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In 2001, the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy in conjunction with the national security laboratories (i.e., Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories) initiated development of a process designated Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties (QMU) for the use of risk assessment methodologies in the certification of the reliability and safety of the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile. A previous presentation, “Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties: Conceptual and Computational Basis,” describes the basic ideas that underlie QMU and illustrates these ideas with two notional examples that employ probability for the representation of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. The current presentation introduces and illustrates the use of interval analysis, possibility theory and evidence theory as alternatives to the use of probability theory for the representation of epistemic uncertainty in QMU-type analyses. The following topics are considered: the mathematical structure of alternative representations of uncertainty, alternative representations of epistemic uncertainty in QMU analyses involving only epistemic uncertainty, and alternative representations of epistemic uncertainty in QMU analyses involving a separation of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. Analyses involving interval analysis, possibility theory and evidence theory are illustrated with the same two notional examples used in the presentation indicated above to illustrate the use of probability to represent aleatory and epistemic uncertainty in QMU analyses.  相似文献   

This paper compares Evidence Theory (ET) and Bayesian Theory (BT) for uncertainty modeling and decision under uncertainty, when the evidence about uncertainty is imprecise. The basic concepts of ET and BT are introduced and the ways these theories model uncertainties, propagate them through systems and assess the safety of these systems are presented. ET and BT approaches are demonstrated and compared on challenge problems involving an algebraic function whose input variables are uncertain. The evidence about the input variables consists of intervals provided by experts. It is recommended that a decision-maker compute both the Bayesian probabilities of the outcomes of alternative actions and their plausibility and belief measures when evidence about uncertainty is imprecise, because this helps assess the importance of imprecision and the value of additional information. Finally, the paper presents and demonstrates a method for testing approaches for decision under uncertainty in terms of their effectiveness in making decisions.  相似文献   

The Epistemic Uncertainty Project of Sandia National Laboratories (NM, USA) proposed two challenge problems intended to assess the applicability and the relevant merits of modern mathematical theories of uncertainty in reliability engineering and risk analysis. This paper proposes a solution to Problem B: the response of a mechanical system with uncertain parameters. Random Set Theory is used to cope with both imprecision and dissonance affecting the available information. Imprecision results in an envelope of CDFs of the system response bounded by an upper CDF and a lower CDF. Different types of parameter discretizations are introduced. It is shown that: (i) when the system response presents extrema in the range of parameters considered, it is better to increase the fineness of the discretization than to invoke a global optimization tool; (ii) the response expectation differed by less than 0.5% when the number of function calls was increased 15.7 times; (iii) larger differences (4–5%) were obtained for the lower tails of the CDFs of the response. Further research is necessary to investigate (i) parameter discretizations aimed at increasing the accuracy of the CDFs (lower) tails; (ii) the role of correlation in combining information.  相似文献   

Epistemic uncertainty analysis is an essential feature of any model application subject to ‘state of knowledge’ uncertainties. Such analysis is usually carried out on the basis of a Monte Carlo simulation sampling the epistemic variables and performing the corresponding model runs.In situations, however, where aleatory uncertainties are also present in the model, an adequate treatment of both types of uncertainties would require a two-stage nested Monte Carlo simulation, i.e. sampling the epistemic variables (‘outer loop’) and nested sampling of the aleatory variables (‘inner loop’). It is clear that for complex and long running codes the computational effort to perform all the resulting model runs may be prohibitive.Therefore, an approach of an approximate epistemic uncertainty analysis is suggested which is based solely on two simple Monte Carlo samples: (a) joint sampling of both, epistemic and aleatory variables simultaneously, (b) sampling of aleatory variables alone with the epistemic variables held fixed at their reference values.The applications of this approach to dynamic reliability analyses presented in this paper look quite promising and suggest that performing such an approximate epistemic uncertainty analysis is preferable to the alternative of not performing any.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an application of sensitivity analysis for design verification of nuclear turbosets. Before the acquisition of a turbogenerator, energy power operators perform independent design assessment in order to assure safe operating conditions of the new machine in its environment. Variables of interest are related to the vibration behaviour of the machine: its eigenfrequencies and dynamic sensitivity to unbalance. In the framework of design verification, epistemic uncertainties are preponderant. This lack of knowledge is due to inexistent or imprecise information about the design as well as to interaction of the rotating machinery with supporting and sub-structures. Sensitivity analysis enables the analyst to rank sources of uncertainty with respect to their importance and, possibly, to screen out insignificant sources of uncertainty. Further studies, if necessary, can then focus on predominant parameters. In particular, the constructor can be asked for detailed information only about the most significant parameters.  相似文献   

