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Measured and derived thermophysical properties of quinoline are reported for pressures up to 400 MPa at temperatures from 303 to 503 K. The specific volume at 353 K was determined from the specific volume at atmospheric pressure measured b) pycnometry and from isothermal compressibilities measured as a function of pressure up to 400 M Pa. Specific volumes, isothermal compressibilities, thermal coellicients of pressure, and isobaric and isochoric heat capacities at pressures up to 4011 MPa are derived at several temperatures. The effects of pressure on the isobaric heat capacity of quinoline, a weakly self-associated liquid. are discussed and compared with the pressure effects on heat capacities ofn-hexane andm-cresol.  相似文献   

Isobaric thermal expansivities, α p (p, T), of five binary mixtures ofm-cresol with quinoline (0.1499, 0.2998, 0.5005, 0.6325, and 0.8501 mol fraction ofm-cresol) were measured in a pressure-controlled scanning calorimeter over the pressure range from just above the saturation vapor pressures to 400 MPa, and at 303.15, 353.15, 403.15, 453.15, and 503.15 K. Molecular association ofm-cresol with itself and ofm-cresol with quinoline exerts large effects on the pressure and temperature behavior of α p isotherms. The extent of association changes significantly with conditions in all except the 2∶1 mixture as demonstrated by the crossing of isotherms at lower pressures as the temperature increases. In the 2∶1m-cresol quinoline mixture the extent of association is not perturbed significantly by temperature change and the mixture behaves like a simple liquid, exhibiting a unique crossing point of α p isotherms.  相似文献   

Isobaric thermal expansivities, αp(p, T), of seven binary mixtures ofn-hexane with l-hexanol (0.0553, 0.1088, 0.2737, 0.2983, 0.4962, 0.6036, and 0.7455 mol fraction of l-hexanol) have been measured with a pressure-controlled scanning calorimeter over the pressure range from just above the saturation pressures to 350 MPa and at temperatures from 302.6 to 503.1 K. The low-temperature isotherms of αp for particular mixtures observed with respect to the unique crossing point ofn-hexane isotherms reveal an association effect which is reduced when the temperature increases. The high-temperature isotherms of αp are very similar to the isotherms of puren-hexane, especially for lower mole fractions ofn-hexanol. No known equation of state can reproduce these properties.  相似文献   

Isobaric thermal expansivities, p, ofn-hexane have been measured by pressure-controlled scanning calorimetry from just above the saturation vapor pressure to 40 MPa at temperatures from 303 to 453 K and to 300 MPa at 503 K. These new data are combined with literature data to obtain a correlation equation for p valid from 240 to 503 K at pressures up to 700 MPa. Correlation equations are developed for the saturated vapor pressure, specific volume, and isobaric heat capacity of liquid n-hexane from 240 to 503 K. Calculated volumes, isobaric and isochoric specific heat capacities. isothermal compressibilities, and thermal coefficients of pressure are presented for the entire range of pressure and temperature. The pressure-temperature behavior of these quantities is discussed as a model behavior for simple liquids without strong intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

Experimentally determined p, V, T data are reported for bromobenzene at 278, 288, 298, 313, and 323 K, at pressures up to about 280 MPa or (at 278 and 288 K) a lower pressure slightly below the freezing pressure at the temperature of measurement. Values of the isobaric expansivity, isothermal compressibility, internal pressure, and equivalent hard-sphere diameter, derived from the p, V, T data, are presented.On leave from the Department of Chemistry, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.  相似文献   

Density measurements for liquid R 114 (dichlorotetrafluoroethane) have been obtained with a variable-volume method. The results cover the high-density region from 1007 to 1462 kg·m–3 along ten isotherms between 310 and 400 K at 16 pressures from 0.5 to 10.0 MPa. The experimental uncertainty in the density measurements was estimated to be no greater than 0.2%. Based on the present results the derivatives with respect to temperature and pressure were calculated, and numerical values of the volume expansion coefficient and of the isothermal compressibility are tabulated as a function of temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

Volume ratios (V P/V 0.1), and isothermal compressibilities calculated from them, are reported for n-pentane for seven temperatures in the range 278 to 338 K for pressures up to 280 MPa. The isobaric measurements were made with a bellows volumometer for which a novel technique had to be devised to enable measurements to be made above the normal boiling point (309.3 K). The accuracy of the volume ratios is estimated to be ±0.05 to 0.1% up to 303.15 K and ±0.1 to 0.2% from 313.15 to 338.15 K. The volume ratios are in good agreement with those calculated from recent literature data up to the maximum pressure of the latter, viz., 60 MPa.  相似文献   

