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Exposure to mercury species was assessed in the hair of 130 Spanish children (age 4) from the general population in two areas. Both areas are exposed to different sources of mercury: a point source in Ribera d'Ebre (northeastern Spain) and a diffuse source on the island of Menorca (northwestern Mediterranean). The median MeHg values in the hair of children from Ribera d'Ebre (RE) were nearly twice (0.631 microg/g vs. 0.370 microg/g) those of children from Menorca (MC) (p < 0.05). Total Hg showed a similar trend (REmedian: 0.720 microg/g vs. MCmedian: 0.476 microg/g). Nevertheless, inorganic mercury levels were similar in the two groups of children (REmedian: 0.186 microg/g vs. MCmedian: 0.210 microg/g). Two subgroups of the Ribera d'Ebre group were defined: children living in Flix (a village near a chlor-alkali plant) (RE1) and children living on the outskirts of Flix with no clear, direct influence of the plant (RE2). The mercury concentrations in RE1 were also significantly higher than those in Menorca, but no significant differences were found between Menorca and the RE2 subgroup. We evaluated the fish consumption of RE1, RE2 and MC and found that the Menorcan children consumed significantly less fish (p < 0.05) than the other two subgroups. Children who consumed fish more than three times a week had higher MeHg concentrations (beta (SE) = 0.991 (0.279) than those who ate it less than once a week. Nevertheless, the differences in MeHg levels between children from Ribera d'Ebre and Menorca remained statistically significant after adjustment for fish intake and other variables (beta (SE) = 0.779 (0.203) for children from RE1). In conclusion, local sources other than seafood contribute significantly to MeHg content in hair in the two Ribera d'Ebre subgroups.  相似文献   

We conducted a study within the framework of the interdisciplinary European Mercury Emission from Chloralkali Plants (EMECAP) project to assess exposure to mercury (Hg) and the contribution of Hg emissions from a mercury cell chloralkali plant to urinary mercury (U-Hg) in adults living near the plant. We collected data from questionnaires and first morning urine samples from 75 subjects living near the Tarnow plant in Poland and 100 subjects living in a reference area. Median U-Hg was 0.32 mug/g creatinine (microg/gC) and 0.20 microg/gC, respectively. The median U-Hg was also higher in the amalgam-free subjects living near the plant (0.26 microg/gC) than in the reference group (0.18 microg/gC), but no such association was found in a multivariate analysis. There was a statistically significant positive association between U-Hg and number of teeth with amalgams, a negative association with age and a tendency towards higher U-Hg in female subjects. In the amalgam-free subjects there were statistically significant effects of female sex and fish consumption, and a negative association with age. The additional long-term average air Hg concentration from the plant, based on EMECAP environmental measurements and modelling, was estimated to be 1-3.5 ng/m(3) for the residential study area and should have a very small effect on U-Hg. The other Hg emission sources such as coal combustion facilities located nearby should be taken into account in assessing the overall impact of air Hg on U-Hg in this area.  相似文献   

Atmospheric Hg0 contamination and the potential risk of occupational exposure were evaluated in a chlor-alkali facility by the use of transplanted Tillandsia usneoides. This plant species was selected since it presents some features that makes it useful for air monitoring purposes. After short-term exposure (15 days), control plants showed a mean concentration of 0.2 μg Hg.g−1 whereas Hg values in transplants ranged from 1 to 10 400 μg.g−1. This latter value was observed near an elemental Hg spillage. Even after exposure to toxic conditions plant metabolism was still operative, allowing the transplant technique to be employed to assess both Hg taken up through the stomata and Hg associated with particles deposited on the biomonitor.  相似文献   

