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Voice over ATM: an evaluation of implementation alternatives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The author identifies eight application scenarios for voice over ATM, and evaluates alternatives for implementing the required network functionality. For single voice calls this involves evaluation of adaptation type, QoS, echo canceller deployment, and use of partially filled cells. For a multiplex of at least three to six voice calls it involves evaluation of the structured data transport option in AAL1, interworking with DSn/En for fault management and QoS. These issues determine choices for network users plus implementation priorities for network operators  相似文献   

Because of their high flexibility, ATM networks have the potential to achieve two objectives: switch cost reduction and multi-level network availability. For that purpose, this article proposes to use virtual circuit (VC) route self-healing schemes to achieve a multiple-availability-level ATM network. Flexible multi-QoS logical ATM network (Full-Net), a new concept for ATM networks, is now being studied at NTT Laboratories. Full-Net is a very flexible network design strategy for survivable networks that is based on a self-healing VC network. Defining several logical configurations of the VC network allows us to support multiple levels of network availability, simplifies the adaptation to future and unknown service requirements, and significantly reduces overall ATM network cost. Offering different levels of availability not only saves the network's resources, but also allows the network operator to provide its customers with services at the most appropriate cost. We introduce the advantages of VC route restoration for ATM networks, and compare virtual path (VP) level and physical level restoration strategies. We explain Full-Net's concept, propose a VC route self-healing scheme, and show the impact of the logical network configurations on network survivability and resource management  相似文献   

This paper presents a flexible concept for a broadband subscriber access network which minimizes investment costs by predominantly using the existing network infrastructure. The target network may consist of either a coaxial tree-and-branch structure or symmetrical copper pairs to the subscriber, and is connected to the central head station with the aid of optical feeder lines which can be implemented or enhanced by a passive optical network (PON). In the event of an increase in bit rate requirements, the coaxial network can be expanded by dividing it into smaller, optically fed subnetworks or by supplementing it with optical overlay systems. Flexibility, expandability and low costs are achieved through the standard ATM format implemented for the signals of all interactive services down to the network termination units on the subscriber side. Those signals are transmitted in the coaxial network in frequency bands above the CATV band in accordance with a multiple of the CATV channel width to ensure that the modulation and demodulation is implemented in a cost-efficient manner while providing ‘bit rate on demand’ for a suitably high number of subscribers. Separation of the network termination unit from the customer premises equipment enables a flexible, cost-efficient subscriber configuration to be selected, existing domestic wiring to be used and several completely different subscriber terminals to be simultaneously connected.  相似文献   

基于ATM AAL-2的话音业务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电信网正朝着网络融合和业务综合的方向发展,要实现宽带网与现有窄带电信网络的有效融合,就要求宽带网能够很好地支持现有窄带网络或PSTN中的话音业务,实现话音的包传输与交换。ATM论坛最新通过的基于AAL-2承载话音业务的标准,为实现ATM宽带网与窄带网的融合提供了一个新的途径。本文根据ATM论坛基于AAL-2的话音中继标准,介绍AAL-2话音业务的原理,并给出基于AAL-2话音业务的网络融合方案。  相似文献   

Signaling alternatives in a wireless ATM network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The world of wireless telecommunications is rapidly changing. The capabilities of wireless networks are improving at a steady pace. This paper presents two possible protocols for implementing mobility for wireless users in an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network. The vision of the authors is of one “wireless ATM telecommunications network” that is capable of supporting a variety of today's applications with room to grow for advanced applications of the future. We first visit database architectures that can support mobility in a wireless ATM network. We then discuss one of two signaling architecture alternatives, the “overlay signaling”, for overlay support of mobile users in the ATM-based wireless telecommunications network. “Overlay signaling” aims at minimizing the modification needed to the existing ATM protocols. We then describe a native “migratory signaling” approach that further integrates wireless and wireline users into one global wireless ATM network at the expense of requiring some modifications to the existing ATM protocols. A performance analysis of the proposed signaling architecture alternatives is also presented. We conclude by pointing out some challenges in merging ATM with wireless telecommunications  相似文献   

