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Abstract: Most existing research on neighborhoods facing gentrification has portrayed residents as resistant or politically quiescent. Drawing from a year of fieldwork in Dundalk, MD, I argue that developers and the neoliberal state will probably find popular support for gentrification as they reinvest in the politically divided industrial suburbs of the United States. Local homeowners and community associations have emerged as gentrification supporters for three interrelated reasons. First, many of them have drawn from a resurgent national conservatism to explain decline as an effect of government subsidies and “people from the city;” their desire to reclaim suburban space—a “suburban revanchism”—although avoiding accusations of racism makes gentrification‐induced displacement appealing. Second, the rebirth of urban neighborhoods and other industrial suburbs provides visual evidence of gentrification's success. Third, the neoliberal state's retreat from social programs and its emphasis on private‐sector redevelopment allay suspicion of government and enable collaboration between the local state, developers, and homeowners. The redevelopment efforts of two local organizations illustrate how residents have become indispensable partners in Dundalk's emergent pro‐gentrification coalition.  相似文献   

李强 《世界建筑》2006,(7):92-94
本文系统论述美国社区规划模式从邻里单位向新城市主义社区转变的历史过程,并揭示了二者在规划理念、布局模式上的主要区别。  相似文献   

上海城市社区的发展与规划研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘君德 《城市规划》2002,26(3):39-43
上海的社区建设大体经历三个发展阶段:开展社区服务,创建文明社区,推行"两级政府,三级管理"新体制.上海的社区建设、规划多以"街道"为地域单元,社区规划的内容比较广泛.随着建设国际化大都市的迅速推进,上海的社区建设规划将纳入国民经济发展计划和城市总体规划;包括人文社会科学和规划、建筑、艺术等学科在内的广大科学工作者应积极参与规划工作.  相似文献   

上海城市社区的发展与规划研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
刘君德 《城市规划》2002,26(3):39-43
上海的社区建设大体经历三个发展阶段 :开展社区服务 ,创建文明社区 ,推行“两级政府 ,三级管理”新体制。上海的社区建设、规划多以“街道”为地域单元 ,社区规划的内容比较广泛。随着建设国际化大都市的迅速推进 ,上海的社区建设规划将纳入国民经济发展计划和城市总体规划 ;包括人文社会科学和规划、建筑、艺术等学科在内的广大科学工作者应积极参与规划工作。  相似文献   

Henri Lefebvre's right to the city concept is increasingly used to challenge the development prerogatives associated with neoliberal development. These challenges are more common as gentrification becomes a global urban strategy. This article is an empirical investigation that examines competing claims to community legitimacy and authenticity in a conflict over gentrification in a Philadelphia neighborhood. This conflict emerged in Fishtown when long‐time established residents went head to head with upper‐income gentrifiers over the location of a casino in the neighborhood. Place‐based identities and the temporal connection individuals had to Fishtown contributed to the differences in perspectives on the costs and benefits of the casino and on the legitimacy of long‐time residents versus newcomers to be representative voices on behalf of Fishtown. The findings illuminate problems in applying the right to the city to neighborhood struggles when communities are divided over what constitutes a benefit to the community. The right to the city may not be a universal claim, particularly within a neoliberal urban context.  相似文献   

李大为  陈子光 《工业建筑》2006,36(Z1):17-20
近年来,老工业社区的振兴一直是倍受人们关注的话题,老工业社区的可持续发展不单纯是产业兴衰问题,同时也是一个社会问题。在这里,我们从人口年龄结构特征的角度出发,来探讨老工业社区的可持续发展。工业社区有着他自身的特征,即以其产业为支撑,以产业决定工业社区。但同时,工业社区的发展更取决于人力资源,特别是年龄在20-40岁,有着较强创业性的青壮年。所以,对于老工业社区的振兴,保持社区合理的年龄结构就显得尤为重要,也是其可持续发展的必要条件。  相似文献   

