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We report our observations on the higher carrier mobility and higher conductivity of sulfur-doped n-type diamond thin films synthesized by the hot filament chemical vapor deposi- tion (HFCVD). The structural and electrical characterizations of the films are measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersion X-ray spectra (EDX), and Hall effect measurements. It is found that the sulfur atoms are in- corporated into the polycrystalline diamond films. The n-type conductivity of the films increases with the H2S concentration, and a conductivity of the films as high as 1.82 ~-l.cm-1 is achieved. The results show that the sulfur atom plays an important role in the structural and electrical properties of sulfur-doped diamond thin films.  相似文献   

Rapid separation using NTA in paper electromigration was applied to the study of the γ-decay of 148Pr and 149Pr produced in the fission of 235U. The γ-ray spectrum was measured with a high-resolution Ge(Li) detector. The γ-transitions found to decay with half-lives shorter than 3 min were: 135, 162, 256, 300, 511, 614, 696, 868, 1,022 and 1,248 keV. Of these, the values of 300 keV, and of 135 and 162 keV were in fair agreement with those reported for 148Pr and 149Pr. The decay plot of the strong photopeak of 300 keV presented good linearity and the accurate half-life of 148Pr could be determined as 2.30±0.03 min, which is longer than the 1.98 min reported for 148Pr. Similar decay plots of both photopeaks at 135 and 162 keV gave a half-life of 2.9±0.1 min for 149Pr, which again is longer than the reported value of 2.3 min. Other low intensity photopeaks at 256, 696, 868 and 1,022 keV decaying with half-lives of 2.1~2.4 min can possibly be attributed to 148Pr. The γ-transitions of 110, 578 and 742 keV reported for 149Pr could not be observed in this experiment.  相似文献   

Defects produced in p-type silicon by neutron irradiation have been investigated using electrical conductivity and Hall effect measurements at 76°K. Samples from crucible-grown (1, 10, and 50 ohm-cm) and float-zone (10 ohm-cm) boron-doped silicon were irradiated at 76°K with nearly fission spectrum neutrons and annealed isochronally between 76° and 700°K. The electrical properties of neutron-irradiated p-type silicon exhibit an illumination dependence similar to that observed previously in n-type silicon and attributed to the presence of defect clusters. Therefore, neutron-produced changes in the electrical properties of p-type silicon also are attributed to defect clusters. The sensitivity to illumination was observed for all resistivities and for both crucible and float-zone p-type silicon. The illumination-induced conductivity decays slowly with time at 76°K and influences the thermally produced changes in the electrical properties upon annealing for temperatures up to 150°K. Neutron-produced changes in the electrical properties measured after annealing to 150° K are found to be qualitatively consistent with an insulating void model for cluster-space-charge regions. The best modeling of the experimentally observed changes is for the 50 ohm-cm (large void volume) silicon. The annealing loss of the light sensitive defects occurs in diffuse stages between 150° and 550°K with the largest stage between 150° and 240°K. A major fraction of the hole mobility annealing parallels that for the light sensitive defects and suggests that the mobility change is caused primarily by defect clusters.  相似文献   

Fluorinated amorphous carbon (a-C:F) films were deposited at room temperature using C4Fs and CH4 as precursor gases by electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapour deposition (ECR-CVD). Chemical structures were analysed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The current conduction shows ohmic behaviour and the leakage current increases with the content of C sp2 in the deposited a-C:F films at a low electric field. The behaviour of the leakage current is well e~plained by the Poole-Frankel mechanism at a high electric field. The interface traps, rather than chemical structures, of a-C:F films determine the PF emission current.  相似文献   

Changes in the optical absorption and reflection coefficients of GaP induced by irradiation with 600 ns laser pulses of the wavelenghts at the direct and indirect band gaps have been measured. It is found that a persistent increase in the absorption coefficient and a permanent decrease in the reflection coefficient, in addition to transient increases in the absorption and reflection coefficients, are induced, by irradiation at the band gap. The persistent component is found to be evolved with a surprisingly long time constant of about 10 ms. This component is ascribed to laser-induced modification of the surface layers or damage formation. The transient component is ascribed to temperature rise on the basis of time-resolved optical absorption measurements. It is found that the persistent changes are induced by irradiation with the indirect band gap photons at a fluence which induces only a little change in the transient reflectivity. The threshold laser fluence to create the surface modification by the indirect band-gap irradiation is found to be only four times that by direct band-gap irradiation. A delayed reflectivity change is found to be induced by irradiation at the indirect band gap and is ascribed to the modification of surface layers by photons at the surface layer, which enhances the absorption coefficient. We interpret these experimental results in terms of non-thermal laser-induced atomic processes.  相似文献   