The next generation personal communication network will likely internetwork wireless networks via the ATM/B-ISDN to enable ubiquitous broadband personal communication services. Support of user terminal mobility, particularly the capability for fast and seamless handoffs, over the ATM/B-ISDN is an expected requirement that is not currently met. We propose extensions to the ATM/B-ISDN user transport and signaling network architectures and signaling protocols to meet these requirements. The new architecture employs the Mobile Virtual Circuit (MVC), a dynamic connection tree in which routes are predetermined but not set up for potential handoff connections. During a handoff, associated signaling using source-routing with a new robust adaptation feature is employed for fast resource allocation to establish the handoff connection by distributed control. We also address the new problem of packet ordering synchronization to enable a seamless handoff. The connection tree reconfigures after each handoff to enable continuous support of successive handoffs. The proposed scheme optimizes handoff delay over the ATM/B-ISDN while minimizing unnecessary resource allocation, chances of handoff failure, and call processing load in the intelligent network, and the extensions are backward compatible to current ATM/B-ISDN standards and implementations.This paper was presented in part in PIMRC'95 in Toronto, and Globecom'95 in Singapore. This work was supported by the Canadian Institute of Telecommunications Research (CITR), funded under the Canadian Federal Government's Networks of Centres of Excellence Program.  相似文献   

话音ATM交换就是利用ATM传输方式,将传统话间通过分组打包实现在ATM网络平台上的传输。在分析现有利用AAL1传输话间的各项技术后,提出了利用AAL5实现话间ATM交换的方法。  相似文献   

1前言ATM到桌面,多媒体到桌面,是信息社会发展的趋势。而对于一台多媒体工作站,不可避‘免的要遇到话音在ATM网上传输的问题。话音速率不高,所占的带宽不宽,但传输质量相对数据来说更加严格,主要表现在传输时延不能太大,数据丢失率和差错率要小等。而单路语音信号对信元的丢失和处理时延都很敏感,因此对单路话音的传输,需要采取一些相应的措施[1」。ATM网络是一个集话音、图像和数据为一体的综合性网络。为了满足各种类型的用户服务要求,ATM论坛和国际电信联盟制定了五种ATM的适配层(AALI~AALS)标准[‘-‘]。虽…  相似文献   

The SWAN (Seamless Wireless ATM Network) system provides end-to-end ATM connectivity to mobile end-points equipped with RF transceivers for wireless access. Users carrying laptops and multimedia terminals can seamlessly access multimedia data over a backbone wired network while roaming among room-sized cells that are equipped with basestations. The research focus on how to make ATM mobile and wireless distinguishes SWAN from present day mobile-IP based wireless LANs. This paper describes the design and implementation of the ATM-based wireless last-hop, the primary components of which are the air-interface control, the medium access control, and the low-level ATM transport and signalling.The design is made interesting by its interplay with ATM; in particular, by the need to meaningfully extend over the wireless last-hop the service quality guarantees made by the higher level ATM layers. The implementation, on the other hand, is an example of hardware-software co-design and partitioning. A key component of the wireless hop implementation is a custom designed reconfigurable wireless adapter card called FAWN (Flexible Adapter for Wireless Networking) which is used at the mobiles as well as at the basestations. The functionality is partitioned three-way amongst dedicated reconfigurable hardware on FAWN, embedded firmware on FAWN, and device driver software on a host processor. Using an off-the-shelf 625 Kbps per channel radio, several of which can be supported by a single FAWN adapter to provide multiple channels, per-channel unidirectional TCP data throughput of 227 Kbps (or, 454 Kbps bidirectional) and per-channel unidirectional native ATM data throughput of 210 Kbps (or, 420 Kbps bidirectional) have been obtained.  相似文献   

At the data-link layer, ATM offers a number of features, such as high-bandwidth and per-session quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees, making it particularly attractive to multimedia applications. Unfortunately, many of these features are not visible to applications because of the inadequacies of existing higher-level protocol architectures. Although there is considerable effort underway to tune these protocols for ATM networks, we believe that a new ATM-specific protocol stack is essential to effectively exploit all the benefits of ATM. We describe the semantics of such a protocol stack, and discuss its advantages over traditional protocol architectures from the perspective of multimedia applications. The performance impact of the new protocol architecture is experimentally demonstrated on a video conferencing testbed built around IBM RS/6000's equipped with prototype hardware for video/audio processing, and connected via ATM links  相似文献   

A packet multiplexer is modeled for continuous bit rate (CBR) traffic in an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network as an nD/D/1 queue. The efficiencies of various algorithms for finding the delay distribution are compared. In particular, a new algorithm is proposed whose time complexity is O(n2), where n is the number of voice sources being multiplexed. The use of the central limit theorem can reduce the time complexity to O(n) for large n . An asymptotic formula is found whose time complexity is independent of n and it works well (for practical purposes) over a wide range of parameter values. The authors examine and comment on the use of the M/D/1 results as an approximation. In addition to comparing the performances of these algorithms, they show that the buffer requirements for such a queue are significantly less than the theoretical maximum (even when the requirement on the call disruption probability is very low). This result has important implications in the design of buffer size. The buffer requirement is relatively insensitive to the design criterion (call disruption probability)  相似文献   