街道和社区是居民日常生活的基本单元和社会治理的重要平台,街道和社区级公共服务设施是城市基本公共服务的重要载体。本文从“服务补缺”和“治理协同”的视角,揭示当前基层公共服务设施规划、建设、管理中的短板与问题,探索基层社会治理单元与基层公共服务单元相耦合的公共服务设施规划路径和实施政策机制,提出通过建设街道和社区综合服务中心,构建“20分钟街道公共服务圈”和“10分钟社区生活服务圈”,弥补基层公共服务设施建设的短板,优化城市基空间组织结构,促进城市规划与社会治理的结合。  相似文献   

公众参与在当今社会发展中越发重要,中国目前的公众参与还处于一个过渡阶段,可以从社区基层开始发展。文中通过对日本多个县市网站社区营造的案例总结和知网、CINII、J-stage等论文网站的文献综述,对日本的社区营造的经验进行综合性总结并结合中国目前的公众参与情况提出建议。未来要加强中国公众参与的发展,需要加强分权与基层组织建设,完善法律体系,发挥乡村、大学的潜力,关注弱势群体,打破单独的社区壁垒,让居民与社会和谐相处,互相促进。  相似文献   

1949-2019年中国城市更新的发展与回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市更新一直是国际城市规划学术界关注的重要课题。中国城市更新自1949年发展至今,内涵日益丰富,外延不断拓展,对其70年发展历程的回顾,有助于理解中国城市更新特定的诞生逻辑、阶段问题与经验教训。根据我国城镇化进程和城市建设宏观政策变化,将中国城市更新分为相应的4个重要发展阶段。并且,对每一个阶段城市更新的政策背景、代表性案例、更新思想、学术活动以及更新制度建设进行总结分析,归纳中国城市更新的阶段性特征。最后,在历史演化与经验总结的基础上,提出中国城市更新应倡导多元价值观、多元更新模式、多学科交叉与合作、多元主体参与和共同治理的方向转型。未来,建设科学化、系统化和制度化的城市更新体系,将成为规划工作的重点内容。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Port‐of‐entry immigrant neighborhoods have long been a feature of the American city. Dense cross‐border networks are reshaping port‐of‐entry immigrant neighborhoods and creating “transnational communities” where forces of global economic restructuring and practices of everyday life combine into a distinctive form of urbanization. Yet immigration has also created tensions and conflicts. Lack of affordable housing, inadequate access to quality schools, substandard employment, and unmet basic needs are among the problems facing large segments of society. Their resolution has been rendered more problematic by questions concerning the immigration status of many residents. The lack of recourse for undocumented immigrants to the state has meant that the task of resolving these social problems has been displaced onto civil society. This article considers the role of nonprofit, community organizations and social movement organizations—part of an emergent migrant civil society—in responding to a variety of social and economic concerns affecting residents of Albany Park. The community area of Albany Park on Chicago's north side has for decades served as a first destination for immigrants. In 2000 the foreign‐born population in Albany Park climbed to 52%, making it one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Chicago. Through an examination of neighborhood social struggles we consider the ways in which transnational flows of people, commerce, culture, and social practices come to ground in neighborhoods like Albany Park. Then we present two case studies of social activism by segments of migrant civil society. The first examines the antigentrification movement launched by the Balanced Development Coalition, while the second considers workers' rights activism in support of day laborers. Finally, we reflect on the implications of the Albany Park cases for the study of migrant civil society more broadly.  相似文献   

城乡一体化或许是高级产业形态下的一种理想模式,但是在中国当前仍然依靠传统工业带动城市化快速发展的时代,过早提出城乡一体化不一定有益于经济和社会的持续发展.在反思了在城乡一体化思维下发展的南海东部地区后,提出了未来基于"真正城市化"的发展战略,包括区域协调的制度安排;设立有效协调的综合发展区;从新产业地域分工出发的产业选择以及农村、农民问题的彻底解决、第三产业发展的鼓励和更佳产业环境的塑造以及新的政绩考核评价体系的建立.  相似文献   

