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Enthalpy increment measurements on La2Te3O9(s) and La2Te4O11(s) were carried out using a Calvet micro-calorimeter. The enthalpy values were analyzed using the non-linear curve fitting method. The dependence of enthalpy increments with temperature was given as: (T) − (298.15 K) (J mol−1) = 360.70T + 0.00409T2 + 133.568 × 105/T − 149 923 (373 ? T (K) ? 936) for La2Te3O9 and (T) − (298.15 K) (J mol−1) = 331.927T + 0.0549T2 + 29.3623 × 105/T − 114 587 (373 ? T (K) ? 936) for La2Te4O11.  相似文献   

The creep of UO2 containing small additions of Nb2O5 has been investigated in the stress range 0.5–90 MN/m2 at temperatures between 1422 and 1573 K. The functional dependence of the creep rate of five dopant concentrations up to 0.8 mol% Nb2O5 has been examined and it was established that in all the materials the secondary creep rate could be represented by the equation /.εkT = nexp(?Q/RT), where /.ε is the steady state creep rate per hour, Q the activation energy and A and n are constants for each material. It was observed that Nb2O5 additions can cause a dramatic increase in the steady state creep rate as long as the niobium ion is maintained in the Nb5+ valence state. Material containing 0.4 mol% Nb2O5 creeps three orders of magnitude faster than the pure material.Analysis of the results in terms of grain size compensated viscosity suggest that, like “pure” UO2, the creep rate of Nb2O5 doped fuel is diffusion-controlled and proportional to the reciprocal square of the grain size. A model is developed which suggests that the increase in creep rate results from suppression of the U5+ ion concentration by the addition of Mb5+ ions, which modifies the crystal defect structure and hence the uranium ion diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

A laser process is presented that has been specially developed for joining oxide ceramics such as zirconium oxide (ZrO2) and aluminium oxide (Al2O3). It details, by way of example, the design of the laser process applied for to producing both Al2O3-Al2O3 and ZrO2-ZrO2 joints using siliceous glasses as fillers.The heat source used was a continuous wave diode laser with a wavelength range of 808-1010 nm. Glasses of the SiO2-Al2O3-B2O3-MeO system were developed as high-temperature resistant brazing fillers whose expansion coefficients, in particular, were optimally adapted to those of the ceramics to be joined. Specially designed measuring devices help to determine both the temperature-dependent emission coefficients and the synchronously determined proportions of reflection and transmission.The glass-ceramic joints produced are free from gas inclusions and macroscopic defects and exhibit a homogenous structure. The average strength values achieved were 158 MPa for the Al2O3 system and 190 MPa for the ZrO2 system, respectively.  相似文献   

The infrared absorption spectra of PbO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 glasses have been measured in the spectral range 600-4000 cm−1 before and after absorbed dose of 50 Gy, 4 kGy and 50 kGy to investigate the structural change due to irradiation. The structural change due to composition has also been discussed. The experimental results clearly indicate that after irradiation, a significant change in structure of lead alumino borosilicate glass network is observed. It was shown that BO4 groups decreases and BO3 groups increases with the increase of Al2O3.  相似文献   

In this report, we present radiation damage effects in a thin film, tri-layer structure, HfO2/MgO/HfO2. Irradiations were performed with 10 MeV Au ions in a recently developed medium energy ion irradiation facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is described in this paper. Energy deposition by 10 MeV Au ions corresponds to a mixed regime, wherein electronic and nuclear stopping contribute to radiation damage. In this study, we investigated modifications of both surface and bulk properties in order to assess the structural stability of our oxide tri-layers under the severe irradiation conditions employed here. The most dramatic structural changes were observed to occur on the surfaces of the tri-layer samples. Surface features consisted of large craters and spires. The dimensions of these craters and spires exceed those of the individual ion tracks by almost three orders of magnitude. As for the bulk tri-layer structure, our conclusions are that this structure is stable in terms of: (i) resistance to amorphization; (ii) resistance to compositional mixing and (iii) resistance to pronounced nucleation and growth of extended defects. The main effect observed in the tri-layer structure was the transformation of the first HfO2 layer from a monoclinic to either a tetragonal or cubic form of HfO2.  相似文献   

The high-temperature specific heat of solid UO2, ThO2, and Al2O3 can be represented by an equation of the form Cp(s) = 3nRF(?D/T) + dT3, (1) where ?D is the Debye temperature, F(?D/T) is the Debye function, d represents contributions of the anharmonic vibrations within the lattice, and n denotes the number of atoms per molecule. In the liquid the corresponding equation is Cp(1) = 3nRF(?D/T) + hT2, (2) where h is the anharmonic term. It is shown that for Al2O3 and UO2, where experimental data for the liquid phase are also available, dh has the same value, Indicating that both materials behave identically. If we compare the thermodynamic relationship Cp ? Cv = Vα2KT, (3) where V is the volume, α the volume expansion coefficient, and K the bulk modulus, with equation (1), It follows that d must be equal to 2KT2; the value of 2KT2 is calculated in the temperature region where d was obtained; within experimental error they are equal.  相似文献   