The first attempt to systematically investigate the atmospheric mercury over the territory of Taiwan has been undertaken. Four sampling sites were selected in localities qualified as urban, suburban, industrial-rural and rural ones, within the northern part of Taiwan. The sites were monitored for atmospheric gaseous mercury alternately from September to December 2003 and from April to June 2004, by using a portable automated mercury analyzer Model Gardis-3. The results have shown rather high atmospheric gaseous mercury levels (up to 30 ng/m3 at the urban site, up to 22 ng/m3 at the rural site, up to 24 ng/m3 at the industrial-rural site, and up to 90 ng/m3 at the suburban site) which may indicate the presence of considerably strong point and area mercury sources whose origin still has to be detected more precisely.  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of mercury including total gas phase mercury (TGM), gas phase divalent mercury (Hg2+), and gas phase monomethyl mercury (MMHg) was investigated. Samples were collected from central cities and nature reserve areas across the province. Techniques and equipment including moss bags, KCl-coated denuder and GARDIS-1A portable mercury vapor analyzer were employed for sample collection and analysis. The reliability of techniques and analytical methods used for the project was evaluated. The deposition of atmospheric mercury was reported in species in this important mercury polluted province for the first time. The spatial and temporal variability of mercury emissions were investigated and reported. Contribution of coal mercury emissions to the atmosphere mercury deposition of the province was also investigated.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury speciation in Yellowstone National Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atmospheric concentrations of elemental mercury (Hg(0)), reactive gaseous Hg (RGM), and particulate Hg (pHg) concentrations were measured in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), U.S.A. using high resolution, real time atmospheric mercury analyzers (Tekran 2537A, 1130, and 1135). A survey of Hg(0) concentrations at various locations within YNP showed that concentrations generally reflect global background concentrations of 1.5-2.0 ng m(-3), but a few specific locations associated with concentrated geothermal activity showed distinctly elevated Hg(0) concentrations (about 9.0 ng m(-3)). At the site of intensive study located centrally in YNP (Canyon Village), Hg(0) concentrations did not exceed 2.5 ng m(-3); concentrations of RGM were generally below detection limits of 0.88 pg m(-3) and never exceeded 5 pg m(-3). Concentrations of pHg ranged from below detection limits to close to 30 pg m(-3). RGM and pHg concentrations were not correlated with any criteria gases (SO(2), NO(x), O(3)); however pHg was weakly correlated with the concentration of atmospheric particles. We investigated three likely sources of Hg at the intensive monitoring site: numerous geothermal features scattered throughout YNP, re-suspended soils, and wildfires near or in YNP. We examined relationships between the chemical properties of aerosols (as measured using real time, single particle mass spectrometry; aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer; ATOFMS) and concentrations of atmospheric pHg. Based on the presence of particles with distinct chemical signatures of the wildfires, and the absence of signatures associated with the other sources, we concluded that wildfires in the park were the main source of aerosols and associated pHg to our sampling site.  相似文献   

As part of the European Mercury Emissions from Chlor Alkali Plants (EMECAP) project, we tested the hypothesis that contamination of ambient air with mercury around chlor alkali plants using mercury cells would increase the internal dose of mercury in people living close to the plants. Mercury in urine (U-Hg) was determined in 225 individuals living near a Swedish or an Italian chlor alkali plant, and in 256 age- and sex-matched individuals from two reference areas. Other factors possibly affecting mercury exposure were examined. Emissions and concentrations of total gaseous mercury (TGM) around the plants were measured and modeled. No increase in U-Hg could be demonstrated in the populations living close to the plants. This was the case also when the comparison was restricted to subjects with no dental amalgam and low fish consumption. The emissions of mercury to air doubled the background level, but contributed only about 2 ng/m(3) to long-term averages in the residential areas. The median U-Hg levels in subjects with dental amalgam were 1.2 microg/g creatinine (micro/gC) in Italy and 0.6 microg/gC in Sweden. In individuals without dental amalgam, the medians were 0.9 microg/gC and 0.2 microg/gC, respectively. The number of amalgam fillings, as well as chewing, fish consumption, and female sex were associated with higher U-Hg. The difference between the countries is probably due to higher fish consumption in Italy, demethylated methyl mercury (MeHg) being partly excreted in urine. Post hoc power calculations showed that if the background mercury exposure is low it may be possible to demonstrate an increase in U-Hg of as little as about 10 ng/m(3) as a contribution to ambient mercury from a point source.  相似文献   

