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基于X射线衍射和原子力显微分析,研究了MOCVD生长的InGaN合金的表面形貌和光致发光光谱。结果发现本实验所用InGaN合金样品表面形貌呈现类花生状微结构团簇,纳米尺度较小的球状富铟InGaN颗粒附着在较大颗粒上;X射线衍射数据计算得微晶粒度折合当量直径约23nm。原子力显微测量得典型的微结构团簇横向宽度约400nm-900nm,表面粗糙度在所选择的6.430μm区域内方均根值为11.52nm,3.58μm区域内方均根值为8.48nm。在室温下用325nm连续激光激发测得样品的表面发光光谱,结果显示光致发光光谱出现多峰结构,其主要发光峰峰值波长分别位于569nm、532nm和497nm。理论计算分析认为发光光谱多峰结构可能是由于InGaN/GaN异质结构形成的F-P垂直腔中多光束干涉调制效应造成的,同时InGaN合金的尺度和组分涨落导致较宽的发光峰。研究结果对设计GaN基半导体光电子器件具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
在低压金属有机化学气相沉积(LP-MOCVD)系统中利用侧向外延生长(epitaxial lateral overgrowth,ELO)技术进行了二次外延GaN的研究.SEM观察结果表明,翼区和窗口区宽度比值不同的图形衬底,侧向和纵向的生长速率不同;其AFM表面形貌图像表明,长平的ELO-GaN表面平整,位错密度较低.ELO-GaN的光致发光(PL)谱的带边峰比传统方法生长的GaN的带边峰红移了14.0 meV,表明ELO-GaN的应力得到部分释放,晶体质量提高.ELO-GaN和普通外延GaN的拉曼散射谱比较表明,ELO-GaN中的应力较小,晶体质量较高,A1(TO)模的出现说明其晶轴取向相对于(0001)方向发生微小的偏移. 相似文献
对在SiC衬底上采用MOCVD方法制备的GaN和GaN:Mg薄膜进行X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和拉曼散射光谱的对比研究发现:两种样品均处于张力作用之下,但是GaN:Mg样品却由于Mg的掺杂会在样品中引入更多的缺陷和位错加剧薄膜的无序化程度,致使薄膜质量变差;其次因为Mg原子半径比Ga原子半径大,所以当Mg替代Ga以后会引发压力应力,从而使薄膜张力减小,最后通过计算说明对于GaN:Mg样品而言,除了载流子以外,薄膜质量同样也会对A1(LO)模式产生影响. 相似文献
采用金属有机物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)技术生长了具有高In组分InGaN阱层的InGaN/GaN多量子阱(MQW)结构,高分辨X射线衍射(HRXRD)ω-2θ扫描拟合得到阱层In含量28%。比较大的表面粗糙度表明有很大的位错密度。室温下光致荧光(PL)研究发现该量子阱发射可见的红橙光,峰位波长在610 nm附近。变温PL(15~300 K)进一步揭示量子阱在低温下有两个发光机制,对应的发射峰波长分别为538 nm和610 nm。由于In分凝和载流子的局域化导致的载流子动力改变,使得量子阱PL发光峰值随温度增加呈明显的"S"变化趋势。 相似文献
应用MOCVD方法我们在c轴取向的蓝宝石衬底上生长出Fe掺杂和Mn掺杂GaN薄膜。通过改变前驱物的通入量,我们制备出不同掺杂浓度的样品。应用高分辨透射电镜,我们对样品的微结构进行了分析。对于Fe过掺杂GaN样品,我们发现了六角结构的Fe3N团簇的存在,并且Fe3N(0002)面平行于GaN(0002)面;对于Mn过掺杂GaN样品,我们发现了六角结构的Mn6N2.58相的存在,并且Mn6N2.58(0002)面平行于GaN(0002)面。同时,由于晶格中掺入了大量掺杂离子,GaN晶格取向遭到了破坏,导致了部分GaN(0002)面的倾斜。磁学测量表明均一相的Fe掺杂GaN显现铁磁性,而均一相Mn掺杂GaN没有铁磁性。由于铁磁性Fe单晶和Fe3N团簇的存在,相比于均一性Fe掺杂GaN,过掺杂GaN样品的磁性大幅度增强,而Mn过掺杂GaN样品显现出很弱的铁磁性,这有可能来源于Mn6N2.58相。 相似文献
利用金属有机物化学气相淀积(MOCVD)生长了InGaN/GaN多量子阱(MQW)蓝光发光二极管(LED),研究了不同Cp2Mg流量下生长的p-GaN盖层对器件电学特性的影响。结果表明,随着Cp2Mg流量的提高,漏电流升高,并且到达一临界点会迅速恶化;正向压降则先降低,后升高。进而研究相同生长条件下生长的p-GaN薄膜的电学特性、表面形貌及晶体质量,结果表明,生长p-GaN盖层时,Cp2Mg流量过低,盖层的空穴浓度低,电学特性不好;Cp2Mg流量过高,则会产生大量的缺陷,盖层晶体质量与表面形貌变差,使得空穴浓度降低,电学特性变差。因此,生长p-GaN盖层时,为使器件的正向压降与反向漏电流均达到要求,Cp2Mg流量应精确控制。 相似文献
对在SiC衬底上采用MOCVD方法制备的GaN和GaN :Mg薄膜进行X射线衍射 (XRD)、扫描电镜 (SEM)和拉曼散射光谱的对比研究发现 :两种样品均处于张力作用之下 ,但是GaN∶Mg样品却由于Mg的掺杂会在样品中引入更多的缺陷和位错加剧薄膜的无序化程度 ,致使薄膜质量变差 ;其次因为Mg原子半径比Ga原子半径大 ,所以当Mg替代Ga以后会引发压力应力 ,从而使薄膜张力减小 ,最后通过计算说明对于GaN :Mg样品而言 ,除了载流子以外 ,薄膜质量同样也会对A1(LO)模式产生影 相似文献
在Si(111)衬底上采用金属有机化合物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)技术外延生长GaN薄膜,对外延生长所得GaN薄膜的晶体结构和表面形貌进行表征,并研究SiNx插入层对GaN薄膜的晶体质量和表面形貌的影响.结果表明,在Si衬底上生长GaN薄膜过程中引入SiNx插入层可使GaN薄膜的(10-12)面的X-射线回摆曲线的半峰宽(FWHM)值从974.01减小到602.01arcsec;表面凹坑等缺陷减少、表面平整度提高.可见,SiNx插入层对在Si衬底上外延生长GaN薄膜的晶体质量和表面形貌有着重要的影响. 相似文献