(p, V, T) data for mixtures of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (TMP) and heptane have been obtained in the form of volume ratios for four temperatures in the range 298.15 to 338.15 K for pressures up to 390 MPa. The data have been represented by the Tait equation of state for the purposes of interpolation and extrapolation. The atmospheric pressure densities of both pure components and their mixtures for three temperatures have been measured and used to determine the excess molar volumes. Isothermal compressibilities have been evaluated from the volumetric data.  相似文献   

An automated bellows volumometer is described which is capable of obtaining p-V-T data in the form of volume ratios for pressures up to 380 MPa. Volume ratios for 1,1-dichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane (R123) have been measured for six temperatures in the range of 278.15 to 338.15 K in the liquid phase. The accuracy of the volume ratios is estimated to be ±0.05 to 0.1% for the experimental temperatures up to 298.15 K and better than ±0.15% for temperatures above the normal boiling point of R123 (300.15 K). They agree with the literature data (which do not extend beyond 4 MPa) within the experimental uncertainty of those results. Isothermal compressibilities, isobaric expansivities, internal pressures, and isobaric molar heat capacities have been evaluated from the volumetric data. The pressure dependence of isobaric molar heat capacities obtained from the data generally agree with the pressure dependence of experimentally measured literature values within the latter's accuracy of ±0.4%.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the volume of R131 and R122 is reported for six temperatures covering the range 278.15 to 338.13 K and pressures up to 380 MPa. Densities at the same temperatures have been measured at atmospheric pressure for each liquid. The experimental data have been used to calculate isothermal compressibilities, thermal expansivities, and internal pressures: the change in isobaric heat capacity from its value at atmospheric pressure has also been estimated. The modified Tait equation has been used to show that the volume ratios for both compounds can be combined with those for R123 (2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) and represented by a common equation.  相似文献   

In this paper, experimental densities for nonafluorobutyl methyl ether and nonafluorobutyl ethyl ether from 283.15 to 323.15 K at pressures up to 40 MPa are reported. The density measurements were performed by means of a high pressure vibrating tube densimeter. Data reliability was checked by comparing experimental results obtained for tetrachloromethane—whose density is close to those of the fluids studied—with recommended literature data. Furthermore, the isobaric thermal expansion, isothermal compressibility, and internal pressure have been calculated from these density data.  相似文献   

The present hypothesis of depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer by some chlorofluorocarbons has prompted a lot of research and development of new stratospherically safe fluids in various uses such as refrigerants, blowing agents in foams, aerosol propellants, solvents, and many other uses. In the areas of certain refrigeration needs 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) has been considered as a possible alternate to the use of dichloro-difluoromethane (R-12), the most commonly used refrigerant. R-12 is estimated to have a higher potential for ozone depletion. This will require a large number of thermophysical property data to help in designing equipment and also in manufacturing R-134a. This paper is intended to fill that need. The paper details the measurement and correlation of some of the important thermophysical properties such as vapor pressure, liquid density, and pressure-volume-temperature. The measured P-V-T data have been used to generate a Martin-Hou-type equation of state for this fluid over a wide range of temperature and pressure. Correlating equations are also developed for vapor pressure, liquid density, and ideal-gas specific heat. Ideal-gas specific heat has been estimated from measured spectroscopic data. The correlating equations can be used to generate the thermodynamic tables and charts. The critical temperature of R-134a has also been measured. Critical density and pressure have been estimated from measured data. The data and the correlations presented here are expected to be very useful to the refrigeration industry in the development of R-134a as a working fluid for refrigeration applications.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Molar volumes, thermal expansion coefficients, and isothermal compressibilities of six higher 1-alkanols (1-hexanol, 1-octanol, 1-decanol, 1-dodecanol, 1-tetradecanol, and 1-hexadecanol) have been determined at temperatures from 298 to 348 K and pressures up to 40 MPa. The density measurements were performed using a vibrating densitometer with an uncertainty of ±0.06%. The relationship between the properties and the structures of these alkanols is discussed in terms of the carbon-chain lengths.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity and heat capacity c p of liquid toluene have been measured by the ac-heated wire method up to 1000 MPa in the temperature range from 255 to 400 K. The total error of thermal conductivity measurements is estimated to be about 1 %, and the precision 0.3 %. The heat capacity per unit volume, pc p, obtained directly from the experiment is uncertain within 2 or 3%. The vs p isotherms are found to cross one another at approximately 700 MPa. The minima in the pressure (or volume) dependence of cp of toluene are evident at all temperatures investigated.  相似文献   