This study focused on characterizing air-surface mercury Hg exchange for individual surfaces (soil, litter-covered soil and plant shoots) and ecosystem-level flux associated with tallgrass prairie ecosystems housed inside large mesocosms over three years. The major objectives of this project were to determine if individual surface fluxes could be combined to predict ecosystem-level exchange and if this low-Hg containing ecosystem was a net source or sink for atmospheric Hg. Data collected in the field were used to validate fluxes obtained in the mesocosm setting. Because of the controlled experimental design and ease of access to the mesocosms, data collected allowed for assessment of factors controlling flux and comparison of models developed for soil Hg flux versus environmental conditions at different temporal resolution (hourly, daily and monthly). Evaluation of hourly data showed that relationships between soil Hg flux and environmental conditions changed over time, and that there were interactions between parameters controlling exchange. Data analyses demonstrated that to estimate soil flux over broad temporal scales (e.g. annual flux) coarse-resolution data (monthly averages) are needed. Plant foliage was a sink for atmospheric Hg with uptake influenced by plant functional type and age. Individual system component fluxes (bare soil and plant) could not be directly combined to predict the measured whole system flux (soil, litter and plant). Emissions of Hg from vegetated and litter-covered soil were lower than fluxes from adjacent bare soil and the difference between the two was seasonally dependent and greatest when canopy coverage was greatest. Thus, an index of plant canopy development (canopy greenness) was used to model Hg flux from vegetated soil. Accounting for ecosystem Hg inputs (precipitation, direct plant uptake of atmospheric Hg) and modeled net exchange between litter-and-plant covered soils, the tallgrass prairie was found to be a net annual sink of atmospheric Hg.  相似文献   

Chlor-alkali plants are known to be an important source of Hg emissions to the atmosphere and related contamination of soils in their vicinity. In the present study, the results of Hg speciation and mobility of Hg in soils affected by Hg emissions from three chlor-alkali plants are compared. Solid phase mercury speciation analyses was carried out using a mercury-thermo-desorption technique with the aim of distinguishing elemental Hg [Hg(0)] from Hg(II)-binding forms. Mercury species in soil leachates were distinguished using an operationally defined method, which is based on the reactivity of soluble Hg compounds. Results show that the Hg(0) emitted from the plants could not be detected in any of the investigated soils. This indicates quantitative re-emission or oxidation of this Hg species in the atmosphere or soils. In most soils Hg was predominately bound to organic matter. Only in sandy soils deficient in organic matter was Hg, to a larger extent, sorbed onto mineral soil components. Leachable Hg in most soils occurred as non-reactive, soluble organic Hg complexes such as fulvic acid-bound Hg, and reach their highest values (90 microg kg(-1)) in soils rich in organic matter. Concentrations of reactive, soluble Hg compounds were highest in sandy soils where the content of organic matter was low. Leachability of Hg was found to be inhibited in soils with a high content of clayey soil components. The distribution of Hg in soil profiles suggests that migration of Hg to deeper soil layers (approx. 20 cm) is most effective if Hg is bound to soluble organic complexes, whereas reactive Hg or weak Hg complexes are effectively retained in the uppermost soil layer (5 cm) through sorption on mineral surfaces.  相似文献   

A mercury-cell chlor-alkali plant operated in Estarreja (North-western Portugal) for 50 years causing widespread environmental contamination. Although production by this process ceased in 2002, mercury contamination from the plant remains significant. The main objective of this study was to investigate mercury impact on the nearby environment and potential risks to local population. To assess the level of contamination soil samples were collected from agricultural fields in the vicinity of the plant, extending the study by taking samples of the predominant vegetation suitable for animal and human consumption, water samples, and fish species from a nearby coastal lagoon, to gain a preliminary insight into the potential for contamination of the terrestrial and aquatic food web. To determine population exposure to mercury, hair samples were collected from local residents. Total mercury concentration in the 0-15 cm layer of soil was found to be highly variable, ranging between 0.010 and 91 mg kg− 1, although mercury contamination of soils was found to be restricted to a confined area. Lolium perenne roots contained between 0.0070 and 2.0 mg kg− 1, and there is evidence that root systems uptake mercury from the soil. Levels of mercury in the aerial parts of plants ranged between 0.018 and 0.98 mg kg− 1. It appears that plants with higher mercury concentration in soils and roots also display higher mercury concentration in leaves.Total mercury concentration in water samples ranged between 12 and 846 ng L− 1, all samples presenting concentrations below the maximum level allowable for drinking water defined in the Portuguese law (1.0 μg L− 1).Mercury levels in fish samples were below the maximum limit defined in the Portuguese law (0.5 mg kg− 1), ranging from 0.0040 to 0.24 mg kg− 1. Vegetables collected presented maximum mercury concentration of 0.17 mg kg− 1. In general, food is not contaminated and should not be responsible for major human exposure to the metal.Mercury determined in human hair samples (0.090-4.2 mg kg− 1; mean 1.5 mg kg− 1) can be considered within normal limits, according to WHO guidelines suggesting that it is not affecting the local population. Despite being subject to decades of mercury emissions, nowadays this pollutant is only found in limited small areas and must not constitute a risk for human health, should these areas be restricted and monitored.Considering the present data, it appears that the population from Estarreja is currently not being affected by mercury levels that still remain in the environment.  相似文献   

