Flames were generated with a porous 25 mm circular burner using mixtures of methane and propane with nitrogen. The procedure was to specify a set of mass fluxes of nitrogen-fuel mixture that corresponded to the flash- fire- and extinction points and for the minimum mass flux where steady burning was achieved. The results show an increase in the critical mass flux with a decreased heat of combustion. The data fall into two regimes depending on the mixture flow rate; one buoyancy-driven (Fr<1) and one induced by momentum jet forces. The buoyancy-driven regime is geometrically consistent with the definitions of flash and fire points under natural convection conditions. The results for the momentum regime align reasonably with existing stagnant layer theory. Extinction theory is also suggested to give approximate results for the fire point. This argument is based on similar flame geometries for fire point and extinction and theoretical reasoning. An anchor point is proposed as the end point of ignition. Produced anchor point data result in a flammability diagram, below which quasi-steady burning occurs.  相似文献   

Knut Rygh 《Fire Technology》1995,31(2):175-185
Any design requiring the application of technology contains a challenge to achieve a safe design. Manned space flight requires the highest degree of attention to crew safety, thus understanding and recognizing all potential risks involved. An important area of concern is establishing design criteria for a reliable fire detection and suppression system. This has been a main target when designing the European pressurized manned module Columbus Attached Laboratory as part of the international space station. This paper describes experiments performed to investigate the behavior of fires and the fluid dynamics of suppression agents in microgravity by means of parabolic flight maneuvers as an aid for the development of a design of a fire detection and suppression system for the manned Columbus Attached Laboratory.Reprinted fromHazard Prevention: Journal of the System Safety Society, Fourth Quarter, Volume 30, No. 4, 1994, with permission from the author.This paper was presented at the Twelfth International System Safety Society Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, on July 5 through 10, 1994.  相似文献   

根据涡量传输和火灾动力学等理论,分析室内火灾旋转火焰的形成机理,导出室内火灾产生旋转火焰的控制因素表达式。旋转火焰的产生需要足够的密度梯度、压力梯度和斜压效应。利用小规模室内火灾实验,研究室内火灾旋转火焰的基本特征,比较旋转与非旋转火焰火灾的基本参数。与非旋转火焰的室内火灾比较,旋转火焰室内火灾热烟气层温度、升温速率、燃烧速率、地板所受辐射热通量等的均值与峰值均有显著提高,且峰值出现较早。结合理论分析与实验研究结果,得到了室内火灾发生旋转火焰的条件判据。  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical analysis have been performed to evaluate the influence of the soot yield parameter on the results of advanced engineering analysis, in regards to visibility. After identifying soot yield as the most influential factor on the results, fuels with various values of Ys have been analysed in a fire chamber and then compared to numerical data. The numerical analysis has been performed using two different CFD packages, ANSYS® Fluent®, and Fire Dynamics Simulator. The numerical analysis itself show an apparent hyperbolic trend of the visibility when changing the soot yield with clear consequences on the ASET (Available Safe Egress Time). Below a cut-off point, that exists at a soot yield value close to Ys =0,10 g/g, a small change in the parameter causes a substantial shift in the results (visibility or ASET time), while above this value an increase to soot yield does barely influence the results. Qualitative assessment of the results shows a need for use of conservative values of Ys in engineering analysis if detailed and precise material data is not available. Additionally to the full-scale experiments, a real case study has been included to show how this research can be translated into the Fire Safety Engineering design process. In this study, change of Ys value below 0,10 g/g caused a significant change of the qualitative assessment of the results of CFD.  相似文献   

阐述了低温氢的应用前景及泄漏危险性,从气体扩散特性和射流火点火、传播行为两方面介绍了低温氢泄漏的研究现状,对低温氢泄漏气体扩散及射流火传播特性的研究方法、手段及结论进行了总结分析。目前,低温氢泄漏研究方法包括实验研究和数值模拟,多数研究集中在气体扩散特性,对射流火的点火、传播行为的产生条件及影响因素尚不明确。未来应完善低温氢泄漏气体扩散预测模型,以建立有效的低温氢泄漏气体扩散过程及射流火点火、传播预测模型。  相似文献   

采用大涡模拟的方法,对中庭火灾烟气的流动过程进行了模拟,了解了中庭烟气的蔓延过程,得到了烟气的速度场和温度场、顶棚射流的速度和温度的详细结果。模拟结果表明,大涡模拟能比较准确地预测中庭内烟气的流动状态,可用于指导中庭建筑的防火设计。  相似文献   

