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林青映 《网友世界》2012,(23):50-51
对独立学院学生就业竞争力的分析表明就业指导工作具有突出的重要性。辅导员应利用在学生工作中的特殊地位,在学生就业指导中发挥重大的作用,并探索出辅导员在学生就业工作指导中可利用的工作方法。  相似文献   

正在当今大数据时代,互联网的高速发展与应用给大学生就业教育搭建了新的平台,同时也给大学就业指导老师带来了更高层次的挑战。近年来,各大高校迅速占领了网络这块阵地,通过网络信息化载体来做好大学生的生涯教育工作,"网络辅导员"这一岗位也顺势应运而生。如何组建一支专业、全面的专兼职网络辅导员队伍,建立起一套完善的网络辅导员就业教育体制机制,组建积极占领大学生网络就业教育的有利阵地,是我们就业工作人员应该着手关注研究的课题。1网络辅导员的就业指导工作内涵网络辅导员主要是通过网络这个"媒介"与受众进行交流、沟通、引导,从而达到大学生生涯教育目的的一项工作。传统就业指导工作人员与网络就业辅导员有  相似文献   

高职院校对学生的思想道德教育,关系着人才培养质量,关系着学校社会声誉,影响着学生就业。班级是学生学习、生活、交流的主要基地,辅导员是学生最熟悉、最亲近、最信赖的人。因此,学生教育和班级活动开展,显得十分重要,辅导员责无旁贷。  相似文献   

文章将数据挖掘技术同高职就业指导工作相结合,通过决策树算法建立就业需求的预测模型,以精准就业指导为目标,提出改进高职学生就业的有效措施,为广大毕业生辅导员就业指导工作提供新的思路与方法,助力艺术类高职学生就业。  相似文献   

刘芳 《网友世界》2014,(3):126-126
21世纪科技时代的来领,带来了一系列社会的巨大变迁,但是随之而来的是各行各业人才的相对饱和,应届大学毕业生的就业途径单一,就业现状紧张等问题。这些问题的出现,引领着人们去寻找更多的就业方式,特别是对于相对就业形势不容乐观的体院学生,如何开拓进取,寻找新的就业方式,迫在眉睫。本文通过我在体育学院担任辅导员工作五年的实践,对历届毕业生的就业创业实例分析研究,力求找到影响西南地区高校体院毕业生就业的因素,并试图分析应对策略。  相似文献   

张晶晶 《网友世界》2014,(14):250-250
当前,大学生就业形势严峻,已经引起了国家的高度重视。如何提升大学生的就业力已经成为高校就业指导的新方向,而高校辅导员在提升大学生就业力方面有得天独厚的先天条件,所以在日常工作中如何提升大学生就业力也显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是学生思想政治教育和学生管理第一线的骨干力量,决定着思想政治教育的效果和学生的整体素质。本文结合十八大的要求,对如何建立一支高素质的辅导员队伍进行探讨。  相似文献   

姜磊 《网友世界》2014,(14):222-222
相比普通高校,我国的高职教育生源相对较差。从学习的角度,这些学生普遍存在着自主学习能力差、自我约束能力差、缺乏积极的上进心的问题;从专业认知的角度,他们没有形成正确的职业观念,对将来的从业方向、就业岗位及发展前景认识不足。在对学生的管理上,绝大多数高职院校采用了辅导员管理的普通高校学生管理模式。但是,目前高职院校又普遍存在辅导员与学生比例严重不足的现象,这就导致了辅导员工作不仅任务繁重,还存在角色不明晰、职责不明确的问题。  相似文献   

闫辉 《程序员》2004,(3):18-24
2001年,教育部批准了35所示范性软件学院。两年过去,软件学院的发展情况如何?学生的就业前景怎样?它对现有的软件人才培养理念产生了什么影响?请看本刊记者的深入报道。  相似文献   

周晓红 《网友世界》2014,(5):149-149
高校毕业生就业难已成为当前所有高校面临的一大难题,而师范专业毕业生由于受到社会、家长以及本专业局限性的影响,几乎90%以上的学生都把就业定向在考教师编制上,在这种情况下就业便显得难上加难。学生高质量就业靠什么?就是靠"核心竞争力",靠人才培养质量。那么,如何提高学生的就业"核心竞争力",提高人才培养质量呢?本研究引进"360度绩效评估",又称"全方位评估"的评估思想,从尊重人性的角度出发,识别和发现人才,在工作中帮助其设计职业生涯,让其工作时尽量走效率最高、阻力最小的成功之路。  相似文献   

This paper is a summary of several papers published in different journals and conference proceedings. The contents deal with the incidence of load related musculoskeletal illness of female workers exposed to various workloads. Furthermore, the changes in workload due to improved workplace design and the effect on the incidence of musculoskeletal illness was evaluated. The sick-leave due to musculoskeletal illness was reduced from 5·3% to 3·1% and the reduction in turn-over from 30·1% to 7·6%. The cost and the benefits of this ergonomic intervention were analysed, and showed that an investment of NOK. 350 000 produced total savings of NOK. 3 200 000.

Postural load was assessed by recording electromyography (EMG) on the upper part of musculus trapezius, postural angles of the upper arm and flexion/extension of the head and back. A quantitative relationship was found between the static trapezius load and the development of musculoskeletal sick-leave, related to the length of employment. Indications were found that certain factors were associated with reduced incidence of musculoskeletal illness. These were:

? increasing the number and total duration of trapezius load below 1% to 2% MVC (Maximum Voluntary Contraction);

? reducing the magnitude of flexion angle of the upper arm in the sagittal plane and distributing the work between flexors and extensors; and

? a more dynamic work pattern of the upper arm.