The following techniques for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis are briefly summarized: Monte Carlo analysis, differential analysis, response surface methodology, Fourier amplitude sensitivity test, Sobol' variance decomposition, and fast probability integration. Desirable features of Monte Carlo analysis in conjunction with Latin hypercube sampling are described in discussions of the following topics: (i) properties of random, stratified and Latin hypercube sampling, (ii) comparisons of random and Latin hypercube sampling, (iii) operations involving Latin hypercube sampling (i.e. correlation control, reweighting of samples to incorporate changed distributions, replicated sampling to test reproducibility of results), (iv) uncertainty analysis (i.e. cumulative distribution functions, complementary cumulative distribution functions, box plots), (v) sensitivity analysis (i.e. scatterplots, regression analysis, correlation analysis, rank transformations, searches for nonrandom patterns), and (vi) analyses involving stochastic (i.e. aleatory) and subjective (i.e. epistemic) uncertainty.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to develop an effective method to evaluate the reliability of structures with epistemic uncertainty so as to improve the applicability of evidence theory in practical engineering problems. The main contribution of this article is to establish an approximate semianalytic algorithm, which replaces the process of solving the extreme value of performance function and greatly improve the efficiency of solving the belief measure and the plausibility measure. First, the performance function is decomposed as a combination of a series of univariate functions. Second, each univariate function is approximated as a unary quadratic function by the second-order Taylor expansion. Finally, based on the property of the unary quadratic function, the maximum and minimum values of each univariate function are solved, and then the maximum and minimum values of performance function are obtained according to the monotonic relationship between each univariate function and their combination. As long as the first- and second-order partial derivatives of the performance function with respect to each input variable are obtained, the belief measure and plausibility measure of the structure can be estimated effectively without any additional computational cost. Two numerical examples and one engineering application are investigated to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the use of Bayesian networks to compute system reliability. The reliability analysis problem is described and the usual methods for quantitative reliability analysis are presented within a case study. Some drawbacks that justify the use of Bayesian networks are identified. The basic concepts of the Bayesian networks application to reliability analysis are introduced and a model to compute the reliability for the case study is presented. Dempster Shafer theory to treat epistemic uncertainty in reliability analysis is then discussed and its basic concepts that can be applied thanks to the Bayesian network inference algorithm are introduced. Finally, it is shown, with a numerical example, how Bayesian networks’ inference algorithms compute complex system reliability and what the Dempster Shafer theory can provide to reliability analysis.  相似文献   

In the past several years there has been considerable commercial and academic interest in methods for variance-based sensitivity analysis. The industrial focus is motivated by the importance of attributing variance contributions to input factors. A more complete understanding of these relationships enables companies to achieve goals related to quality, safety and asset utilization. In a number of applications, it is possible to distinguish between two types of input variables—regressive variables and model parameters. Regressive variables are those that can be influenced by process design or by a control strategy. With model parameters, there are typically no opportunities to directly influence their variability. In this paper, we propose a new method to perform sensitivity analysis through a partitioning of the input variables into these two groupings: regressive variables and model parameters. A sequential analysis is proposed, where first an sensitivity analysis is performed with respect to the regressive variables. In the second step, the uncertainty effects arising from the model parameters are included. This strategy can be quite useful in understanding process variability and in developing strategies to reduce overall variability. When this method is used for nonlinear models which are linear in the parameters, analytical solutions can be utilized. In the more general case of models that are nonlinear in both the regressive variables and the parameters, either first order approximations can be used, or numerically intensive methods must be used.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on sensitivity analysis of results from computer models in which both epistemic and aleatory uncertainties are present. Sensitivity is defined in the sense of “uncertainty importance” in order to identify and to rank the principal sources of epistemic uncertainty. A natural and consistent way to arrive at sensitivity results in such cases would be a two-dimensional or double-loop nested Monte Carlo sampling strategy in which the epistemic parameters are sampled in the outer loop and the aleatory variables are sampled in the nested inner loop. However, the computational effort of this procedure may be prohibitive for complex and time-demanding codes. This paper therefore suggests an approximate method for sensitivity analysis based on particular one-dimensional or single-loop sampling procedures, which require substantially less computational effort. From the results of such sampling one can obtain approximate estimates of several standard uncertainty importance measures for the aleatory probability distributions and related probabilistic quantities of the model outcomes of interest. The reliability of the approximate sensitivity results depends on the effect of all epistemic uncertainties on the total joint epistemic and aleatory uncertainty of the outcome. The magnitude of this effect can be expressed quantitatively and estimated from the same single-loop samples. The higher it is the more accurate the approximate sensitivity results will be. A case study, which shows that the results from the proposed approximate method are comparable to those obtained with the full two-dimensional approach, is provided.  相似文献   