Er2O3 is candidate material for insulating coating to prevent the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pressure drop in the self-cooled liquid Li blanket system. Although Er2O3 is stable material, detailed chemical behavior in liquid Li is not clear. Corrosion behavior of bulk Er2O3 in Li is investigated in static and flowing condition in the present study. After these tests, good compatibility of Er2O3 was confirmed and slight formation of LiErO2 was detected by XRD analysis. This chemical behavior did not change in a static and flowing tests, however some of the corrosion product of LiErO2 was removed easily by the Li flow. Intensity of LiErO2 peaks in XRD spectrum suggests that the temperature gradient may affect the reaction rate in the natural convection loop. Since corrosion rate of Er2O3 is very small, slight change in state will be important information to evaluate lifetime of coating.  相似文献   

The role of cubic Pu2O3 in the corrosion of PuO2-coated Pu by H2 was investigated. Experiments were conducted to demonstrate that nucleation of hydriding is promoted by formation of Pu2O3 sites in the oxide layer. The nucleation mechanism based on diffusion of hydrogen through the PuO2 layer was evaluated and an alternative mechanism based on formation of catalytic Pu2O3 sites via the Pu-PuO2 reaction is proposed. The possibility of active participation of other impurities and inclusions in the dioxide is also discussed.  相似文献   

Previous work on diffusion in inert-gas bombarded Al2O3 has revealed the presence of four diffusion processes, of which two take place well below the temperatures for self-diffussion, one agrees with self-diffusion, and one occurs at temperatures well above those for self-diffusion. The present work serves to explore in greater detail the two low-temperature processes. It is shown that the first, which is found in -Al2O3, Al(OH)3, and γ-Al2O3beginning at about 100° C, is consistent with a range of ΔH's of 28 to 50 kcal/mole. The mechanism of the process is hinted at by the fact that it overlaps the temperatures both for Al(OH)3decomposition and for point-defect motion in -Al2O3; the correlation with point defects is believed, however, to be the more significant. The second process, which is found only in -Al2O3 beginning at 500–650° C, implies an essentially single ΔH lying between 69 and 79 kcal/mole. It was suggested previously by Matzke and Whitton on the basis of electron diffraction that the process could be attributed to the amorphous-crystalline transition of -Al2O3. Further aspects of low-temperature diffusion in Al2O3 were revealed by comparing autoradiographs of specimens of -A2O3which were bombarded to various doses and then either heated to 850° C or immersed in unheated 12N NaOH. Thus regions exposed to a high dose and which would be expected to be amorphous, had an increased sticking factor, a greater tendency to lose gas during heating, and an enhanced chemical reactivity.  相似文献   

The incorporation of gadolinium directly into nuclear fuel is important regarding reactivity compensation, which enables longer fuel cycles. The incorporation of Gd2O3 powder directly into the UO2 powder by dry mechanical blending is the most attractive process, because of its simplicity. Nevertheless, processing by this method leads to difficulties while obtaining sintered pellets with the minimum required density. This is due to the bad sintering behavior of the UO2-Gd2O3 mixed fuel, which shows a blockage in the sintering process that hinder the densification process. Minimal information exists regarding the possible mechanisms for this blockage and this is restricted to the hypothesis based on the formation of a low diffusivity Gd rich (U,Gd)O2 phase. The objective of this investigation was to study the phase formation in this system, thus contributing to clarifying the causes of the blockage. Experimental evidence indicated the existence of phases in the (U,Gd)O2 system that revealed structures different from the fluorite-type UO2 structure. These phases appear to be isostructural to the phases observed in the rare earth-oxygen system.  相似文献   

The results of present paper have shown that sputtering of yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12) under swift heavy ions in the electronic energy loss regime is non-stoichiometric. Here we are presenting additional experimental results for gadolinium gallium garnet (Gd3Ga5O12) as target. The irradiations were performed with different ions (50Cr (589 MeV), 86Kr (195 MeV) and 181Ta (400 MeV)) impinging perpendicularly to the surface. As earlier, the sputtering yield was determined by collecting the emitted gadolinium and gallium atoms on a thin aluminium foil, placed upstream above the target and analyzing the Al catcher by Rutherford backscattering. Also for Gd3Ga5O12, the emission of Gd and Ga is non-stoichiometric. Sputtering appears above a critical electronic stopping power of Sth = 11.6 ± 1.5 keV/nm, which is larger than the threshold for track formation, in agreement with other amorphisable materials. In addition, the angular distribution of the sputtered species was measured for Y3Fe5O12 and Gd3Ga5O12 using 200 MeV Au ions impinging the surface at 20° relatively to the surface. For the two garnets the ratio of Y/Fe (and Gd/Ga) varies with the angle of emitted species and the stoichiometry seems to be preserved only for an emission perpendicular to the surface.  相似文献   

