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为了研究配筋率、升温曲线、多面受火、传热系数等因素对钢筋混凝土剪力墙温度场的影响,利用COMSOL多物理场建模与仿真软件对火灾下钢筋混凝土剪力墙温度场进行模拟,并得到不同因素变化条件下的剪力墙的温度场分布规律,模拟结果与试验结果符合良好.对温度场模拟中各参数对温度场的影响进行了讨论,结果表明:受火时间越长,钢筋混凝土剪...  相似文献   

张洋  唐贵和 《山西建筑》2008,34(8):110-111
利用有限元软件ABAQUS对高温下钢筋混凝土结构的温度场进行了计算和分析,计算结果和试验结果吻合较好,并为进一步认识钢筋混凝土结构的高温力学性能和耐火极限创造了条件。  相似文献   

结构高温下性能的研究是确保其在火灾中安全性得到保障的重要一环,防屈曲钢板剪力墙受火后的温度场分析是其抗火性能研究不可缺少的部分。采用ABAQUS有限元分析软件建立防屈曲钢板剪力墙有限元模型,考虑单面受火和双面受火后,按照标准ISO-834升温曲线进行温度加载100min,得到防屈曲钢板剪力墙受火后的温度场分布规律。分析表明,受火时防屈曲钢板剪力墙内部各点升温的速度存在差异,受火面混凝土板整体温度上升的趋势大于内侧钢板和背火面混凝土板;同一表面螺栓处温度比周边混凝土区域低,温度场呈现出圆形辐射的特征;钢板温度场呈现出环状特征,接近钢板无混凝土板覆盖的区域温度较高,往钢板中心处温度逐渐降低;钢板同一部位双面受火时温度上升的趋势大于单面受火。通过温度场分析可为后续防屈曲钢板剪力墙在高温下的力学性能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

模拟火灾作用,采用大型结构分析程序ANSYS对钢筋混凝土简支梁的温度场进行了非限性有限元分析,得出了火灾作用下混凝土简支梁的温度场分布规律;并将计算结果与试验结果进行了比较,表明温度场的计算结果与实际结果符合良好,从而使火灾作用下钢筋混凝土简支梁的温度场分析从以往的定性分析上升到定量分析,为今后控制火灾作用对钢筋混凝土简支梁的影响提供了重要的计算依据和背景材料.  相似文献   

刘焕磊  李新  李堂飞 《安徽建筑》2012,19(1):206-207
以ABAQUS有限元分析软件为平台,建立了钢筋混凝土梁有限元模型,对其梁截面的进行了温度场分析。通过从三面受火及四面受火条件两个方面对钢筋混凝土梁进行了非线性数值分析,研究表明四面火灾条件下梁截面温度场呈现双轴对称性,而三面火灾下梁截面的温度场仅是单轴对称。  相似文献   

火灾下钢筋混凝土结构三维温度场的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究受火钢筋混凝土构件内部温度场随时间的变化对于分析高温下建筑结构强度、形变的变化规律以及建筑结构的抗火性能是至关重要的.基于三维非稳态导热微分方程,用控制容积法建立了火灾环境下钢筋混凝土三维非稳态温度场的离散格式.计算了火灾环境下一钢筋混凝土楼板的三维非稳态温度场,其结果与文献报道的试验数据基本一致.还计算了一个由楼板、梁、柱和砖墙构成的钢筋混凝土整体结构在火灾中5 h的温度场.计算表明,各受火面在三维方向上的温度分布不是均匀的,火灾下建筑整体结构的温度场计算是一个三维问题;受火表面温度受到内部钢筋的影响而呈现波浪形分布;楼板和柱子的钢筋耐火极限应该同时被考虑.  相似文献   

玻化微珠保温混凝土是无机保温材料的代表,兼具保温与承重性能。根据玻化微珠保温混凝土在不同温度下的热工性能参数,运用ANSYS有限元分析软件对玻化微珠保温混凝土剪力墙和普通混凝土剪力墙在单面受火情况下进行了瞬态热分析,得出不同火灾时间下墙截面和钢筋网架温度场分布。通过对比分析,保温混凝土在火灾下具有良好的抗火性能,对其内部的钢筋网架有了更好的保护,为进一步研究玻化微珠保温混凝土剪力墙在火灾下的力学性能和抗火设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用有限元方法分析了火灾温度作用下钢筋混凝土板内部温度场的分布 ,用 FORTRAN语言编制了计算机程序。程序计算的结果与试验结果相吻合较好  相似文献   