Nonpolar a-plane [110] GaN has been grown on r-plane [1■02] sapphire by MOCVD, and investigated by high resolution X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. As opposed to the c-direction, this particular orientation is non-polar, and it avoids polarization charge, the associated screening charge and the consequent band bending. Both low-temperature GaN buffer and high-temperature AlN buffer are used for a-plane GaN growth on r-plane sapphire, and the triangular pits and pleat morphology come forth with different buffers, the possible reasons for which are discussed. The triangular and pleat direction are also investigated. A novel modulate buffer is used for a-plane GaN growth on r-plane sapphire, and with this technique, the crystal quality has been greatly improved. 相似文献
InGaN films were deposited on(0001) sapphire substrates with GaN buffer layers under different growth temperatures by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.The In-composition of InGaN film was approximately controlled by changing the growth temperature.The connection between the growth temperature,In content,surface morphology and defect formation was obtained by X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and atomic force microscopy(AFM).Meanwhile,by comparing the SEM and AFM surface morphology images,we proposed several models of three different defects and discussed the mechanism of formation.The prominent effect of higher growth temperature on the quality of the InGaN films and defect control were found by studying InGaN films at various growth temperatures. 相似文献
InGaN/GaN MQW双波长LED的MOCVD生长 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用金属有机物化学气相淀积(MOCVD)系统生长了InGaN/GaN多量子阱双波长发光二极管(LED).发现在20 mA正向注入电流下空穴很难输运过蓝光和绿光量子阱间的垒层,这是混合量子阱有源区获得双波长发光的主要障碍.通过掺入一定量的In来降低蓝光和绿光量子阱之间的垒层的势垒高度,增加注入到离p-GaN层较远的绿光有源区的空穴浓度,从而改变蓝光和绿光发光峰的强度比.研究了蓝光和绿光量子阱间垒层In组分对双波长LED的发光性质的影响.此外,研究了双波长LED发光特性随注入电流的变化. 相似文献
对使用 MOCVD方法在蓝宝石衬底上生长的典型 In Ga N样品进行了光致发光 (PL)、霍耳 (Hall)及扫描电镜 (SEM)测量 .结果表明 :适当的生长温度 (75 0℃ )提高了样品中 In的含量和 PL 强度。当 / 族比率大约 5 0 0 0时 ,75 0℃生长的样品背景载流子浓度约为 2 .2 1× 10 1 8cm- 3,In含量约为 11.5 4% .其室温 394nm的带边峰 ,半高宽约为 116 me V,束缚能约为 32 .4m e V,可能与束缚激子发光相关 .该样品禁带宽度随温度变化的温度系数 α (d E/ d T)约为 0 .5 6× 10 - 3e V/ K.较高温度 (80 0℃和 90 0℃ )生长的样品 In含量较低 ,PL 强度较弱 ,且在样 相似文献
利用MOCVD系统在Al2O3衬底上生长InGaN材料和InGaN/GaN量子阱结构材料,研究发现InGaN材料中In组份几乎不受TMG与TMI的流量比的影响,而只与生长温度有关,生长温度由800℃降低到740℃,In组份的从0.22增加到0.45;室温InGaN光致发光光谱(PL)峰全半高宽(FWHM)为15.5nm;InGaN/GaN量子阱区InGaN的厚度2nm,但光荧光的强度与100nm厚InGaN的体材料相当。 相似文献
