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The Penrose effect: “Excess” expatriates in multinational enterprises   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
–  Penrose’s (1959) theory of firm growth argues that firm knowledge and experience gives rise to “excess” resources which can be (re)deployed to explore and exploit productive opportunities leading, ultimately, to the achievement of firm goals.
–  We examine this key insight on organizational slack in the context of expatriate managers within multinational enterprises (MNEs).
–  Expatriates are not only a viable way of examining the Penrosian concept of slack but, as an unique element of MNE management, expatriates also provide an opportunity to develop new insights into international business theory.
–  Using a large sample of MNE subsidiaries, we found that when host country experience is comparatively low, subsidiaries with “excess” expatriate managers are more likely to experience inferior performance. Alternatively, expatriate slack is associated with a higher likelihood of superior performance in the context of comparatively high host country experience.

•  This paper investigates communication strategies for building business relationships from a semantic perspective (culture-specific interpretation of meanings). The research method is based on discourse analysis of interviews with the New Zealand and Chinese managers.
•  This study suggests that using a semantic perspective provides in-depth analysis of the managers’ discourse of target cultures, which complements the prevalent approach of using cultural dimensions.
•  New Zealand and Chinese managers prefer different sets of semantic frames for constructing business relationships. Furthermore, Chinese business managers tend to use interpersonal strategies to initiate a business relationship while New Zealand managers employ inter-group strategies. Both cultures, however, employed interpersonal communication strategies in the maintaining stage.

Abstract and Key Results
•  This paper introduces innovation, competition and regulatory change as dominant themes in international business.
•  These themes represent focussed trajectories for future research despite diversity in their causes, processes and consequences and the interactions between them which reflect the increasingly complex environment in which managers operate.
•  This diversity and the significant interactions between the three areas pose a challenge to scholars, with current research both shedding light on particular aspects and on the interactions between the elements in applied settings as demonstrated by the contributions to this focused issue.

•  This paper explores the organizational adjustment in host regions when MNCs switch from their original strategy to a regional strategy.
•  MNCs set up sub-regional headquarters (e.g., Greater China sub-regional headquarters) under a regional headquarters (e.g., Asia regional headquarters). A sub-regional headquarters replaces a regional headquarters directly managing subsidiaries within the sub-region.
•  The emergence of sub-regional headquarters is in response to the need for a balance between global integration and local responsiveness. An increasing number of decisions are made by sub-regional headquarters, instead of by subsidiaries, a parent, or regional headquarters.
•  Industry characteristics and firm’s specific advantages (FSAs) affect the delegation of authority from a parent to regional and sub-regional headquarters.

•  The process of foreign direct investment (FDI) is inherently uncertain as decisions surrounding investments are impacted by fragmented environments which offer contested views as to appropriate actions.
•  We propose a multi-level organizing framework of institutional influences on FDI and examine the differential effect of these forces at two points in time: Prior to a first investment and upon subsequent investments.
•  We posit that upon initial entry, firms are impacted primarily by coercive host country pressures, industry mimeticism, and internal firm norms. We expect these influences to change on subsequent entries with normative forces having the most salience.

•  Using a sample of 628 cross-border alliances established by emerging economies firms across 25 manufacturing and service industries in 64 host countries in the period 1995-2004, we investigate the effect of institutional factors on the adoption of equity alliance mode.
•  The findings of this study contribute to empirical research in institutional theory, institutional explanations of cross-border alliances and strategic behavior of emerging economies firms.
•  We find support for institutional explanations of the adoption of equity alliance mode by emerging economies firms.
•  We also find that institutional effects are contingent on the alliance location. When emerging economies firms establish alliances in developed host countries, their governance choice is most influenced by the normative pillar, followed by the cognitive pillar, with the regulatory pillar having a negligible effect. When the host countries are emerging economies, the regulatory pillar has the strongest influence followed by the cognitive pillar, with the normative pillar having an insignificant effect.

