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Recent advances have made interactive ray tracing (IRT) possible on consumer desktop machines. These advances have brought about the potential for interactive global illumination (IGI) with enhanced realism through physically based lighting. IGI, unlike IRT, has a much higher computational complexity. Furthermore, since non‐primary rays constitute the majority of the computation, the rays are predominantly incoherent, making impractical many of the methods that have made IRT possible. Two methods that have already shown promise in decreasing the computational time of the GI solution are interleaved sampling and adaptive rendering. Interleaved sampling is a generalized sampling scheme that smoothly blends between regular and irregular sampling while maintaining coherence. Adaptive rendering algorithms adjust rendering quality, non‐uniformally, using a guidance scheme. While adaptive rendering has shown to provide speed‐up when used for off‐line rendering it has not been utilized in IRT due to its naturally incoherent nature. In this paper, we combine adaptive rendering and interleaved sampling within a component‐based solution into a new approach we term adaptive interleaved sampling. This allows us to tailor new adaptive heuristics for interleaved sampling of the individual components of the GI solution significantly improving overall performance. We present a novel component‐based IGI framework for which we achieve interactive frame rates for a range of effects such as indirect diffuse lighting, soft shadows and single scatter homogeneous participating media.  相似文献   

Direct volume rendering has become a popular method for visualizing volumetric datasets. Even though computers are continually getting faster, it remains a challenge to incorporate sophisticated illumination models into direct volume rendering while maintaining interactive frame rates. In this paper, we present a novel approach for advanced illumination in direct volume rendering based on GPU ray-casting. Our approach features directional soft shadows taking scattering into account, ambient occlusion and color bleeding effects while achieving very competitive frame rates. In particular, multiple dynamic lights and interactive transfer function changes are fully supported. Commonly, direct volume rendering is based on a very simplified discrete version of the original volume rendering integral, including the development of the original exponential extinction into a-blending. In contrast to a-blending forming a product when sampling along a ray, the original exponential extinction coefficient is an integral and its discretization a Riemann sum. The fact that it is a sum can cleverly be exploited to implement volume lighting effects, i.e. soft directional shadows, ambient occlusion and color bleeding. We will show how this can be achieved and how it can be implemented on the GPU.  相似文献   

Several recently proposed voxel-based global illumination algorithms rely on the use of reflective shadow maps (RSMs) to interactively compute indirect illumination. However, RSMs do not scale well with the number of light sources because of their high memory consumption when rendering. Observing that, in most cases only a fraction of the voxels really contribute to single-bounce indirect illumination, in this paper we propose the use of lighting-driven voxels (LDVs), which are constructed from a subset of voxels, to reduce the memory burden. They are used in conjunction with a voxel-based global illumination algorithm that enables the interactive indirect illumination of dynamic scenes. We evaluate the memory usage, query performance, and construction speed for various voxel resolutions. Empirically, rendering with LDVs consumes an order of magnitude less memory than rendering with RSMs. Further, it achieves a higher performance for radiance queries when multiple light sources are used. Moreover, we integrated our method into voxel ray tracing and voxel cone tracing. For each of algorithm, we achieve an interactive performance that significantly reduces memory with respect to the reference solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new irradiance caching scheme using Monte Carlo ray tracing for efficiently rendering participating media. The irradiance cache algorithm is extended to participating media. Our method allows to adjust the density of cached records depending on illumination changes. Direct and indirect contributions can be stored in the records but also multiple scattering. An adaptive shape of the influence zone of records, depending on geometrical features and irradiance variations, is introduced. To avoid a high density of cached records in low interest areas, a new method controls the density of the cache when adding new records. This record density control depends on the interpolation quality and on the photometric characteristics of the medium. Reducing the number of records accelerates both the computation pass and the rendering pass by decreasing the number of queries to the cache data structure (Kd-tree). Finally, instead of using an expensive ray marching to find records that cover the ray, we gather all the contributive records along the ray. With our method, pre-computing and rendering passes are significantly speeded-up.  相似文献   

