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闵新民朱磊  邢学玲 《功能材料》2004,35(Z1):1156-1159
用离散变分密度泛函分子轨道方法(DFT-DVM)和线性扩展平面波能带方法(LAPW)计算了Bi2Te3与SnBi2Te4,讨论了电子结构与热电性能之间的关系.Te(Ⅱ)-Bi离子键强度和Te(Ⅰ)-Bi差别不大,而Te(Ⅱ)-Bi共价键比Te(Ⅰ)-Bi强.Te(Ⅰ)-Te(Ⅰ)原子层之间的主要相互作用是范得华力而最弱.Bi2Te3掺Sn后Te-Bi离子键增强而共价键减弱,且费米能级处带隙变小.Sn主要影响导带结构.  相似文献   

In this study, a catalyst-free growth method was discovered to prepare the high-quality single crystal Sb2Te3 nanowires from the Al:Ge:Sb:Te thin films. The diameters of Sb2Te3 nanowires were found to be ~ 100 nm and their lengths were as great as tens of micrometers. The Al content and the annealing temperature play an important role in the growth of Sb2Te3 nanowires. When the Al content (> 12.4 at.%) was sufficiently contained in Al:Ge:Sb:Te film, Sb2Te3 nanowires were extruded spontaneously on the surface of thin film with increase in annealing temperatures. Compared with the vapor-liquid-solid method, our method has advantages of low temperature (~ 300 °C) and no impurities, such as a metal catalyst.  相似文献   

Direct X-ray diffraction measurement of the erased state of the Ge–Sb–Te recording layer in a four-layered phase change optical disk, which was produced by an optical disk drive, was performed. It was identified as an fcc crystal structure. In order to carry out the detailed crystal structure analysis by the powder X-ray diffraction method with Rietveld refinements, somewhat larger amount of the fcc crystal powder was prepared from deposited 10 μm thick films. It revealed that Ge2Sb2Te5 belongs to the NaCl type structure (Fm m) with the 4a site including 20% vacancies. The conclusion was supported by the results of the density measurements with Grazing Incidence of X-ray Reflectivity.  相似文献   

Single crystals of defect III–VI semiconductors Ga2Te3 and In2Te3 have been grown by the Bridgman method. Capacitance vs frequency measurements have been carried out from which the low frequency dielectric constants ?5 have been determined to be 10.95 ± 0.26 and 12.3 ± 0.13 respectively. These values are compared with the high-frequency dielectric constants ?60 calculated from the Phillips' model. Dark conductivity and photoconductivity have been studied as a function of annealing upto 210°C, maxinum photosensitivity being obtained for both crystals for Tanneal = 80°C. This behaviour has been related to lattice ordering through x-ray diffraction studies. Measurements of photo conductive gain indicate carrier life-times of 2 × 10?4s and 5 × 10?4s respectively at room-temperature.  相似文献   

Long, needle-shaped single crystals of K2TiO3 were grown out of a reactive high temperature hydroxide melt. The structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction and found to crystallize in the orthorhombic Cmcm space group with a = 10.0283(2) Å, b = 6.9346(2) Å, c = 5.4534(1) Å, V = 379.242(15) Å3, and Z = 4. The structure is related to the K2SnO3 and K2ZrO3 structures, which crystallize in the Pnma space group, and that of K2PbO3, which crystallizes in the Cmc21 space group. The structure consists of chains of trans edge-sharing TiO5 rectangular pyramids with alternating apical directions. The chains are separated by KO7 polyhedra.  相似文献   

The resistivities of III–VI semiconductors Ga2Te3 and In2Te3 were found to decrease abruptly under hydrostatic pressures between 1 and 7 GPa. The transition was reversible for Ga2Te3 but irreversible in the case of In2Te3 due to decomposition. These results are compared with the behaviour of II–VI and III–V semiconductors and transition pressures correlated with lattice constants.  相似文献   

