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Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) - This paper places observational studies of women’s work in historical perspective. We present some of the very early studies (carried out in the...  相似文献   

Girls' Work     
一般说来,广告的作用就是介绍自己的商品,但是也有很多广告仅仅是用来引起大家的注意,虽然广告做得花里胡哨,但是对于商品却语焉不详。无论是“脑白金”还是“羊羊羊”,就算看了广告也不知道这个商品是怎么回事吧?同样地,今年的日本PC游戏界也出了这样一个“大作”,虽然广告看上去很震撼,但是大家还都没有参透这是什么东西。不妨我们一起张想象的翅膀,看看这空间会是个什么?  相似文献   

Awareness of others interests can lead to fruitful collaborations, friendships and positive social change. Interviews of groups involved in both research and corporate work revealed a lack of awareness of shared interests among workers sharing an organizational affiliation and collocated in the same building or complex but still physically separated (e.g., by walls or floors). Our study showed that loosely coupled groups were less likely to discover shared interests in the way that many tightly collocated groups do, such as by overhearing conversations or noticing paraphernalia. Based on these findings we iteratively developed a system to capture and display shared interests. Our platform includes an e-mail sensor to discover personal interests, a search algorithm to determine shared interests, a public peripheral display and lightweight location-tracking system to convey those interests. We deployed the system to two groups for two months and found that the system did lead to increased awareness of shared interests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine collaborative design projects in school contexts with many different stakeholders. We look at the value created for and by different stakeholders, focusing on value as a benefit, which is experienced – perceived and determined – by the beneficiaries themselves in the value co-creation process. As our focus is in “value-in-use”, i.e., value which emerges through activities taking place in a specific space, time, and context, we define value through subjective experience of people involved. We apply in our study the concept of value co-creation, where value is understood emerging from collaborative activity between actors participating in the activity. We see that the value co-creation lens provides a useful means for the CSCW community to scrutinize and make sense of collaborative design projects. We categorized the perceived value for each stakeholder and discuss how these categories can help in gaining a deeper understanding of the value gained in collaborative design work as well as how value co-creation lens in more general can be used as a tool in collaborative design projects.  相似文献   

We present a new method to describe the contextual meaning of a key word in a corpus. The vocabulary of the sentences containing this word is compared to that of the entire corpus in order to highlight the words which are significantly overutilized in the neighbourhood of this key word (they are associated in the author’s mind) and the ones which are significantly underutilized (they are mutually exclusive). This method provides an interesting tool for lexicography and literary studies as is shown by applying it to the word amour (love) in the work of Pierre Corneille, the most famous French playwright of the 17th century.  相似文献   

当9月底的北京刚刚落出点滴秋意的时候,柏林却已进入了晚秋,凉气袭人。然而,当前来参观Lotusphere Europe′2000的人们步入柏林国际会议中心(ICC)后,却是暖意蒸腾!Lotus彩旗随处飘扬,由明艳的正黄色构成主色调的展厅内处处洋溢着热烈气氛,感觉着Lotusphere Europe′2000带给你的成功。 讲协作,Lotus唱“Work As One” 9月26日上午11:00,国际会议中心万人大会议厅里,在激光和摇滚  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental investigations of human activity and anticipation based on A.A. Ukhtomsky’s concept of brain dominance – a non-equilibrium system-forming factor in living systems. Facts on the stages of dominance formation are presented in relation to the creative abilities of the human brain and the role of fatigue as a “lever” for increasing systems’ work capacity on the basis of “trace exaltation”. Individually, specific features of dominantogenesis are compared with variations in behavioural types. On the basis of chronotopic EEG analysis, we delineate cortical dominants that underlie individual specifics of cognitive processes. The relation is shown between anticipation and the “expansion of dominants” – the broadening of “distal perception” in time and space, as framed by A.A. Ukhtomsky.  相似文献   

0引言 随着自动控制技术在机器设备上的大量运用,机器设备的运转速度和生产效率都得到大幅提升,与此同时.机器复杂程度的提高也可能会因为操作人员的失误引发意外事故。对于一台机器或整个工厂的设计,首先要确定当前或者发展中可能存在风险的等级,通过评估、设计、选择、验证以及维护等一系列程序来建立真正安全的生产环境,这些都要遵循相关的国际安全标准和规则。  相似文献   

以下这些 Word 2000中的高级实用技巧,朋友们使用过吗?  相似文献   

教材分析 本课是教育科学出版社出版的小学<英语>五年级下册Module 5 Food and Drink第四课.要求学生掌握对话中的词汇,懂得区分西方的食物和东方的食物,对人体每天所需的四类有益食物有清晰的概念,本课时的另一重点是复习巩固多音节和个别双音节形容词的比较级和最高级形式.  相似文献   