The popularity of many‐light rendering, which converts complex global illumination computations into a simple sum of the illumination from virtual point lights (VPLs), for predictive rendering has increased in recent years. A huge number of VPLs are usually required for predictive rendering at the cost of extensive computational time. While previous methods can achieve significant speedup by clustering VPLs, none of these previous methods can estimate the total errors due to clustering. This drawback imposes on users tedious trial and error processes to obtain rendered images with reliable accuracy. In this paper, we propose an error estimation framework for many‐light rendering. Our method transforms VPL clustering into stratified sampling combined with confidence intervals, which enables the user to estimate the error due to clustering without the costly computing required to sum the illumination from all the VPLs. Our estimation framework is capable of handling arbitrary BRDFs and is accelerated by using visibility caching, both of which make our method more practical. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can estimate the error much more accurately than the previous clustering method.  相似文献   

Global illumination effects are crucial for virtual plant rendering. Whereas real-time global illumination rendering of plants is impractical, ambient occlusion is an efficient alternative approximation. A tree model with millions of triangles is common, and the triangles can be considered as randomly distributed. The existing ambient occlusion methods fail to apply on such a type of object. In this paper, we present a new ambient occlusion method dedicated to real time plant rendering with limited user interaction. This method is a three-step ambient occlusion calculation framework which is suitable for a huge number of geometry objects distributed randomly in space. The complexity of the proposed algorithm is O(n), compared to the conventional methods with complexities of O(n^2). Furthermore, parameters in this method can be easily adjusted to achieve flexible ambient occlusion effects. With this ambient occlusion calculation method, we can manipulate plant models with millions of organs, as well as geometry objects with large number of randomly distributed components with affordable time, and with perceptual quality comparable to the previous ambient occlusion methods.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new algorithm for accurate rendering of translucent materials under Spherical Gaussian (SG) lights. Our algorithm builds upon the quantized‐diffusion BSSRDF model recently introduced in [ [dI11] ]. Our main contribution is an efficient algorithm for computing the integral of the BSSRDF with an SG light. We incorporate both single and multiple scattering components. Our model improves upon previous work by accounting for the incident angle of each individual SG light. This leads to more accurate rendering results, notably elliptical profiles from oblique illumination. In contrast, most existing models only consider the total irradiance received from all lights, hence can only generate circular profiles. Experimental results show that our method is suitable for rendering of translucent materials under finite‐area lights or environment lights that can be approximated by a small number of SGs.  相似文献   

Computing global illumination in complex scenes is even with todays computational power a demanding task. In this work we propose a novel irradiance caching scheme that combines the advantages of two state-of-the-art algorithms for high-quality global illumination rendering: lightcuts , an adaptive and hierarchical instant-radiosity based algorithm and the widely used (ir)radiance caching algorithm for sparse sampling and interpolation of (ir)radiance in object space. Our adaptive radiance caching algorithm is based on anisotropic cache splatting, which adapts the cache footprints not only to the magnitude of the illumination gradient computed with light-cuts but also to its orientation allowing larger interpolation errors along the direction of coherent illumination while reducing the error along the illumination gradient. Since lightcuts computes the direct and indirect lighting seamlessly, we use a two-layer radiance cache, to store and control the interpolation of direct and indirect lighting individually with different error criteria. In multiple iterations our method detects cache interpolation errors above the visibility threshold of a pixel and reduces the anisotropic cache footprints accordingly. We achieve significantly better image quality while also speeding up the computation costs by one to two orders of magnitude with respect to the well-known photon mapping with (ir)radiance caching procedure.  相似文献   

Interactive global illumination for fully deformable scenes with dynamic relighting is currently a very elusive goal in the area of realistic rendering. In this work we propose a system that is based on explicit visibility calculations and which is highly efficient and scalable. The rendering equation defines the light exchange between surfaces, which we approximate by subsampling. By utilizing the power of modern parallel GPUs using the CUDA framework we achieve interactive frame rates. Since we update the global illumination continuously in an asynchronous fashion, we maintain interactivity at all times for moderately complex scenes. We show that we can achieve higher frame rates for scenes with moving light sources, diffuse indirect illumination and dynamic geometry than other current methods, while maintaining a high image quality.  相似文献   

Existing real‐time volume rendering techniques which support global illumination are limited in modeling distinct realistic appearances for classified volume data, which is a desired capability in many fields of study for illustration and education. Directly extending the emission‐absorption volume integral with heterogeneous material shading becomes unaffordable for real‐time applications because the high‐frequency view‐dependent global lighting needs to be evaluated per sample along the volume integral. In this paper, we present a decoupled shading algorithm for multi‐material volume rendering that separates global incident lighting evaluation from per‐sample material shading under multiple light sources. We show how the incident lighting calculation can be optimized through a sparse volume integration method. The quality, performance and usefulness of our new multi‐material volume rendering method is demonstrated through several examples.  相似文献   