The environmental loadings of national Norwegian mercury emissions compared to the loadings of atmospheric long range transported mercury have been estimated using national emission data and EMEP model data. The results indicate that atmospheric long-range transport to Norway is somewhat larger than the national Norwegian emissions of mercury. Atmospheric deposition of mercury has been studied using data from Norwegian monitoring programs on mercury in precipitation, mosses, natural surface soils, and lake sediments. Precipitation data show no significant time trend during 1990-2002, whereas moss samples show similar concentrations from 1985 to 1995, but a 30% decrease from 1995 to 2000. Concentrations of mercury in peat cores and reference sediments indicate that the current mercury levels measured in surface sediments, surface soils and mosses at background sites in Norway are substantially affected by long-range atmospheric transport.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations were determined in the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes along five transects starting from a chlor-alkali plant located at Dalhousie, New Brunswick, a landfill site and a nearby electricity generating station. Lichen samples were collected from white birch (Betula papyrifera) and spruce (Picea sp.) or balsam fir (Abies balsamea). Average lichen background mercury values were 0.088+/-0.005 microg/g from white birch and 0.148+/-0.046 microg/g from spruce trees, with a detection limit of 0.05 microg/g. The chlor-alkali plant and a power plant were identified, respectively, as a major source and a minor source of elevated mercury levels in lichens. At 125 m north-west of the New Brunswick Power plant, 0.28 microg/g Hg were found in Hypogymnia physodes from spruce trees, while at 250 m west (downwind) of the chlor-alkali plant, 3.66 microg/g of mercury were determined. High values, 0.98 microg/g in lichens from spruce trees and 0.79 microg/g in lichen samples from white birch were also measured at 125 m south of the chlor-alkali plant and decreased exponentially with distance. The sphere of influence of the chlor-alkali plant with respect to mercury deposition was estimated to extend 2.4-3.4 km from the plant. The mercury concentrations in Hypogymnia physodes collected from white birch were significantly lower than the concentrations in the same lichen from spruce trees in areas with elevated levels of mercury, but not in areas with low mercury levels. The magnitude of this difference dropped with distance from the source.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the present study were to assess the relative impact of different pathways of environmental cadmium (Cd) exposure and to evaluate the contribution from locally produced vegetables and root crops to the total dietary intake of Cd. METHODS: Cadmium in urine was determined for 492 individuals living near a closed down battery factory in Sweden. For each individual we created an environmental exposure-index based on Cd emissions to ambient air and number of years living at various distances from the plant. This information as well as dietary data were collected via questionnaires. Samples of soil, carrots and/or potatoes were collected from 37 gardens and analysed for Cd concentration. RESULTS: Eating home grown vegetables/potatoes, environmental Cd-exposure-index, female gender, age above 30 years and smoking more than one pack of cigarettes daily for at least 10 years were found to be significantly associated with increased urine concentrations of Cd (UCd>1.0 nmol/mmol creatinine). We found a statistically significant relation between Cd in urine and environmental Cd-exposure-index in persons eating home grown vegetables/potatoes regularly. Cd concentrations in home grown carrots, potatoes and in garden soil were highest in the area closest to the factory. Daily consumption of potatoes and vegetables cultivated in the vicinity of the closed battery factory was estimated to increase Cd intake by 18-38%. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that consumption of locally grown vegetables and root crops was an important exposure pathway, in subjects living near a nickel-cadmium battery plant, whereas direct exposure via ambient air was less important.  相似文献   

