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Problem, research strategy, and findings: How do traditional forms of urban agriculture and the newer digital urban agriculture converge and diverge from one another in terms of land use and gentrification? I interrogate the subject of digital urban agriculture with data from 82 semistructured interviews and notes taken during public forms and tours of facilities. Respondents were located in Denver (CO; n?=?30), New York (NY; n?=?26), and San Francisco (CA; n?=?26) and held positions ranging from community organizers, investors, local food powerbrokers, and planners to engineers involved in facilitating urban foodways based on vertical farming, automation, and related technologies. I find digital platforms—systems exhibiting characteristics including real-time surveillance, artificial intelligence, and automation—share similarities with traditional urban farming systems. Both platforms have the potential to disrupt dominant political economies and also have links to gentrification and other inequitable land use patterns. Potential divergences include differences in a) social, cultural, economic, human, and built capital barriers and outcomes; b) land use life course; and c) zoning.

Takeaway for practice: Digital urban farming systems inhabit a regulatory gray area; respondents encountered agricultural, industrial, or commercial zoning permits. The “digital” aspects of these systems contributed to this ambiguity and are used by powerbrokers to obtain further zoning permission than is possible with traditional urban agriculture. Compared with more traditional urban farming systems, digital urban agriculture taps into different forms of human capital. Finally, my findings are inconclusive on the issue of land use life course. Some data indicate digital farms will remain in urban cores, whereas other evidence points to the eventual migration of these platforms to the metropolitan periphery.  相似文献   

吴佳雨  梅陈子 《风景园林》2021,28(12):37-42
快速城市化加剧了全球范围内的绿色公平问题,国际学术界已经开展了深入的理论研究和实践探索.在生态文明体制改革、美丽中国建设和新型城镇化的背景下,中国国土空间规划体系如何响应城市绿色公平议题有待探索.在回顾国际绿色公平研究进展的基础上,构建空间规划绿色公平的分析框架,剖析法规体系、行政体系、编制体系和实施体系在程序公平、分...  相似文献   

随着城市化、全球化及数字化进程的深入,城市在经济、社会、政治和文化等方面的不平等正在加剧,这些社会分化都有其空间属性.改革开放以来,传统的自上而下的、政策服务导向的城市规划在助推了经济增长与秩序维持的同时,在一定程度上忽略了对城市潜在社会风险的考量.从当今中国城市社会的现状来看,虽然各种社会矛盾的表现形式和复杂程度各不相同,但核心问题都与空间资源分配的公正公平有关.社会公正在我国现阶段新型城镇化背景下正在成为城乡规划必须积极应对的挑战.为此,基于社会与空间的视角,探讨中国城市规划当前亟待研究和应对的若干“社会公正议题”以及其理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

都市农业是一种在城市中进行食品生产的产业形式。通过简要梳理19世纪至今国外农业与城市关系的演变和发展,总结都市农业的研究历程及代表理论,介绍并分析规划和建筑领域应用都市农业理论进行的设计研究,探讨都市农业项目的建成实例并展望未来的发展前景;提出都市农业的研究和发展对于建筑师及规划师意义重大,且能有效推进中国城市向生态、可持续方向发展。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Municipalities across the United States are gradually recognizing urban agriculture as an integral part of planning, land use, and zoning ordinances. We review the literature on the regulation of urban agriculture at a moment when policy and regulatory vacuums exist and the acceptance and integration of urban agriculture is uneven. We review the current regulatory practices of 40 metropolitan and 40 micropolitan municipalities in the 4 U.S. Census regions. We find that municipalities are filling policy vacuums by adopting enabling ordinances (zoning ordinances, land use designations, resolutions), regulations on urban agriculture production (backyard animals, built structures, practitioner responsibility), and fiscal policy instruments (restrictions on sales of agricultural products, tax abatement, urban agriculture fees). Our findings support local planning practitioners in filling regulatory gaps, practitioners of urban agriculture in seeking how it’s done elsewhere, and researchers in discerning new applied and basic research projects. We identify 3 principal knowledge gaps: Planners need a complete typology of regulatory possibilities; a better understanding of how local, state, and federal legislations constrain or enable urban agriculture; and empirical evidence of the economic, social, and environmental impacts of urban agriculture.

