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基于Portlet的网格门户系统设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网格门户是网格环境的用户接口,已经日益成为一个重要的网格研究领域.Portlet是一种可定制、可插拔和可重用的Web组件,目前已经提交申请成为Java规范.使用portl武技术开发网格门户,有利于提高网格门户的可扩展性和可维护性,支持用户个性化的网格使用方式,方便对门户的配置管理.详细介绍了基于portlet的网格门户系统的设计思想及其实现,并以MPI作业提交为例阐述了系统中各个portlet之间的交互方式.  相似文献   

提出的门户环境下的缓存模型和算法的基本思想是把门户页面分解为I序列、布局块和内容块.用户请求页面时,门户系统只生成和传递发生改变的块,再由客户端根据这些块和I序列组装成完整的页面.实验结果表明,该算法可以提高网络带宽的利用率,缩短响应时间.  相似文献   

基于Jetspeed2.0的Portlet二次开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国智  刘光昌 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(7):1286-1288,1296
门户为内部和外部用户访问Web站点的信息和应用提供了一个单一的访问入口,一个Portlet是门户中提供特殊服务或信息的窗口.介绍了基于公开源代码的企业信息门户软件Jetspeed,分析了最新版的Jetspeed 2.0的各个组成部分,并通过一个例子详细介绍了在Jetspeed2.0的基础上进行Porrlet二次开发的过程.基于Jetspeed2.0很容易对Porrlet进行二次开发,编写一些自己的Portlet,通过对这些Portlet的个性化设置,实现整个门户网站的个性化.  相似文献   

数字化校园信息门户的设计研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文就数字化校园信息门户建设,提出了一套较为完整、系统的理论方法。对门户建设中各种关键技术的重要环节进行了详细的分析,提出了门户设计需要遵循的规范和门户的工作原理。  相似文献   

基于Jetspeed的网格门户系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jetspeed作为一种web应用引擎,它提供了portlet API和portlet的运行环境.本文介绍了什么是网格门户,阐述了Jetspeed的原理,并以myproxy portlet为例说明了如何使用Jetspeed实现网格门户.  相似文献   

当前门户的功能定位已经从传统的信息集成转向应用集成。门户环境中应用间的进一步集成实际上表现为Portlet 协作问题。在分析现有协作方法的基础上,遵循jsr286 规范,提出了可扩展的多Portlet的流程协作框架,并结合开源门户产品JetSpeed2.0 进行开发,从而解决了数字校园建设中利用门户实现应用交互协作和个性化信息服务的关键问题。  相似文献   

对地理信息系统空间信息模型中要素模型的几何体结构进行了分析。充分运用和组合各种设计模式,在要素可视化设计和实现中,探讨采用组合模式与访问者模式相结合的形式.实现了异构几何体的聚集访问,采用合成模式与绘制策略模式相结合的形式,实现了要素与绘制的有机分离及各种绘制形式的充分支持,同时方便地实现了0penGIS中有关要素几何体的抽象规范和相应的实现规范。  相似文献   

基于设计模式的EJB体系结构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章提出了一种基于设计模式描述EJB体系结构的模型,详细地说明了EJBProxy模式和EJBFactory模式在其中的应用。通过使用这个模型,EJB组件及其重用过程变得更加易于理解,基于EJB组件的Web应用程序也变得更加易于开发和维护。  相似文献   

Jetspeed作为一种web应用引擎,它提供了portletAPI和portlet的运行环境。本文介绍了什么是网格门户,阐述了Jetspeed的原理,并以myproxyportlet为例说明了如何使用Jetspeed实现网格门户。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,越来越多的人把注意力从单进程或单线程应用程序转移到分布式应用程序之上。将设计模式应用于分布式应用程序的开发无疑能提高软件的开发效率。 如何把设计模式应用于分布式应用程序的开发之中呢?为了解决这个问题,本文引用文献[1]中的设计模式,以一个网络论坛消息系统作为实例,详细说明了如何把设计模式
应用于分布式应用程序开发之中。  相似文献   

Second-generation portals are far from being monolithic pieces of software. Their complexity calls for a component-based approach where portlets are the technical enabler. That being the case nowadays portals tend to be constructed by means of portlets, i.e. a multi-step, user-facing application to be delivered through a Web application. The proposal for and ample support given to the WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets) portlet standard predict an emerging portlet market. A main requirement for the blossoming of this market is the existence of portlet quality models that assist portal developers to select the appropriate portlet. This paper focuses on usability. The aim, therefore, is to develop a usability model for portlets. The paper presents such a model and its realisation for a sample case.
Oscar DiazEmail:

在研究联邦门户框架的基础上,比较了WSRP2.0规范中的portlet协作方法,提出一种基于WSRP和ALSB的可扩展的跨门户portler协作框架.该协作方式一方面提高了portlet的可重用性,并最大限度的保持了联邦门户内各个门户的独立性;另一方面增强了portlet协作的自由度,可以很快适应多变的业务需求,从而实现了联邦门户环境下更高层次的应用集成与交互.  相似文献   

目前的协同服务建立在分布、异构、动态的网格环境中,能否提供一个统一的接口去访问这些资源以达成更广泛的协同变得越来越重要.门户技术所特有的优点为协同应用的集成提供了有效的方法,结合网格技术和门户技术,提出了基于网格门户的协同服务集成技术的设计方案和一个初步的实现.  相似文献   

门户作为一种新的Web应用技术,其广阔前景使得在这一领域的研究具有积极的理论意义和实际的应用价值。结合基于开源的安全可扩展门户框架的原型系统JPOSE(Java portal based on open source and safe and extendable),遵循JSR168(Java portlet specification 1.0)规范,介绍了portlet的基本概念及其定义,讨论了portlet方式和Window状态及其创建与使用过程,说明了portlet的生命周期以及portlet类实现的内部工作机理,描述了portlet.xml配置文件的结构和语义。最后着重演示了portlet中的表单处理过程。  相似文献   

Uwe Zdun 《Software》2007,37(9):983-1016
Software patterns provide reusable solutions to recurring design problems in a particular context. The software architect or designer must find the relevant patterns and pattern languages that need to be considered, and select the appropriate patterns, as well as the best order to apply them. If the patterns and pattern languages are written by multiple pattern authors, it might be necessary to identify interdependencies and overlaps between these patterns and pattern languages first. Out of the possible multitude of patterns and pattern combinations that might provide a solution to a particular design problem, one fitting solution must be selected. This can only be mastered with a sufficient expertise for both the relevant patterns and the domain in which they are applied. To remedy these issues we provide an approach to support the selection of patterns based on desired quality attributes and systematic design decisions based on patterns. We propose to formalize the pattern relationships in a pattern language grammar and to annotate the grammar with effects on quality goals. In a second step, complex design decisions are analyzed further using the design spaces covered by a set of related software patterns. This approach helps to systematically find and categorize the appropriate software patterns—possibly even from different sources. As a case study of our approach, we analyze patterns from a pattern language for distributed object middleware. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

支持MDA的设计模式建模与模型转换方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计模式是描述某一类问题的通用解决方案,可以提高软件开发的可重用性,但在设计模式建模中存在模式消失和模式组合复杂化等问题,模型的可扩展性低,不利于模型到代码的自动化转换。由此,在MDA框架下,引入角色的建模思想,提出了一种基于Ecore的设计模式建模和模型转换方法,该方法在元模型层抽象并扩展了设计模式通用元素的元模型,使得不同的模式组合模型通过对相同的模式元素元模型进行转换可以获得相应的应用模型,从而增强了设计模式建模的可扩展性和模型转换的通用性,为MDA框架中设计模式建模和模型转换提供了一种有效的途径。  相似文献   

针对设计模式变体挖掘准确率较低的问题,提出引入线索约束的设计模式变体挖掘方法,旨在基于约束满足问题CSP描述设计模式变体线索,给出DPVMC算法,分结构特征约束与时序特征约束2个阶段引入线索.以Proxy、Bridge、Command、Factory Method模式变体为例,设计了2阶段的单个设计模式变体挖掘实验与集...  相似文献   

Traditional CAD (Computer-Aided Design) methods in garment pattern design (GPD) fail to utilize the knowledge of experts for inexperienced designers. Moreover, the interactive and co-evolutionary features are not supported. We propose an interactive co-evolutionary CAD system for GPD (ICE-GCAD). The functionality model, modular architecture and data flow of the system are proposed. Then, the interactive co-evolutionary system whose core module is an immune-inspired co-evolutionary algorithm is studied. Finally, the flow of co-design in the system is proposed. As a case demonstration, we study a design sample of a leisure shirt. The experimental studies show that our approach has promising performance and appealing effects. We believe ICE-GCAD is applicable to support the collaboration among garment designers and experts.  相似文献   

Design patterns are often used in the development of object-oriented software. It offers reusable abstract information that is helpful in solving recurring design problems. Detecting design patterns is beneficial to the comprehension and maintenance of object-oriented software systems. Several pattern detection techniques based on static analysis often encounter problems when detecting design patterns for identical structures of patterns. In this study, we attempt to detect software design patterns by using software metrics and classification-based techniques. Our study is conducted in two phases: creation of metrics-oriented dataset and detection of software design patterns. The datasets are prepared by using software metrics for the learning of classifiers. Then, pattern detection is performed by using classification-based techniques. To evaluate the proposed method, experiments are conducted using three open source software programs, JHotDraw, QuickUML, and JUnit, and the results are analyzed.  相似文献   

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