Abstract and Key Results
•  We explore the differences in international strategy between multinational enterprises (MNEs) in services and manufacturing, especially in terms of their international diversification, as measured by their sales and asset dispersion.
•  Our longitudinal data show that the largest MNEs in services have a much stronger home-region orientation than manufacturing MNEs. Large MNEs in the services sector average 83.9 percent of their sales in their home region, which is significantly higher than large manufacturing firms at 65.6 percent.
•  We explore the possible reasons for the relative lack of globalization of services firms. The two main reasons are: the difficulty of adapting separately upstream activities and downstream activities in high distance host environments, and the difficulty of selecting activity locations as a function of supply side criteria.
•  We offer a refinement of regional strategy theory applicable to services MNEs.

Abstract and Key Results
•  This conceptual paper examines the dynamics of the offshoring of information technology (IT) service work. It considers this important emerging phenomenon from multiple lenses, especially those of international business theories.
•  Research propositions are developed based on the perspectives of home country firms, host nation and the dynamic interactions between the two. Questions for future research are suggested.
•  Already established nations in the field get more opportunities than the new entrants to increase their competitiveness from experience-based knowledge gained as a result of the imitative actions of home country firms.

Abstract and Key Results
•  Using a dataset of 139 R&D laboratories located in 21 countries, this study empirically tests whether a fit among R&D laboratory mission and national culture impacts R&D performance.
•  Specifically, we assume that some cultures possess a natural advantage when it comes to capability augmenting tasks, while other cultures are better suited to host capability exploiting tasks.
•  Where the mission of the laboratory is capability exploiting, our results support a positive effect of culture-mission alignment. However, no relationship between mission-culture alignment and performance can be found in case of capability augmenting laboratories.

•  This paper shows that the role of managerial incentives is highlighted by a relatively complex relationship between technological competence and international diversification. By studying a sample of Standard & Poor’s 500 member firms, we explore the relationships between technological competence, managerial pay, and international diversification.
•  Results indicated a curvilinear relationship (an inverted U-shape) between technological competence and international diversification.
•  In line with agency theory, contingent pay (stock options and bonuses) was positively related to international diversification.
•  Beyond these direct effects, both contingent and non-contingent pay (cash compensation) moderated the relationship between technological competence and international diversification.

•  Many emerging economies are characterised by weak appropriability systems and absent legal systems to punish imitators. This places foreign firms’ intellectual property rights at risk, because existing appropriation methods, such as patents or secrecy, cannot function effectively. This concern especially applies to China, the empirical context of this article. Such adverse conditions force managers to devise new strategies to safeguard their firms’ intellectual property rights. Yet no evidence describes whether strategies exist, which forms they take, how they have evolved or how they get implemented.
•  This article addresses this knowledge gap and explores strategies that managers have developed to achieve de facto protection, despite China’s weak appropriability system. The analysis systematically explores 13 cases of foreign firms with wholly owned subsidiaries in China.
•  The findings confirm that de facto strategies exist, describe how they work and detail how they were achieved. The findings suggest implications for both managers and academics.

•  We study why multinational enterprise (MNE) subsidiaries adopt dissimilar political strategies, and seek to advance the understanding of international political strategy from an MNE parent-subsidiary perspective.
•  Drawing on the MNE parent-subsidiary literature, we contend factors at the subsidiary, corporate, and host country levels contribute to subsidiary political strategy dissimilarity. We test our hypotheses with a sample of U.S. MNE subsidiaries within Western Europe.

•  We examine the role of stakeholders as an influence in the practice of portfolio restructuring. We contend that with the presence and creation of new legal arrangements and regulations, portfolio restructuring achieved widespread usage, but only when the initiatives were consistent with the interests of the most powerful social actors in a firm.
•  Building on a stakeholder power approach to corporate governance, we examine whether the interests of relational banks, managers, and business groups were consistent with the practices of portfolio restructuring we observed in Japanese firms in the 1998 to 2005 period.
•  Regressions using data on 174 Japanese machinery firms lend support to predictions that portfolio restructuring increases in frequency with the extent to which business groups’ strategies are facilitated and decreases with the degree to which banks’ interests are protected. The association between the frequency of portfolio restructuring and managerial interests depends on the level of managerial ownership.

