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Land use planning systems in Australia and the United Kingdom (UK) share a common history. In both nations, one objective of town planning has been to improve housing conditions for the urban poor and facilitate sufficient housing supply for growing post-war populations, with UK legislation serving as a model for Australia, at least until the Town and Country Planning Act 1947. Since this time however, approaches have diverged. In the UK, housing assistance and the land use planning system have co-evolved, with planning an important tool for securing affordable housing, particularly in England. In contrast, a deep cleavage between urban planning and housing policy persists in Australia. Drawing on a series of studies undertaken separately by the authors over the past decade which concentrate on Australia and England, the paper compares urban and housing policy in both nations, and examines planning system performance in securing new affordable homes.  相似文献   

Nathan Marom 《Housing Studies》2015,30(7):993-1015
The article reviews and critically analyzes contemporary housing policies and plans in London and New York in the context of neoliberal urban governance. In both cities, we find severe housing affordability problems, an increasing dependence on market provision of affordable housing, and a gradual shift from supporting low- and moderate-income residents to promoting housing for households around and above the median income. Affordable housing plans in both cities also link their “marketplace” orientation to “social mix” objectives. The article addresses some socio-spatial implications of these plans and raises concerns regarding the implementation and unintended consequences of mixed-income housing. The conclusion discusses ideas and tools for more equitable affordable housing policies. Finally, we suggest that our analysis of the policy trends in London and New York and the implications we draw may be relevant to other global and globalizing cities, which face similar affordability concerns and rely on the marketplace to address housing needs.  相似文献   

美国大都市区最新综合交通规划比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大都市区综合交通规划已经过半个多世纪的发展.我国城市交通发展面临的交通拥堵、交通安全、交通环境等问题日益突出,学习和借鉴美国大都市区新一轮的交通规划经验十分必要.本文对美国25个大都市区最新一轮综合交通规划报告进行系统整理,总结了25个大都市区综合交通规划的远景、总体目标以及实现目标的对策.针对当前中国城市交通问题对综合交通规划编制提出了建议.  相似文献   

从定量的角度说明沈阳市经济适用房投入比对商品房价格的抑制作用。根据2002~2012 年沈阳市统计年鉴提供的沈阳市经济适用房、商品房相关数据,以Eviews6.0 为操作平台,通过单位根检验论证数据具有可分析性,通过协整关系检验论证变量间存在某种长期关系,最后通过因果关系检验和误差修正模型的构建论证变量间存在单项因果关系。实证结果表明,经济适用房投入比对商品房价格存在抑制作用,经济适用房投入比平均每增加 1%。商品房价格将降低0.08%。  相似文献   

新时期住房发展目标从"住有所居"转为"住有宜居"、城市更新由增量转为存量。本文通过对南京市保障房进行调查研究,从选址建设趋势、住区空间特征和社会保障情况3个方面梳理20年来南京市保障房演化的绩效以及实践过程中存在的问题,并指出政策和市场是影响空间和人群发展的核心因素。进而预测新时期保障房发展将以"精细化"管理和"微更新"为趋势,并从政策调整、规划设计、更新改造及社区营造过程对多方参与主体提出建议。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown substantial variation within and between states in the levels of local planning for hazardous materials emergencies. To explain these variations, literature on strategic planning, disaster planning and team effectiveness was used to construct a model of Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) effectiveness in developing emergency plans. Data from Michigan LEPCs showed that emergency planning outcomes (e.g., quality and degree of completion of critical planning tasks and submission of plans for approval) were correlated with internal factors such as member inputs, staffing and structure, and emergency planning resources. External factors such as community support and recent hazard experience also affect success, possibly by endowing emergency planning with importance for LEPC members either directly (e.g., recent evacuation experience) or indirectly (community support arising from the high priority given emergency plans by others). These results suggest that community planners should take such strategic actions as developing community support and redesigning the LEPCs structure to be more effective in preparing for hazardous materials emergencies.  相似文献   