The relationship between postural load and musculoskeletal injury was studied in comparable groups of female workers with respect to age, working hours per day and time of employment. Psychosocial problems, spare time activities and living habits of the workers did not show any significant differences across the groups. The results from this study indicate that:

? the static trapezius load must be kept at a minimum;

? a median arm flexion should be less than 15° and a median arm abduction less than 10°. These values seem roughly to approach an acceptable arm position; and

? a forward median flexion of the back of less than 20° seems not to lead to a higher rate of low back pain for workers with long periods of employment.  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2001,3(6):16-19
Despite the instability in the world economy, are the ever-changing technology demands placed on businesses enough to maintain IT employment levels in the near term? What jobs are hot, and what technology specialties are waning in demand? Overall, the news is good for IT professionals. Businesses continue to need experienced employees well versed in various disciplines, especially networking and security. On the whole, analysts say, IT jobs remain stable even in flagging economic periods. IT professionals can protect themselves by learning how to think like the business side of the house  相似文献   

What's the traditional response to the bringer of bad news? Shoot the messenger. With information security problems cropping up left and right like mushrooms on the forest floor, it's no wonder that a number of information security managers have recently been asked to find employment elsewhere. These firings are often window-dressing, not a serious attempt to solve the problem.  相似文献   

本文分析了目前劳动力管理中的决策需求及建立数据仓库的必要性,提出劳动力服务数据仓库的设计模型和数据装载策略,在此基础上给出三层结构的决策系统框架,在应用服务器层建立多维数据分析和数据挖掘模型。系统能按时间、地区、年龄等对劳动力就业/失业、劳动力供求对比等进行统计分析及相关预测。  相似文献   

目前,高职计算机网络技术专业的人才培养现状与企业需求严重脱节,无法满足IT企业的岗位目标。按照《国家职业教育改革实施方案》提出的“要促进产教融合校企双元育人”要求,河南交通职业技术学院与中锐网络公司共建了中锐网络实训基地,旨在将企业认证标准与网络专业课程教学进行无缝衔接,有效推进双证书制度的实施,增强学生的就业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

《Software, IEEE》1999,16(4):90-91
Everyone wants to work with team players. Check out the advertisements for employment opportunities and you will find “must be a team player” is high on most software engineering job requirements. This is the case even though software engineering is thought of as a solitary activity that attracts a large number of introverts. Nevertheless, most software-related jobs are not solitary and frequently require working with others in a team setting. How do individuals form into teams? The paper considers the stages of team development  相似文献   

A substantial part of the older population in Germany already has a so-called migration background, but clearly in the next years and decades the rate will increase. Thus, the crucial questions are as follows: How are the older migrants in Germany faring? How are their living situations? What differences exist between migrants and native Germans as well as between members of different migrant groups and different migrant generations? This paper starts with a short overview about the migration history from and to Germany since 1950 and the most important facts of the socio-demographic characteristics of older migrants in Germany. After that, some theoretical considerations about the relation of migration and aging are drawn. Finally, the living situations of older migrants in regard to 1) employment and economic situation, 2) regional distribution and accommodation, 3) marital status, household structure, and intergenerational family relations, as well as 4) health and subjective well-being are examined. The paper ends with a short summary and a reflection on the need for further research.  相似文献   

用系统科学和智能方法研究城市发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴澄  刘民  郝井华  董明宇 《自动化学报》2015,41(6):1093-1101
我国正处于城镇化的快速发展阶段.然而,在城镇化的过程中,决策者常常面临这样的问题:一个城市的资源能支撑多大的人口规模?对产业结构进行怎样的调整才能最大化释放人口承载力?下一年度的城市国内生产总值(Gross domestic product, GDP)增幅 定为多少合理?GDP增幅与居民消费价格指数(Consumer price index, CPI)、就业的定量关系如何?财政投资应投向哪些领域才能最大程度地提高居民满意度?哪些决策影响城市协调发展?等等.如何在城镇化的大背景下化解上述难题,做好城 市发展的顶层规划与设计,是一类重大而复杂的难题.针对此类问题,本文采用系统科学和智能方法,定性定量相结合,首先建立城市GDP、财政收入等关键指标的智能预报模型以及GDP增幅与CPI、就业的定量关系模型,在此基础上 建立城市人口承载力与城市协调发展的优化决策模型,并针对我国某大型城 市的若干重要决策场景进行了案例分析.结果表明,采用系统科学与智能方法,是研究和解决该类难题的新颖且行之有效的方法,相关成果有助于城市决策者提高决策水平,实现定性定量相结合的科学决策.  相似文献   

由于经济发展水平与就业政策执行力度的差异,我国不同地区的私营企业就业人数存在较大差异。文章以七大行业私营企业的就业人数作为评价指标,设计了就业问题评价的数学模型。利用这一模型,评价我国各个省市自治区,影响私营企业就业的主要行业,并且分析了落后地区拓展就业空间的有效途径。  相似文献   

根据对计算机专业学生就业状况的调查数据,概述了计算机专业大学毕业生的就业现状,从社会、学校以及毕业生自身因素等方面,分析了影响计算机专业学生就业的相关因素,提出了提高计算机专业大学毕业生就业率的对策,为高校计算机专业建设和就业指导工作提供相应参考。  相似文献   

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