Colorless platelet crystals of monoclinic Li2TiO3 with a maximum size of 5.0 mm × 5.0 mm × 0.5 mm were successfully grown by a flux method at 1373 K using a LiBO2-Li2O system flux. The stoichiometric chemical composition of Li2TiO3 was determined by the SEM-EDX, ICP-AES and density measurement using the single crystal samples. The thermal conductivity of the Li2TiO3 single crystals was evaluated using hot-disk method. A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study confirmed the monoclinic Li2SnO3-type structure, space group C2/c and the lattice parameters of a = 5.0623(5) Å, b = 8.7876(9) Å, c = 9.7533(15) Å, β = 100.212(11)°, and V = 427.01(9) Å3. The crystal structure was refined to the conventional values of R = 2.4% and wR=3.3% for 2187 independent observed reflections. The cationic arrangement of (LiTi2) layers in Li2TiO3 was precisely revealed by the structure analysis.  相似文献   

We have synthesized the HgGa2 Te4 system in two different forms showing cubic and tetragonal symmetry, respectively.Single crystals of α-HgGa2Te4 suitable for X-ray investigations were obtained by crystallization of the polycrystalline compound using KBr as flux. The X-ray analysis showed a cubic blende-type structure with cations and vacancies disordered on the metallic sites, in agreement with the model proposed by Hahn.Single crystals of β-HgGa2Te4 were prepared by chemical vapour deposition. The X-ray structural investigation indicated a partially ordered defect chalcopyrite structure.  相似文献   

Searching for room temperature magnetic two-dimensional(2D)materials is a charming goal,but the number of satisfied materials is tiny.Strain can introduce considerable deformation into the lattice structure of 2D materials,and thus significantly modulate their intrinsic properties.In this work,we demonstrated a remarkable strain-modulated magnetic properties in the chemical vapor deposited Cr2Te3 nanoflakes grown on mica substrate.We found the Curie temperature of Cr2Te3 nanoflakes can be positively and negatively modulated under tensile and compressive strain respectively,with a maximum varied value of -40 and-90 K,dependent on the thickness of samples.Besides,the coercive field of Cr2Te3 nanoflakes also showed a significant decrease under the applied strain,suggesting the decrease of exchange interaction or the change of the magnetization direction.This work suggests a promise to employ interfacial strain to accelerate the practical application of room temperature 2D magnetics.  相似文献   

The optimization of the deposition process of n-type Bismuth Telluride and p-type Antimony Telluride thin films for thermoelectric applications is reported. The films were deposited on a 25 μm-thick flexible polyimide (kapton) substrate by co-evaporation of Bi and Te, for the n-type element, and Sb and Te, for the p-type element. The evaporation rate of each material was monitorized by an oscillating crystal sensor and the power supplied to each evaporation boat was controlled with a PID algorithm in order to achieve a precise user-defined constant evaporation rate.The influence of substrate temperature (in the range 240-300 °C) and evaporation rates of Bi, Te and Sb on the electronic properties of the films was studied and optimized to obtain the highest Seebeck coefficient. The best n-type Bi2Te3 films were deposited at 300 °C with a polycrystalline structure, a composition close to stoichiometry, electrical resistivity ∼20 μΩ m and Seebeck coefficient −195 μV/°C. The best p-type Sb2Te3 films were deposited at 240 °C, are slightly Te-rich, have electrical resistivity ∼20 μΩ m and Seebeck coefficient +153 μV/°C. These high Seebeck coefficients and low electrical resistivities make these materials suitable for fabrication of Peltier coolers and thermopile devices.  相似文献   

Electron-microscopic investigations of glassy As2Te3 reveal that this material is a homogeneous glass and does not contain any crystalline phase. In order to verify the detection limit of the employed method with respect to crystalline phase the presence of the latter was provoked by heating the glass in DTA. The crystallization procceeds in two stages: (1) in Tg region the growth of crystallization centres originating probably from the initial melt starts; (2) closely below the recrystallization temperature Tr spontaneous crystallization in the whole glassy bulk is initiated.  相似文献   

The quasibinary system InBr3-In2Te3 contains the intermediate phase InTeBr, which melts peritectically at 477 °C. Crystals of InTeBr suitable for crystal structure determination were grown by Bridgman technique. InTeBr: monoclinic, P21c; a = 7.350, b = 7.577, c = 8.343 Å B = 117.61 °; dx = 5.2 g cm?3; Z = 4. Intensities were measured on an automatic diffractometer, and the structure was refined with anisotropic temperature factors to R = 9.9 %. The structure consists of InTe3Br tetrahedra which are connected to layers parallel to the b/c-plane; the layers are translationally equivalent along the a - axis direction. Within a layer the tetrahedra form dimeric units (Br atoms in trans-terminal positions) by sharing common Te vertices to give a 2 framework. Te atoms are surrounded by three In atoms in a distorted trigonal pyramidal arrangement. A band gap of about 2.45 eV for InTeBr has been determined by optical transmission measurements.  相似文献   

