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对目前多宿主网络存在的问题,提出使用链路负载均衡技术解决其负载均衡和冗余备份。论述了链路负载均衡技术的工作原理和它在企业网中的具体应用与改造。改造后的网络经测试其效率和可靠性都得到了明显提高,有着较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

有线宽频运营中网络出口链路的稳定性直接关系到运营的成败。结合链路负载均衡这一新技术在有线宽频网络中的应用提出了有效可靠的解决办法。  相似文献   

针对单链路网络存在的一系列安全问题,文中就某高校的多链路负载设备网络拓扑进行了设计,结合接入负载设备各条链路带宽存在差异的实际情况,采用多链路部署解决方案,选择多链路负载均衡算法的加权最小流量算法,保证了互联网多链路网络资源访问的快速性、稳定性和安全性。多链路部署后的结果解决了通过A运营商访问B运营商建立的服务器资源可能会出现响应延时、访问资源延时和单点故障的网络问题,多链路网络部署对于用户链路带宽的需求不断增加具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

提出了一种针对园区网在多出口接入互联网时提高带宽利用率、降低投资成本、提升用户体验的动态链路负载均衡解决方案,在不增加或者少增加出口带宽的情况下,通过DPI技术、智能选路技术和智能DNS技术,在多出口网络环境中对带宽进行充分优化,通过对一个真实环境的测试,验证了该方案的可行性和普适性.  相似文献   

李磊  成书军  邢悦 《电子世界》2013,(1):108-109
针对当前广泛使用的多链路技术,研究了多链路网络的运行机制,对多链路的流量特性、负载分配策略进行了分析。根据用户访问互联网的状况在多条链路之间动态而透明地分配流量和负载,有效地实现了多链路的负载均衡和冗余备份。本文基于某企业网络配置实例,对链路负载均衡技术的实现过程和它所带来的变化进行了细致的分析。  相似文献   

对目前多宿主网络存在的问题,提出使用链路负载均衡技术解决其负载均衡和冗余备份。论述了链路负载均衡技术的工作原理和它在企业网中的具体应用与改造。改造后的网络经测试其效率和可靠性都得到了明显提高,有着较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

探讨网络负载均衡技术(NLB)在网络中的应用.介绍使用群集技术的优势及常见的负载均衡类型,以及基于ISA-Server的负载均衡应用及解决方案,最后给出实际应用的效果.  相似文献   

针对银行链路及服务器的单点故障安全问题,提出了基于多链路和服务器的负载均衡技术应用解决方案,论述了系统设计方案和相关技术,优化了网络访问,提高银行应用系统的稳定运行水平。  相似文献   

祝宇林 《信息技术》2005,29(4):110-111
阐述了三代不同负载均衡产品的发展,着重分析了第三代负载均衡产品的性能。简要介绍了基于软件的负载均衡产品和基于硬件的负载均衡产品两类产品,并对其性能进行了比较,分析了两类产品的优缺点及存在的问题。在让读者了解到负载均衡产品的发展历程和两类负载均衡产品的相关特性后,又进一步阐述了负载均衡产品的工作原理,及其在处理网络和服务性能,分配资源等方面所表现的优势和应用的意义。  相似文献   

资源共享是分布式计算的核心问题,平衡负载是实现资源共享的基本手段。现有的负载均衡算法多局限于同构网络,伴随计算终端多元化的发展趋势,面向异构网络的负载均衡需求也不断增加。该文基于经典的扩散算法,提出一种适用于异构网络环境的新的动态负载均衡算法,并通过严格的数学方法证明了算法中各结点可收敛于平衡点。实验结果表明,该算法的收敛性能优于Rotaru等人(2004)提出的GDA算法,并且对于网状网络、星型网络和花环网络等经典结构都有良好的收敛性,即便在随机生成的网络结构中,仍然保持了较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

Reconfiguration and Dynamic Load Balancing in Broadcast WDM Networks*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In optical WDM networks, an assignment of transceivers to channels implies an allocation of the bandwidth to the various network nodes. Intuition suggests, and our recent study has confirmed, that if the traffic load is not well balanced across the available channels, the result is poor network performance. Hence, the time-varying conditions expected in this type of environment call for mechanisms that periodically adjust the bandwidth allocation to ensure that each channel carries an almost equal share of the corresponding offered load. In this paper we study the problem of dynamic load balancing in broadcast WDM networks by retuning a subset of transceivers in response to changes in the overall traffic pattern. Assuming an existing wavelength assignment and some information regarding the new traffic demands, we present two approaches to obtaining a new wavelength assignment such that (a) the new traffic load is balanced across the channels, and (b) the number of transceivers that need to be retuned is minimized. The latter objective is motivated by the fact that tunable transceivers take a non-negligible amount of time to switch between wavelengths during which parts of the network are unavailable for normal operation. Furthermore, this variation in traffic is expected to take place over larger time scales (i.e., retuning will be a relatively infrequent event), making slowly tunable devices a cost effective solution. Our main contribution is a new approximation algorithm for the load balancing problem that provides for tradeoff selection, using a single parameter, between two conflicting goals, namely, the degree of load balancing and the number of transceivers that need to be retuned. This algorithm leads to a scalable approach to reconfiguring the network since, in addition to providing guarantees in terms of load balancing, the expected number of retunings scales with the number of channels, not the number of nodes in the network.  相似文献   