Artisanal gold-mining activities in the Philippines have proliferated since the early 1980s. Presently, environmental and health monitoring conducted by several governmental agencies is limited to the determination of total mercury only. Previous studies undertaken focused mainly on the exposure of adults and workers to mercury during mining/processing operations. However, in one area in Mindanao, mined ores are brought down and processed in the lowlands where residential communities are exposed to environmental pollutants resulting from gold processing/refining operations. The area of study is Apokon, Tagum, Davao del Norte, which has 29 gold processing and refining plants. Health complaints among schoolchildren in Apokon Elementary School were received by the Department of Health and were attributed to the mercury pollution in the environment. As part of a collaboration with the Health Department, UP-National Poisons Control and Information Service, the National Institute for Minamata Disease (NIMD), Japan, provided technical assistance in the analytical determination of mercury in biological and environmental samples. Elevated mercury concentrations were noted in some of the river systems up to 15 km from the mining areas. Environmental quality monitoring showed T-Hg sediment levels ranged from 0.553 to 66.471 microg/g dry wt. while water samples from river systems exhibited mercury levels from 72.8 to 78.4 ng/ml. Twenty-seven sediment samples from river systems near mining operations and seven water samples were also brought to the Institute for analysis. Fish samples collected showed levels ranging from 1.07 to 438.8 ng/g for total mercury and 0.71-377.18 ng/g for methylmercury. Methylmercury content in fish is predominant. All water and sediment samples collected from three sampling sites have elevated T-Hg level while three fish species have elevated T-Hg and methylmercury levels (WHO/CDC, 1994). Blood and hair samples from 162 schoolchildren aged 5-17 years were collected and analyzed at the NIMD for mercury analysis. Analytical procedures used in the NIMD for mercury testing were applied. Laboratory results showed that total mercury hair samples ranged from 0.278 to 20.393 microg/g while methylmercury hair results were from 0.191 to 18.469 microg/g. Methylmercury in hair showed levels from 45.96 to 99.81%. Total blood mercury levels ranged from 0.757 to 56.88 microg/l while Me-Hg blood levels ranged from 1.36 to 46.73 microg/l. It was determined that 10 children had elevated T-Hg blood levels while one child had high total and methylmercury levels in hair. A summary of physical examination results showed that the predominant findings include under-height, gingival discoloration, adenopathy, underweight and dermatologic abnormalities among children examined.  相似文献   

The 2-mercaptobenzimidazole loaded natural clay was prepared for the removal of Hg(II) from aqueous media. Adsorption of the metal ions from aqueous solution as a function of solution concentration, agitation time, pH, temperature, ionic strength, particle size of the adsorbent and adsorbent dose was studied. The adsorption process follows a pseudo-second-order kinetics. The rate constants as a function of initial concentration and temperature were given. The adsorption of Hg(II) increased with increasing pH and reached a plateau value in the pH range 4.0-8.0. The removal of Hg(II) was found to be >99% at an initial concentration of 50 mg/l. Mercury(II) uptake was found to increase with ionic strength and temperature. Further, the adsorption of Hg(II) increased with increasing adsorbent dose and decrease with adsorbent particle size. Sorption data analysis was carried out using Langmuir and modified Langmuir isotherms for the uptake of metal ion in an initial concentration range of 50-1,000 mg/l. The significance of the two linear relationships obtained by plotting the data according to the conventional Langmuir equation is discussed in terms of the binding energies of the two population sites involved which have a widely differing affinity for Hg(II) ions. Thermodynamic parameters such as changes of free energy, enthalpy, and entropy were calculated to predict the nature of adsorption. It was found that the values of isosteric heat of adsorption were varied with surface loading. The chlor-alkali industry wastewater samples were treated by MBI-clay to demonstrate its efficiency in removing Hg(II) from wastewater.  相似文献   