岑倩华  陶伟 《城市规划》2007,31(9):71-75
中国现在正处于城市建设与更新的高潮期,在遗产区及其附近,城市发展建设与遗产保护往往是矛盾的关系,城市建设往往威胁着遗产的价值。遗产的价值正在遭受着怎样的威胁?要采取怎样的措施挽救和恢复?《濒危世界遗产名录》里的典型案例会给出一些启示:即怎样才能摆脱城市发展建设对遗产地的威胁,最终达到城市发展与遗产保护的和谐状态。  相似文献   

借助列斐伏尔空间生产理论,结合"村改居"拆迁安置社区(HS)的特征、将其空间生产分为三个阶段,分别是拆迁前的差序型绝对空间、安置后的离散型抽象空间和安置后的过渡型差异空间。在每个阶段,政府、市场与居民对空间生产都有不同的影响。按照空间三元辩证法,对不同时期的空间展开"空间表征-表征空间-空间实践"的多层面分析,描述出不同类型空间的生产机制和逻辑,对促进空间融入进行反思。  相似文献   

陈晨 《低温建筑技术》2009,31(10):27-29
论文以作者参与的珠海横山岛开发利用项目的案例为研究背景,结合国内外相关理论和实践经验,对项目的阶段性设计成果进行理论上的阐述,对设计过程中思考的问题进行理性的分析与总结。全文提炼出海岛开发利用策划与规划的三个基本观念——顺应海岛的地域环境、体现丰富多样的人文特征和打造国际品牌的标志作用。通过实践与理论的结合,来探讨海岛开发利用策划与规划的创作思路与方法。  相似文献   

郭谦  林冬娜 《世界建筑》2002,(11):61-62
本文通过介绍联合国发展署LIFE计划的内容,目标,核心思想,计划实施程序和各国的实践,推介其在地域开发中的成功经验。  相似文献   

位于浙江萧山北部的"南沙"地区常年受境内钱塘江冲击,因而形成了与浙江"七山二水一分田"传统地貌格局有着鲜明差异的平原景观,这种特殊的地理面貌不仅成为了这里聚落形态结构的基础,也在成为杭州都会副中心之后,为城市扩张提供了可观的土地资源。萧山城郊的山水格局及聚落形态自清末伊始,在不断"重写"中缓慢演变,并且在此基础上形成了阡陌纵横的独特平原聚落结构,孕育了巨量的自发性建造现象,亟待记录和研究。以萧山作为研究对象,通过实地调研及文献资料分析,溯源至清末时期的钱塘江改道工程,着力关注自1949-2017年间当地聚落形态的演化,并以其为线索分析在各个历史时期聚落所受到的政策干预;以历史为脉络,记录其形成过程,厘清形成的背后动因,描绘其山-水-城重构的过程,并在此基础上反思我国相应历史时期城市化进程中的得失。  相似文献   

我国养老社区的发展现状与规划原则探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养老社区是当前老龄化发展浪潮下的新兴事物,各地方政府和开发商都在积极开展养老社区建设。本文针对目前市场上养老社区的主要类型,分析了其规划建设中存在的问题,结合笔者近年的研究成果和设计实践经验,以综合型养老社区为例,从选址与规模、道路与交通组织、建筑功能与布局形式等几个方面给出了相应的规划原则与设计建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Banks are considered key actors in affordable housing and community development in the United States. Their involvement in such activities may be due partly to their dependence on economic rents generated from development. In the United States, however, banks are encouraged to support such activities by the federal 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). I examine how different factors explain the CRA‐qualified investments by banks. Qualified investments are essentially nondebt financial resources provided as an equity investment or grant with a community development purpose. I find that the identity of the regulator (the United States has four banking regulators) has a major impact on the level of qualified investments. Other things equal, a difference in regulators can cause a bank's qualified investments to more than double. Besides suggesting that some regulators may be enforcing a major portion of CRA regulations more vigorously than others, this also suggests that the CRA plays a major role in bank investment in community development. This has policy implications not just in the United States but also in other countries that might consider replicating the CRA.  相似文献   

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