Large crystals of BiVO4 were grown. Extensive twinning can be related to the ferroelastic transition at 528K. The structure of BiVO4 was refined at 4.5, 295 and 566K from powder neutron diffraction data and at 295K from powder X-ray diffraction data by the Rietveld profile technique. Space groups of I41a above and I2b below 528K were confirmed. It is suggested that the transition in BiVO4 is driven by the lone-pair cation Bi3+. The Bi-O polyhedron is regular above the transition but becomes significantly distorted below the transition. This lone-pair distortion increases on cooling from 295 to 4.5K. The V-O tetrahedron remains regular at all temperatures.  相似文献   

Crystallization process and the corresponding electrical resistance change were investigated in eutectic Si15Te85 amorphous thin films. The Si15Te85 amorphous film showed two-stage crystallization process upon heating. In the first stage, the Si15Te85 amorphous crystallized into Te crystals at 175 °C. In the second stage, the residual amorphous phase crystallized into Si2Te3 crystals at above 300 °C accompanying the resistance drop. Before the second crystallization, the electrical resistance once increased in the temperature range of about 250-295 °C. This phenomenon can be explained by considering the formation of amorphous phase with a high electrical resistivity.  相似文献   

Ternary metal borides of the formula MTB2 have been synthesized in a new structure for M=Sc, Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, and T=Ru, Os. Single crystal x-ray diffraction data on LuRuB2 were refined on an orthorhombic unit cell, space group Pnma, Z=4, and yielded an R factor equal to 0.085. All metal atoms are coplanar with short bond distances of 3.10Å between rare earth atoms which are arranged in zig-zag chains.  相似文献   

Novel Bi2Te3 nanoplates with about 0.2-1 μm in diagonal and 100 nm in thickness have been facilely synthesized via hydrothermal routes in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Various techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) have been used to characterize the obtained products. The results show that the existence of PVP is vital to the formation of the plate-like morphology. Other factors, such as the reaction temperature and the different surfactants also have influence on the morphology of the final products to some extent.  相似文献   

Compound Li2CaUF8 is tetragonal. The unit cell, with a=5.2290(12) A?,c=11.0130(18) A?, contains two formula units and the space group is Ibar?m2. The crystal structure has been solved from single crystal diffractometer data by Patterson and Fourier synthesis and refined by a least-squares method. The final value of R is 0.062 for 602 reflections. The cationic distribution is the same as in the scheelite structure, with an additional cationic ordering. Moreover, we observe that the fluorine atoms are randomly distributed at two half occupied sites.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the new compounds Na2Cu4S3 and KCu3Te2 have been solved. Na2Cu4S3 crystallizes in the K2Ag4S3 structure (space group: C2/m, a = 1563(3) pm, b = 386(2) pm, c = 1033(2) pm, β = 107.6o, N = 4), KCu3Te2 in the CsAg3S2 structure (space group: C2/m, a = 1645.3(9) pm, b = 429.4(4) pm, c = 866.1(6) pm, β = 111.86o, N = 4).  相似文献   

The structure of Ba3Te2O9 has been determined from x-ray powder diffraction data and by profile refinement of neutron diffraction data. We find tellurium octahedrally coordinated as expected and the same face-shared [B2O9]6? unit as observed in Ba3W2O9. The phase Ba3Te2O9 has, however, a Cs3Fe2F9 type structure (P63mmc, a=5.8603(1)A?, c=14.3037(6)A?) rather than the Cs3Tl2Cl9 structure (R3c) found for the tungsten analogue. The two oxide structures have the same BaO3 layer sequence but differ only in the spatial arrangement of the [B2O9] groups in the lattice. Infrared and Raman spectra confirm the different site symmetries associated with the different packing of the tungstate and tellurate anions in their respective structures.  相似文献   

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