Multi-element analysis results of direct energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence of soil samples taken in the vicinity of a non-ferrous plant in Antwerp are reported. High concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn, As and Se are found in nearby residential areas, especially in top-soil layers. Selenium pollution appears not to be leached significantly to lower soil horizons, but it is available for uptake by rye-grass, in which toxic levels are found. Results are compared to literature data. Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry proved to be unsuitable for direct analysis of the heavily contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Blount Street Power Station on Lake Monona, Wisconsin, draws cooling water at 3–4 m from two intakes 110 m offshore and discharges the water at two shoreline outfalls 200 m apart. The density of zooplankton near these outfalls was 2–7 times greater than at littoral reference stations because zooplankton density at the limnetic intakes was consistently higher than in littoral reference areas. Thus, the circulation of cooling water transported zooplankton-rich water to the littoral zone.  相似文献   

From July 1999 to January 2000, we determined the particulate mercury [Hg(p)] concentration in the atmosphere of five function sites and one contrast site in the city of Changchun, China. During non-heating season, the Hg(p) concentration in air in urban areas ranged from 0.022 to 0.398 ng m(-3) with an average of 0.145 ng m(-3), and at the contrast site with an average of 0.084 ng m(-3). During the heating season, the Hg(p) concentration in urban areas was in the range of 0.148-1.984 ng m(-3) with an average of 0.461 ng m(-3) and with an average of 0.211 ng m(-3) at the contrast site. The Hg(p) concentration during heating season is two times higher than that during non-heating time. Coal burning and wind-blown soil material are the two important sources of Hg(p). Wind-blown soil material contributes 7.9-38.5% to the Hg(p) with an average of 24.1% in urban area. A theoretical model was used to estimate the dry deposition flux, with results of 43.06 microg m(-2) a(-1) in the urban area and 21.28 microg m(-2) a(-1) at the contrast site.  相似文献   

Efforts to reduce the deliberate use of mercury (Hg) in modern industrialized societies have been largely successful, but the minimization and control of Hg in waste streams are of continuing importance. Municipal wastewater treatment plants are collection points for domestic, commercial, and industrial wastewaters, and Hg removal during wastewater treatment is essential for protecting receiving waters. Subsequent control of the Hg removed is also necessary to preclude environmental impacts. We present here a mass balance for Hg at a large metropolitan wastewater treatment plant that has recently been upgraded to provide for greater control of the Hg entering the plant. The upgrade included a new fluidized bed sludge incineration facility equipped with activated carbon addition and baghouse carbon capture for the removal of Hg from the incinerator offgas. Our results show that Hg discharges to air and water from the plant represented less than 5% of the mass of Hg entering the plant, while the remaining Hg was captured in the ash/carbon residual stream exiting the new incineration process. Sub-optimum baghouse operation resulted in some of the Hg escaping collection there and accumulating with the ash/carbon particulate matter in the secondary treatment tanks. Overall, the treatment process is effective in removing Hg from wastewater and sequestering it in a controllable stream for secure disposal.  相似文献   

A mercury-cell chlor-alkali plant operated in Pavlodar, Northern Kazakhstan, for 18 years and caused widespread contamination of the surrounding environment. Untreated wastewater from the plant was discharged to Lake Balkyldak, a shallow impounded lake without an outlet. The nearby River Irtysh was also suspected to be impacted by mercury (Hg) via the transport of contaminated groundwater. We took sediment and water samples from both aquatic systems, and also sampled soils along the shoreline of the lake and in the Irtysh flood plain. Sediments from Lake Balkyldak were found to be very heavily contaminated, with Hg concentrations in the surface layer reaching up to approximately 1500 mg kg(-1) near the wastewater outfall pipe. The contaminated lake sediments are prone to wind-driven resuspension and are acting as a strong source of Hg to the water column. Unfiltered lake water samples taken in shallow areas within 10-15 m from the shoreline contained from 0.11 microg Hg L(-1) in the less contaminated northern part of the lake to 1.39 microg L(-1) near the pollutant outfall in the south (up to 7.3 microg L(-1) on windy days). Sediments from the River Irtysh were only slightly impacted, with maximum Hg concentrations of 0.046 mg kg(-1) in the old river channel and 0.36 mg kg(-1) in floodplain oxbow lakes. In water samples from the River Irtysh, Hg was generally not detected, although trace concentrations (3 to 9 ng L(-1)) were found in some samples taken from oxbow lakes. We conclude that the river is not significantly impacted by Hg, but the highly contaminated Lake Balkyldak poses a threat and is in need of remediation. Potential remediation options for the lake are reviewed and are discussed in the context of experiences made at other Hg-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

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