We present an importance sampling method for the bidirectional scattering distribution function (bsdf) of hair. Our method is based on the multi‐lobe hair scattering model presented by Sadeghi et al. [ [SPJT10] ]. We reduce noise by drawing samples from a distribution that approximates the bsdf well. Our algorithm is efficient and easy to implement, since the sampling process requires only the evaluation of a few analytic functions, with no significant memory overhead or need for precomputation. We tested our method in a research raytracer and a production renderer based on micropolygon rasterization. We show significant improvements for rendering direct illumination using multiple importance sampling and for rendering indirect illumination using path tracing.  相似文献   

Existing techniques for fast, high-quality rendering of translucent materials often fix BSSRDF parameters at precomputation time. We present a novel method for accurate rendering and relighting of translucent materials that also enables real-time editing and manipulation of homogeneous diffuse BSSRDFs. We first apply PCA analysis on diffuse multiple scattering to derive a compact basis set, consisting of only twelve 1D functions. We discovered that this small basis set is accurate enough to approximate a general diffuse scattering profile. For each basis, we then precompute light transport data representing the translucent transfer from a set of local illumination samples to each rendered vertex. This local transfer model allows our system to integrate a variety of lighting models in a single framework, including environment lighting, local area lights, and point lights. To reduce the PRT data size, we compress both the illumination and spatial dimensions using efficient nonlinear wavelets. To edit material properties in real-time, a user-defined diffuse BSSRDF is dynamically projected onto our precomputed basis set, and is then multiplied with the translucent transfer information on the fly. Using our system, we demonstrate realistic, real-time translucent material editing and relighting effects under a variety of complex, dynamic lighting scenarios.  相似文献   

Distribution effects such as diffuse global illumination, soft shadows and depth of field, are most accurately rendered using Monte Carlo ray or path tracing. However, physically accurate algorithms can take hours to converge to a noise‐free image. A recent body of work has begun to bridge this gap, showing that both individual and multiple effects can be achieved accurately and efficiently. These methods use sparse sampling, GPU raytracers, and adaptive filtering for reconstruction. They are based on a Fourier analysis, which models distribution effects as a wedge in the frequency domain. The wedge can be approximated as a single large axis‐aligned filter, which is fast but retains a large area outside the wedge, and therefore requires a higher sampling rate; or a tighter sheared filter, which is slow to compute. The state‐of‐the‐art fast sheared filtering method combines low sampling rate and efficient filtering, but has been demonstrated for individual distribution effects only, and is limited by high‐dimensional data storage and processing. We present a novel filter for efficient rendering of combined effects, involving soft shadows and depth of field, with global (diffuse indirect) illumination. We approximate the wedge spectrum with multiple axis‐aligned filters, marrying the speed of axis‐aligned filtering with an even more accurate (compact and tighter) representation than sheared filtering. We demonstrate rendering of single effects at comparable sampling and frame‐rates to fast sheared filtering. Our main practical contribution is in rendering multiple distribution effects, which have not even been demonstrated accurately with sheared filtering. For this case, we present an average speedup of 6× compared with previous axis‐aligned filtering methods.  相似文献   

Ambient occlusion is a cheap but effective approximation of global illumination. Recently, screen‐space ambient occlusion (SSAO) methods, which sample the frame buffer as a discretization of the scene geometry, have become very popular for real‐time rendering. We present temporal SSAO (TSSAO), a new algorithm which exploits temporal coherence to produce high‐quality ambient occlusion in real time. Compared to conventional SSAO, our method reduces both noise as well as blurring artefacts due to strong spatial filtering, faithfully representing fine‐grained geometric structures. Our algorithm caches and reuses previously computed SSAO samples, and adaptively applies more samples and spatial filtering only in regions that do not yet have enough information available from previous frames. The method works well for both static and dynamic scenes.  相似文献   