We have demonstrated the growth of quaternary AIlnGaN compounds at different growth temperatures and pressures with metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The optical properties of the samples have been investigated by photoluminescence (PL) at different temperatures. The results show that the sample grown at higher temperature (850℃) exhibits the best optical quality for its sharp band edge luminescence and weak yellow luminescence. The AlInGaN exhibited three-dimensional (3D) growth mode at higher pressure. The band edge emission almost disappeared. With the optimization of AlInGaN growth parameters, we replaced the traditional barrier in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) with AlInGaN barriers. The peak wavelength for the InGaN/AlInGaN-MQW based light emitting diodes (LEDs) was very stable at various injection current levels because of the polarization-matched InGaN/AlInGaN MQWs. 相似文献
In Al N/Ga N heterostructures were grown on sapphire substrates by low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition.The influences of NH3 flux and growth temperature on the In composition and morphologies of the In Al N were investigated by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy.It’s found that the In composition increases quickly with NH3 flux decrease.But it’s not sensitive to NH3 flux under higher flux.This suggests that lower NH3 flux induces a higher growth rate and an enhanced In incorporation.The In composition also increases with the growth temperatures decreasing,and the defects of the In Al N have close relation with In composition.Unstrained In Al N with In composition of 17% is obtained at NH3 flux of 500 sccm and growth temperature of790 °C.The In Al N/Ga N heterostructure high electron mobility transistor sample showed a high two-dimensional electron gas(2DEG) mobility of 1210 cm2/(V s) with the sheet density of 2.31013cm2 at room temperature. 相似文献
AlN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) on SiC substrates were fabricated by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and then characterized. An Si/Ti/Al/Ni/Au stack was used to reduce ohmic contact resistance (0.33 g2.mm) at a low annealing temperature. The fabricated devices exhibited a maximum drain current density of 1.07 A/mm (Vows = I V) and a maximum peak extrinsic transconductance of 340 mS/mm. The off-state breakdown voltage of the device was 64 V with a gate-drain distance of 1.9 μm. The current gain extrinsic cutoff frequency fT and the maximum oscillation frequency fmax were 36 and 80 GHz with a 0.25 μm gate length, respectively. 相似文献