•  We examined perceptions differentiating key Colombian decisionmakers in 168 SMEs who decided to either internationalize or remain domestic. An integrative model compares managerial perceptions of competitive, macro-environmental and neo-institutional factors.
•  Foreign MNEs in the home market significantly differentiated decisions to internationalize, as well as the presence of internationalizing domestic competitors, anticipated product acceptance, and internationalizing suppliers.
•  The lack of findings for some institutional and macro-environmental factors may reflect important contextual features of the Colombian business environment.

•  Employing detailed industry-level data, this paper examines the country-of-origin effects of foreign direct investment in China.
•  The analysis demonstrates that there are significant differences in behaviour between investors from non-Chinese Western (NCW) source countries and those from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (HMT).
•  The findings show that NCW investors target local market, while HMT investors are export-oriented. Furthermore, NCW firms are more responsive to local labour quality and technological capability than their HMT counterparts.

•  Drawing on reasoned action and family systems theories, as well as the domestic and international job transfer and relocation, global assignments, personality and work-life balance research domains, this study examines managers’ willingness to assume global assignments.
•  We propose a multi-factor model and test several hypotheses using survey data collected from 431 global managers and 162 spouses/significant others that examine the degree to which individual, family, and organizational variables influence managerial willingness to accept not only the more traditional multi-year, but also the increasingly common traveling and short-term global assignments.
•  Results suggest that individual (adventurousness and destination country), family (eldercare, children at home, community tenure, and spouse/significant other relocation willingness), and organizational (compensatory rewards/benefits and career fit) factors influence managerial willingness to assume global assignments.
Robert KonopaskeEmail:

•  This paper examines the conditions under which corporate social responsibility (CSR) is related to value creation in the multinational enterprise (MNE).
•  Following prior work by Burke and Logsdon (1996), we examine the relationship of centrality, appropriability, proactivity, visibility, and voluntarism to value creation.
•  The results of a survey of 111 MNEs in Mexico suggest that centrality, visibility, and voluntarism are related to value creation.

•  Both scholars and practitioners have paid much attention to the impact of retaining top-performing knowledge workers on organizational effectiveness.
•  This study hypothesizes and analyzes how a bundle of high-commitment human resource practices (HCHRPs) influence affective organizational commitment, a strong predictor of employee turnover, of top performers versus ordinary employees.
•  This study suggests that HCHRPs may enable organizations to retain not only ordinary employees but also top performers through their positive impact on employees’ organizational commitment.
•  Using a sample of middle level managerial and R&D workers in 11 subsidiaries of a multinational conglomerate located in East Asia, this study showed that a bundle of high commitment human resource practices was positively related to the affective organizational commitment of top performers more than that of lower performers.

Abstract and Key Results
•  This study discusses the underlying reasons for the variant nature of the relationship between multinationality and firm performance in the context of service firms.
•  To date, this line of research has mostly used evidence from manufacturing firms, despite the ever-increasing contribution of service firms to national and global economies.
•  We conduct an exploratory study using case analyses of large European retail banks. We argue that the nature of the multinationality-performance relationship for services is moderated by industry characteristics, market-based factors and firm-specific factors.
•  We conclude that the shape of the curve depicting the multinationality-performance relationship of retail banks experiences substantial variations on a single case level.
•  Our exploratory study of retail banks shows that the multinationality-performance relationship varies significantly depending on banks’ strategic decisions regarding branch network configurations, product portfolios, branding strategies, organizational architecture (HQ-subsidiary relationship), and social networks. Any generalization of the relationship is difficult and prone to error.

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