Measurements of grain growth rates have been made on twelve types of UO2 specimens, mainly at temperatures between 1300 and 1500°C. Initial pellet densities were between 94 and 99% theoretical and, since the grain growth anneals were carried out in flowing hydrogen, the materials were stoichiometric throughout the tests. A small amount of work was also carried out at lower temperatures. The results have been interpreted in terms of a rate equation, due to Burke, which supposes that grain growth continues only until some limiting grain size has been attained. It has been shown that the limiting grain size is itself temperature dependent, increasing with increasing temperature. Measurements of grain growth made on irradiated UO2 can be correlated with the out-of-reactor measurements if it is assumed that the limiting grain size at any temperature decreases with increasing burn-up. The calculated time to attain the limiting grain size at ratings around 20 W/gU is less than 50 days. It also follows that the limiting grain size, at a given temperature, will decrease with increasing rating, a fact which needs to be borne in mind when estimating fuel temperatures from grain size measurements.  相似文献   

The composition of oxides formed on steel surfaces within power reactors may influence heat transfer efficiency. Previous studies have indicated that carbon is deposited on spinal-type oxides containing manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel and chromium. In this investigation, characterised manganese oxides have been subjected to γ-irradiation under conditions similar to those experienced in reactors in an effort to understand the catalytic processes involved in deposit initiation and growth. Mn3O4 and Mn2O3, under the conditions present in the γ-cell, were reduced to MnO during the time of exposure. Relative carbon deposition rates were observed to follow the trend MnO>Mn3O4≈Mn2O3.  相似文献   

建立了一种快速降低萃取系统压力的静态络合萃取实验装置。在此装置上研究了含TBP-HNO3超临界CO2静态络合U3O8的快速气化测量方法,探索了含TBP-HNO3超临界CO2静态络合萃取U3O8的行为规律。  相似文献   

NHO3氧化去除Np—Pu反萃液中的H2C2O4   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了用NHO3氧化去除TRPO流程反萃Np-Pu的H2C2O4反萃液中H2C2O4的条件。7.5mol.L^-1HNO3-0.3mol.L^-1H2C2O4混合液于90℃下蒸发130h和100℃下蒸馏回流6h,H2C2O4可完全分解去除;混合液中添加适量催化剂MnCO3,于100℃下蒸发或蒸馏回流,H2C2O4分解加速,1-1.5h内H2C2O4完全分解。蒸发或蒸馏回流过程中产生的HNO2把Np  相似文献   

Eu-activated Y2O3 phosphors were prepared by combustion synthesis and also by precipitation techniques. Photoluminescence and X-ray excited luminescence of prepared Y2O3:Eu phosphor, under two different techniques were compared and reported in this paper. Y2O3:Eu3+ phosphor were prepared by precipitation technique followed by annealing at 900 °C. It gives cubic nature of the particle that may be more favourable for high lumen output. X-ray excited luminescence of Y2O3:Eu3+ phosphors also reported in this paper.  相似文献   

王纳秀  周慰囡 《核技术》2001,24(1):73-75
报道了用于加速器质谱计^26Al分析的Al2O3的制备流程及^26Al的测量过程。制备的空白样品^26Al/^27Al比值<10^-13,显示出同量异位素^26Mg干扰小。制备流程是成功的。  相似文献   

通过机械混合法制备了一种基于铌酸银(AgNbO_3)的耐高温放射性碘吸附剂(AgNbO_3/Al_2O_3)。和常规载银吸附剂(Ag/Al_2O_3)相比,AgNbO_3/Al_2O_3吸附剂的吸附性能更为稳定;特别是在650℃以上时,其对放射性碘的去污因子远高于常规载银吸附剂。表征测试结果表明,该吸附剂结构稳定性良好,可耐受较长时间的高温。热重测试和高温脱附试验等结果表明,碘化银在AgNbO_3/Al_2O_3吸附剂表面稳定性的提高是该吸附剂在高温时吸附性能更佳的主要原因,其将来有望用于核事故中的应急处置。  相似文献   

本文研究了Al2O3掺量对独居石玻璃陶瓷固化体结构和化学稳定性的影响。用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)和X射线衍射(XRD)方法表征样品结构,用溶解速率法和全谱直读等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)分别测定样品在浸出液中浸泡后的失重速率及各元素的浸出浓度,以研究固化体的化学稳定性。研究结果表明:当Al2O3掺量为4%(摩尔分数)时,在980 ℃下保温3 h得到的独居石玻璃陶瓷固化体具有较高的化学稳定性,浸泡14 d时其质量浸出率最低,约为8.1 ng/(cm2•min),其中Ce、La元素在浸出液中均未检出;固化体的主晶相为独居石,结构中含有大量稳定的正磷酸基团[PO43-和少量的焦磷酸基团[P2O74-,不存在偏磷酸基团[PO3-。  相似文献   

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