最近,公司的30周年庆典就要到了,老板要求我做一个有关于公司成长历程的PPT演示文稿。接到任务后,我顿时觉得’鸭梨山大”。虽然平日里也喜欢捣鼓PPT做我的旅行日记,这次明显是高标准严要求,老板还告诉我这货必须做得有新意,能让入耳目一新。我勒个去,“怎么办?怎么办?”可怜的我只好又找上了表哥。  相似文献   

This paper describes a coordination model for collaborative work. The model called Coordinated Work Environment, utilizes an assembly of several organization units with specific goals and structure, populated by actors, work practices, and artifacts. Coordination work is defined by interdependencies existing in work practices, which can be prerequisite, simultaneous, or by means of sharing of resources. Coordination between communities of practice is established through interactions between them by using artifacts from object worlds. Interactions are of different kinds: interactions for action, possibilities, clarification, and orientation. The paper is based both on several ethnographic studies carried out in radiology departments in Austria, Denmark, and Sweden, and on analysis and assessment of computer systems (picture archiving and communication systems, radiology, and hospital information systems) and artifacts used to support communication, coordination, and collaboration in radiographic health care. It describes the elements of a coordinated work environment in detail by illustrating some practical examples from radiology work.  相似文献   

"Work at Alibaba"战略的实施是阿里巴巴电子商务生态体系建设进入了一个新阶段的标志。阿里巴巴作为中国电子商务的一面旗帜,让众多企业通过其提供的网上贸易平台获得了商机。阿里巴巴2008年初实行从"Meet at Alibaba"(交易在阿里巴巴)向"Work at Alibaba("工作在阿里巴巴)的战略转移,可以看出,其一方面是为满足企  相似文献   

最近,Excite@Home 公司推出了一个入口网站 Work,com,目的在于为专业性商业用户提供广泛的服务。Work,com 增加了 B2B 交易,并且允许使用者在网站上进行网络会议,公司希望通过增加这些特色,将具有相同兴趣的爱好者凝聚起来,建立共享的虚拟社区。然后在此基础上,进一步开发特定的网络广告主市场。这种模式的始作俑者是网景(Netscape)公司的 Netcenter入口网站。Yahoo 和 Lycos 紧随网景其后,仿效  相似文献   

In Norway, long-term care needs are rising rapidly. Due to the dual-earner family model and the fact that many people live far away from frail parents and other dependent family members, the growing care needs may not be met through informal care. Through the Nordic welfare system, formal care services are provided to all citizens in need of care, regardless of their age, income or family relations. Since the 1990s, however, Norway has experienced a shortage of healthcare personnel. In this ‘care deficit’ situation, skilled immigrants play an increasingly important role. To date, the international literature has examined the experiences of the professional migrant care workers in a limited way. In particular, there is a lack of knowledge of this issue in rural contexts where recruitment challenges may be even more pronounced than in urban areas. This article addresses this knowledge gap by examining the spatial and relational experiences of skilled migrants working in the healthcare sector in Finnmark, northernmost Norway. In this study, the informants share largely positive experiences, stating that their care services are highly valued and that caring provides them with a sense of joy and mastery. Moreover, they talk about the importance of establishing trust in the relationship with their users and note that some patients end up becoming almost like family members. The migrants’ relationships with colleagues and management at the workplace are also defined by mainly positive feelings, trust and respect. Caring is hence perceived by the migrants as an inherently sense-making practice.  相似文献   

The scope of CSCW, its focus on work, has been a topic of sporadic debate for many years ?? indeed, from the very beginning in the late 1980s. But in recent years the issue has become one of general concern. Most of this debate has been taking place in closed fora such as program committees, editorial boards, and email discussion groups, but over the last few years the debate has been brought out in the open in a few publications, in particular in a programmatic article from 2005 by three esteemed CSCW researchers: Andy Crabtree, Tom Rodden, and Steve Benford. They argue that CSCW should ??move its focus away from work??. Other researchers argue along the same lines. Taking this open challenge as a welcome cue, the present article addresses CSCW??s scope: the rationale for its focus on ordinary work. After an initial discussion of the arguments put forward by Crabtree et al. and by others, the article focuses on an analysis of the concept of ??work??, drawing on the methods and insights of ??ordinary language philosophy??, and, flowing from this, a critique of the notion of ??work?? in conversation analysis. After a critical appraisal of prevailing myths about the realities of work in the contemporary world, the article ends in an attempt to position CSCW in the context of technological development more broadly. The underlying premise of the article is that it is time to reconsider CSCW: to rethink what it is and why it might be important.  相似文献   

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