We provide a physically-based framework for simulating the natural phenomena related to heat interaction between objects and the surrounding air. We introduce a heat transfer model between the heat source objects and the ambient flow environment, which includes conduction, convection, and radiation. The heat distribution of the objects is represented by a novel temperature texture. We simulate the thermal flow dynamics that models the air flow interacting with the heat by a hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann model (HTLBM). The computational approach couples a multiple-relaxation-time LBM (MRTLBM) with a finite difference discretization of a standard advection-diffusion equation for temperature. In heat shimmering and mirage, the changes in the index of refraction of the surrounding air are attributed to temperature variation. A nonlinear ray tracing method is used for rendering. Interactive performance is achieved by accelerating the computation of both the MRTLBM and the heat transfer, as well as the rendering on contemporary graphics hardware (GPU)  相似文献   

Precomputation‐based methods have enabled real‐time rendering with natural illumination, all‐frequency shadows, and global illumination. However, a major bottleneck is the precomputation time, that can take hours to days. While the final real‐time data structures are typically heavily compressed with clustered principal component analysis and/or wavelets, a full light transport matrix still needs to be precomputed for a synthetic scene, often by exhaustive sampling and raytracing. This is expensive and makes rapid prototyping of new scenes prohibitive. In this paper, we show that the precomputation can be made much more efficient by adaptive and sparse sampling of light transport. We first select a small subset of “dense vertices”, where we sample the angular dimensions more completely (but still adaptively). The remaining “sparse vertices” require only a few angular samples, isolating features of the light transport. They can then be interpolated from nearby dense vertices using locally low rank approximations. We demonstrate sparse sampling and precomputation 5 × faster than previous methods.  相似文献   

Precomputed Radiance Transfer (PRT) remains an attractive solution for real-time rendering of complex light transport effects such as glossy global illumination. After precomputation, we can relight the scene with new environment maps while changing viewpoint in real-time. However, practical PRT methods are usually limited to low-frequency spherical harmonic lighting. All-frequency techniques using wavelets are promising but have so far had little practical impact. The curse of dimensionality and much higher data requirements have typically limited them to relighting with fixed view or only direct lighting with triple product integrals. In this paper, we demonstrate a hybrid neural-wavelet PRT solution to high-frequency indirect illumination, including glossy reflection, for relighting with changing view. Specifically, we seek to represent the light transport function in the Haar wavelet basis. For global illumination, we learn the wavelet transport using a small multi-layer perceptron (MLP) applied to a feature field as a function of spatial location and wavelet index, with reflected direction and material parameters being other MLP inputs. We optimize/learn the feature field (compactly represented by a tensor decomposition) and MLP parameters from multiple images of the scene under different lighting and viewing conditions. We demonstrate real-time (512 x 512 at 24 FPS, 800 x 600 at 13 FPS) precomputed rendering of challenging scenes involving view-dependent reflections and even caustics.  相似文献   

Efficient intersection queries are important for ray tracing. However, building and maintaining the acceleration structures is demanding, especially for fully dynamic scenes. In this paper, we propose a quantized intersection framework based on compact voxels to quantize the intersection as an approximation. With high‐resolution voxels, the scene geometry can be well represented, which enables more accurate simulation of global illumination, such as detailed glossy reflections. In terms of memory usage in our graphics processing unit implementation, voxels are binarized and compactly encoded in a few 2D textures. We evaluate the rendering quality at various voxel resolutions. Empirically, high‐fidelity rendering can be achieved at the voxel resolution of 1 K3 or above, which produces images very similar to those of ray tracing. Moreover, we demonstrate the feasibility of our framework for various illumination effects with several applications, including first‐bounce indirect illumination, glossy refraction, path tracing, direct illumination, and ambient occlusion.  相似文献   

基于光子图的光子映射算法能产生高质量的照片级图像。对于光照复杂的 场景,光子图需要存储大量光子以提高生成图像的质量,这不仅占用大量的内存空间,而且 光照估计的时间长。论文提出基于栅格的全局光子图重建的算法,即在光子包围盒被栅格化 后,其非空栅格中一定比例的光子被用来重建新的光子图,并保证重建前后栅格内光子能量 和守恒,这使得重建前后光子图的光照估计的效果相近。通过增加特定栅格中的重建光子数 目,能有效减少由几何偏差引起的光照估计误差,增强直接聚焦(焦散)和间接聚焦光照的 绘制效果;并使用简单方法检测生成图像中少量噪声,增加少量采样即可有效减少相应的噪 声。全局光子图重建算法的计算成本低,并保持生成图像的视觉独立性。  相似文献   

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