Mesurements are reported for the melting point of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene at pressures up to 345 MPa. Self-diffusion coefficients and p, V, T data have been obtained at 298 and 313 K for pressures up to 280 MPa. Isothermal compressibilities have been calculated from the p, V, T results. The freezing pressures at 0.1 MPa correspond to previously reported values for modification III of trimethylbenzene. Equivalent hard-sphere diameters estimated from the melting point and p, V, T data are used to apply the rough hard-spheres theory to the self-diffusion data; the calculations indicate that there is random packing of the particles.On leave from Department of Chemistry, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the volume of R141, R131, and R132b is reported as volume ratios (the volume under pressure relative to its value at atmospheric pressure) at six temperatures covering the range 278.15 to 338.13 K and pressures up to 380 MPa for R141 and R131a. For R132b the same temperature range has been used, but above its normal boiling point experimental arrangements have limited maximum pressures to below 300 MPa, with some loss of accuracy. Densities have been measured at atmospheric pressure for each liquid. The experimental data have been used to calculate isothermal compressibilities, thermal expansivities, and internal pressures: the change in isobaric heat capacity from its value at atmospheric pressure has also been estimated. The volume ratios for all three compounds can be represented by a version of the Tait equation based on previously reported data for 1,2-dicloroethane and 1,1,2-trichloroethane with the inclusion of allowances for the substitution in the former of chlorine or fluorine for the hydrogens on one of the carbons.  相似文献   

A grid algorithm based on sound speed data, was used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of liquid n-dodecane. The density, isobaric expansion coefficient, isothermal compressibility, isobaric and isochoric heat capacities, enthalpy, and entropy of liquid n-dodecane were calculated in the range of temperatures from 293 to 433 K and pressures from 0.1 to 140 MPa. Coefficients of the Tait equation were determined in the above-identified range of parameters. A table of the thermodynamic properties of n-dodecane is presented.  相似文献   

New, absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity of the three xylene isomers within the temperature range 308–360 K for pressures up to 0.38 GPa are reported. In addition, for two of the isomers, m-xylene and p-xylene, it has been possible to measure the thermal diffusivity simultaneously within the same range of conditions. The accuracy of the thermal conductivity data reported is one of ±0.3%, whereas for the thermal diffusivity the estimated accuracy is ±6%. It is found that the density dependence of the thermal conductivity for all of the xylenes can be well represented by one equation based on a rigid-sphere model in the same way that has proved successful for normal alkanes. The thermal diffusivity data have been employed to derive heat capacities for the xylenes over a range of pressures.  相似文献   

Low-temperature specific heat capacities of foam glass (Type 150P) have been measured from 79 to 395 K by a precision automated adiabatic calorimeter. Thermal conductivities of the glass foams have been determined from 243 to 395 K with a flat steady-state heat-flow meter. Experimental results have shown that both the specific heat capacities and thermal conductivities of the 150P foam glass increased with temperature. Experimentally measured specific heat capacities have been fitted by a polynomial equation from 79 to 395 K: C p /J · g−1· K−1=0.6889+0.3332x− 0.0578x 2+0.0987x 3+0.0521x 4− 0.0330x 5− 0.0629x 6, where x=(T/K − 273)/158. Experimental thermal conductivities as a function of temperature (T) have been fitted by another polynomial equation from 243 to 395 K: λ/ W · m−1· K−1=0.14433+0.00129T − 2.834 × 10−6 T 2+2.18 × 10−9 T 3. In addition, thermal diffusivities (a) of the form glass sample were calculated from the specific heat capacities and thermal conductivities and have been fitted by a polynomial equation as a function of temperature (T): a/m2 · s−1=−1.68285+0.01833T − 5.84891 × 10−5 T 2+8.11942 × 10−8 T 3 − 4.24975 × 10−11 T 4.Paper presented at the Seventh Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, August 23–28, 2004, Hefei and Huangshan, Anhui, P. R. China.  相似文献   

Experimental results for the density and viscosity of n-hexane+1-hexanol mixtures are reported at temperatures from 303 to 423 K and pressures up to 50 MPa. The binary mixture was studied at three compositions, and measurements on pure 1-hexanol are also reported. The two properties were measured simultaneously using a single vibrating-wire sensor. The present results for density have a precision of ±0.07% and an estimated uncertainty of ±0.3%. The viscosity measurements have a precision of ±1% and an estimated uncertainty of ±4%. Representations of the density and viscosity of the mixture as a function of temperature and pressure are proposed using correlation schemes.  相似文献   

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