Undoped GaSb samples were irradiated at 15°K and 80°K with 0.5 MeV and 1.0 MeV electrons. The effects of the irradiation on the temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient RH and the Hall mobility ?H were investigated and a study of the recovery of the radiation-produced changes of these properties was made. After irradiation the Hall coefficient curves in a log RH vs T-1 diagram exhibit a maximum at low temperatures which indicates impurity conduction resulting from radiation-produced defects. At higher temperatures where the normal conduction mechanism is predominant the sign and magnitude of the radiation-produced changes of the Hall coefficient depend in a complex manner on measurement temperature, irradiation dose and irradiation energy. The Hall coefficient data obtained after small irradiation doses provide evidence that both acceptors and donors are produced by the irradiation. Donor production appears to be more pronounced at 1.0 MeV than at 0.5 MeV. At low temperatures the reciprocal Hall mobility has a tendency to vary stronger than linear with increasing irradiation dose. The dependence of the change of the reciprocal Hall mobility on the measurement temperature indicates that a substantial fraction of the radiation-produced defects act as neutral scattering centers. Recovery between 15 and 390°K occurs in four major stages which are located near 124, 168, 210 and 360°K. Acceptors are removed in all four stages. Evidence for the removal of donors is found only for stage IV.  相似文献   

Recent developments in GaP(Cs)-dynode photomultipliers are reviewed. The physics of secondary emission is discussed and models are described which explain secondary emission from conventional dynode materials and from GaP(Cs) dynodes. The concept of negative electron affinity is explained in terms of an energy diagram. Device performance is reported with regard to both electron and time resolution. A general discussion of the characteristics of GaP(Cs)-dynode photomultipliers is included.  相似文献   

We have compared the atomic-scale structure of ion irradiated GaN to that of amorphised GaP and GaAs. While continuous and homogenous amorphised layers were easily achieved in GaP and GaAs, ion irradiation of GaN yielded both structural and chemical inhomogeneities. Transmission electron microscopy revealed GaN crystallites and N2 bubbles were interspersed within an amorphous GaN matrix. The crystallite orientation was random relative to the unirradiated epitaxial structure, suggesting their formation was irradiation-induced, while the crystallite fraction was approximately constant for all ion fluences beyond the amorphisation threshold, consistent with a balance between amorphisation and recrystallisation processes. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements at the Ga K-edge showed short-range order was retained in the amorphous phase for all three binary compounds. For ion irradiated GaN, the stoichiometric imbalance due to N2 bubble formation was not accommodated by Ga–Ga bonding in the amorphous phase or precipitation of metallic Ga but instead by a greater reduction in Ga coordination number.  相似文献   

在改进的传质池中通过在线检测草酸浓度,应用瞬时传质系数与平均传质系数,研究了各种方向及组合、不同电压、电极板形状与面积等条件下静电场对体系Cu2+-HDEHP-CCl4/H2O-H2C2O4伴随生成CuC2O4的传质过程特性。外场电压变化、电极面积可改变相间的传质速率,与传质方向成45°夹角的静电场作用对相界面传质速率的影响更为显著,表明相间传质阻力结构或相间传质层具有各向异性。  相似文献   

本文采用气态源分子束外延法(GSMBE)制备了匹配型InGaAs/InAlAs磷化铟基高电子迁移率器件(InP HEMT)外延结构材料。针对该外延结构材料开展了不同能量和注量电子束辐照试验,测试了InP HEMT外延结构材料二维电子气(2DEG)辐照前后的电学特性,获得了辐照前后InP HEMT外延材料二维电子气浓度和迁移率归一化退化规律,分析了不同能量和注量电子束辐照对外延材料电学特性的影响。结果发现:在相同辐照注量2×1015 cm-2条件下,电子束辐照能量越高,InP HEMT外延材料电学特性退化越严重;15 MeV电子束辐照时,当辐照注量超过4×1014 cm-2后,外延材料电学特性开始明显退化,当电子辐照注量达到3×1015 cm-2后,外延材料电学特性退化趋势减弱趋于饱和。产生上述现象原因如下:电子束与材料晶格发生能量传递,产生非电离能损(NIEL),破坏晶格完整性,高能量电子束具有较高的非电离能损,会产生更多的位移损伤缺陷,导致InP HEMT外延材料电学特性更严重退化;InP HEMT外延材料电学特性主要受沟道InGaAs/InAlAs异质界面能带结构和各种散射过程影响,随着电子辐照注量的增加,位移损伤剂量增大,辐射损伤诱导缺陷会在沟道异质界面处集聚直至饱和。  相似文献   