Broadband transport techniques and network architectures based on the virtual path concept are examined. ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) techniques, when coupled with recent technological innovations, are expected to pave the way for future universal transport networks. The virtual path concept, which exploits the ATM's capabilities, is proposed to construct an efficient and economic network. The concept matches current and anticipated technological trends well. Characteristics and implementation techniques of virtual paths are discussed. Advantages of the virtual path concept and its impact on the transport network architecture are demonstrated. The virtual path strategy is also shown to provide efficiently for networks with dynamic reconfiguration capability which will enhance network performance. Some basic analytical results on the dynamic control effects of virtual paths are provided  相似文献   

Voice over wireless local area network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces the special issue on voice over wireless local area networks (VoWLAN), which aim to foster interaction among researchers from both academia and industry in networking, wireless communications, and mobile computing. The special issue includes an article investigating the issue of determining an appropriate pricing strategy for VoWLAN provisioning. Also featured are two articles on polling as a solution for supporting real-time traffic over WLANs and another on media optimization network architecture (MONA).  相似文献   

A satellite ATM network has been envisioned as the next information super-skyway. There has been a migration from traditional bent pipe satellites to onboard processing ATM satellites. The current congestion in the Internet has motivated the use of alternate paths-using satellites to support global Internet transport and access. This article presents the various system and protocol layer architectures of SATM networks  相似文献   

Distributed network computing over local ATM networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Communication between processors has long been the bottleneck of distributed network computing. However, recent progress in switch-based high-speed local area networks (LANs) may be changing this situation. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is one of the most widely-accepted and emerging high-speed network standards which can potentially satisfy the communication needs of distributed network computing. We investigate distributed network computing over local ATM networks. We first study the performance characteristics involving end-to-end communication in an environment that includes several types of workstations interconnected via a Fore Systems' ASX-100 ATM switch. We then compare the communication performance of four different application programming interfaces (APIs). The four APIs were Fore Systems' ATM API, the BSD socket programming interface, Sun's remote procedure call (RPC), and the parallel virtual machine (PVM) message passing library. Each API represents distributed programming at a different communication protocol layer. We evaluated two popular distributed applications, parallel matrix multiplication and parallel partial differential equations, over the local ATM network. The experimental results show that network computing is promising over local ATM networks, provided that the higher level protocols, device drivers, and network interfaces are improved  相似文献   

The economic evaluation of a mature ATM network is presented. The authors discuss the issues involved and present two examples. Four customer categories are taken into account, namely residential, small business, medium business, and large business customers. The aim is to introduce a simple meaningful model, which incorporates the most important factors that influence the economic viability of an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network, and to present the limits and limitations of the area of economic evaluation. The revenue, cost, and net income (of the network operator) are calculated for two different scenarios, that is with and without residential customers  相似文献   

时延和效率问题是ATM不能很好地支持中、低速话音业务的关键,因此,ITU-T提出了新型AAL2规程-组合信元技术。AAL2规程的基本思想是用一个ATM连接支持多个AAL2用户信息流,从而减少时延。AAL2由公共部分子层(CPS)和业务特定会聚子层(SSCS)组成,其中面向话音应用的SSCS是中、低速话音业务解决方案的核心,文中对其功能、业务、等时同步问题的解决等作了详细介绍。最后,还介绍了有关标准  相似文献   

A novel architecture for queue management in the ATM network   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The author presents four architecture designs for queue management in asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks and compares their implementation feasibility and hardware complexity. The author introduces the concept of assigning a departure sequence number to every cell in the queue so that the effect of long-burst traffic on other cells is avoided. A novel architecture to implement the queue management is proposed. It applies the concepts of fully distributed and highly parallel processing to schedule the cells' sending or discarding sequence. To support the architecture, a VLSI chip (called Sequencer), which contains about 150 K CMOS transistors, has been designed in a regular structure such that the queue size and the number of priority levels can grow flexibly  相似文献   

Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) adaptation layer 2 (AAL2) has been designed for efficient transport of voice, fax, and voiceband data (VBD) traffic over an ATM virtual circuit. The protocol helps achieve low latency and high bandwidth efficiency while applying suitable compression methods on voice/VBD/fax calls and silence elimination on voice calls. We analyze the performance and capacity of an ATM multiplexer based on AAL2 adaptation. We assume that embedded adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) is used to compress voice, and silence elimination is used to achieve statistical multiplexing gain. The embedded ADPCM coding scheme allows selective dropping of less significant bits of voice during congestion in the ATM/AAL2 multiplexer. We compare the call capacities of voice multiplexers with and without bit dropping (BD). The performance models and results presented are based on fairly general assumptions and can be used for traffic engineering and call admission control in land-line or wireless ATM systems for a variety of voice/voiceband compression algorithms. A generalized algorithm for call admission control is also described  相似文献   

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