刘桂荣  曲福来  宋玉普 《混凝土》2011,(5):43-44,49
考虑了高温后混凝土和钢筋的力学特性,给出了火灾后钢筋混凝土剪力墙抗剪承载力的计算公式.公式中,高温后剪力墙截面混凝土抗拉强度的平均降低系数采用分层法计算得到,并以表格的形式给出了不同迎火面温度、受火时间及剪力墙厚度的降低系数值以方便实际工程使用.利用该公式计算得到了火灾后钢筋混凝土剪力墙抗剪承载力,与试验结果比较发现,...  相似文献   

火灾下组合楼板的温度场分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李国强  殷颖智  蒋首超 《工业建筑》1999,29(12):47-49,43
为了研究火灾下多高层建筑组合楼板中的温度场,根据传热学的基本原理,用有限差分法,对火灾下组合楼板温度场的计算方法进行了研究,并编制了计算程序。同时,通过对标准升温条件下影响组合楼板温度场的一些参数进行分析,推导了简化公式。  相似文献   

A reliability analysis is conducted on reinforced concrete columns subjected to fire load. From an evaluation of load frequency of occurrence, load random variables are taken to be dead load, sustained live load, and fire temperature. Resistance is developed for axial capacity, with random variables taken as steel yield strength, concrete compressive strength, placement of reinforcement, and section width and height. A rational interaction model based on the Rankine approach is used to estimate column capacity as a function of fire exposure time. Various factors were considered in the analysis such as fire type, load ratio, reinforcement ratio, cover, concrete strength, load eccentricity, and other parameters. Reliability was computed from 0 to 4 h of fire exposure using Monte Carlo simulation. It was found that reliability decreased nonlinearly as a function of time, while the most significant parameters were fire type, load ratio, eccentricity, and reinforcement ratio.  相似文献   

A nonlinear structural analysis of cross-sections of three-dimensional reinforced concrete frames exposed to fire is presented. The analysis includes two steps: the first step is the calculation of the transient temperature field in cross-sections exposed to fire and the second step is the determination of the mechanical response due to the effect of thermal and mechanical load. A nonlinear finite-element procedure is proposed to predict the temperature field history. In this thermal analysis, the effect of moisture has been taken into account by introducing a water vapor fraction function to define the variation of enthalpy. A mechanical nonlinear analysis of the cross-sections is performed for each temperature distribution and for the applied exterior load using an algorithm of arc-length control. The mechanical and thermal properties of concrete and steel are taken according to the European Standard ENV 1991-1-2 [ENV. Eurocode 2, design of concrete structures, part 1–2: general rules—structural fire design. ENV 1992-1-2, 1995]. In order to validate the proposed thermal and mechanical models, comparisons between numerical and experimental results have been performed. The agreement found is in both cases, fairly good. In addition, a numerical example of the structural analysis of several cross-sections of a reinforced concrete waffle slab under external load and fire is shown.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete structural walls are commonly used for resisting lateral forces in buildings. Owing to the advancements in the field of concrete materials over the past few decades, concrete mixes of high compressive strength, commonly referred to as high-strength concrete (HSC), have been developed. In this study, the effects of strategic placement of HSC on the performance of slender walls were examined. The finite-element model of a conventional normal-strength concrete (NSC) prototype wall was validated using test data available in extant studies. HSC was incorporated in the boundary elements of the wall to compare its performance with that of the conventional wall at different axial loads. Potential reductions in the reinforcement area and size of the boundary elements were investigated. The HSC wall exhibited improved strength and stiffness, and thereby, allowed reduction in the longitudinal reinforcement area and size of the boundary elements for the same strength of the conventional wall. Cold joints resulting from dissimilar concrete pours in the web and boundary elements of the HSC wall were modeled and their impact on behavior of the wall was examined.  相似文献   