无线信道干扰和负载分布的不均衡严重影响无线Mesh网络吞吐量、端到端延时和资源利用率。在已有基于信噪比和邻居节点个数的干扰模型基础上,进一步研究了无线Mesh网络的链路干扰。在综合考虑了无线Mesh网络流间干扰和和流内干扰的基础上,提出路由判据PIL(Path Interfer-ence Level)。在此基础上,提出一种新的基于干扰感知的负载均衡路由协议IA-DSR(Interference-Aware DSR)。IA-DSR考虑无线网络拥塞并选择受到干扰最小的路径。仿真结果表明,在不显著增加开销的情况下,IA-DSR可以有效地提高网络的整体吞吐量,降低网络端到端时延和丢包率。  相似文献   

盛洁  唐良瑞  郝建红 《电子学报》2013,41(2):321-328
 针对现有异构无线网络负载均衡方法未能综合考虑重载网络业务转移和新业务接入控制的问题,提出了一种混合负载均衡算法.该算法首先根据各小区负载水平和终端移动性,将重载小区的适量业务向重叠覆盖的轻载小区转移;其次通过资源预留和强占优先的接入控制策略,为不同优先级的新到业务提供有差别的服务.仿真结果表明,本文算法在保证系统资源利用率的同时,保障了实时与非实时业务的QoS,并相对于参考算法有效降低了系统阻塞率和业务切换概率.  相似文献   

We propose an improved selective randomized load balancing (ISRLB) robust scheme under the hose uncertainty model for a special double‐hop routing network architecture. The ISRLB architecture maintains the resilience properties of Valiant's load balancing and reduces the network cost/propagation delay in all other robust routing schemes.  相似文献   

3GPP系统中的负载均衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从应用场景、负载信息的执行流程、负载信息的收集、小区间的负载信息交互等方面对3GPP系统中的负载均衡进行了研究。  相似文献   

We consider a new load balancing routing for delay‐guaranteed services in the network in which the traffic is dynamic and network topologies frequently change. For such an ever‐changing network, we propose a new online load balancing routing called AntLBR, which exploits the ant colony optimization method. Generally, to achieve load balancing, researchers have tried to calculate the traffic split ratio by solving a complicated linear programming (LP) problem under the static network environment. In contrast, the proposed AntLBR does not make any attempt to solve this complicated LP problem. So as to achieve load balancing, AntLBR simply forwards incoming flows by referring to the amount of pheromone trails. Simulation results indicate that the AntLBR algorithm achieves a more load‐balanced network under the changing network environment than techniques used in previous research while guaranteeing the requirements of delay‐guaranteed services.  相似文献   

应用服务器的负载平衡技术和实现方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李永平  邹华 《电信科学》2003,19(10):15-18
在下一代网络中,应用服务器通常基于分布式计算技术构建,负载平衡是它的重要性能指标之一。本采用集中式算法实现应用服务器的负载平衡,重点讨论了两种负载分配模型和几种消息定位策略;此外还给出一个通用的负载平衡实现方案,CORBA技术是实现该方案的一种很好选择。  相似文献   

Mobile IP is an extension of the IP protocol, designed to provide seamless connectivity to mobile nodes roaming over the Internet. Under certain conditions of traffic, such as in Mobile IP networks supporting multimedia applications, overhead can cause significant delays at the mobility agents, i.e. foreign and home agents. Some multiple home agents protocol extensions have been proposed to avoid potential bottlenecks in single home agents configurations. Due to the highly unpredictable nature of the IP data traffic, efficient load balancing applied in such schemes is crucial to the overall performance improvement. In this paper, we propose a novel threshold-based dynamic load balancing policy that uses a realistic data-sharing model operational at each home agent. A discrete event computer simulator is developed to study the system performance with the proposed load balancing policy. We also introduce two new policy tuning parameters, the number of information queue slices and the retry latency, by which we control the load balancing benefit. Due to the relatively large number of simulation parameters, results are presented for typical configuration scenarios. In general, in all the results obtained, our threshold-based load balancing policy provides a significant performance improvement. The proposed architecture efficiently uses parallel processing for handling the overhead generated by the load balancing, which results in minimal performance degradation.  相似文献   

无线局域网中的负载均衡技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着无线局域网扩展服务集中的终端(STA)的移动和无线信道的时变,各个接入点(AP)上的负载会出现差异,需要加强负载均衡,平衡各个AP的差异,以达到最大化的网络资源利用。无线局域网中的负载均衡算法可以采用STA/AP主控负载均衡或接入式/切换式负载均衡技术。在时分双工的时分同步码分多址(TD—SCDMA)系统中,由于系统在最小资源单位和媒体访问机制等方面的差异,负载均衡可以在小到时隙和码道,大到终端和小区等不同的级别上进行,体现码分多址(CDMA)和时分双工(TDD)的特点,具体方式更加灵活多样。  相似文献   

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