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黑炭 《大众软件》2008,(18):93-93
赛车游戏的规则围绕“如何在最短时间内到达指定位置”,这促成了各种弯道技术的形成。而在Criterion Games的《火线狂飙》(以下简称BO)系列中,还强调在追求极限速度的过程中,给对手车辆、场景,甚至是“无辜”的NPC车辆进行大肆破坏的效率。游戏的最新作《天堂》将会于明年初推出PC版,与PS3和Xbox360版相比,PC版将最多支持3个显示器组成超宽屏画面。对于拥有超级显示硬件的玩家而言,  相似文献   

系列游戏背景《火爆狂飙》(Burnout)系列是Criterion Games负责开发的经典飞车系列游戏。在最新版本《火爆狂飙·天堂》(Burnout Paradise)发布之前,一直是家用游戏主机专用的飞车游戏。之所以说是特技飞车游戏而非"赛车竞速"  相似文献   

当到达比赛地点低速时可以按LT+RT进入比赛,打勾的代表已经完成的比赛,行驶中屏幕中上方会显示所在街道,接近路口时会分别标出转弯后的街道。  相似文献   

《神鬼寓言3》 《神鬼寓言3》并不是一个新游戏,但之前仅有XBOX版本.让PC玩家只有流口水的份儿。现在,PC版终于要发售了!  相似文献   

Nanaco 《软件》2004,(8):75-75

阿勒 《电脑迷》2009,(5):88-88
系列游戏背景 《火爆狂飙》(Burnout)系列是Criterion Games负责开发的经典飞车系列游戏。在最新版本《火爆狂飙·天堂》(Burnout Paradise)发布之前,一直是家用游戏主机专用的飞车游戏。之所以说是特技飞车游戏而非“赛车竞速”游戏,是因为本系列的游戏目标,并非是以把汽车开得快为最终目的。恰恰相反,本系列游戏的汽车比赛,是以虚拟的极透“碰撞”为核心目的:在虚拟的城市赛道中,利用赛车的速度和各式各样的驾驶技术.  相似文献   

无论在枪林弹雨中,还是在隐秘狙杀时,准确地听声辩位,比敌人更早地发现对方.绝对是保证制敌和自我存活的第一关键要素。该“定律”对于网络FPS(第—人称射击)游戏《穿越火线》(简称“CF”)同样适用.在第一时间对准敌人开枪.获胜的机会多一分。  相似文献   

四条眉毛 《软件》2004,(9):48-48
众所周知.攻城战是《天堂Ⅱ》的呕心沥血之作整个过程及系统皆充满了震撼和奇趣.而攻城战的基础就是根据地之战。  相似文献   

背心 《大众软件》2008,(4):82-83
《鬼泣4》(以下简称DMC4)的PS3和Xbox360版目前已经制作完成,在你看到该文时,它们已经发售,而PC版将在第一季度末推出。笔者从国外游戏网站的内部试玩报告中摘取了一些有价值的游戏流程信息,供对DMC4期盼已久的玩家提前欣赏这款极品动作游戏的风采。  相似文献   

在《天龙八部》的游戏里,存在着各种各样的Boss怪物,它们就像是种种磨难与挫折,我们只有历练过了,才会真正成长。同样的,坚韧不拔的拼搏精神也是我们要具备的。闻一闻天龙,我们要变得更强。  相似文献   

《Software, IEEE》1987,4(5):9-9

《Software, IEEE》1987,4(3):32-32

Abstract The dramatic expansion of IT use in the primary schools of South-West Scotland, in the mid-1980s, centred on highly interactive and pupil-empowering forms such as LOGO or database management software. While later forms of IT in education which have come to dominate computer-use in the same area, such as multimedia encyclopaedias and ‘living books’, are worthwhile, their surface sophistication and information richness does not compensate for reduced interactivity levels and the consequent loss of learner engagement and control. The uncritical adoption of technological advances combined with reduced local authority resources to drive curriculum development have resulted in failure to embed one of the most radical educational initiatives of the late twentieth-century.  相似文献   

Infinity is not an easy concept. A number of difficulties that people cope with when dealing with problems related to infinity include its abstract nature, understanding infinity as an ongoing, never ending process, understanding infinity as a set of an infinite number of elements and appreciating well-known paradoxes. Infinity can be understood in several ways with often incompatible meanings, and can involve value judgments or assumptions that are neither explicit nor desired. To usher in its definition, we distinguish several aspects, teleological, artistic (Escher); some definitive, some potential, and others actual. This article also deals with some still unresolved aspects of the concept of infinity.  相似文献   

Infinity is not an easy concept. A number of difficulties that people cope with when dealing with problems related to infinity include its abstract nature: understanding of infinity as a never-ending process, understanding infinity as a set of an infinite number of elements, and understanding some well-known paradoxes. Infinity can be understood in a number of ways, some of which are incompatible, and can involve value judgments or assumptions that are neither explicit nor desired. In its definition, we distinguish several aspects, teleological, artistic (Escher 2000 Escher, M. C. Estampas y dibujos. Colonia: Ed. Taschen, 2000. (In Spanish). [Google Scholar]), some essential, some potential, and others actual. Cantor's work on set theory is linked to infinity and has implications for belief in God.  相似文献   

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