The problem of accounting for epistemic uncertainty in risk management decisions is conceptually straightforward, but is riddled with practical difficulties. Simple approximations are often used whereby future variations in epistemic uncertainty are ignored or worst-case scenarios are postulated. These strategies tend to produce sub-optimal decisions. We develop a general framework based on Bayesian decision theory and exemplify it for the case of seismic design of buildings. When temporal fluctuations of the epistemic uncertainties and regulatory safety constraints are included, the optimal level of seismic protection exceeds the normative level at the time of construction. Optimal Bayesian decisions do not depend on the aleatory or epistemic nature of the uncertainties, but only on the total (epistemic plus aleatory) uncertainty and how that total uncertainty varies randomly during the lifetime of the project.  相似文献   

Advances in computational performance have led to the development of large-scale simulation tools for design. Systems generated using such simulation tools can fail in service if the uncertainty of the simulation tool's performance predictions is not accounted for. In this research an investigation of how uncertainty can be quantified in multidisciplinary systems analysis subject to epistemic uncertainty associated with the disciplinary design tools and input parameters is undertaken. Evidence theory is used to quantify uncertainty in terms of the uncertain measures of belief and plausibility. To illustrate the methodology, multidisciplinary analysis problems are introduced as an extension to the epistemic uncertainty challenge problems identified by Sandia National Laboratories.After uncertainty has been characterized mathematically the designer seeks the optimum design under uncertainty. The measures of uncertainty provided by evidence theory are discontinuous functions. Such non-smooth functions cannot be used in traditional gradient-based optimizers because the sensitivities of the uncertain measures are not properly defined. In this research surrogate models are used to represent the uncertain measures as continuous functions. A sequential approximate optimization approach is used to drive the optimization process. The methodology is illustrated in application to multidisciplinary example problems.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel computational framework to compute the Sobol indices that quantify the relative contributions of various uncertainty sources towards the system response prediction uncertainty. In the presence of both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty, two challenges are addressed in this paper for the model-based computation of the Sobol indices: due to data uncertainty, input distributions are not precisely known; and due to model uncertainty, the model output is uncertain even for a fixed realization of the input. An auxiliary variable method based on the probability integral transform is introduced to distinguish and represent each uncertainty source explicitly, whether aleatory or epistemic. The auxiliary variables facilitate building a deterministic relationship between the uncertainty sources and the output, which is needed in the Sobol indices computation. The proposed framework is developed for two types of model inputs: random variable input and time series input. A Bayesian autoregressive moving average (ARMA) approach is chosen to model the time series input due to its capability to represent both natural variability and epistemic uncertainty due to limited data. A novel controlled-seed computational technique based on pseudo-random number generation is proposed to efficiently represent the natural variability in the time series input. This controlled-seed method significantly accelerates the Sobol indices computation under time series input, and makes it computationally affordable.  相似文献   

In 2001, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in conjunction with the national security laboratories (i.e., Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories) initiated development of a process designated quantification of margins and uncertainties (QMU) for the use of risk assessment methodologies in the certification of the reliability and safety of the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile. A previous presentation, “Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties: Conceptual and Computational Basis,” describes the basic ideas that underlie QMU and illustrates these ideas with two notional examples. The basic ideas and challenges that underlie NNSA's mandate for QMU are present, and have been successfully addressed, in a number of past analyses for complex systems. To provide perspective on the implementation of a requirement for QMU in the analysis of a complex system, three past analyses are presented as examples: (i) the probabilistic risk assessment carried out for the Surry Nuclear Power Station as part of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) reassessment of the risk from commercial nuclear power in the United States (i.e., the NUREG-1150 study), (ii) the performance assessment for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant carried out by the DOE in support of a successful compliance certification application to the U.S. Environmental Agency, and (iii) the performance assessment for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, carried out by the DOE in support of a license application to the NRC. Each of the preceding analyses involved a detailed treatment of uncertainty and produced results used to establish compliance with specific numerical requirements on the performance of the system under study. As a result, these studies illustrate the determination of both margins and the uncertainty in margins in real analyses.  相似文献   

Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis results obtained with random and Latin hypercube sampling are compared. The comparison uses results from a model for two-phase fluid flow obtained with three independent random samples of size 100 each and three independent Latin hypercube samples (LHSs) of size 100 each. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis results with the two sampling procedures are similar and stable across the three replicated samples. Poor performance of regression-based sensitivity analysis procedures for some analysis outcomes results more from the inappropriateness of the procedure for the nonlinear relationships between model input and model results than from an inadequate sample size. Kendall's coefficient of concordance (KCC) and the top down coefficient of concordance (TDCC) are used to assess the stability of sensitivity analysis results across replicated samples, with the TDCC providing a more informative measure of analysis stability than KCC. A new sensitivity analysis procedure based on replicated samples and the TDCC is introduced.  相似文献   

For real engineering systems, it is sometimes difficult to obtain sufficient data to estimate the precise values of some parameters in reliability analysis. This kind of uncertainty is called epistemic uncertainty. Because of the epistemic uncertainty, traditional universal generating function (UGF) technique is not appropriate to analyze the reliability of systems with performance sharing mechanism under epistemic uncertainty. This paper proposes a belief UGF (BUGF)‐based method to evaluate the reliability of multi‐state series systems with performance sharing mechanism under epistemic uncertainty. The proposed BUGF‐based reliability analysis method is validated by an illustrative example and compared with the interval UGF (IUGF)‐based methods with interval arithmetic or affine arithmetic. The illustrative example shows that the proposed BUGF‐based method is more efficient than the IUGF‐based methods in the reliability analysis of multi‐state systems (MSSs) with performance sharing mechanism under epistemic uncertainty.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, uncertainty quantification (UQ) in engineering systems has been performed by the popular framework of probability theory. However, many scientific and engineering communities realize that there are limitations in using only one framework for quantifying the uncertainty experienced in engineering applications. Recently evidence theory, also called Dempster–Shafer theory, was proposed to handle limited and imprecise data situations as an alternative to the classical probability theory. Adaptation of this theory for large-scale engineering structures is a challenge due to implicit nature of simulations and excessive computational costs. In this work, an approximation approach is developed to improve the practical utility of evidence theory in UQ analysis. The techniques are demonstrated on composite material structures and airframe wing aeroelastic design problem.  相似文献   

Probability is the predominant tool used to measure uncertainties in reliability and risk analyses. However, other representations also exist, including imprecise (interval) probability, fuzzy probability and representations based on the theories of evidence (belief functions) and possibility. Many researchers in the field are strong proponents of these alternative methods, but some are also sceptical. In this paper, we address one basic requirement set for quantitative measures of uncertainty: the interpretation needed to explain what an uncertainty number expresses. We question to what extent the various measures meet this requirement. Comparisons are made with probabilistic analysis, where uncertainty is represented by subjective probabilities, using either a betting interpretation or a reference to an uncertainty standard interpretation. By distinguishing between chances (expressing variation) and subjective probabilities, new insights are gained into the link between the alternative uncertainty representations and probability.  相似文献   

A well-designed and operated industrial ecological system should be able to utilize effectively the generated wastes from one member as the feed to another member. Nevertheless, due to heavy interactions among the member entities, particularly with various uncertainties, the coordinative material and energy reuse is a very complex task. In this paper, the issues of optimal operation of an industrial ecosystem under uncertainty are addressed. A game theory based approach is then introduced to derive an economically and environmentally optimal status of an industrial ecosystem. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by tackling a case study problem, where the Nash Equilibrium for the profit payoff and sustainability payoff of the member entities is identified. The possible conflicts of the profit and sustainability objectives of the member entities in the ecosystem are resolved.  相似文献   

Risk analysis is a tool for investigating and reducing uncertainty related to outcomes of future activities. Probabilities are key elements in risk analysis, but confusion about interpretation and use of probabilities often weakens the message from the analyses. Under the predictive, epistemic approach to risk analysis, probabilities are used to express uncertainty related to future values of observable quantities like the number of fatalities or monetary loss in a period of time. The procedure for quantifying this uncertainty in terms of probabilities is, however, not obvious. Examples of topics from the literature relevant in this discussion are use of expert judgement, the effect of so-called heuristics and biases, application of historical data, dependency and updating of probabilities. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and give guidelines on how to quantify uncertainty in the perspective of these topics. Emphasis is on the use of models and assessment of uncertainties of similar quantities.  相似文献   

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