The use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) has been established as one of the possible techniques to strengthen concrete beams in flexure and shear. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) has been identified as the material of choice in civil infrastructure applications. The fire performance of such CFRP-strengthened members and their resistance to heat transfer and to various environmental exposure factors need to be investigated. In this paper, a detailed finite element model of a CFRP-strengthened reinforced concrete T-beam is developed. The model accounts for the variation in thermal and mechanical parameters of the beams’ constituent materials with temperature, including CFRP and insulation materials. Nonlinear time domain transient thermal-stress finite element analysis is performed using the commercial software ANSYS to study the heat transfer mechanism and deformation within the beam for fire conditions initiating at the bottom of the beam. To relate the simulation to an actual case, a reinforced concrete T-beam strengthened with CFRP and fire-tested by other investigators is modeled. The progression of temperature in the beam, CFRP, reinforcing steel, and along the CFRP–concrete interface is compared to the observed fire test data. Overall, the predicted temperature results are in good agreement with the measured ones. In addition, the mid-span deflection increases nonlinearly during the fire exposure time due to the increase in the total strain on the tension side of the beams and due to concrete cracking. Successful FE modeling of this structure provides an economical, alternative solution to expensive experimental investigations.  相似文献   

Underground parking structures often consist of flat slabs connected by columns, for which punching shear is often the most critical design criterion. In fire conditions, the punching load can increase due to restraint of the thermal curvature of the slab or due to the expansion of the columns. This increase of the punching load is discussed in the paper by means of a literature review. On the other hand, during fire the punching resistance of the slab decreases due to a gradual reduction of the material properties. This reduction in bearing capacity is studied by means of real scale fire tests, consisting of 6 slabs measuring 3.2×3.5×0.25 m with a connected column stub and tested for punching shear with a specially designed loading frame. Two reference tests are executed at ambient temperature conditions and four slabs are submitted to ISO 834 curve for 120 min. Comparison of the test data with the expected increased axial load due to thermal restraint found in the literature, shows a potential danger for premature punching failure of flat slab-column connections exposed to fire.  相似文献   

The present study deals with introducing a novel approach toward estimating the effective width of flanged reinforced concrete shear walls (FRCSWs). Due to the paucity of studies in assessing the effective width of nonrectangular sections, this paper aims at proposing efficacious formulations for the effective width estimation of short, squat, and slender T- and U-shaped reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls subjected to the simultaneous action of the axial and lateral loading. To this end, at first, FRCSWs are simulated in the flanged shear wall numerical laboratory (FlashLab) program, which utilizes the finite element Abaqus software to analyze the walls. Thereafter, employing the developed numerical models, an extensive parametric investigation is conducted for a wide range of the key parameters. General expressions have then been developed to estimate the effective width of flanged RC shear walls invoking the evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR) analysis in conjunction with the genetic algorithm (GA). To assess the capability of the established equations in predicting the effective width of flanged sections, R-factors have been calculated for all the cases examined in this study, which ranged between 0.78 and 0.94. Furthermore, a comparison has been made among the results attained through the proposed methodology and those obtained using the conventional design codes. It was revealed that the relative error obtained employing the proposed formulations is less than that of the corresponding values of the design codes by approximately 30% on average. The superiority of the established framework stems from consideration of the following: (1) influential parameters, (2) effective width variations at different performance levels, (3) loading direction, and (4) type of the wall in the effective width calculation process.  相似文献   

对钢板混凝土剪力墙的科研历史及现状做了简要叙述,并将其分为两大类,即偏向钢结构的钢板混凝土剪力墙和偏向混凝土结构的钢板混凝土剪力墙,对两种类型剪力墙的研究成果进行分析概括,最后提出目前此方面的研究仍存在问题,需进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   

冷弯薄壁型钢混凝土剪力墙受剪性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过7个冷弯薄壁型钢混凝土(CTSRC)剪力墙的拟静力水平往复试验,研究了其破坏过程和破坏模式,分析了混凝土强度、剪跨比、轴压比、水平分布筋和竖向型钢量等参数对其受剪性能的影响。试验结果表明:随着水平配筋率、轴压比和混凝土强度的增加受剪承载力提高;随着剪跨比提高,墙体受剪承载力降低;轴压比增加可提高墙体刚度,推迟墙体裂缝的出现,但不利于墙体延性;增加水平配筋可使墙体峰值后的承载力保持稳定。研究表明:CTSRC剪力墙与传统钢筋混凝土剪力墙的破坏特征和受力性能不同,在水平力作用下将出现沿冷弯薄壁型钢的竖向裂缝,经历整体墙到分缝墙的演变,避免了脆性剪切破坏。通过合理设计,CTSRC剪力墙可实现正常使用阶段有较高的刚度、峰值后有较好的延性、破坏时仍具有较高的竖向承载能力的目标。  相似文献   

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