This research uses administrative data to examine the long-term socioeconomic status of households that relocated from public housing projects in Atlanta as a result of mixed-income revitalization. The research spans 7 years, covering the period before relocation and demolition had begun and ending after mixed-income redevelopment was completed. Residents who lived in three public housing projects that were revitalized are compared to a control group of residents who lived in three projects that were not revitalized, showing that mixed-income revitalization greatly accelerated the residential mobility of public housing residents and that households displaced by revitalization did not experience a statistically significant loss of housing assistance. Households that relocated by using vouchers or by moving to mixed-income revitalized communities experienced significant improvements in their socioeconomic status, and they moved to higher quality neighborhoods. Additionally, their long-run socioeconomic status was similar to the status of households who moved from housing projects voluntarily, i.e., not in response to a planned demolition. This is one of few empirical studies of the effects of HOPE VI revitalization on public housing residents, and its conclusions argue against the elimination of funding for HOPE VI as called for in the president's budget for 2006.  相似文献   

未来十年上海大都市的住房问题和社区规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在论述当今上海大都市住房与社区建设状况基础上,探讨了未来十年影响上海市住房建设与规划管理的十大因素,包括社会整体发展目标、城市产业结构调整与经济增长、区域城市化与大都市人口压力、城市用地结构调整、住房政策、开发方式、行业规范、城市社会心理,老龄化社会、以及地方传统等,这些因素呈现多元化的格局并在一定程度上成为住房与社区发展的动力。文章还论述了城市居住地在“社区化”过程中的营建原则,包括效率、公平、地方化、人性化和可持续发展等五项原则。论文对当今和未来一个时期上海城市住房与社区营建的政策制定和规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

我国快速的机动化进程推动了城市空间扩展和新城建设的步伐,区域综合交通运输体系的建设影响了城市土地利用形态、住房和就业分布,交通系统的可达性直接影响大都市区的增长模式和经济活动水平.国外发达地区的大都市区在综合交通规划方面积累了丰富的经验.我国城市交通发展面临的交通拥堵、交通安全、交通环境等问题日益突出,学习和借鉴国外发达地区大都市区综合交通规划经验显得十分必要.在对国际上35个大都市区最新一轮综合交通规划报告系统整理的基础上,统计和总结了35个大都市区综合交通规划的远景、总体目标以及目标实现的对策.针对当前中国城市交通问题,从重视交通安全规划,环境保护,建立完善的交通拥堵管理系统、改善城市机动性,健全交通规划机构、最优化综合交通系统管理和运营几个方面对城市综合交通系统提出了建议.  相似文献   

基于城市建设状况的总体规划实施评价,是组成完整的城市总体规划实施评价的三个方面之一,为此提出其作为一种状态性的评价,仍需要从城市总体规划作用和总体规划实施绩效两方面进行解释性的评价.在基于城市建设状况的总体规划实施评价中,“基础性评价”通过将规划实施评价年限中的城市建设成果与城市总体规划成果进行比对,揭示出城市建设行为与规划结果的符合程度或一致性;对于与规划成果不相符合的内容,应进行“甄别性评价”,从合理性和效果性两个方面,剖析这些不符合规划的建设成果产生的原因及其使用效果是否与总体规划的原则和目标等相一致;“结构性评价”则通过梳理所有建设成果的空间结构关系,评价城市总体规划所确定的城市空间结构的实施程度以及这些建设成果对此的贡献.  相似文献   

Housing need in Australia has typically been measured using a normative measure of the percentage of income spent on housing costs. However, this normative measure has tended not to correspond with the level of need as measured by the applications for housing assistance. This article reports on a research project commissioned by the Queensland Department of Housing in 2001, examining how low income private renters view their housing situation, with a particular focus on affordability. The Department wanted to better understand the reasons for why people apply for assistance, and how helpful normative affordability analyses are in describing and finding responses to housing need. The findings challenge the conventional wisdoms, dominant discourses and research standards which are commonly used and applied about affordability and housing need. In particular, the research raises serious questions about relying on quantitative analysis alone to appreciate the complexity of housing needs and the potential demand for assistance.  相似文献   