Takeaway for practice: Planners should assess existing urban agricultural practices and consider which regulatory frameworks best support multiple local goals, incorporating a concern with urban agriculture into ongoing activities, deploying existing or innovative land use tools, facilitating institutional cooperation, and promoting inclusive decision making and community engagement.  相似文献   

城市规划评价的类型与基本范畴:文献评述及相关思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划评价是规划实践中不可或缺的部分,也是规划学术研究的重要方向之一,但目前对其类型与范畴的相关讨论尚不够充分,需要进一步对其进行探明.首先,对“规划”和“评价”两个概念的定义进行了探讨,指出了两者的密切关联;其次,从评价时机、评价内容、评价方法、评价视角和研究维度等五个方面,对国内外有关规划评价分类的文献进行了评述;然后,在“规划理论”经典分类的启发下,尝试提出城市规划评价应包括“规划中的评价”(evaluation in planning)和“对规划的评价”(evaluation of planning)这两个基本范畴,并对两者的差异及其涵盖的评价类型进行了辨析;最后,对这两个基本范畴所体现出的科学实证精神及本土人文哲学内涵,进行了探索性的思考.  相似文献   

城市规划不能承受之重--城市规划的价值观之辨   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
通过对现代城市规划理论和实践的分析,提出市场运行的准则是效率,城市规划的核心价值应该是公正与公平,这是现代城市规划在市场经济体制中生存和发挥作用的前提条件.如果把城市建设的效率作为城市规划的价值标准,那么城市规划就不具有存在和发挥作用的合法性.在此基础上,揭示了我国城市化快速时期的城市规划所面临的困境的根本性原因.  相似文献   

刘佳燕 《规划师》2008,24(9):5-9
在当前我国社会利益格局变化和调整的关键时期,社会公正成为大规模城市规划和建设进程中必须正视的重要问题。从规划公正的角度看,城市规划中规划结果、规划原则和规划过程均存在诸多问题,应进一步强调城市规划的社会属性,将规划重心转向对公共资源的公正配置和协调管理,建立社会评价体系,注重规划过程的开放性。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of municipal food systems planning practice in the USA in advancing “food justice”. Specifically, two cases are investigated: the Puget Sound Regional Food Policy Council (PSRFPC) and the City of Seattle in western Washington state. I assess how these two planning organizations address five major contours of food justice: trauma/inequity, exchange, land, labor, and democratic process. Drawing on document analysis, observations, and interviews, I point out where each institution has made strong or tentative progress on advancing food justice, and where progress has halted. The principal aim of the article is to understand the opportunities and constraints of municipal governments in the USA in fostering food justice.  相似文献   

城市规划生态化探讨——论生态规划与城市规划的融合   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
回顾了当前我国城市生态规划与城市规划"两张皮"的理论根源;从现代城市规划理论建构的视角论述了城市规划与城市生态规划融合的可能性、必要性,并指出城市规划的生态化是这一融合的基本途径,也是城市规划未来发展的方向;最后,指出了城市规划生态化对传统城市规划和城市生态规划的启示.  相似文献   

Developing resilience in built human environments is a complex undertaking. It requires decision support tools that can convey complexities in meaningful and understandable ways. Building smart cities and generating big data, however, is not enough. In order to improve decision-making and ultimately inform resilient communities we need to be able to translate big data at scales and in ways that are useful and approachable. In this paper we argue that creating more resilient communities calls for planning support systems (PSSs) that go beyond the ones we have today. We call for PSSs that possess a greater degree of sentience—that (a) possess a greater awareness of application context and user needs; (b) are capable of iterative learning; (c) are capable of spatial and temporal reasoning; (d) understand rules; and (e) are accessible and interactive. We consider the questions: How might intelligent or sentient information delivery systems allow for more strategic, context-aware, resilient, and ultimately sustainable communities? What primary design considerations would make such a system possible and useful given that, as of yet, no technology exists that is fully “sentient?”  相似文献   