林计恺 《今日消防》2022,7(3):85-87
与一般的商业建筑相比,大型商业综合体集购物、餐饮、KTV、电影院等功能于一体,室内空间相对复杂、人员密集、设备用电量较大,发生火灾事故的概率相对较高。一旦发生火灾事故,将会造成非常大的后果。只有做好防排烟系统设计,才能够提高大型商业综合体的火灾防控力度,降低火灾事故所造成的负面影响。基于此,文章针对大型商业综合体的防排烟系统设计进行了详细的分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

The estimation of smoke arrival time in tunnel fires is helpful to comprehensive fire risk assessment and effective fire evacuation, while few studies focused on this topic. A model to estimate the arrival time of fire smoke in tunnels is derived based on the smoke temperature distribution along the tunnel ceiling. The predictions from the model are compared to experimental data from one past study, which shows good agreements. The influencing factors of the smoke arrival time are studied based on the model. Results show that the Stanton number is the main influencing factor. The smoke arrival time increases with the increase of the Stanton number.  相似文献   

Cardew PT 《Water research》2006,40(11):2190-2200
As part of achieving lower lead standards water undertakers are utilising lead pipe rigs to quantify the benefit of treatment measures. A convective diffusion model is developed for lead pipe rigs operating in laminar flow, and applied to the three operating steps of flushing, sampling and stagnation. The model is used to determine the appropriate time-scales for each stage, and the sensitivity of the measure to variations in flow-rate. In contrast to rigs operating in turbulent flow the average lead observed leaving the pipe and that in the pipe, after a period of stagnation, are substantially different. Equations are derived for both, and take into account the residual distribution of lead left in the pipe after flushing. It is shown that the lead concentration observed leaving the pipe is well approximated by a single exponential term in contrast to the concentration within the pipe. Predictions are made on the residual lead concentration that can be achieved through flushing, and its dependence on flow-rate. The relevance of the laminar flow model to that in domestic lead pipes is discussed.  相似文献   

通过开展相似试验,研究在相向射流与竖井自然排烟组合模式下,火源位置、风速和火源功率对烟气控制段长度的影响。试验考虑了3种组况,53种工况,通过改变火源位置、风速和火源功率,分析讨论了不同工况下火源烟气控制段长度。试验表明,增加上游(距离火源更近端)风速,会导致上游烟气控制段减少;增加下游(距离火源更远端)的风速,烟气控制段长度会受到火源功率、火源位置等多种因素的耦合作用。增大火源功率会增加烟气热浮力,使下游机械风对烟气的影响减弱。  相似文献   

Potier O  Leclerc JP  Pons MN 《Water research》2005,39(18):4454-4462
Residence time distribution experiments have been performed on an activated sludge 3000 m3 channel reactor aerated by gas diffusion (for different liquid flowrates under constant aeration rate and constant water depth) and on a bench-scale channel reactor aerated from the bottom (for different liquid and gas flowrates and water depths) in order to characterize their hydrodynamics. Both units can be modeled as plug flow reactors with axial dispersion. A general correlation has been obtained to predict the axial dispersion coefficient as a function of the gas and liquid velocities and the geometrical parameters of the full-scale and bench-scale reactors. Finally, to facilitate the simulation of biological reactions in transient state, an equivalent model based on tanks-in-series with variable back-mixing flowrate is proposed.  相似文献   

开展相似试验,研究相向射流与竖井协同作用下,公路隧道火灾烟气分层稳定性与火源功率、相向射流风速及测点位置之间的关联关系。试验设计了3组共50个工况,分析了不同工况下不同位置处的火灾烟气分层稳定性。试验结果表明:上下游风速差值越小,火灾烟气分层越稳定,上下游风速差值越大,火灾烟气层越紊乱。相向射流风速相同,火源功率对火灾烟气分层稳定性并无明显影响。由于热浮力、射流及竖井抽吸作用力之间的相互作用,不同位置处火灾烟气分层稳定性呈现出差异性。  相似文献   

为探究火灾列车制动驶向地下车站进行救援时的烟气扩散特性,采用理论分析和数值模拟的方法研究在不同控制烟气措施下,火灾列车减速至停止过程中烟气在车站轨行区及站台层的扩散规律,以及车站防灾通风系统受到的影响。结果表明:火灾列车制动进站时受移动火源与活塞风两大特性影响,烟气在上下游表现出明显的不均匀、不对称分布规律;屏蔽门虽能有效阻止烟气蔓延至站台层,但同时会增大轨行区活塞风速,增加烟气蔓延速度,不利于安全疏散;受活塞风影响,轨行区排烟效率下降了14%,轨行区各排烟阀火灾中下游排烟效率更高。  相似文献   