住宅产业化是未来住宅建设的发展趋势,但普及速度一直有限,其中成本偏高是主要原因之一。通过对北京市某住宅案例住宅产业化和传统建设方式成本的对比研究,分析得知现阶段产业化住宅生产方式的成本略高。产业化住宅减少了人工费成本,但投资建设预制件工厂成本、预制件物流成本和建筑工程中的材料费、机械费费用较高。通过对人工和材料未来价格的预测,发现住宅产业化生产方式可大大减少人工费成本,这一特征将使得北京市的产业化住宅生产方式在9 年后获得成本优势。考虑到产业化住宅节能环保等方面的优势,政府在现阶段应研究出台鼓励政策,并将其纳入绿色建筑评价体系。相关企业也应积极采取行动,把握先机。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Housing policies of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) emphasize the spatial dispersal of housing assistance to promote fair housing objectives. The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, the nation's largest affordable housing subsidy program, is not administered by HUD and therefore is not closely monitored for compliance with dispersal objectives. Using spatial point pattern analyses, I identify the geographic extent of LIHTC property clustering, characterize the local clustering of individual properties and explore the determinants of local clustering within the nation's largest metropolitan areas. In most metropolitan areas, LIHTC properties are more highly clustered than multifamily housing units, although the extent of clustering differs by metropolitan area. Clustered LIHTC properties tend to be located in more densely developed central-city locations that have higher poverty rates and higher minority concentrations.

Takeaway for practice: To encourage more affordable housing construction within areas that offer greater economic and social opportunities to LHTC residents, policymakers should 1) provide incentives to locate LIHTC properties within high-opportunity areas, 2) eliminate current incentives to cluster housing in areas with inherently higher poverty and minority concentrations (Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas), and 3) enhance coordination between HUD and the Department of the Treasury to implement federal fair housing goals.  相似文献   

本文通过对西安糜家桥住宅小区规划设计的实例分析,阐明了要做好一个住宅小区的规划,实质在于如何提高社会、环境、经济因素在内的综合效益。  相似文献   

从保障房社区居住主体的角度出发,综合考虑居民个体特征与主体认知变量,构建教育、医疗、交通、安全、环卫、社会保障、商业、文体、行政管理9类公共服务满意度的影响因素研究模型.采用有序Logistic回归方法探究各类公共服务满意度与自变量之间的关系,研究发现公共服务满意度受到性别、年龄、学历、职业、住户期望与软硬件质量感知水...  相似文献   


This study asks how a social mix policy that mixes public housing with private housing in the same housing complex is associated with residential satisfaction among public housing residents in Korea. We also ask if mixture types between public and private housing make a difference in the residential satisfaction of public housing residents. By analyzing the 2011 Korea Housing Survey for Public Housing Residents, we find that living in the independent type that includes only public housing and the random-mix type that randomly mixes public housing with private housing in the same building is positively related to residential satisfaction among public housing residents. The empirical analysis also shows that the levels of social conflict among residents are the lowest in the random-mix type.  相似文献   


Australia is often described as being in the midst of a housing affordability crisis. This research analyses the effect exclusionary land use regulations have had on housing diversity and affordability in Adelaide, South Australia. The research shows there are significantly greater numbers of relatively affordable dwellings available areas where an absence of land use regulations for significant periods of time has enabled housing diversity. It also shows that metrics that compare median incomes with median prices are unreliable indicators of affordability as median prices alone are unable to capture the breadth of housing prices that exist within them.  相似文献   

文章基于对常州康居示范工程--经济适用房的室内空间生态设计实践,论述同一户型条件下当客户人群分别为单身青年、年轻夫妇、核心家庭、老人夫妇时有针对性的空间设计,以此探讨户型不变条件下室内空间的适应性生态设计研究。  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the relationship between government assistance (housing subsidies and/or welfare payments) and housing outcomes, using qualitative methods and a sample of 25 extremely low-income, homeless women at an emergency shelter in Central Los Angeles. The paper seeks to illustrate three specific patterns (identified within the larger literature) to this complex and multifaceted relationship: (1) that the presence of housing subsidies promotes the most positive outcomes overall, such as stability and independence; (2) that, in the absence of housing subsidies, the predictability and amount of welfare become critical in promoting positive housing outcomes; and (3) housing outcomes are least positive for those lacking both housing subsidies and welfare payments. Results largely conformed to these expectations, although less so for the last pattern.  相似文献   

本文对日本高龄者住宅居住设施的类型和高龄者的居住现状进行了考察,并列举了高龄者租赁住宅的三个实例,归纳出日本高龄者住宅的特点和发展动向,以期获得对中国老年人可持续居住环境构筑的有益启示.  相似文献   

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