公正与效率:城市规划价值取向的两难选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公正与效率之所以成为城市规划价值取向的两难选择,是因为只看到了公正与效率的对立性,而没有看到公正与效率的统一性。其实,公正是为了更高的效率,效率是为了更好的公正,两者是一个螺旋式上升发展的过程。若将公正与效率纳入城市可持续发展的轨道,在可持续发展的目标中审视两者的关系,则问题的解决就有了根据,就会实现公正与效率的有机整合。  相似文献   

传统城市规划法律制度的发展回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管传统城市规划法律制度远未形成完整体系.其鲜明的"管理模式"特色并不适应时代的发展之需,但传统中也不乏值得借鉴的因素.文章全面回顾了其发展脉络,并对城市土地制度、城市住宅制度、城市建设制度以及建筑审批及违法查处等若干重要的法律制度进行了探讨.在此基础上,初步总结了传统城市规划法律制度的思想基础以及有益启示.  相似文献   

西方城市规划的新课题:社区食物系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衣霄翔 《规划师》2012,(6):102-106
社区食物系统是西方城市规划的新课题。通过对西方城市规划近十几年关于食物问题的研究的梳理,研究首先说明了城市规划对食物系统的长期忽视及对食物问题的认识不足,进而阐述了食物问题的重要性和必要的价值判断;然后以现实中社区食物系统的构成和产生的主要矛盾说明了食物问题的复杂性和规划涉足食物领域的必要性;最后从规划干预社区食物系统的优势、出发点、任务及当前的一些研究重点方面,综合论述了规划在社区食物系统中所承担的职能。  相似文献   

王勇  李广斌 《规划师》2010,26(2):50-55
程序正义立足于工具理性,又超越工具理性,其实现了工具理性和价值理性的统一。城乡规划公共利益本质是一个程序问题,程序正义是城乡规划公共利益"突围"的主要方向,公众参与是城乡规划程序正义的本质要求,不断完善规划公众参与的程序是推动我国城乡规划转型的核心。  相似文献   

略论大城市“都市型农业”的发展与城市规划   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了“都市型农业”产生的时代背景 ;对“都市型农业”的内涵和特征进行了理性思维和探索 ;展望了我国大城市“都市型农业”的发展前景 ;面对 2 1世纪“都市型农业”的发展 ,探讨了城市规划的新思维新理念  相似文献   

本文回顾了国内外对于低碳城市规划领域的研究。国外的研究主要集中在低碳城市规划研究、低碳城市规划政策研究、低碳城市规划治理研究三个方面,国内的研究,则对低碳城市规划研究的框架体系、低碳城市规划编制的探讨、低碳城市规划的实施、低碳城市技术等进行了探讨。以中国当前城市规划的发展实际来看,以低碳为切入点进行理论与体系的构建难于实现,将其理念在城市规划中予以应用则更为现实与可行。  相似文献   

笔者此文是从《城市规划汇刊》出版内容来展示中国大陆城市规划的发展趋势的,《汇刊》自1978年底复刊以来,其刊登内容基本上与中国大陆改革开放的形势同步,及时对城市规划学科的理论与实践、经验与总结作了很好的对应,并在某些撰稿者原创精神的指导下,对未来的城市规划学科发展作了有创意的开拓与探索,使《汇刊》成为当今中国一份重要的学刊。文章对《汇刊》存在的缺点提出建议,以期“好还要越好”。最后对中国大陆城市规划的发展趋势作了初步的检讨。  相似文献   

对城市规划和旅游规划协调关系的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金力 《规划师》2000,16(3):17-19
作者从分析城市规划和旅游规划的内在关系入手,对城市旅游规划的技术原则及其和城市规划的相互协调关系进行了一定程度的理论探讨。  相似文献   

城市规划与城市经济发展   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
分析了城市经济发展的含义、因素以及城市规划的经济作用 ;阐述了城市规划与城市经济发展的理论联系 ;并对我国城市经济发展规划的进展、内容以及重点进行了讨论  相似文献   

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