采用k-ε两方程三维紊流模型模拟高层建筑内的烟气流动,利用FLUENT软件对定排烟量情况下不同走廊净高和排烟口风速时的机械排烟进行模拟。对比分析了不同走廊净高和排烟速率情况下,高层建筑内烟气的扩散、走廊内烟气温度和质量分数的变化情况。结果表明,走廊净高为2.4m时,排烟口排烟速率不应大于1.7 m/s;走廊净高为2.7 m时,排烟口排烟速率不宜大于2.8 m/s;而当走廊净高为3 m以上时,排烟口的排烟速率按照《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(GB50045-95(2005年版))取值,能够符合安全疏散要求。  相似文献   

通过利用商用软件,对地下腔室内的示踪气体在高压驱动下向非均匀围岩介质的输运进行了数值模拟,并分析了影响示踪气体输运行为的主要因素.结果表明,理想的均匀介质可以较好地包容示踪气体,而在实际的非均匀介质内示踪气体更倾向于以较高的浓度沿介质局部薄弱环节向外输运;腔室外的坑道中,采用堵塞段和空段的设计有利于阻止示踪气体向外输运...  相似文献   

Recently developed methods to calculate the time required for ceiling mounted heat and smoke detectors to respond to growing fires are reviewed. A computer program that calculates activation times for both fixed temperature and rate of rise heat detectors in response to fires that increase in heat release rate proportionally with the square of time from ignition is given. This program produces nearly equivalent results to the tables published in Appendix C, Guide for Automatic Fire Detector Spacing (NFPA 72E, 1984). A separate method and corresponding program are provided to calculate response time for fires having arbitrary heat release rate histories. This method is based on quasi-steady ceiling layer gas flow assumptions. Assuming a constant proportionality between smoke and heat released from burning materials, a method is described to calculate smoke detector response time, modeling the smoke detector as a low temperature heat detector in either of the two response time models.Nomenclature A g/(c p T ) - c p specific heat capacity of ambient air - C s smoke mass concentration - D effective binary diffusion coefficient - g acceleration of gravity - H vertical distance from fuel to ceiling - I light intensity - Io initial light intensity - L light beam length - s smoke gas mass production rate per unit volume - OD optical density per unit length (see Equation 8) - fire energy release rate - energy release rate per unit volume - r radial distance from fire axis to the detector - RTI response time index, the product of the detector thermal time constant and the square root of the gas speed used in the test to measure the time constant.9 - t time - t 2 * dimensionless time t/[A–1/5 –1/5 H4/5) - (t 2 * ) f dimensionless time for time delay for gas front travel - T ambient temperature - T gas temperature at detector location - T s temperature of detector sensing elements - T T — T - T 2 * dimensionless temperature differences T/[A2/5(T f /g) 2/5 H–3/5] - U gas speed at the detector location - U 2 * dimensionless gas speed U/[A H]1/5 - Y s local ratio of smoke mass to total mass in flow - proportionality constant for t2-fire growth = Q/t2 - ambient air density Reference: David D. Evans and David W. Stroup, Methods to Calculate the Response Time of Heat and Smoke Detectors Installed Below Large Unobstructed Ceilings,Fire Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1, February 1985, p. 54. Note: This paper is a contribution of the National Bureau of Standards and is not subject to copyright.  相似文献   

应用FDS软件对某典型上盖开发式动车车辆段的盖下列检库射流风机与机械排烟系统协同排烟效果进行了模拟研究。通过分析火灾时烟气扩散速度、烟气层分布特征、一氧化碳浓度分布以及排烟效率等指标,对射流风机协同机械排烟和单独机械排烟的排烟效果进行对比研究。研究表明:射流风机协同机械排烟可有效减慢烟气的扩散速度,并且可降低库内大部分区域的烟层厚度,增加排烟口处的局部烟层厚度,以提高机械排烟系统的排烟效率。与单独的机械排烟工况中排烟效率相比,射流风机协同排烟将最不利排烟效率从33.1%提升至53.9%,最佳排烟效率从44.3%提升至55.1%。且在射流风机协同排烟工况中,对于库内一氧化碳的沉降控制和排烟效率,开启两组射流风机且距火源近端的风机组与相近排烟支管距离为风机的有效射程时效果最佳,且随火源远端风机组的向下倾斜射流角度逐渐增大至与水平面呈45°夹角,一氧化碳的沉降控制效果和排烟效率都提升。  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(4):277-287
There are two main ways to obtain better knowledge of the hydraulics of ponds, namely measurements and simulations. In this study, the applicability of using three-dimensional simulations as an engineering tool in stormwater pond design was investigated. To do this, three-dimensional simulations were compared with measurements of flow pattern and residence time in a large physical model of a detention tank (13 × 9 × 1 m). The agreement between measurements and simulations concerning both flow pattern and residence time distribution curves was found to be good for high flow rates.  相似文献   

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