对1.7AGeV84Kr诱发乳胶核反应慢粒子产生进行研究。实验结果表明,黑径迹粒子、灰径迹粒子和重电离粒子平均多重数随碰撞中心度及靶核大小的增加而增加;灰径迹粒子和重电离粒子平均多重数随黑径迹粒子数的增加而增加;重电离粒子平均多重数随灰径迹粒子数的增加而增加,而黑径迹粒子平均多重数随灰径迹粒子数的增加表现出先增加后趋于饱和的趋势;灰径迹粒子平均多重数随重电离粒子数的增加而增加,而黑径迹粒子平均多重数随重电离粒子数的增加表现出先增加后趋于饱和。以上结果均可利用核碰撞几何模型来解释。  相似文献   

There exists an increasing demand for photomultipliers with better time resolution, higher count rate capabilities and generally faster time response. This paper discusses fundamental electron-optical considerations which determine the speed of response of electrostatically-focussed photomultipliers. The nature of time broadening is discussed with regard to geometrical and initial velocity effects at dynode surfaces. Time limitations inherent in the dynode material itself are also treated. Examples of different fast photomultiplier structures are given. A discussion of various delta-function light sources is included and the relative merits of these sources with respect to time performance, ease of use and cost is reviewed.  相似文献   

The response of fiber optic waveguides to ionizing radiation has been studied. Measurements of the growth and decay of the radiation-induced loss at 0.82? have revealed that fibers with low OH are more susceptible to damage than those with high OH. The addition of P to Ge-doped silica core fibers has been found to suppress an intense transient absorption. Spectral measurements of the radiation-induced absorption between 0.4 - 1.7? have shown an increase in the OH overtone and combination band intensity with irradiation so that the induced loss at 1.3? is actually less in the low OH content silica core fibers than in the high OH content fibers. Real time spectral measurements of the damage following a pulsed irradiation have lead to an identification of the absorption bands and damage mechanisms responsible for the radiation-induced absorption.  相似文献   

本文的目的在于研究氢化锆在增殖系统中的慢化特性,在N_h/N_5为233—543范围内做了七个临界实验,在N_H/N_5=233,337两个准均匀栅格上做了热谱、通量分布、温度系数、瞬发中子衰减常数、材料的反应性系数等测量。七个临界实验、两个准均匀栅格的热谱与反射层节省等测量结果均与理论计算结果相符合,计算中用的是一维四群扩散理论,氢化锆介质的散射核是用晶格结构的声子谱模型获得的,从而说明这个计算模型是可用的。  相似文献   

The HV instrumentation cable is an important route for the signals transmission from the superconducting magnets to the control system, it should be long term operated at around 4.2 K and withstand the high voltage over several dozens of kilo volts during the failure operational contrition, meanwhile the cable should be flexible enough to assemble and arrange to the magnet system. According to the instrumentation cable technical requirement, one new type instrumentation cable was designed, after the electrical properties under high voltage were verified in ASIPP lab, the new type instrumentation cables fully meet the technical requirement.  相似文献   

1.7MeV电子辐照对TiNi形状记忆合金相变温度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用能量为1.7MeV不同注量的电子辐照了TiNi形状记忆合金,通过温度控制使辐照在合金马氏体相进行,发现辐照使合金的马氏体逆相变开始温度As和结束温度Af降低,且Af对电子辐照更敏感,相变温度滞后宽度减小;马氏体相变开始温度Ms和结束温度Mf基于无变化。XRD结果表明电子辐照造成了马氏体相点阵畸变,随辐照注量的增加有增大的趋势,并且较大注量的晶面间距都增大。说明辐照引入的点缺陷增加了马氏体弹性应变  相似文献   

Epitaxial ternary silicide Er0.49Gd0.51Si1.7 layers with a good crystalline quality (χmin of Er and Gd is 3.7%) have been formed by 60 keV Er and Gd ion implantation into Si(1 1 1) substrates to a total dose of 1.0 × 1017/cm2 at 450°C using channeled ion beam synthesis (CIBS). The composition, the structure, the strain and the thermal stability of these layers have been studied using energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Rutherford backscattering (RBS)/channeling and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It is shown that the perpendicular and parallel elastic strains of the Er0.49Gd0.51Si1.7 epilayer are e=−0.46% ± 0.02% and e6=+0.73% ± 0.19%. The layer is stable up to 900°C. Annealing at 950°C results in a phase transformation.  相似文献   

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